Are you tired of running around in circles, doing gratitude lists, positive affirmations, etc., and wondering why you never actually feel free from your past, a past filled with Fear, doubt, abuse, violence, and disappointments?
So, what are you supposed to do; how do you set yourself free and remain free once and for all? Listen in as I freely share the wisdom I have gained.
Self-Image Root Produces Your Reality: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C57c5aOnCBat9z3rUs9i2Pt7bl8oJXm/view?usp=drive_link
Unshakable Self-Confidence Book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SPYxhIwOx0qvSzjZcKlyI-Y0FLs2Sfe7/view?usp=drive_link
Rising Phoenix Magazine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ZguLHYTxqVmVIeYp3-fohclGsfuVwXU/view?usp=drive_link
Like the music? The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
This is it, everybody; I've come to the end of this journey of setting myself free from the cycle of inherited limiting thoughts that have caused the pain, suffering, abuse, violence, and failure in my life; I've overcome Fear itself.
But before I go, some final words of wisdom to help you set yourself free.
Remember, everything I have learned to be true, the keys to freedom, can be found within the Shift Your Perspective Apple playlist or "course." It is free for you to use, but whether you choose to use it and set yourself free is entirely up to you (how bad do you want freedom from your past?!)
Episodes manquant?
Do you want to know how to stop being rejected? Stop your need for acceptance; stop doubting yourself, and embrace freedom.
Freedom, by definition, is a state of being at liberty rather than in confinement or under control; exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc; self-determination.
So, how do you set yourself free and remain free once and for all? Listen in as I freely share the wisdom I have gained.
Like the music? The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Let’s face it: change isn’t easy (if it were, everybody would be doing it). Yet, something profound and unexplainable within us compels us to do just that.
But in our progression of growth and change, we might be tempted to revert to our ‘old nature’ due to others’ misunderstanding of our actions, assuming we think ourselves superior instead of realizing we seek self-mastery over ourselves and our lives, that we’re proactive in our thoughts because we believe in the Divine Law that all of our dreams are constantly coming true; all we are doing is being exactly who we are.
So, how do you set yourself free and remain free once and for all? Listen in as I freely share the wisdom I have gained.
Like the music? The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Do you want to know why you haven’t obtained freedom yet? It’s solely because you haven’t confidently walked away from conformity; you haven’t ceased allowing others to define who you are.
It’s your choice to say, “This is who I am and what I wish to experience in life,” not ‘The World’s;’ You say who you are, and then ‘The World’ must comply. But this compliance isn’t achieved by force but by ceasing to be ‘conformed to The World’ and ‘being renewed in your mind,’ by identifying with and conforming to something higher – The truth of who you actually are and the Divine Law, AKA: YOUR choice between ‘blessings or curses’ and the reason you have a right to choose.
Every morning is a new day, a fresh start, unshaped potential. If today makes tomorrow, will you continue to comply to the ‘standard’ mindset of Fear, of being stuck in the ghosts of the past, or the ‘I must deserve and earn’ the new future? Remember, what YOU focus on expands.
Freedom is in the present moment, of seizing and owning the power The Most High has given you right now to leave everything that was behind us and confidently walk into the future, yes, with your mind focused on what you want, but living in the here and now and being selective with what you believe to be true because you know that what you think WILL come true, that whether we believe it is possible or impossible for you, is granted you.
Taking back control over your mind (your life) is a daunting task, only because you’re accustomed to complying with the predominant worldly mindset of Fear; when you walk away from your old stories and see that nobody else is, you panic, like Lot’s Wife, and turn back and blend into the crowd, instead of accepting the gift of self-sovereignty, of realizing that only you can create your new story out of the ‘unshaped wilderness,’ and having faith that if you do, it will come to pass in due time.
So, how do you set yourself free and remain free once and for all? Listen in as I freely share the wisdom I have gained.
Like the music? The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Why do you believe “The World,” AKA: people, need to be healed before allowing yourself to live your life?
