
  • Today, The Two Mikes welcomed back Chad Stewart, the author of the Britfield series of novels -- and soon movies -- for middle-schoolers.

    Mr. Stewart reported that the fourth book in his series -- titled Britfield and the Eastern Empire -- will be published in 2025, just as the lead characters -- Tom and Sarah -- reach age 15 and are learning the pros and cons of modernity as they are found in such things as AI and digital currencies. 

    The first installment of seven Britfield movies also is scheduled to go into pre-production in November, 2026. Mr. Stewart noted that the movie will be set in the Christmas season. Mr. Stewart also said that the first three books in the series continue to do very well, and began to be published in Britain in June 2024. 

    The books also are being translated and published in Polish; the first volume is already in book shops. Other foreign publishers are planning to publish the books in additional languages. Mr. Stewart said that the first three volumes of the series continue to sell well and are being used by teachers in an increasing number of schools -- now numbering in the thousands -- in the United States. Just as important, Mr. Stewart said that he continues to receive letters from parents explaining how much their middle-schoolers enjoy the books and how much they learn from them. 

    Often, the parents also say how much they enjoyed the books. Mr. Stewart noted that he and his crew love hearing this kind of thing because the Britfield series is meant to provide a positive experience for children and families to help counteract many of the current books for youngsters which often feature negativity, poor conduct, and leave the child disconnected from reality, feeling less than what he or she is because of a lack of superpowers or some other non-existent attribute, and often poison young minds with cultism or other deranged ideas.

    The websites for Mr. Stewart's Britfield projects are: https://www.britfield.com/ and https://www.britfieldinstitute.org/

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  • Today, the Two Mikes again spoke with Joe Lombardi, the Founder and Managing Partner of
    Iron Hawk Financial about the current state of the U.S. economy. 

As all of us know, Mr. Lombardi said, things are not good economically, and he said that over the next six-to-twelve months we are all going to feel even more pain. 

The Congress’s egregious and absurd over-spending has put America in debt to the sum of $35 trillion dollars, and in terms of unfunded liabilities Americans’ face another $218 trillion. Mr. Lombardi also suggested that people refrain from viewing view Bitcoin as being “too big to fail” because it is not, it was created by the U.S.

Government and the CIA and those entities will also decide how long it lasts. And there seems no limit to the fiscal irresponsibility of the both parties in Congress. In addition, he noted that car repossessions are also up about 300-percent over the past year. 

Faced with this kind of pending economic collapse, Mr. Lombardi suggested that citizens think about investing in mutual insurance companies as a means of protecting their money. He explained that, over the past 180 years, mutual insurance companies have come through all of the wars and economic downturns without having lost money. A person’s investments in these insurance companies also are easily accessible and tax free. 

    There are not a lot of options for the average person to protect their money, but this is one that is available to all Americans and ought to be considered. Mr. Lombardi concluded by offering to send PDF copies of his three books – all focused on helping people to protect and increase their money -- for free to those who send an e-mail asking for them. The Two Mikes look forward to Mr. Lombardi return to the show.

    --Iron Hawk’s website is https://www.ironhawk.com; Mr. Lombardi’s e-mail is
    [email protected]; Mr. Lombardi’s podcast “Money Talk with Iron Hawk” can be listened at
    7pm Eastern time on Tuesdays On Bushwick and Apple, and a weekly webinar is offered on

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  • Today, The Two Mikes welcomed the return of Twila Brase, a distinguished, longtime
    professional nurse and one of the county’s most articulate champions of returning control of
    medical care to the citizens of America. Ms. Brase said that all Americans are coming close to
    the dead-end for the country’s current medical system; the Medicare Trust Fund, just as the
    Social Security Trust Fund, is non-existent. This fact is made worse because the number of
    people working in the United States is decreasing as the last of the massive postwar “baby-
    boomer generation retires”. As night follows day, fewer workers means less payroll taxes,
    leaving the government with a choice between higher taxes or more frequent denial of
    treatment. The politicians probably will do both. The national government is now paying for
    both programs directly from the payroll-tax funds paid by workers Ms. Brase said that in 2022
    the federal government’s Medicare plans confronted the reality that the cost of the plans was
    $55 billion dollars more than the funds that came in from the payroll taxes paid by American
    workers. Recent estimates show that by 2036 the entire national medical system will go “belly-
    up”. For that reason, the national government’s socialist medical system already has increased
    the ability of the federal bureaucracy, the medical profession, and medical insurers to deny
    access to treatment, a money saver and death sentence for those who are denied. Ms. Brase
    said that it is critical that all Americans must accept the fact that “freedom from Medicare is
    needed if they are ever again to have freedom of medical choice.” Ms. Brase closed by saying
    that she also is helping to push legislation that calls for the end to all DEI (Diversity, Equity and
    Inclusion) initiatives in medical schools, rightly identifying those initiatives as bringing both the
    death-kneel of competence, while also encouraging those being trained as doctors to
    discriminate between sexes and racial groups in their provision of medical services.

