Bill Meeks talks to passionate people executing their "Big Ideas" in realistic ways. From entrepreneurs to artists and everything in between, I Made This tells the stories of dreamers just like you.
Valmentavasta työkulttuurista puhutaan paljon, mutta mitä se oikeasti tarkoittaa? Mitä ja miten työpaikoilla opitaan? Kuinka yllättävät tilanteet voivat opettaa organisaatiota? Minkälainen muusa pakko on työkulttuurin kehittämisessä? Entä miten moderni viranomaistyö vastaa yhteiskunnan muutoksiin?
Valtiokonttorin Työkulttuuripodi lähtee Hennin kanssa tutkimusmatkalle selvittämään, kuinka uudenlaista työkulttuuria valtiolla rakennetaan. Podcastissa tarkastellaan sitä, kuinka työn tekemisen tavat, johtaminen ja suhde asiakkaisiin muuttuvat. Organisaatiot siirtyvät yhä enemmän käytännöistä ja johtamisesta, jossa ohjeet tulevat ylhäältä, valmentavaan työn tekemisen tapaan, joka perustuu kannustamiseen, kysymiseen, kuuntelemiseen ja kokeilemiseen. Sanotaan hyvästit konsulttijargonille ja laitetaan virkamieshattu naulaan. -
Our mission is to foster a wiser and more inclusive world by connecting a community of generous mentors and engaging professionals. Our purpose is to share lessons and wisdom gleaned from life experiences so that we become a better version of ourselves.
Welcome to the ThinkData Podcast, brought to you in partnership with Dataworks 🎙
If want to stay up-to-date with the latest breakthroughs and trends in the world of Data & Artificial Intelligence, and if you're curious about some of the strategies that companies and founders use to launch Data & AI products, then you're in the right place!
Our aim is to bring together a diverse lineup of fantastic guests, from Founders to accomplished leaders and product owners at some of the most fascinating Data & AI companies worldwide who will each offer you a unique insight into what it takes to launch and scale a great Data business!
Thank you for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy the episode! -
Are you dreaming of making a change in your life but not sure where to start? Have you stopped yourself from opening a business or changing careers thinking you are too old, or don't have enough experience? Are you suffering from burnout and don't know where to turn? How do you figure out that next first step? On The Creative Pivot we introduce practical advice on how to discover the work you are meant to do, live a life aligned with your core values, and create plenty of space for creative possibilities. We also invite women just like you who decided that they wanted to change their lives, to forge their own path, and to create a business to support a life they are designing. Hosted by Life & Business Coach Heather Johnston. Heather made her own creative pivot after suffering burnout and realizing that the work she was spending her days doing had moved further and further away from what she really loved. She took her love for organizational and staff development and created her coaching & consulting practice, The Creative Pivot. Visit to sign up for an introductory consultation.
Юрий Мурадян — TOP5 коучей России. Профессиональный коуч МСС ICF Сооснователь Академии профессионального коучинга 5 Prism — лучшей онлайн-школы года обучения профессии по версии GC. Эксперта в области финансового и личностного роста. Работает с топ-менеджерами крупнейших компаний. Применяет современные знания о работе мозга, фундаментальной психологии, коучинга и нейрофизиологии. Юрий называет себя «продуктом коучинга». Именно этот инструмент более 10 лет позволяет создавать и курировать успешные бизнес-проекты: - Основатель сети салонов красоты Copine и Beauty Room в Санкт-Петербурге - Сооснователь и продюсер международной школы флористики Turcan Sсhool - Куратор Института Нутрициологии и коучинга - Соавтор метода 5 Prism На этом канале вы найдете работающие инструменты, которые помогают реализовать себя, выйти на желаемый доход, обрести новое дело, счастливые отношения и эмоциональную стабильность.
Bestselling author and impact entrepreneur Kerstin Plehwe welcomes Nobel Prize winners, Olympic athletes, peacemakers, political leaders, artists, corporate trailblazers, and female entrepreneurs from all around the world to speak about their biggest adventures and learnings on their path to success.
Everybody has a story and many of life's stories are great learning journeys everybody can benefit from, especially when those stories are shared by powerful female leaders and role models from all walks of life.
Words of Wisdom shares the advice and personal strategies for success and happiness from female leaders from the corporate world, politics, arts, fashion, science, sports, fashion and many more.
Stronger together!
The mission of this podcast is to inspire, empower and connect the learning experiences of female leaders with women around the globe looking for guidance, inspiration and a deeper understanding of the female tools for success, health and happiness.Together with my guests I hope our listeners will find good advice and feel encouraged to find their best answer to life’s big questions but also to everyday challenges and setbacks.
Topics: No gossip, no chit chat and negativity but lots of honest, bold, encouraging conversation and advice from real life people that happened to become famous The topics center around life, love, leadership, women’s health, power, passion and happiness.It is not searching for the one answer but for an authentic advice and personal perspective of the guest that aims to inspire, encourage and empower the listener. -
Deep discussions on entrepreneurship and personal development books. If you're looking to build your business, increase your productivity and learn unique methodologies to optimize various aspects of your entrepreneurial endeavours, you'll enjoy this podcast.
Using his unique blend of inspiration and storytelling, Eddie Pinero motivates his listeners to live their best lives and find the opportunity intertwined in every moment. This is not a self-improvement podcast, this is a self-empowerment podcast, reminding the world that we are always one decision away from a totally different life.
Từ tập 182, chương trình Tâm Sự Kinh Doanh chính thức đổi tên thành Tri Kỷ Cảm Xúc. Kênh Youtube:
Kannattaako tunnustaa jos pettää? Miten traumat ohjailevat kokijansa valintoja? Miksi suorittaja suorittaa, vaikka ylitti jo kauan sitten uupumuksen rajan? Mikä on naisen paikka lahkoissa?
