Valentin Heun is a VP of Innovation Engineering at PTC where he is leading the PTC Reality Lab. His research focuses on new computer interaction methods for the physical space. His work was named by Fast Company as Boldest Ideas in User Interface Design, and has received global recognition.
Powerful ideas are hidden in simple implementations
00’40”: Valentin Heun background and his experience in the MIT Media Lab
02’40”: Graphic design as a human perception problem
05’05”: The potential of Augmented Reality through spatial learning
06’30”: What are the origins of the ptc reality lab?
08’15”: What were the first few projects the ptc reality lab worked on?
11’00”: AR is not a second world on top of the existing one.
12’20”: Technology changes the physical world around us.
14’45”: Using AR to guide a robot spatially instead of through a screen
16’25”: PTC’s Expert capture product
17’25”: The reality zone
18’40”: Combining AR with IOT to create value
19’50”: Understanding and interpreting data with AR
21’20”: Societal concepts and technological infrastructure are holding AR back from entering the world
28’15”: The concept of contextual computing in order to serve the relevant AR experience
30’20”: Contacting the ptc reality lab for potential collaborations
Videos of ptc reality lab:
Chark fink convergence:
Contact the ptc reality lab team:
XR is changing how we learn. Lorenzo Vallone, from the Award winning studio Xennial Digital, sat down with us at VRX 2019 to share their thirteen STEM education experiences, A Magic leap climate
change visualization, and their social impact work in Guatemala and Columbia. Xennial Digital won the award for the 2018 most innovative company by the La Prensa newspaper.The most unique part of Xennial Digital is how they are partnering with schools to make high school students product designers on their educational platform. This results
in a product that is made for students by students with expert oversight and guidance. Their success is shown when students spend forty minutes modifying variables
to observe and understand outcomes.00'35": Xennial Digital general overview
01'20": Working with private schools for a virtual reality pilot to get kids excited about science
03'20": Getting students involved in the development process as product designers
05'30": Formalizing the program with an interdisciplinary group of kids
08'40": Discovering what about STEM children love or find interesting and capturing that curiosity in the product.
12'40": Climate change visualization for Magic Leap
15'00": Working with non-profits in Guatemala to provide students with XR technology
17'28": How experiences in the virtual world were able to transcend into the real world and provide people with the aptitude to change the world around them.
22'30": Columbia Human rights festival project around landmines in rural areas that are still killing over one thousand people each year.
25'50": How to dissect a pig.
27'25": The business value of XR technology
29'45": Perception of the self and others in virtual reality
30'58": Rebuilding the Globe Theater and performing William Shakespeare Virtual Reality live with trained actors
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XennialDigitalXR/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/XennialDigital Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11508318 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xennialdigital/
34'25": Training people on these new technologies is critical to adoption.xennialDigital.com
Miami VR Expohttp://miamivrexpo.com/
Episodes manquant?
We sit down with Derek Belch, CEO of Strivr, to discuss enterprise VR training. Strivr is the leader and best known
for their product delivered to Walmart installed in each store on over 17,000 Oculus Go's. The conversation begins around the origins of Strivr between Derek Belch and Jeremy Bailenson then moves into the details and challenges of onboarding enterprise clients. After covering the details of custom XR training we move onto the bigger picture of of using AR and VR for training and their use cases from custom training, to sports, and improving
soft skills. Lastly, Derek closes out the conversation by sharing proven value and stats delivered to clients.00'00": How did Strivr get started?
03'25": The Strivr mission statement
05'00": Approach training as religion and performance improvement
05'20": Was VR a hard sell to clients?
06'45": challenges in the enterprise space
07'20": Oculus enterprise licensing
08'27": Logistics of building for enterprise at scale
10'00": Is everything custom or are some things reused?
12'20": Training modules aren’t all that different from games. What are the differences?
15'14": How do you work with the creating a statement of work?
17'05": Is strivr set to exclusively working in the enterprise and sports verticals?
18'10": What’s next and how is newer technology changing how VR training is done.
21'20": Is the cost or the technology holding back AR from widespread enterprise implementation?
23'20": Who is requesting AR?
23'50": How setting unrealistic expectations are misleading stakeholders and consumers.
25'15": What are the most requested use cases from potential clients?
26'30": Soft skill use cases and how Soft skills are a hard sell because it’s difficult to measure value.
28'22": What are the challenges behind implementing sexual harassment training?