    Follow Freedom First Network on Pickax at https://pickax.com/freedomfirstnet

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, the Two Mikes welcomed back Geoff Shepard, who is a distinguished lawyer and, a half-century ago, was the youngest lawyer working in President Nixon’s White House. In that position, he had a birds-eye view of the then unfolding “Water Gate” issue, which was capped with Nixon’s resignation on 8 August 1974. Recently, Mr. Shepard has been part of a team which has produced a new documentary that is primarily based on the three books about Nixon’s fall that Mr. Shepard has written, each of which is based on the government papers, personal diaries, and court documents that he discovered via research and FOIA requests – most of which have not previously seen the light of day. Mr. Shepard and his team have now taken all of that work and information and produced a documentary – running a bit more than an hour -- called “Watergate’s Secrets and Betrayals Orchestrating Nixon’s Demise”. It is now available on its own website, https://www.watergatesecrets.com and can be watched for free. The film details a process by which the U.S. Department of Justice, several federal judges, and many anti-Nixon lawyers and mainstream media did indeed cooperate and conspire to overthrow Nixon. There surely was a Watergate crime, this film is not denial of that fact. But the U.S. legal authorities, the NY Times, and the Newsweek and Time magazines were all virulently anti-Nixon. The DOJ hired a force of 92 people to set-up Nixon – 60 of them lawyers, 17 of whom had been DOJ lawyers under John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson -- and they engaged in a prolonged and surreptitious anti-Nixon campaign that today would be called “lawfare”, similar to the torturous and illegal process that Trump has experienced. For example, prosecutors in the case against Nixon met secretly with judges overseeing the case and discussed how the trial should be planned and conducted. The prosecutors, for example, met ten times with Judge Sirica, the lead judge in the case. Another revealing example is the Senate’s agreement that the investigation would focus solely on Nixon’s 1972 election campaign, and would not touch anything that dealt with the 1968, 1964, and 1960 elections, the latter, of course, has long been said to have been corrupted in favor of Kennedy. In sum, these illegal activities can only be seen as a conspiracy against Nixon, and, for the first time, the American people can now see how that attack and overthrow on the president occurred, and the story is told on the basis of unimpeachable evidence that shows how Nixon’s presidency was scuttled after an illegal campaign that we know is a process called lawfare.

    --Mr. Shepard's website is https://www.shepardonwatergate.com
    --Mr. Shepard's Trilogy on Nixon and the Watergate affair follow; each book can be purchased at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
    --1.) The Secret Plot to Make Ted Kennedy President: The Real Watergate Conspiracy (2008)
    --2.) The Real Watergate Scandal. Collusion, Conspiracy, and the Plot that Brought Down Nixon (2019)
    --3.) The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President (2021)

    Follow Freedom First Network on Pickax at https://pickax.com/freedomfirstnet

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, the Two Mikes spoke with Sheriff Richard Mack, who was a constitutional sheriff in Graham
    County in southwestern Arizona. He also is the founder and the president of an association named the
    Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA, https://cspoa.org) which is holding its
    annual conference in Orlando, Florida on 7 September 2024. The CSPOA’s membership includes about a
    thousand of the republic’s constitutional sheriffs – one-third of the country’s total number -- many of
    their subordinates, and it is open for membership to all American citizens interested in its non-violent
    effort to restore constitutional government to all of the United States, with a special emphasis on fully
    restoring the Bill of Rights. Sheriff Mack noted that the constitutional sheriffs swear an oath of
    allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and so can act in protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of
    happiness – the latter refers to the accumulation of personal property – and, for example, can block gun
    seizures, protect churches and businesses from mandated closings, as in the case of Covid, and prevent
    the outrageous denials of liberty we have seen against Amish farmers in Pennsylvania and other farmers
    around the country. In essence, Sheriff Mack said, the maintenance of the peoples’ liberty is the
    constitutional sheriffs’ sole responsibility. It also should be noted that Sheriff Mack managed to achieve
    the almost impossible when he launched a personal law suit that made its way to the Supreme Court –
    and he won! In the case of Mack-Vs-United States (1995), Mack challenged the legality of “The Brady
    Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Bill) required ‘local chief law enforcement officers. (CLEOs) to
    perform background-checks on prospective handgun purchasers, until such time as the Attorney
    General establishes a federal system for this purpose.”(1)
    --the Supreme Court constructed its opinion on the old principle that state legislatures are not
    subject to federal direction. The Court explained that while Congress may require the federal
    government to regulate commerce directly, in this case by performing background-checks on
    applicants for handgun ownership, the Necessary and Proper Clause does not empower it to
    compel state CLEOs to fulfill its federal tasks for it - even temporarily. (2)
    Sheriff Mack’s argument not only won the case, but, in its decision, the Supreme Court also stuck a blow
    in favor of state’s rights by reasserting the constitutional fact that state legislatures are not vassals of
    the federal government. Indeed, the Founders intended the states to be a check and balance against the
    steady expansion of federal power. That undesirable and Constitution-wrecking expansion is now a fact
    and it appears that constitutional law enforcement officers may well be our last, best chance to prevent
    the federal government from solidifying itself as a vast concentration of dictatorial power.
    The text of the majority decision – written by Justice Antonin Scalia -- in Mack-vs-United States (1995) is
    available in a pamphlet at https://www.cspoa.com, as well as elsewhere on the internet.

