This episode explores how China's supreme leader Xi Jinping revitalized communist ideology. He remains a true believer in its false tenets. The program reveals that a new school of thought among China experts in the West incorrectly argues that Xi is not seeking global domination. These China hands seek to minimize the ideological danger posed by Xi's China. They say his goal in building massive military forces is solely to keep the despised Chinese Communist Party -- and himself -- in power. The latest program explains why this is wrong and further delves into the goals of Xi's Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era -- the new era being X's rule over China's 1.4 billion people and the adoption of aggressive Leninist actions to expand the CCP's power in seeking world domination under Chinese communism as a Marxist historical goal. The counterproposal section explains how Marx's atheistic theory of conflict and struggle is wrong. Instead, cooperation is the true path toward solving social problems. The news portion discusses the controversy over a key Pentagon policy position in the new Trump administration, and the interview portion hears congressional testimony from one of the world's top China experts, John Garnaut. Must listening!
Devastating wildfires destroyed large areas of Los Angeles and prompted intense criticism of LA Mayor Karen Bass, a Marxist-Leninist who traveled frequently to Cuba for radical training in the past. Bass, along with Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, failed to effectively prepare for the wildfires by cutting funds for firefighting and instead spent millions on politically correct radical environmental programs. The failures reflect a long-term radicalization of politics in California which has become a largely socialist/Marxist enclave. This episode explores how radical Marxists like the late Tom Hayden successfully advanced radical policies now adopted by many leaders in California.
The counterproposal section discusses the roots of inhumanity in Marxist-Leninist ideology: The false claim that people are non-spiritual beings.
The news portion looks at how communist-nationalists in China are expressing admiration for President-elect Trump.
The interview section hears from Roger Canfield, author of the book American Lenin on Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda. Must listening! -
Episodes manquant?
The Chinese Communist Party has persisted since seizing power in 1949 because of a fundamental failure on the part of American and international leaders to understand the nature of the communist system it imposed. These include the failure to properly identify its nefarious activities, its strategic goals, and most importantly seeing through its grand deceptions all of which are driven by its ideology – dubbed Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics.
This episode explores the heart of the problem -- the failure of national leaders to tell the truth about Chinese communist acts of aggression. There is willful blindness. There is wishful thinking. There is mirror imaging. There is corruption. There are all sorts of business interests that would prefer to try to do harmonious business with the Chinese Communist regime, just the way businesses sought to make money doing business with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and with Nazi Germany before that.
The counterproposal section offers a powerful solution to defeating communism ideologically through understanding the nature of God. The news section presents new information about Beijing's strategic deception operations, and the interview portion hears from Miles Yu, a former State Department policymaker and China specialist. This episode is must listening! -
This episode explores in detail one of the most important features of Marxist and communist ideology -- redefining terms. This practice has been a key element in deceiving tens of millions of people into accepting communism's false and quasi-religious beliefs. The counterproposal section presents a key element needed for countering Marxism-Leninism -- understanding the nature of the First Cause of the universe. The news section details how the Chinese Communist Party is using its United Front Work Department to infiltrate and influence state governments. The last portion of the podcast replays an important speech given in 2020 by then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on CCP targeting state governments for influence activities. A must-listening program!
China's Communist Party broke with the Soviet Union over the denunciation of Stalin in the 1950s and remains a Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist regime that regards its version of communism with Chinese characteristics as the only true ideology. In fact, Chinese communism remains as false and misleading as its Soviet progenitor. This episode looks at how the CCP continues to grapple with its faulty ideology and seeks to cover up its false tenets with new tools of obfuscation. The counterproposal section discusses how Chinese communism operates as a false religion, and highlights the need for the use of truth to counter its precepts. The news portion examines how the People's Liberation Army is supercharging its propaganda and influence operations on American social media with artificial intelligence. For the interview, I spoke with China expert Miles Yu, perhaps the world's leading expert in exposing the fallacies of Chinese communism. This episode is must listening!
The neo-Marxist assault on the institution of the traditional family is the focus of this episode. The current trend in advancing radical gender ideology in America is not an isolated progressive policy. It is rooted in Marxist theorists of the Frankfurt School. Those radicals adapted Freud's theories on the role of sex in human behavior and merged them with Marxism. The counterproposal section examines the role of the family as the foundation for a future God-centered world. The news portion looks at Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic nominee for vice president and his past relationship with China, a topic also discussed in my interview with China expert Bradley Thayer.
