This election season has been a stress-filled roller coaster. Roxy & Priska breakdown the thought-process behind how they're voting. The clock is ticking down, be sure to get your ballots turned in. For those in Southern California, please check out LAist.com's unbiased voter guides for local elections. Have thoughts on this episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
Happy Pride 2024, Goatees! We hope you’re taking the time to celebrate and rest in equal measure. There’s so much going on right now, both in the world and in our personal lives. Today, Roxy shares some high highs and low lows—her feature film “Beacon” just had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC…AND her pup Yaya went in for emergency surgery two weeks ago. How do you cope when life is throwing you the biggest wins and the most stressful stressors, all at once? Let us know, email us at hello@twohornygoats.com (PS: We’re going to be taking a short mid-season break, we’ll be back later in July! Have a horny summer, Goatees!
Episodes manquant?
Romantic relationships are not a fixed point—dynamics, affection, and sexual intimacy morph and change constantly with time. In today’s episode, Roxy and Priska talk about how their relationships with their partners have evolved over the years. Some things are better. Some things are more complicated. And despite bumps in the road, their love and commitment to their partners has only deepened. Tell us about the long-term romantic relationship(s) in your life! Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
Happy Mother’s Day! Today we’re talking about our mothers and how they were our first examples of what womanhood looked like. We reflect on early sense memories of our moms, reminisce on how they tried to guide us through puberty, and discuss how they shaped the women we are today. We’d love to hear about the maternal figure(s) in your life! Send us an email at hello@twohornygoats.com.
A few weeks ago, we had a conversation about the Momofuku Chili Crunch fiasco. It was reported that Momofuku was sending cease and desist letters to small Asian American companies that were using the term "Chili Crunch" in their products and branding. These brands were informed that they had 90-days to change their packaging or else risk litigation. This situation sparked a widespread conversation on the internet about the right to protect owned trademarks, the ethics of cultural ownership, and whether or not generic cultural terms should be granted trademarks. Since we recorded this conversation, Dave Chang and Momofuku have publicly announced they would no longer be enforcing the "chili/chile crunch" trademark. We still think this is an important conversation so we're sharing it today as a BONUS EPISODE. We'd love to hear your thoughts: if you've been through something similar or have expertise in the space, please email us at hello@twohornygoats.com to let us know!
What are the root causes of your fears? This week we talk about the different types of fear, the origins of our deep-seated fears, and how we’ve been able to overcome debilitating fears as we’ve gotten older. Fear is powerful, instinctual, and, at times, all encompassing; and even still, knowledge is power. The more we know and understand our fears, the more we know and understand ourselves. Hope you enjoy this week’s episode! We’d love to hear your thoughts, shoot us message hello@twohornygoats.com. Join in on the conversation, follow us @twohornygoats on all platforms.
They say youth is fleeting and that is never more apparent then when it’s slipping through your fingers. But dare we say it’s kind of liberating?? In this week’s episode we talk about what it’s like to age past the cultural zeitgeist. We fully love and embrace the process of aging but it doesn’t come without moments of grief as we begin to lose things we were taking for granted. Take a listen and share your thoughts with us at hello@twohornygoats.com.
We’re back, Goatees! Season 5 is launching April 15th (wohoo, Tax Day! We love!). For now, here’s a cute little teaser for you, hope you enjoy! Also, we’ll now be posting episodes (with video, gulp) to Youtube, so please head there and “Like” and “Subscribe”! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBkMJcgbCui_q7GmAGU300Q
It’s the Season 4 Finale of Two Horny Goats! In this sweet finale episode, Roxy and Priska share three lessons they’ve learned over the past year. (Warning: things get very sappy and existential, we're pretty much Two Crying Goats by the end of the episode). Share three lessons you’ve learned with us this year, you can email them to us at hello@twohornygoats.com. Thank you to our lovely Goatees for our best season yet. We love you and we’ll see you next year!
