Rebecca and Mike work on the timeline with some new information and the possible state of Shawnta's mind in the days before she went missing.
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Join our group at http://group.truecrimeandmysteries.com
Intro music: "A Tribute to the Missing" by The Chimeran Moone http://thechimeranmoone.bandcamp.com/track/a-tribute-to-the-missing
Thank you so much for listening to our podcast. In honor of Child Abuse Awareness Month, we ask that you donate to Bikers Against Child Abuse of Idaho during the Idaho Gives event at https://www.idahogives.org/organizations/bikers-against-child-abuse-of-idaho. It would mean so much to us if you showed your support. Thank you again.
Episodes manquant?
Rebecca and Mike continue to try to make sense of the story. If you have any information or questions, please contact us at crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Like our page at https://facebook.truecrimeandmysteries.com and join our group at https://group.truecrimeandmysteries.com.
Intro music: "A Tribute to the Missing" by The Chimeran Moone http://thechimeranmoone.bandcamp.com/track/a-tribute-to-the-missing
Rebecca and Mike discuss the circumstances surrounding Shawnta's disappearance.
Website: www.truecrimeandmysteries.com
Facebook page: https://facebook.truecrimeandmysteries.com
Facebook Group:https://group.truecrimeandmysteries.com
Intro music: "A Tribute to the Missing" by The Chimeran Moone http://thechimeranmoone.bandcamp.com/track/a-tribute-to-the-missing
In this special episode, Rebecca interviews Danimal from BACA of Idaho.
If you would like to contribute to BACA of Idaho during the Idaho Gives event on May 2nd 2019, click here:https://www.idahogives.org/organizations/bikers-against-child-abuse-of-idaho
!Note: donations will only be accepted on May 2nd 2019!
Rebecca and Mike introduce the new format of the podcast and reveal the upcoming case.
In this episode, Rebecca and Mike go over some updates on older cases before talking about the disappearance of Kayla Berg in 2009 and the disappearance of Mackenzie Marken Doll in 2015 as they ponder if they were victims of trafficking or if they are runaways.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Oecumene Sleeps by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_08_Oecumene_Sleeps -
In this episode, Rebecca talks with Sandra Dante about the murder of her grandson Jonathan Bruce and how his loss takes a toll on the family.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Realness by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_03_Realness -
In this episode, we continue to discuss the Melissa Witt case with Ladonna Humphrey and talk about more cases that are very similar.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Lost Paradise by Autumn Interlude http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Autumn_Interlude/Lost_Paradise/Autumn_Interlude_-_Lost_Paradise_-_01_Lost_Paradise -
In this episode Rebecca and Mike interview LaDonna Humphrey about the murder of Melissa "Missy" Witt of Fort Smith Arkansas and Humphrey's upcoming documentary about the case. Join the True Crime and Mysteries Facebook group, we will post when the documentary is released.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Realness by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_03_Realness -
Pause while we work with our next special guest to bring you an awesome story.
In this episode, Rebecca and Mike discuss the disappearance of Christi Jo Nichols from 1987 before discussing resources for those in domestic abuse situations. This story is far too common, there is a reason police look to the boyfriend or husband first.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com. -
In this weeks episode, Rebecca, Shane, and Mike discuss why Maine has one of the lowest crime rates in the United States before moving on to the disappearance of Shirley Moon-Atwood.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Oecumene Sleeps by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_08_Oecumene_Sleeps -
In this episode, Rebecca and Mike discuss the unsolved murder of Markia Benson.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Realness by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_03_Realness -
In this special episode, Rebecca and Mike discuss how predators groom children and how to recognize when this is happening. In addition, they discuss some ways to monitor your children's internet activities so that grooming can be prevented.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Lost Paradise by Autumn Interlude http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Autumn_Interlude/Lost_Paradise/Autumn_Interlude_-_Lost_Paradise_-_01_Lost_Paradise -
In this special episode Rebecca and Mike discuss child marriages before discussing a religion that actively trafficked children across the United States/Canadian border to marry them off to older men. Most of the discussion centers on Brandon James Blackmore, Emily Gail Blackmore, James Oler, and Warren Jeffs. Also, Mike researched and wrote this episode two weeks ago, so he forgot about some things that came up later in the episode.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Music:Lost Paradise by Autumn Interlude http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Autumn_Interlude/Lost_Paradise/Autumn_Interlude_-_Lost_Paradise_-_01_Lost_Paradise
Mike makes an announcement on the future of the podcast and what is happening in the world of True Crime and Mysteries. Don't worry, it's not all bad, look for a new episode soon!
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support!
*Due to a family emergency, I am releasing the Patron version of the episode as regular episode. This means that there is no ad and no credits in this episode. We will release a statement as soon as we can to update everyone on what's happening. It is possible the update will publish before this episode, in which case, you already know. Thank you all for your patience as we work through this difficult time. - Michael Duke*
In the second part of Episode 30, Rebecca, Shane, and Mike discuss the disappearance of Makayla Bali and follow her trail as she wanders around town, according to the RCMP timeline.
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and receive a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com.
Oecumene Sleeps by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_08_Oecumene_Sleeps -
In this episode, Rebecca, Shane, and Mike get into a deep discussion about human trafficking in Canada...and run out of time. Was the Facebook post real or fake? Join the group and give us your thoughts!
Please rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts, it helps a lot to get the word out there about these cases. Maybe YOU can help solve these crimes or find these people. Contact us if you have any information on any of our cases. Remember, stay focused, they could be your neighbor!
Don't forget to go to http://www.audibletrial.com/truecrimeandmysteries for your 30 day free trial of audible.com and recieve a free audiobook. If you use Patreon, our page is at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimeandmysteries. You can find us at http://www.truecrimeandmysteries.com or contact us on Facebook on the True Crimes and Mysteries group, our Twitter handle is @crimemysterypod, and our email is crimeandmysterypod@gmail.com. - Montre plus