31'00": The science supports that VR is more effective for training.Links:
bostonvr.org -
After the reality virtually hackathon, we spoke with Brian Cohn from the winning team move2improve. Others on the team were
Roghayeh (Leila) Barmak
Betsy Skrip
Cameron Peirce
Chris Berry
The reality virtually hackathon had 450 developers from 35 countries composing 105 teams competing for various prizes. 40% of participants were women/non-binary. This makes the reality Virtually hackathon the largest, most diverse XR hackathon in the world.
Brian is the chief data scientist at Kaspect working with fortune 10 companies, hospitals, and biotech companies. Brian's Phd focused on human muscle control patterns as they related to heath, development, aging and pathological conditions.
We discuss Brian's experience at the Reality Virtually Hackathon before digging into his medical background. We then dig into Brian’s work using peripherals to track and treat diseases such as Parkinson’s. In each of the topics we discuss, a resounding theme is data privacy and how collected data is used and we ask the question... Does the data even need to be collected?
01’30”: how did move 2 improve go from idea to hackathon winning team among 105 teams.
03’00”: diseases and traumas that require physical therapy
03’35”: Building the team at the Reality Virtually hackathon.
04’27”: Is XR the best fit for move2improve?
06’20”: The move 2 improve experience explanation.
08’20”: How does move to improve help the clinician?
08'55”: USC study to evaluate the VR data collection of tremors and “shakiness”.
10'50”: healthcare expenses and VA initiative to do more telemedicine.
12’00”: HIPPA and XR as a data collection device
13’10”: FDA approval for commercial grade therapeutics
14'00”: building in safety protocols into XR environments
14'50”: At what point did Brian pick up XR development?
16'05”: The importance of conservatively collecting and user data
17'00”: Oculus Runtime and mobile app data collection example
18'00”: Data doesn’t have to be big to make a big change!
19'50”: Brian’s takeaway from the Reality Virtually Hackathon.BrianCohn.com
The wild: A cloud collaboration tool for sharing and desiging ideas.
Connected platform toJason parks was able to connect with Gabe Paez, CEO and co-founder of The Wild, A cloud-based, real-time collaboration platform
for designers to create and share immersive experiences.00'30": Brief overview of the wild
03'00": Creating shared spaces with agency
03'30": How an interetest in Lucid dreams led Gabe to create the wild
05'10": Supported formats for models you can import into the wild
06'55": Target groups are Architechture, Engineering, and Construction: Gabe warns start ups not to shotgun to each vertical.
08'00": Focusing on experience designers and creating virtual spaces with their use in mind.
09'40": How can a company interact with and use the wild?
11'35": From a plane to my office, How and where can people connect to the wild?
15'00": Who is using the wild now and for what purpose?
16'42": How does the wild support partners and new users?thewild.com
https://twitter.com/TheWildXR -
Charity Everett is an ARTiste who is working on a groundbreaking episodic storytelling project that utilizes AR while exploring the themes of humanity, and evolution of art, technology, and storytelling.
Charity cut her teeth in XR while working on a VR musical experience as a part of the inaugural Oculus cohort. She has since completed multiple Artist residencies, spoken at GDC, AR in Action, and ArtTechPsyche IV at Harvard.
Show Notes:
0'00": Charity’s Background and first VR project
4'40": Mobile based AR and real world examples
5'30": Accessibility not just as an experience but as a medium anyone can use to express themselves.
7'35": What is Go Back Fetch it?
8'15": Challenging preconceived notions about our reality.
10'05": charities choice to root the digital experience in physical pieces.
11'00": How the project started and changed as Charity worked on it.
14'00": Basis for the title and art style of Go Back Fetch IT
15'05": A trip to the moon by Georges Méliès
16'30": development process and techniques for go back fetch it.
17'35": information about how to find charities work.
18'20": What should viewers take away from Go Back Fetch it?
19'50": where does charity expect people to interact with Go Back Fetch it?
21'00": What apps can be used to interact with Go Back Fetch it?
22'20": Advice from Charity to aspiring creatives
23'20": AR without coding and how to get started
Twitter: @CharityARtiste
Matthew Shifrin has been visually impaired his entire life and is working with Daniel Levine on Project Daredevil to make comics available in a more inclusive and accessible format than what currently exists. They are doing this with an experimental headset that allows for new sensations such as the feeling of flipping, falling through a portal and utilize that to immerse users into the scene. The core focus on the project is to make Daredevil, the only blind super hero, acessible to the visually impaired.
You contact Matt and Daniel via email at: Comicsfortheblind@gmail.com
0'00": What is Project Daredevil?
1'25": What blind people miss in film and comics.
2'55" “Hey, isn’t ironic that the comic book industry’s only blind character is completely inaccessible to blind people.”
3'44": Matt meets daredevil writer Mark Wade.