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    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes again welcomed back Gordon Oliver, who is with the non-profit
    organization Cambridge Credit Management, which was founded in 1996. 

    Mr. Oliver said that much of the economy is still in a bad way, and the indications are that the republic’s economy may well get worse. He noted, to for example, that homeowners with adjustable mortgages have seen their interest rates rise from 4.4-percent to 7.5-percent. 

    Americans with school-loan debts to pay are also facing a situation where they will have to face the future alone as Biden is focused on getting help government employees working in all governmental levels – states, municipalities, cities, and the civil service. The largest percentage of the individuals in those categories are, not surprisingly, reliable Democratic voters.

    Mr. Oliver added that the future economic outlook is unpredictable, as is obvious in the fact food prices continue to increase even as the administration says inflation is moderating. The first step for consumers, Mr. Oliver said, is to get a handle on your monthly expenses by making a list of the expenses that you must pay every month, mortgage, rent, or other contractual debts, groceries, utilities, child- care, gasoline, insurance payments, etc. and see how much you are committed to monthly and see if one or more category can be reduced. 

    This is an important and sometimes complicated process but Mr. Oliver’s organization offers free – yes, free -- assistance for people who are ready to prepare a budget that will help them get through what appears to be the tough economic road that lies ahead.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://freedomfirst.tv

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

    Protect your financial future with precious metals! Get your FREE Gold and Silver Guide from Genesis Gold today and take control of your financial destiny! https://pickaxgold.com

    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes had the pleasure of meeting and listening to Kevin D. Freeman, a veteran specialist in global investing and the author of the new book Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders Plan Hidden Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset.

    Mr. Freeman explained that America’s Founders were “hard money” men, insisting the new nation’s currency be based on gold and silver, but preferably gold. He said that the word dollar was nothing new in the Founders era, it came from Spain’s milled dollars, they were often referred to as “pieces of eight”. The Founders had no use for paper money because it was hard to control but easy to print, and often provided a light to the fuse that started inflation.

    Hard money, throughout history, has been a medium that – unlike paper money – preserves its own worth. Nothing proves the dangers of paper money, then the fact that the U.S. dollar, which was worth 100 cents in the early 1970s, is now worth only 12 cents of that 1970 dollar. The Biden Administration and some of the richest men and companies on earth now applaud the printing of vast amounts of paper money to bankrupt the United States and allow them to bring in the so-called “Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)”, which, Mr. Freeman noted, is meant to end the citizenry’s privacy and to enable the New World Order to control every facet of their lives. The CBDC will take away the free market, end every individual’s right to privacy, and force each person to make purchases only when their masters agree with it.

    We have an early example of what would happen under CBDC in Biden’s mandate that all Americans will eventually be forced to drive electric cars. Many people have bought these cars at outrages prices – even with federal subsidies for their makers – only to find that the cannot afford repairs, that some of the cars explode unexpectedly, and that companies like Hertz, having bought 20,000 electric vehicles, – are now trying to sell off their electronic vehicles at reduced prices because few people want to rent them. The CBDC also will help to bring in such anti-democratic anathemas as reparations and other forms of social engineering.

    Not surprising, given the foregoing, Mr. Freeman’s book has met with an avalanche of bi-partisan admiring reviews from Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Naomi Wolfe, former Senator Jim De Mint, Charlie Kirk, and many others. For the Two Mikes, Mr. Freeman and his work and engaging presentations hold out a lantern that outlines the economic disasters that are at hand, and that must be defeated to ensure of nation that secures life, liberty, individual responsibility, and religious freedom for all Americans. Mr. Freeman’s book, Pirate Money, can be found on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/Pirate-Money-Discovering-Founders-Defeating/dp/1958945048/ref=sr_1_1?crid=14RSIGCXW6PTL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Bhp6UQIcj8L0Zfc61hT2V_8gYnMdA_KJ1RZde2n3lO6097mnsWq2PLAJx2lXtOg45pcYL4V9pGnOaJIau8ipJtRosX7QPxD9ViN_O_b6ndSfshDx07lgfWPyUFVKof7g0vivRWGP22MaySiP5NI5JH-dvdyIdz6gDt7xlfEQqhIdkGdqBxHzOz7z11G8Lh4xLPhH5pPG-kyZfItCDhBttzEANGhHjKEraC070xFXIT8.SabHTuETKqUbvtF82vpejEYz-AxQHkCob2RwGoLfSyM&dib_tag=se&keywords=pirate+money&qid=1719006714&s=books&sprefix=pirate+money%2Cstripbooks%2C67&sr=1-1