Why do you feel guilty for having chosen Heaven Consciousness when The World around you is living in Hell Consciousness?
To live in Heaven Consciousness, AKA: Love, AKA: the fruition of your dreams, you must not only release your worries and fears of what others think of you, but you must also release your need for the world to be “fixed” before you allow yourself to be “okay” with moving on; you must allow people to be right where they are, in their choices; you must ask yourself, “Why do I feel I need to ‘save’ the world?”
Why are you afraid to give up your ‘victim consciousness?’
Like the music? The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
We are told by ‘The World,’ “You can be ANYTHING you want to be if you only believe,” while
simultaneously telling us, “as long as it fits within OUR prescribed set of options, assumptions, and labels of what you SHOULD be.” In other words, “Conform, or we will cast you out.”
Conformity, by definition, is “the act of compliance, submission, acquiescence, or obedience to a specified standard or authority.”
We live in a world where people have continuously engaged in the never-ending battle against oppression. The irony is that most people slip into one of the various ‘oppressed’ societal communities (ranging from family traditions and gender issues, and even the cult of ‘healing the inner child’), communities that themselves require your ‘obedience to a specified standard,’ mainly victim consciousness, to belong. Again, “Prostrate, or we will cast you out.”
What is at the root of all this? Fear.
Not Fear of you, but the Fear of you leaving them behind, of seeing you live in the freedom of being your authentic self, free of conformity and Fear itself, of you illuminating their imprisonment in the cage of Fear, despite their denials of its reality – it only takes one to shatter their illusion, and this is why they reject you, scape-goat you, or even come at you with violence; anything to remove the threat of the truth of their imprisonment to Fear.
So how do you “be not conformed to this world?”
By trusting your inner voice, that higher voice of The Divine. By taking a bold step into The Light of Love and trusting that you will be shielded, protected, and led into the full fruition of your dream of Heaven on Earth. And how do you do that? Listen in as I share the wisdom of my discovery and remembrance of The Truth.
The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
How long have you sought happiness, courage, confidence, and direction outside yourself; how long have you sought outside of yourself the power to overcome Fear so that you may change your life? How many ‘self-improvement’ books, courses, and ‘self-love’ practices have you engaged in to find It?
Have you found it yet? Of course not, so why continue to look for it there; why keep rounding around in circles when you already know it will change nothing? And even more deeply, why are you paying people for something they cannot give you? Why are you following their instructions of manipulating yourself into thinking that you must be good and worthy enough and ‘earn it’ before possessing this power?
There is a reason you haven’t (and you NEVER will) found this power anywhere outside of yourself. You’ll never locate It there because It doesn’t exist out there, and, more importantly, you already possess It – you already have the power to transform your world. Realize that It has been inside of you all this time, that you’ve had it BEFORE you came into this world, that all you need to do is change the way you think; you only need to shift your perspective.
The Divine Source has already equipped you with the power you need to live out your ‘Hero’s Journey,’ to break free from the old story stemming from the cyclical patterns of your childhood abuse and enter into the new story; the ability to ‘fear no evil, to be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for God will shield and buckle you, cover you and protect you and no evil shall come near you or your dwelling while being guided through the valley of the shadow of death.”
The only question you should ask yourself is, “Why am I not using this power; why am I not believing in It and trusting It?
What is this power? Listen in as I share the wisdom of my discovery and remembrance.
Like the music? Check out the “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus, available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Ask yourself, “Why do I allow Fear to control my mind?”
Is it because you feel helpless to Fear? That Fear is a force outside of yourself that you cannot control?
The truth is, you are not a subservient to Fear; Fear is your slave.
The only way to stop allowing Fear to dominate your life is to realize that Fear has no power to control you.
You see, Fear is only one half of the energy force, the destructive side, known as “God,” and you will NEVER eliminate it, as it is eternal - All you can do is cease scooping it up from the ‘Divine Buffet’ and putting it onto your plate (your mind). But even that perspective isn’t enough.