4'30": Experimental VR headset
5'40": What would different super heroes feel like?
6'35": how intense are the sensations from this header?
7'45": Current haptics and what innovation this headset brings
9'20": Practical Foley like eating potato chips
9'50": New England Conservatory Grant for the radio drama.10'08": The energy that comes from a room of voice actors and the use of a 3D microphone.
11'40": What are the next steps for project daredevil?
12'45": Companies , conventions, and Authors in support of adapting their works to audio drama. Marvel, DC,Neil Gaiman, Jamie Delano.
14'45": What does this headset feel like?
16'00": The process of adapting comics to audio.
18'35": Can you have a VR or AR headset too?
20'55": How are these effects tested?
24'15": What are the theories behind the design of the headset to generate these effects?
26'30": Has this been done before?
27'00": What audio dramas inspired the type of work that is being done for project DareDevil?
28'15": Using headtracking with 3D audio to create new experiences.
32'15": This project is to bring blind children into comics and have the shared experience that sighted children have.Virtuality.show
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigvready Produced by Jason Parkshttp://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
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Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter.
The automotive and manufacturing industries have huge incentives to simulate their parts and how the manufacturing process due to the high cost of the machinery. Another concern is for worker comfort and associated healthcare ergonomics involved in the manufacturing process. We speak with Andreas Werner of Advanced Realtime Tracking to learn how his tracking research is used in the R&D process for a variety of verticals.
0'00": 19 years of Advanced Realtime Tracking
2'00": What type of tracking markers are used?
2'30": 6 degrees of freedom headset attachment for 3 DOF headset
3'25": Motion sensor handset made for Volkswagen
4'55": Using VR to simulate manufacturing an engine before the machine and tools are built.
6'40": Using tracking for including real parts in a simulation.
7'32": Andrea’s favorite use case: Visibility studies such as driving a car through a simulated city.
9'15" What are some untapped industries that aren’t using Virtual Reality?Links:
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigvready Produced by Jason Parkshttp://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
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Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter.
We try to understand how Virtual and Augmented Reality Visualizations are used to sell industrial products.We spoke with Joshua Smith from Kaon interactive at VRX 2018 in Boston to learn more.
0’00": Who is Kaon Interactive?
2’07": Using AR to show how medical equipment fits and works within a medical environment.
3’17”: Telling stories helps create an emotional connection to a product.
4’20": The more immersive and relatable context the stronger the emotional connection
5’20”: All our clients are asking about VR and AR.
5’55": “They don’t have an AR problem they have a sales problem."
7'30": Choosing web VR over other headsets.
9'00": What verticals does Kaon work with?
10'00": Working with an oil company to Visualize a flow meter.Links:
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigvready Produced by Jason Parkshttp://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
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Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter.
How is AR affecting manufacturing and logistics? Ubimax has an answer. We speak with Hendrik Witt CEO of Ubimax. Their premier product Frontline has won the Accenture: German Innovation Award and an Auggie in 2017 for Best Enterprise solution.
02'30": What sets frontline apart?
03'05": Frontline Command Center
04'00": Making the process hand free
05'00": Without any preexisting knowledge of order picking we can go into a DHL or Amazon facility and understand the process.
07'10": Reducing factory downtime with remote support
08'10": The frontline suite - instantly get support to fix an error
08'55": Ubimax Frontline :A device agnostic platform
10'50": Google Glass Partnership
11'50": Measuring improvements via frontline analytics
14'00": Learning from customers to improve the platform
15'00": How does Frontline change the inspection process?
16'10": Performance improvement metrics in DHL order picking
20'10": large partner programLinks:
Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/CraigVReady
Produced by Jason Parks http://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show? Did we miss something? Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter. http://.twitter.com/virtualitycast -
Andy Greff is the CEO of PLNAR which generates fully measured 3D models of rooms for home planning and insurance adjustment. We touch on how PLNAR is helping replace a retiring workforced but also how it impacts hurricaine victims by getting them their insurance checks faster. PLNAR was selected as a finalist of the global AR pitch. This is episode is a first in a series of our coverage of the Global AR pitch finalists who presented at AWE 2018.
The PLNAR App creates fully measured 3D models of rooms. Simply follow the instructions to outline the inside of your room and PLNAR will generate a PLNAR Pro Report with pictures, interactive 3D Model and CAD files.
Insurance claim assessment
01’48”: what can planr do for me?
03’47”: Global AR pitch process
04’35”: what devices does planr support or plan to?
05’20”: Problems with AR adoption
06’10”: teaching the user
06’55": difficulty of developing an AR product
09’15": how do insurance companies work with Planr?
11’05": what type of file types are supported?