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    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

    Protect your financial future with precious metals! Get your FREE Gold and Silver Guide from Genesis Gold today and take control of your financial destiny! https://pickaxgold.com

    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip.

  • Today, The Two Mikes welcomed Dr. Anne Bradley to our podcast to speak about a man named Hugh Whelchel, who has passed away. 

Dr. Bradley worked with Mr. Whelchel at the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics in Northern Virginia. Dr. Bradley remembers Mr. Whelchel as a friend who had the unique ability to teach the theology of life, work and family; indeed, he was a man who could "bring theology to life for Christians." He spoke clearly and with a passion, Dr. Bradley explained, and "it made people want to take the time to speak more with him." 

Mr. Whelchel was never in a rush, and spent time answering questions as long as people had questions to ask. He told his audiences to always recall that God created each person not only in His image and likeness, but also created each person "to be something that only you can be." 

Mr. Whelchel, Dr. Bradley said, can truly be described as a "magnanimous" human being, who had a deep knowledge of scripture, genuine humbleness, and great skill at getting diverse groups of people to sit around the table and work through problems, ideas, and aspirations. 

Mr. Whelchel is sorely missed by those who knew him and heard him speak, but some of his writings still remain available at the Institute's website, https://www.tifwe.org.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://freedomfirst.tv

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

    Protect your financial future with precious metals! Get your FREE Gold and Silver Guide from Genesis Gold today and take control of your financial destiny! https://pickaxgold.com

    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • The Two Mikes, Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike, discuss the Freedom Counsel.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://freedomfirst.tv

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

    Protect your financial future with precious metals! Get your FREE Gold and Silver Guide from Genesis Gold today and take control of your financial destiny! https://pickaxgold.com

    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with Joe Lombardi, the owner of Ironhawk Financial Company.

    Mr. Lombardi gave us the good news that he is going to begin broadcasting a weekly podcast called "Money Talk with Ironhawk'' on Tuesdays, and will soon after begin he will be broadcasting a weekly webinar on financial matters. Both programs will be on Apple and all of its outlets.

    Mr. Lombardi said that Americans are finally realizing that the goal of the Biden Administration is to turn the American dream into the American nightmare.

    Indeed, he argued that it is likely that Biden and his circle will create a huge economic crash between Trump's election and his inauguration. In regard to the non-stop printing of U.S. currency, Mr. Lombardi said that the only worth in that currency is based on the labor of Americans and the tax payments thereon they are required to pay.

    In essence Americans have been enslaved via an agreement by both parties to fund their wars, waste, and corruption on the back of the working person. This is made easier for the political parties by the fact that only 6 or 7 companies -- with Black Rock in the lead -- hold the bulk of the world's wealth.

    Black Rock, for example, is now inflating the home market by buying up single-family homes, in cooperation with the WEF's plan to "have people have nothing and own nothing." The same culprits are manipulating individual retirement accounts in a manner that, when it comes time for an individual to draw from his retirement account he or she will receive far less than they expected. These companies and both political parties, Mr. Lombardi concluded, have neither "conscience or remorse."
    Mr. Lombardi's website is https://wwww.ironhawkfinancial.com.
    His email is [email protected].

    Currently he is offering a book he has written about the U.S. economy, its future, and what it means for citizens, and is offering a free copy to our listeners if they email him and request the book.

    Music Credits: Olafur Arnalds

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://freedomfirst.tv

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com
    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

    Protect your financial future with precious metals! Get your FREE Gold and Silver Guide from Genesis Gold today and take control of your financial destiny! https://pickaxgold.com

    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Melissa Witte (@villagecrazylady) who studies and writes about campaign financing in the United States. 

    Ms. Witte said that Political Action Committees (PACs) are an amazingly effective means of building personal fortunes. How so? Well, when a politician starts a PAC he tends to raise more money than he needs and, under the legislation which legalized PACs, the politician keeps the money that was raised but not spent. 

    As an example, Ms. Witte said that in his 2022 re-election campaign North Carolina Senator Tim Scott raised $52 million for his campaign and spent $38 million of that total. His Democratic rival raised $200 million and spent %150 million in the campaign. Under the pertinent legislation, neither Senator Scott nor his rival need have any qualms about keeping their excess campaign funds. 

