Denne podcast går helt tæt på journalistikken og etikken i DRs opsigtsvækkende dokumentar ‘Spies og morgenbolledamerne’. En dokumentar, som for evigt har forandret eftermælet for en person, som døde for næsten 40 år siden. Og en dokumentar, der ifølge DRs egne oplysninger er set af mere end 2,4 millioner danskere.
A podcast exploring science fiction television - Past and present
The Kulturecast is a movie weekly podcast where movies are reviewed both new and old, those involved with making the films are talked to, and cinema tangents are gone on.
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Jeff Maxwell (Private Igor from M*A*S*H) and Ryan Patrick host a lively discussion of all things M*A*S*H, Hollywood, acting, and other jocularity. We will also feature interviews with super fans and creative geniuses who helped to create the greatest television show of all time. Step into the VIP tent, grab a heaping bowl of creamed weenies, and join the fun … because now, more than ever, MASH Matters.
Experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate in the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists. Hosted by draft commissioners Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. "Most impeccable taste in guests." - Entertainment Weekly
Podcasten for deg som {verb} norsk film.
To middelmådige menn i 30-åra ser norske filmperler av ymse kvalitet og snakker om det. -
Treat yo’ self! Join Jim O’Heir - a.k.a. Jerry Gergich - and writer Greg Levine as they *literally* break down every episode of Parks and Recreation. From Ron Swanson’s love of various meats to Leslie Knope’s unwavering commitment to the people of Pawnee (and waffles), each week Jim and Greg relive their municipal glory days with exclusive behind-the scenes stories from the set and writers’ room. And along the way, they’re joined by cast members, writers, and friends of the show - people like Adam Scott, Rob Lowe, Aisha Muharrar, and Jon Glaser. Whether this is your first time watching or you feel like a Parks Department regular, grab your favorite Sweetums snack and let DJ Roomba drop the beat!
En litt annerledes podkast om film som tar for seg filmer du etter all sannsynlighet har sett, eller kanskje bare burde ha sett.
Verten, Jon Songvoll har med seg sin trofaste makker fra BrettSpillPodden, Eivind Alme som stadig blir utsatt for narrestreker og spydigheter av Jon som akkurat har fått seg miksepult.
Sammen synser de seg bastant gjennom fasitsvar på hvilke filmer her i verden som er bra eller dårlige.
For alle vet at filmanmeldere er de man kan stole aller mest på. -
Vi drysser litt kjærlighet over norsk film de siste 30 åra. En filmskaper av gangen.
A podcast for geniuses, hosted by Lara Marie Schoenhals and Carey O'Donnell.
YouTube -
TikTok - @sexyuniquepodcast
Instagram - @sexyuniquepod
Merch - -
Magyar nyelvű filmes műsor minden második héten, amelyben a popkultúra kötelezőit pótoljuk. Olyan híres, kultikus filmeket tekintünk meg, amelyeket életünkben először látunk. Minden évadban más és más tematikával jelentkezünk.
A műsorvezetők Huszár András és Frivalszky-Mayer Péter, társaink Gyöngyösi Lilla, Rácz Viktória, Földi Gábor, Mikó László, Nagy Szabolcs. -
A deep dive into the secrets and source material of Star Wars with hosts Rohan Williams and Baz McAlister. Discover the influences and inspirations behind the Star Wars saga, from films and folklore to history, politics and geography. These are the stories behind the prequels, the sequels, and everything in between!
Regular podcast featuring unique and in-depth discussions covering Doctor Who and other classic TV and movies, usually in the sci-fi and sci-fantasy fields.
Launched in 2007, we've lost count of how many episodes we've actually done. Special episodes include interviews with creatives, writers, actors, and notable commentators in the cult TV field.
Your regular hosts are Christian Cawley and James McLean. -
Cinema loving schlubs that discuss, review, critique and debate the finer points of EVERY Woody Allen production. Alternatively, we also talk about other film projects we find has adjacent qualities to Woodys work or writing style - this includes submissions and suggestions from our lovely subscribers and humble listeners
Each week, queer hosts Joe Lipsett and Trace Thurman discuss a horror film with LGBTQ+ themes, a high camp quotient or both.
2 karer som babbler om film og TV
In Season 1 We Watched HBO's WATCHMEN. Season 2, we're moving onto Blaxploitation, Asian Action (including Kung-Fu and Samurai movies) and heist flicks from all over the globe and spanning decades.
Join us as we randomly select and review these genre flicks each week, then dive deeper in a spoiler section at the end of each episode.