Until you remember the ultimate truth of who you are, you will see yourself as helpless and weak against ‘an outside force;’ you will continue to struggle and fight against Fear, which only strengthens its hold on you. Truthfully, this ‘struggle and fight’ within your mind is the struggle to accept your true nature. Once you make peace with that, it’s game over!
When you genuinely understand and live from the perspective that God and you are one (because only God exists), you realize that Fear has no power over you because it is you; it cannot control you, force you, or make you choose it – it is simply an option, and it can only offer itself as a way of experiencing life, though that life will be one of watching your dreams continuously be destroyed right before your eyes; it is the choice of curses, hell, darkness, and the destroyer of dreams, and why would you consciously choose that?
The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Are you living in the present moment? If not, you are “dead;” you’re wasting your life!
I am not saying your life isn’t meaningful or that you shouldn’t have dreams to work towards.
I am asking you, are you wasting your life trying to “be” something that you are not, something according to other people’s perceptions of what it takes to be valuable and acceptable in life? Are you ‘conforming to the world,’ following the crowd, hiding yourself in order not to be rejected? Or are you valuing yourself, being yourself, because YOU understand that YOUR life is meaningful?
Ask yourself, “Am I, in this present moment, living in the truth of who I am, or am I hindering my life because I’m clinging to a false version of myself, the one that stems from other people’s fear, the one I pretend to be to in order not to be rejected, Am I in the world but not of it, or am I conforming to it?”
If you find yourself stuck in victim consciousness, you must exchange it to be free. You must cast off the ‘old nature and put on the new. ' You must step into the furnace and be reborn from the ashes—you are The Phoenix, after all!
Letting go of victim consciousness is, symbolically, releasing Barabbas and crucifying Christ; it is surrendering your struggle and simply being ‘The Light’ and allowing IT to ‘raise you from the dead’ and to flow through you and provide for you, allowing IT to live your life and be you.
Letting go isn’t giving up; it is powerful and brave, something most people fear. Remember that, trust, allow the ‘trumpets of The Last Judgement’ to blow on YOUR life and rejoice!
The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Once you have freed yourself from old thought patterns and realized, "You become what you think about," you must shift your perspective toward creating a new future. Otherwise, you will continue to perpetuate the present moment, which is neither, spiritually speaking, hell nor heaven; it's a state of limbo – where there is no vision, the people perish.
But once you reach this point, the present moment isn't discarded but is transformed.
Even though you are free from the past and have fixed the vision of your future in your mind, your body still lives in the present moment; it is the vehicle that carries you from your current situation to the fulfillment of your vision. You must begin to live as though your prayers are already answered and look away from all that distracts you.
This way of living is not easy initially, for it is not the way of the World, which requires a detailed map of all the necessary steps to take between point A and point B; it needs assurance that all will work out before moving into the unknown wilderness.
The "Who Am I?" soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Being in the present moment is highly misunderstood. Why?
The present moment is shaped by what was. When you focus only on the present moment, you only view what is, what is wrong, and what you lack. Things that keep you stuck running around in circles and never getting anywhere.
And yet, you must be in the present moment to be free from the past; it is an essential element in freeing yourself from past trauma and cycles of the past.
"Wait, I'm confused. Didn't you say, 'Focusing on the present moment keeps me stuck?" Yes, it's a paradox.
Let me explain.
When you properly focus on the present moment, you notice and then redirect your mind away from the internal loop patterns of your thoughts, which began in your childhood; it's the way to break free from the unconscious slavery to a mindset that you've inherited that is shaping your continuously unfolding present moment; it helps you to recognize that you are experiencing moments of déjà vu because you are creating your life from events in your past that no longer exists, outside of your mind – you are shaping your World with the ghosts of the past.
SYP "The WHO AM I" Soundtrack on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
'The World' is not a reflection of you.
Seriously, are YOU responsible for hatred, greed, war, poverty?