    Ms. Witte argued that at least 80-percent of the Congress and Senate are building fortunes via this excess campaign funding. Ms. Witte explained much more about what was found in her studies and it is riveting to listen to her speak. 

We hope she will come back and speak to us after the 2024 national election.

    Dr Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike co-host Two Mikes. This show discusses current events from a Pro-America, Constitutional perspective. These two have guest hosted radio shows for 6 years and are excited to join with like minded people on Freedom First Network. Dr. Michael Scheuer is a former CIA analyst who ran the Osama bin Laden tracking unit, as well as the author of many books. Colonel Mike is also a former liaison & contractor for many years in South East Asia. He's also an advisor and businessman with many contacts around the globe.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://freedomfirst.tv

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

    Protect your financial future with precious metals! Schedule your consultation with Our Gold Guy today and take control of your financial destiny! https://ourgoldguy.com

    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes spoke with conservative podcaster Vincent James.

    Mr. James spoke with some emphasis about Israel, and its interference in U.S. domestic affairs either via their intelligence services or via its surrogate organizations in the United States – especially the odious ADL, AIPAC, and the Southern Poverty Law Center – as well as the thorough-going corruption of various U.S. institutions, especially both Houses of the U.S. Congress.

    Israel’s U.S. controlled assets in the U.S. Congress and law-makers at the state level to deny government contracts to any citizen or company who urges divesting in the Israeli economy. At least 37 states now have such Israel-First laws.

    Mr. James also spoke about the ongoing population replacement campaign being conducted by the Biden Administration, the Democratic Party, the media and by both houses of Congress. From a global view, Mr. James pointed out that the now ongoing clash of civilizations is not recognized by enough Americans.

    Flooding America with foreigners who will never assimilate – Europe is in the same fix, also arranged by their rulers – is the fuel with which these civilization clashes will increase in ferocity and lethality.

    For people interested in knowing how our current nightmare came about, Mr. James suggests reading two books by the late historian/political scientist Samuel Huntington: (a) The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1993) and (b) Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity (2004). Both books are available at Amazon in inexpensive paperback editions. Mr. James is well worth a listen, particularly by those concerned about America’s ability to survive. His mention of Professor Huntington’s work is particularly helpful, as both books provide a sound estimate of where the republic and the Western world stands today. Indeed, Dr. Mike recalls discussing Clash of Civilizations when he was a federal bureaucrat, raising the point that the book was key to figuring out where the world has headed. Many of his colleagues agreed on the high-importance of the book, but the upper managerial levels wanted no part of Huntington’s astoundingly accurate preview of what would happen to the West if its governments continued to ignore reality’s steady downward trend.

    Then called “political correctness”, this reaction yielded a failure to grab Huntington’s helping hand and hang on tight. --Mr. James podcast is published on Odysee and is available on many other sites.

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  • Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Ms. Tricia Jackson who is running for the position of State Auditor in West Virginia.

    Ms. Jackson graduated with a Bachelor's degree from Liberty University in business administration with a concentration in Project Management. She also holds two HR certifications as a Professional in Human Resources.

    In her career, Ms. Jackson has been a mother, small business owner and, since 2020, has served as County Commissioner in Jefferson County, the county in which she was born. Like the other candidates for state office in West Virginia, Ms. Jackson has been crisscrossing the state by car to meet and speak to as many people as possible before the primary election on 14 May 2022.

    There is, for The Two Mikes, something refreshing about not seeing candidates flying around in private jets and being more interested in speaking with the media and big donors rather than with the voters.

    And Ms. Jackson has a good story to tell as she describes one of the state's problems; namely, that money that is appropriated in the state budget does not always get spent on the project or program for which it was intended.

    If elected as state auditor, Ms. Jackson said that she intends to have her department provide steady and in-depth tracking over spending in all of West Virginia’s counties and municipalities in the state to make certain that tax dollars are spent in the manner in which they were intended to be spent.

    As auditor, Ms. Jackson has an Inspector General in her department, and she said she will ensure that the IG and his team will be busy in rectifying any misspending that is identified.

    Dr Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike co-host Two Mikes. This show discusses current events from a Pro-America, Constitutional perspective. These two have guest hosted radio shows for 6 years and are excited to join with like minded people on Freedom First Network. Dr. Michael Scheuer is a former CIA analyst who ran the Osama bin Laden tracking unit, as well as the author of many books. Colonel Mike is also a former liaison & contractor for many years in South East Asia. He's also an advisor and businessman with many contacts around the globe.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with Nate Cain, a Republican candidate for a U.S. congressional seat in the northern panhandle district of West Virginia.

    During his campaign, Mr. Cain has clocked nearly 70,000 miles on his car and says that he has been greeted all across his district with enthusiasm from an electorate that is sick to death of corruption in the state and national political systems.