Näitä ja muita teemoja käsitellään Trainers' Housen ja Anna Perhon uudessa Rajoilla-nimisessä talk showssa & podcastissa.
Ohjelman nimi versoo vieraiden kokemuksista, joissa on käyty rajoilla – pisteessä, jossa jokin tulee päätökseensä, ja elämässä alkaa uusi luku. Ohjelman missio on todistaa, että menneisyyden tapahtumat eivät kerro tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksista. Vieraiden kertomuksista kuulee, että vaikeimmastakin voi selvitä. Ei täydellisesti, ei sankarina – mutta keskeneräisenä ja vahvasti elävänä.
Reilun tunnin mittaisissa keskusteluissa käsitellään kulloinkin yhtä teemaa vieraiden omakohtaisten tarinoiden ja asiantuntijoiden näkemysten kautta. Vakavasti, mutta valoa kohti kulkien.
Trainers' Housen missiona on auttaa ihmistä eteenpäin. Toivomme, että Trainers' Housen Mojo Studiossa tuotetuista talk show -jaksoista löytyy eväitä siihen. Katso ohjelman kaikki jaksot osoitteessa -
Maximize Your Influence: Your source for the top persuasion, influence, and negotiation techniques that will help you maximize your success in life and in business!
Make Money as a Life Coach® is the only podcast that teaches coaches practical tools for becoming financially successful. Sales expert and Life Coach Stacey Boehman combines her sales experience and coaching wisdom to teach life coaches how to get past their biggest hurdle of making their first 2k and then taking their business to 200k and beyond. You’ll be amazed how quickly you can grow your coaching business if you follow Stacey’s advice laid out in this show! Visit to learn more.
As WINNERS we always have to level up, or else we stay stagnant or fall behind.
This podcast will share ways to keep winning with tips, stories, strategies, and mindsets to adapt so you can stay GREAT forever.
Every challenge you have is a new attempt at greatness, and you always have the choice to be great. So let's do it together! 😎
Your host Arne Giske runs several companies including a software company, membership site, Investors club, & more.
Feel free to reach out at [email protected]! -
The Front Seat Life Podcast and the Healing the Hustle series are hosted by Jessica Butts, a psychotherapist, three-time author, Myers-Briggs expert, corporate trainer, and keynote speaker. She recently sold everything she owns and moved to Maui to Heal her Hustle. She hopes to help others do the same through her podcast, upcoming book, retreats on Maui, and private work with people. She is an ENFJ and her greatest passion in life is to help people understand their personality type so they can be more unapologetically who they are in life, love, and business.
Listen in to this powerful show to hear Jessica share her raw, vulnerable, and in-the-moment experiences. To find out more about Jessica visit her website at Be sure to follow her on Instagram @jessicabuttsma for daily motivation. -
Your weekly podcast headquarters for inspiration, motivation and all things AWESOME! Brought to you by Master Life Coach, Nathan Osmond.
Welcome to The Business Lounge Podcast! Each week we'll share proven marketing strategies to help you build an audience of buyers, create impactful content, and grow a profitable business without compromising on your values with your host, Kimberly Ann Jimenez!
Kimberly is an Online Marketing Strategist, Educator, Founder and Thought Leader in the online marketing industry.
Having worked with 33K+ small business owners & entrepreneurs across an array of industries over the past decade, Kimberly and her business partner Chris Harris are obsessed with helping you level up your marketing game, and grow your bottom line.
They co-lead their flagship program, The Business Lounge, which teaches business owners & entrepreneurs like you how to navigate the confusing & often overwhelming world of online marketing and build an unapologetically profitable business on your own terms (and without compromising your faith, your family or your freedom).
Join us at! -
How do you show up when you want to invest in Social Change?
I'm Servane Mouazan, a futures-thinker, angel, and thinking partner for leaders in the global social economy. I'm also the founder of Conscious Innovation and your host on this podcast: Be and Think in the House of Trust.
In each episode, I share a moment with an inspiring leader who loves to invest in social and environmental change, and together we take the time to think about the conditions and behaviours that help you trust and collaborate, ask deep, meaningful questions, and fulfil your impact mission.
Previously CEO of social enterprise Ogunte CIC, I have supported 12,000 women leaders, from tiny place-based to large international campaigning and social innovation organisations, helping them to trust, collaborate and communicate efficiently and turn ideas into impactful action.
Together, we are exploring themes such as confidence, empathy, allyship, trust and cultural differences - all the topics that actually contribute to igniting a positive impact.
In short, it's about how we can tell one another and the planet: "you matter".
Connect with me on LinkedIn:
Subscribe to Conscious Innovation Updates: -
Vastuullisuus asiat ovat tärkeä osa organisaatioiden toimintaa, päätöksentekoa sekä ihmisten jokapäiväistä elämää. Näistä teemoista keskustellaan Vastuullisuus työelämässä podcastissa eri alojen ammattilaisten ja asiantuntijoiden kanssa.
Vastuullisuus työelämässä on osa JYUcast podcasteja ja studiossa vieraiden kanssa keskustelemassa on Matleena Pietiläinen. Matleena viihtyy vastuullisuus teemojen äärellä työssään yliopistonopettajana ja väitöskirjatutkijana. Vapaa-ajalla hän inspiroituu maalaamisesta sekä kestävyysliikunnasta yhdessä perheen ja ystävien kanssa.
Jaksojen tekstivastineet löytyvät Jyväskylän yliopiston avoimen yliopiston sivuilta: -
Elämästä Toscanasta, parisuhteesta, perheestä, ruoasta ja puutarhasta!