What about joy, happiness, prosperity, and beauty?
Yes, you may be 'experiencing' these things, but you are not responsible for what you see in 'The World,' whether good or bad. Thinking so is arrogant and self-righteous; at the core, it's victim consciousness!
You see, 'The World' is nothing but a reality that grants us the ability to experience all that Source is—a Divine buffet that offers us the choice to select from the Eternal experiences of heaven or hell, blessings or curses, the light or the dark, depending on what WE put on 'the plate' of OUR minds.
So, what are your current experiences 'reflecting' back to you?
Your current state of mind; your beliefs about what you are worthy of receiving from life, AKA: Your Inherited Negative Self-Image Root.
When it comes to 'the world,' don't worry about what others are putting on their plate; we all have the free will given to us by The Source to choose for ourselves. Instead, your focus should turn inward, determining for yourself what you are worthy of experiencing, which ensures others are not allowed to 'make up a plate' for you, especially with their use of guilt and shame, which is a tactic to control you or keep you stuck in their choices, all stemming from fear.
Shifting your perspective isn't a light undertaking; it isn't at all rainbows, butterflies, and namaste that the self-serving and hypocritical fake prophets and self-help gurus that build communities fostering an identity around dependency, helplessness, and the idea that others have any power over you and your life, while simultaneously peddling you out of your money and leaving you even more confused than before (don't even get me started).
By the way, rainbows and butterflies come AFTER experiencing 'the flood' and the chrysalis. Change only occurs after you unapologetically and consciously choose from the buffet of life, AKA: Renewing your mind and permanently changing your belief in what you are worthy of. No guru can do that for you.
No, walking away from the conformity of what everybody else is choosing isn't easy.
However, it is required if you want the ability to experience the 'dream life' stuck in your mind due to the fear of being rejected. Which, if you are honest, they have already done, and you're simply stuck in the trauma of what has already occurred.
SYP Music Playlist on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL
Why do you feel guilty for what other people have done to you?
Is it because you feel responsible? Or that perhaps you owe them something?
Whatever the reason, you will never be free mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc., until you learn this very important lesson.
Do you wish to know how to be free of their choices? Listen in as I share lessons learned.
Apple Music Links:
Miss Me Blind by Culture Club https://music.apple.com/us/album/miss-me-blind/724214023?i=724214062
Lay It On The Line by Triumph https://music.apple.com/us/album/lay-it-on-the-line/1287325301?i=1287325846
Moving beyond the trauma of years of violence and abuse can seem like a neverending journey, but it does finally come to an end; there is a genuine release from your suffering caused by others, so NEVER give up; keep walking toward it and get your freedom!
Listen in as I share my experience of knowing it's truly possible for anyone if they choose.
To be free from the past and able to move into your 'new story,' you must say "YES!" to life, which means you must accept what "Life" really is. Because if you resist it, it will persist.
Listen to learn wisdom gained from my out-of-a-life of violence and abuse.
Running around in circles trying to figure out the past and why they did the things they did to you?
You will be on that merry-go-round your entire life if you don't stop and see the truth of who you are.
Listen in for wisdom gained from having been there myself.
You are instructed to "calleth those things that been not as though there where," so, how are you to experience 'true love' or your "Sunshine Family" when all you've known is pain, betrayal, abuse, and violence?
Listen in for wisdom learned in moving beyond the 'old story' of victim consciousness.
Imagine a life where you are free from the doubts and traumas of your past.
A life where you have left "The Past" behind, crossed the Red Sea, and learned to be grateful, and now you have arrived at the gates of The Promised Land, AKA: your New Story—a life of "It's Possible for Me!"
Even at this point, few will make it. Want to be one of them?
Listen to the wisdom gained so that you can avoid the pitfalls and struggles many face.
It's time to take control of your life and step into the future you deserve.
There is only one way you will make it beyond the life you are currently experiencing...that is the path of Gratitude.
But what is gratitude really?
Listen up because you're gonna need it.
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