    He also noted that that his candidacy has been ignored by much of the state's media, which seems to be under the thump of certain wealthy families, such as that of Mr. Cain's opponent -- a man named Riley Moore --who has been exposed as a former Vice-President of a lobbying group called The Podesta Group, which is headed by Hillary Clinton's lickspittle John Podesta.

    Moore also was registered as a lobbyist for foreign countries. He also has been a longtime employee on Capitol Hill, working closely with former and now-deposed Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, and has an aunt who is a well-known RINO Republican U.S. Senator from West Virginia.

    By and large, though, Mr. Cain said that the West Virginia media are ignoring Riley Moore's checkered background, which is an odd resume for a man who is loudly proclaiming that he is a former welder and grassroots conservative Republican. (NB: The Two Mikes should note that we were slicked by Riley Moore when he was the West Virginia treasurer. He was our guest on 4 or 5 occasions posing as a grassroots conservative, but never mentioned his long record of working and cooperating with the swamp known on Capitol Hill.)

    Mr. Cain also noted that he continues to work hard to inform West Virginians that the large battery-making factory planned for the congressional district in which he is running, may pose a significant environmental threat to the northern part of the state and the rivers therein. Oddly, the team bringing the plant into the state received an environmental waiver from the U.S. Congress before the first brick was laid. This project, moreover, was brought to West Virginia by John Podesta and a group of investors that includes Mark Zuckerburg, George Soros, the Blackrock Company, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos. And, oh yes, Riley Moore voted for a $115million grant to this project from the West Virginia government.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, the Two Mikes were again fortunate to speak with Bishop Robert E. Smith Jr. from Little Rock, Arkansas.

    Bishop Smith said that there was no way else to describe the world's problems, except by saying that, at the moment, Satan is the king of the world. He can be beaten, and the recipe for victory is easily available to all people; namely, it is in the Bible and in both testaments.

    The starting point in this fight, according to the Bishop, is the formation of local communities that can provide immunity against the depredations of the satanic federal and state governments. Strong local communities willing to keep schools and churches open when the politicians order them closed; insisting on going to work when ordered to stay at home because of falsified health reasons, refusing to obey mandates and other directions from governments that people be inoculated with shots known to be murder weapons, and most of all to build local communities into citadels for faith and trust in God, and pray relentlessly.

    In other words, kick unconstitutional, lethal, and anti-Christian government "requirements" to the curb, and get on with the process of proving that God and not Satan is the KING of this world. Through such a process a community can regain stability and, by joining with other like-minded, God-based communities, can return stability, unity, law, and faith to the republic.

    It all begins with a firm acknowledgement by all the Christian communities in this land that "God is King and it is time for Christian communities to get their priorities together and get going!"

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes recorded an episode that seems, at long last, to explain how the 2020 and 2022 elections were stolen without any of the sophisticated electronic tools, computer systems, and other esoteric means that have been talked about on our show and many others since 2020.

    Our guest today, Michele Swinick, who has worked as an election-day official in Arizona elections in Maricopa County, explains in clear and commonsense terms how the Maricopa elections were stolen by cooperation among Democrats, Republicans, and civil servants by the simple means of (a) not obeying the election laws of the state, its counties, and other localities, and (b) the collusion of all players in both parties working toward the same illegal end. That's it, no whizbang methods, always-wrong experts, or space-age tools, just simple, easily provable, and well-documented illegalities. There also is no need or reason for circus-like, big-name shows criss-crossing the country to explain the "maze of cheating" that supposedly occurred during the elections -- for just the cost of admission, of course. The Two Mikes have done quite a few shows on the issue, but this show with Ms. Swinick and two previous show with Joe Freid -- makes the most sense and is backed up fully by the state's own election and post-election documents. Ms. Swinick's rattlingly good presentation and concise factual statements show that "none of us have a country so long as the uniparty is in control", a conclusion that seems all too accurate. She adds, moreover, that items from Arizona's menu of cheating methods are used by other states in order to arrange elections that keep the uniparty in power. @EverythingHomeT
    Our guest, Michele Swinick (@EverythingHomeT), and her colleague-in arms, the attorney Leon Donofrio (@lcdlaw1), used the fully legal method of time-consuming research in public documents, namely securing those documents by request from Arizona's version of the Freedom of information act. The state, at times made it hard for Ms. Swinick at times -- for example, by limiting her visits to one important document repository to one a month -- but through patience and hard work seems to have proved without doubt that both parties -- the uniparty -- cooperated at every step of the way and got the results they wanted.