This episode drills down on the Marxist-Leninist concept of perpetual revolution which is a key driver in Chinese communism. Mao Zedong used this concept in launching the disastrous Cultural Revolution and now Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping has embraced perpetual revolution in his drive to advance Chinese communism globally. The counterproposal section explains how the divisions in the world today between autocratic states led by communist China and democratic states led by the United States reflect a historical pattern of God's providence of restoring humankind. The news portion examines Beijing's choice for U.S. president and the interview section hears from the great writer and publisher Roger Kimball on the Democrats' devotion to socialism. A must-listening episode!
This episode provides the first public critique of a new U.S.-based communist movement that emerged in July. The Revolutionary Communists of America is a Trotskyite Marxist Leninist organization that rallied in Philadelphia and is vowing to overthrow the U.S. system of freedom and democracy and replace it with a communist regime. The counterproposal further expounds on how Judeo-Christian principles and values are the most effective way to neutralize American Marxism. The news portion examines the convergence between American communists and radical Islamists now promoting the terrorist group Hamas. Lily Tang Williams, a survivor of Cultural Revolution, reveals how American radicals are following Mao's playbook in a drive for power. A must listen episode!
To paraphrase Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto, a specter is haunting China. It is the specter of Historical Nihilism. This episode reveals how the Chinese Communist Party is conducting a major Marxist-Leninist 'rectification' campaign to ruthlessly stamp out what it regards as a major ideological threat called historical nihilism -- code for anyone or anything that opposes Chinese communist ideology and is seeking to expose its murderous past. The counterproposal presents a Judeo-Christian counter to historical materialism, and the news section explores the new Cold War with China. The interview portion includes a segment from Chris Chappel's excellent program China Uncensored on how the CCP is redefining terms to promote its ideology. This episode is must listening!
This episode explores the history of American Marxism heavily influenced by radical Saul Alinsky (1909-1972). His book Rules for Radicals remains a critical revolutionary tract outlining how to gain political power under the rubric of community organizing. A generation of leftist U.S. political leaders, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, are among his admirers. Alinsky pioneered the Marxist technique of fueling social unrest, resentment and grievances in pursuit of political power in America. The counterproposal section offers a Judeo-Christian alternative to Marx's historical materialism. The news portion looks at leftist policies under the Biden administration. The interview hears from Mike Gonzalez, co-author of the recent book NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It. Must listening!
Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping, a neo-Maoist orthodox communist, is reviving the false ideological precept that Marxism-Leninism is scientific. Boasting a doctorate in "scientific socialism," Xi is forcing this dogma on the 98 million members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who are then spreading it worldwide as part of plans for overthrowing the U.S.-led system of democracy and free markets. For the counterproposal section, this episode further expands on what I'm calling the VOC world view that provides a powerful Judeo-Christian system of values and practice in seeking solutions to problems communism will never solve. The news portion is based on a report that explains the Marxist-Leninist underpinnings of CCP expansionism today and its goal of world domination. My interview is with Brad Thayer, co-author of the new book Embracing Communist China: America's Greatest Strategic Failure. Must listening!
U.S. intelligence obtained new details of subversion and political warfare operations in the United States by China's Ministry of Public Security, the political police and intelligence service of the Chinese Communist Party. An MPS defector for the first time provided direct evidence of MPS operations aimed at sowing social divisions in America through anonymized Facebook posts. Targets included the 2022 elections, the origin of the Covid virus, attempts to whip up racial divisions by exploiting the George Floyd death anniversary, and other nefarious activities. The details are contained an FBI document submitted in federal court. The counterproposal examines the most important way to counter communism and Marxism through a God-centered worldview. The news portion reveals how Marxists are covertly attempting to take over the Democratic Party. The interview portion is with China expert Kerry Gershaneck, author of the book Political Warfare. Must listening!
This episode examines what I will call the non-kinetic threat posed by Chinese communism. That is, the diabolical nature of the anti-human theory and practice of Chinese Marxism-Leninism and how the current leadership in communist China is seeking to reimpose high-technology Maoist tyranny worldwide. The counterproposal section continues with a general overview of the VOC worldview that seeks to explain through Judeo-Christian principles where communist ideology is false -- such as the nature of people as spiritual as well physical beings. The news portion looks at a recent I wrote article on the Chinese military's secret development of marine toxins, and my interview is with Steven Mosher, a great China expert on his new book -- The Devil and Communist China. Must listening!