Both Roxy and Priska tend to approach finances with a generous dose of anxiety, shame, and doom. Over the past month, they’ve decided to dig into their fear of money by recording weekly voice journals, in which they reflect on why talking about money makes them squirm, what their current financial stressors are, and what influences solidified their understanding of money. We promise you won’t learn a thing about the fundamentals of finance, but you might walk away examining why you approach money the way you do. Have thoughts or questions for us? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
This week, Priska sits down with her husband, Abraham Kim, to talk about his mental health journey. They begin by delving into the effects of generational trauma, evidenced by the physical and emotional abuse endured in his childhood. They talk about Abe’s adolescence and adulthood spent in a conservative Korean church, where seeking any mental health support outside of relying on the divine was eschewed. They dig into Abe’s work as a Spiritual Director, where he would sit with church leaders as they attempted to deepen their relationship with both self and the divine. Have thoughts or questions on today’s episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
In what might be the most intimate interview in Two Horny Goats history, Roxy sits down with her partner Jah to discuss his work as a Sex Therapist. They delve into his background and his approach to working with his patients. The interview also gives a beautiful insight into Roxy and Jah's relationship. This is the first of two episodes we’re calling Mental Health Baes because both Roxy and Priska’s partners work in the mental health space. Have thoughts or questions on today’s episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com (CW: This episode includes frank conversations about sex. Please take care while listening.)
This week, Roxy & Priska talk about a dish from their childhoods that stands out as the singular most comforting dish. There are few things more potent than taste and smell memories; a dish can take you back to a specific time and place, evoke colors and textures long forgotten, and revive loved ones whose hands prepared meals with such care. Share your favorite childhood dishes with us! Send stories and pictures to hello@twohornygoats.com. (Warning: this episode may make your mouth water.)
The topic that continues to be taboo no matter how much time passes: FINANCES. We're getting sweaty just thinking about it. BUT, we'd like to push against our own discomfort. Over the next few weeks, Roxy and Priska will capture voice notes to give Goatees an intimate look into how they manage (and mismanage) their money. If you have stories about struggling with debt or are unsure about how to manage your finances, send a voice note to hello@twohornygoats.com. We'd love to include your story in the episode, with your permission.
This week Roxy and Priska talk about their philosophies behind putting together the spaces they live in. A lot of how we think about our homes has to do with what we experienced growing up—some people had very chaotic homes and seek order in adulthood, others may have lived in overly rigid spaces and prioritize calm and ease. We’d love to hear more about the space you live in and how you go about decorating, establishing systems, and creating vibe. Email pictures and stories to hello@tworhornygoats.com! (Also, don’t let anyone #DJC your space! Dictate. Judge. or Criticize. You do you boo boo.)
This week Roxy and Priska chat about the ever-constant journey of learning to be a better ally to our friends in marginalized group, in this episode, namely queer folx. We talk about what to do when you have access to groups that still harbor homophobic sentiments and explore how to confront the issue in a compassionate but firm way. Allyship will never be perfect but we can continue to meditate on ways we can be an active ally vs. a passive one. And keep ourselves accountable for what' we've yet to unlearn. Have thoughts or questions on today’s episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
We're sorry we've been MIA, Goatees! We've missed you so much. After our last episode, Roxy was called out on a grueling two month shoot in Newfoundland. We're finally back together and can't wait to catch you up on what we've been up to during the mid-season break. More horny episodes to come soon! Let us know what you've been up to, email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
Accountability might sound like corporate jargon but this week, Roxy & Priska break down why learning to be fully accountable for their actions is one of the the most important steps they’ve taken in their personal growth journeys. They talk about how confronting your ego and pride is uncomfortable but it’s key to getting to the other side of radical honesty with yourself. Have thoughts or questions on today’s episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
“Was I always born with wings on my feet?”
This week we’re continuing our LDR series with a solo episode from Roxy. Climb inside Roxy’s mind as she shares the complex layers of what home means to her. Having moved frequently as a child, a feeling of rootlessness plagued her childhood and adolescence. Later, her parents moved back to Taiwan after her high school graduation, leaving her unmoored yet again. Roxy talks about the shifting dynamics of family distance and how it continues to affect them all today. Have thoughts or questions about today’s episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com. -
What's it like nurturing and maintaining a romantic relationship from afar? This week we're continuing our LDR series with a solo episode from Priska. Priska and her husband, Abe, are spending the next year in different cities as he travels for work and she remains at home. She gives Goatees a front row seat into their relationship—the heartbreak, arguments, and loneliness faced—through audio diaries captured during the first leg of their time apart. Have thoughts or questions about this episode? Email us at hello@twohornygoats.com
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