    Ms Swinick and her colleague have worked long and hard and, using the state's own election government, have found and documented that many of the officers running the election disobeyed the law, lied, and failed to record information about the elections required by law; all easily found facts that should void the 2020 and 2024 elections. But none of the of the defeated candidates, from either party, in the two elections, have shown any interest in using the air-tight evidence of fraud put together by Ms. Swinick and her colleague that has been presented to them. Neither defeated senatorial candidate Abe Hamadeh nor gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, have been interested in considering the full story that tells of comprehensive cheating by those who ran the selections. Very Odd that defeated candidates -- one a flamboyant national figure -- have no interest in easily proving they were denied their victories by well-documented official fraud.
    Ms. Swinick and Mr. Donofrio are the leaders of the "Save My liberty Movement" and two of their most informative podcasts -- along with 300 other episodes and supporting documents -- are available for listeners and readers. - for free! Citations for the two pivotal podcasts follow:
    #278 NEW ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED! Maricopa County ADMITS It Has NO Chain Of Custody Reports For How Many Voters Checked-In At The Polls On Nov 8th + AZGOP, MCRC, RNC & Lake’s Team KNEW A.R.S. 16-602 Was VIOLATED & The Law Was BROKEN! https://rumble.com/v4nxr3q-278.html
    #280 Maricopa County Admits There Are NO Reports Recording How Many Voters Checked-In Nov 8th & AZGOP, MCRC, RNC & Lake’s Team Knew AZ Law 16-602 Was BROKEN! | LEWIS HERMS https://rumble.com/v4onyqz-280.html
    Ms. Swinick's e-mail is: [email protected], Tel: 602 885 7607; Rumble podcast: Save My Freedom Movement, TV Show & Podcast – FRIDAYS @ 4pm PT

    The Movement's websites with other commentary and documents are: https://www.savemyfreedom.us; https://www.TakeBackAmericaPlan.us; and https://savemyfreedom.substack.com
    Her Twitter: https://twitter.com/EverythingHomeT
    Music Credit: The Beattles – Magical Mystery Tour

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes had the good fortune to speak with Mike King, who runs and writes from a site called "Real News and History" (https://realnewsandhistory.com).

    Mr. King is known as a "correctionist historian" and has the courage and talent to take on the lies that have for decades taken the place of truth in the writing of both popular and academic history. Mr. King said that one highly important fact that all Americans should remember is that when almost any historian or politician speaks in public and starts by explaining that he is going to talk about an issue that is "extremely complex", the listener can be sure that the speaker is going to turn a relatively simple issue into an issue that is impossible for ordinary Americans to understand. Making a simple issue "extremely complex" is meant to make Americans uninformed, fearful, and line up with their traditional loyalty and patriotism to support the deceitful academics and politicians they have been trained in school to respect.

    There is, for example, nothing hard to understand, for, about Ukraine; it's about the U.S. and NATO wanting to use that country against Russia, to fill it with chemical weapons labs to make plagues to use against Russia and the common citizens of the West; as well as about the corrupt skimming off the money sent there to "help" that country: About Israel: The enormous U.S. funding sent there is not to "protect the only democracy in the Middle East" but ensure that a part of the money to be used by the Israeli security services to control the U.S. Congress and federal bureaucracy; and About NATO: it's about tricking the American people into believing that the shameful amount of their taxes that are sent to NATO is mean to defend democracy for Europeans, even as their own governments grow authoritarian, discriminate against the native born, and flood the continent with foreigners who want supremacy not assimilation; and, finally, About the U.S. Civil War: all politicians and almost all academics peddle the nonsense that the war was fought simply and only to free the slaves. This is not only a lie, it is the mutilation of any plan for producing history that is as close to the truth as is possible. Lincoln, it should be remembered, raised 75,000 troops and invaded the south after the cannonading for Fort Sumter, an ancient and decaying facility only good for the offshore collection of the national tariffs that always overwhelmingly favored the economic and industrial development of the north. Quite simply, Americans in 1861 would never have fought a Civil War to free the slaves at the ultimate expense of 800,000 Americans, north and south. The war was not caused by but did end slavery.

    Mr. King runs a fine and very smart website. He is a brave, excellent and very provocative writer, and his timely and pertinent work is available at https://realnewsand history.com). Take a look at some of it and feel your eyes being opened.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes talked with Nicole McCaw, a journalist and documentary-maker, who is focused on the unfolding, federal-government orchestrated disaster that is occurring along America's southern border. 

Ms. McCaw explained that her investigations have shown that 60-percent to 80-percent of the many thousands of women and children who are being trafficked across the southern border have been raped -- many repeatedly -- or otherwise molested. Almost 16.5 million illegal aliens have been allowed into America since 2021, Ms. McCaw said. 