The third season of Victory Over Communism is underway and this episode examines Critical Race Theory as the new face of Marxism in the United States. This destructive ideology was modified from its past variants by adding distinctly American features. First, CRT embraces the Marxist philosophy of resentment and hatred of religion but now filtering it through the lens of racism. Second, American Marxists embrace CRT as an adaptation of failed Soviet communist ideology through what is called post-modernism, or neo-Marxism. This was done by updating the ideology to the ways of the 21st Century while seeking to explain away the failures of 20th-century Marxism. The counterproposal section further expounds on the VOC worldview with an exploration of a new understanding of Judeo-Christian principles. The news section looks at how woke ideology is tearing the fabric of American society. My interview is with David Burgess, an expert on Critical Theory who has developed WICC -- woke ideology critique and counterproposal -- that calls for a renewed American Revolution.
The Chinese Communist Party is now publishing its Marxist-Leninist ideological journal online. The latest issue is the focus of this first episode of Season 3 of the Victory Over Communism podcast. The Central Party School journal known as Qiushi -- deceptively translated as "Seeking Truth" in Chinese -- published an article on Chinese diplomacy that reveals Xi Jinping's ambition for a world dominated by Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics. Despite its packaging as somehow Chinese, this is the same old European communist ideology known for producing death and disaster wherever it is imposed. The counterproposal section explains that the ultimate solution to defeating communist ideology is through understanding God and his relationship to people. The news portion hears from a former CCP insider, Cai Xia, who broke with the Chinese communists based on Xi Jinping's attempt to impose communist orthodoxy throughout the nation. My interview for this episode is with Thomas Cromwell, author of the fascinating book The Triumph of Good: Divine Providence, The Cain-Abel Paradigm and the End of Marxism. Must listening!
The Chinese Communist Party is working within the United States to weaken and ultimately destroy the only nation that stands in the way of Beijing's strategic goal of achieving global hegemony. Chinese influence and infiltration operations in America highlight a threat that is no longer limited to a potential regional conflict in the Indo-Pacific. The CCP is inside the wire and actively subverting the American system of freedom and free markets. The counterproposal section addresses the need to return to and promote America's Judeo-Christian values that are under assault by Marxists as the key to countering communism. The news portion tells how Congress for the first time has launched a major investigation into Chinese influence and infiltration activities targeting both the U.S. government and the entire American society. The interview portion is based on portions of a speech to Hillsdale College by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. A must-listen to episode!
One of the most important VOC podcasts, this episode examines in detail the ideological and strategic characteristics of Chinese communism and how Beijing is seeking nothing less than world domination under Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics. The counterproposal debunks the Marxist myth of humanity as mere animals and highlights the truth of the spiritual nature of men and women. The news section provides an excellent analysis of how China's ruler Xi Jinping is seeking to infuse Confucianism into his brand of communism, a doomed attempt considering Marxism's atheism and hatred of religion. My interview is with Miles Yu, director of the Hudson Institute China Center and the most knowledgable American on the subject of Chinese communist ideology
Neo-Marxists are promoting radical racial and gender policies that are being forced on the U.S. military by the Pentagon. The effort is undermining morale and hurting recruitment and retention of the best military in the world. This episode looks at the active program within the Biden administration to remake the military into a left-wing ideologically motivated force. The counterproposal compares the atheism of communism with a true solution to societal problems, a God-centered worldview. The news portion explores woke narratives being pushed in the Pentagon. Two interviews for the episode include a talk with Michael Lucci, founder and CEO of State Armor, a new group focused on countering Chinese communist subversion at the state and local levels. I also spoke with Will Thibeau, an Army veteran battling the imposition of neo-Marxist woke ideology in the military.
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 saw the demise of Soviet communism. Now in 2024, Marxism-Leninism is again on the march as the Chinese Communist Party declares that will impose its brand of communism on the world. This episode looks at the "Sinicization" of communism under Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping. The counterproposal section debunks historical materialism and offers a God-centered alternative regarding the true march of history. The news section examines the moral destruction caused by Vladimir Lenin who died 100 years ago this month and the lasting impact of his ideology. The last section hears from excerpts of a 2020 speech by then-Attorney General Bill Barr on America's new twilight struggle against Chinese communism. An important episode!
Neo-Marxism is the subject of this episode that reveals how Marxists are seeking to take control of all elements of American society -- schools, media, Big Tech and business, and even science with the goal of imposing Marxist ideology on the United States. The counterproposal section addresses the false Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and shows that cooperation -- not conflict -- is the basis for progress and development. The news portion discusses Xi Jinping's Christmas speech marking Mao's birth and his threats against Taiwan. For the interview portion, I spoke with Xi Van Fleet and her new book, Mao's America: A Survivor's Guide.
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