She also said that her investigations found that the Biden regime also is doing virtually nothing to stop the inflow of fentanyl into the country. In essence, Ms. McCaw said, this China-supported smuggling of fentanyl is nothing less than an attack on the United States by a weapon of mass destruction, with 400 Americans now dying each day as result of fentanyl. Ms. McCaw stressed that too many Americans still have no clear idea of how lethally dangerous this U.S. government-protected human-inundation is both to the country's peace and prosperity, and the survival of the United States.

This anti-American attack on the United States by the Biden Administration also is being supported by some of the best-known NGOs, including Catholic, Mormon, Lutheran charities. She and her associate Tim Rose have made a 1-hour-and-20 minute documentary called "Borderwar", information about which can be found at https://www.borderdoc.com.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https:// rumble.com/c/ freedomfirstnetwork

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef... even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https:// freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes again spoke to Gordon Oliver from Cambridge Credit Counseling.

    Mr. Oliver, frank as always, said that the signs of more economic problems for those with debt problems have not wholly abated. The nation's credit card debt has increased to 1.3 trillion and college-loan debts have increased to $1.92 trillion.

    In addition, in the past year 40-percent of Americans have dipped into their retirement funds to avoid foreclosures. On the school loans, Mr. Oliver noted that the government's new move to "forgive" $11 billion dollars for public employees at all levels of government -- which of course came at a time Biden is desperate for votes in any place he can find him -- ends on 30 April 2024, and even those public employees who were refused forgiveness on the first try can apply again and see if they can follow the required application process.

    Mr. Oliver also said that, at the moment, the single worst investment a consumer can make is to purchase an automobile -- which loses 25-percent of its value the moment you drive it off the lot. Needless to say, the interest rates on car loans also are through the roof. As to the future, Mr. Oliver said that while the economic and financial impact of the COCID debacle are about finished, there still probably are rough waters ahead, and, as always, people must take responsibility for themselves to plan their economic future.

    The place to start is by putting together a spending plan (budget) that details your expenses, see where that can be reduced, and then do your best to stick to that plan. That is where Cambridge Credit counseling can help. Cambridge is a non-profit NGO and has helped a large number of people to create such plans, and they do so at no charge to the consumer.

    No one can know for sure how rough future economic times will be, but a commonsense spending plan, or budget, is an important tool to have ready to face the future, come what may.
    --Cambridge Credit Counseling: Tel: 1 800-235-1407; Website: https://www.cambridge-credit.org

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

    Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com

    Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn.

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com

  • Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Fred Coulter, the pastor of the Christian Biblical Church of Christ in Hollister, California.

    As Christians are marking Holy Week, Mr. Coulter threw a bracing bucket of cold water on the increasingly severe mistakes that Christians are taught throughout their lives, and by which they live their lives, while passing on inaccurate beliefs to their children. We spoke to Mr. Coulter for over an hour and there follows a summary of the several points he made.

    --Christians of the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox faiths follow a version of Easter that was never observed by the Apostles. As on many other issues this world lives on the basis of lies.

    --Easter and Holy Week are not to be found in the Bible in the way we now celebrate them. As Ezekiel says in Chapter 8, God cannot be worshiped with lies and pagan theology.

    --Catholics, in particular, appear to model many of the faith's holidays on the pagan holidays that were celebrated in Babylon. The word "Easter" for example, appears to be based on the Babylonian goddess Ishtar (a word that is now pronounced Easter). Ishtar, of course, had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. In addition, our Easter Sunday "Sunrise Services" appear to be based on sunrise services that started in Babylon, wherein the pagan peoples priests prayed to the soon for the resurrection of departed gods. the Bible, of course, says "Do not learn the ways of the heathens."

    --The marking of Ash Wednesday is another tradition that is to be found nowhere in the Bible.
    --The correct Sabbath day of all Christians is Saturday not Sunday. Neither the Saturday sabbath nor the Old Testament are the exclusive property of the Jewish faith. Likewise, the Old Testament is as relevant for today's Christians; indeed, it is a perpetual part of their faith.

    --Mr. Coulter concluded by saying that today's Americans -- because of the abominations they regularly practice -- ought to pay close attention to Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, Verses, 43-44 and 49-50, which offer a warning to Americans in a way that is completely appropriate to their country as it now stands.

    "The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. ... The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle fleet; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favor to the young."

    Mr. Coulter’s websites include: https://www.CBCG.org and https://www.truthofGod.org Mr. Coulter’s websites offer an array of books that can be used by a person seeking God or seeking to return to God. Many of the books are available for no charge.

    P.S. Unlike Trump his Faithful Version Bible is free. In its Original order.

    Subscribe to Freedom First Network on Rumble to watch all of our shows LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/freedomfirstnetwork

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    Unleash the spirit of liberty in every cup with Freedom First Coffee's Founders Blend. Order now using code TWOMIKES and savor the unparalleled taste of freedom in every patriotic sip. https://freedomfirstcoffee.com