11’55": using voice to annotate models
13’30": Genpact partnership
13’44": An aging workforce causing massive skills gap.
16’30": remote assistance
16’45": reducing the cost per claim of 30 million claims.
18’15”: Reducing reimbursement times from FEMA during natural disasters.
21'00”: Plnar is input agnostic and not tied to a device.
23’10: Tribe VR
24’10”: PLNAR has a lot of use cases that meet real world problemsLinks:
Tribe VRWatch the AWE Global AR Pitch from Andy:
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigvready Produced by Jason Parkshttp://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show?
Did we miss something?
Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter.
We chat with Ross Shain about his Sci-Tech Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts given to the Mocha team in 2013.
Mocha has been used for the Harry Potter films, latest Marvel Movies such as Black Panther, and other known films such as Black Swan and Birdman. In short, In the Oscars for VFX the artist most likely used Mocha at some point in the workflow.
Mocha VR has won multiple awards across the industry. Below is a sampling of the more recent awards.
2018 Advanced Imaging Society Technology Award -Mocha VR
2018 Studio Prim "Bleeding Edge Award" -Mocha VR
2017 Multiple "Best of Show Awards" at NAB (Post magazine, Digital Video Magazine)
In addition to Mocha, the parent company, Boris FX sells multiple editing tools. We talk with Ross about his experience and how these tools are being used for VR and 360 content.
1'35": Ross explains how Mocha was used in Harry Potter films
3'00": Academy Sci-Tech Award and Plan Tracking Discussion
4'45": Black Swan Natalie Portman
6'00": Birdman - Michael Keaton
7'00": common editing issues object removal, stabilization, “invisible effects”
7'50": Ross’s favorite scenes, Harry Potter, Marvel films such as Black Panther
9'45": Are movies ruined for Ross?
11'15": History of visual effects in film such as Star Wars, King Kong, and other films that came before green screens.
14'20": What gaps is editing software does Boris FX and Mocha fill?
17'00": What challenges does Stereo bring to editing versus monoscopic?
20'50": stereographer
21'25": How did mocha get into 360 video
25'25": What’s the mocha team like?
26'50": Specific use cases that mocha 360 solves
30'35": types of 360 cameras in the market
32'12":Visual Effects arms race for 360 content
34'30":Common 360 video mistakes and how Mocha can solve them.
37'10": importance of reference shots and thinking about the set to avoid post production problems
38'40": Parent company BorisFx plug-ins for Adobe and Avid
39'10": Continuum VR unit by Boris Fx and features
40'57": How have creatives used mocha in ways that Ross did not expect? Stephen King IT.
43'00": Horror In VR , Speak of the Devil
44'35": Interactive 360 content
47'00": What is Ross’s favorite 360 content he has experienced?
47'50": Felix and Paul Isle of Dogs Experience
50'10": How Stephen Spielberg used VR while filming Ready Player One
52'05":What are the hard to reach problems that everyone would love solved via software but isn’t done yet?
53'50":Beat Saber
56'00": Speeding up the processing time per frame
57'50":Is the team looking to grow?LINKS
BorisFX Facebookmocha Facebook
Boris FX Twitter
Mocha on Twitter
Training Tools for 360/VR ContentRed 360 camera
Light sail VR : Speak of the devilRYOT: Hulu Series Door no. 1
Wes Anderson : Fantastic Mr Fox
Check out the Felix and Paul: Isle of Dogs : Behind the Scenes in Google Spotlight Stories -
Welcome to part two of our Pax East Coverage! In this episode we talk with developers from Turin Italy and Melbourne Australia.
In the first Interview we explored the VR experience "Blind" and speak with Matteo Lana from Tiny Bull studios to understand the inspiration and thought process behind the design choices.
In the second interview(14'30") we went into a paper town in "Paperville Panic". Then chatted with the Master of Mache Meredith Hall from Ultimerse.
Featured Content:
Paperville Panic - Ultimerse
Blind - Tiny Bull Studios
First Interview
2’55”: Puzzle design Process
4’50”: consulting with sight impaired and blind people for inspiration
11’39”: Surprise Attack Games (publisher)
12’18”: Blind is a narrative driven puzzle solving experience
13’28: The WardenSecond Interview
14’30: Paperville Panic Interview with Merideth Hall
15’48: Budget Cuts
17:00: Paperville Panic Art style
17:55: Locomotion: free roam and locking the player in.
18:55: A paper town with paper rules and quirks.
22:20: Melbourne development community
23’50”: VR isn’t going anywhere27:00 “Sometimes you get home from work and you don’t feel like having the weight of the world on your shoulders. But the weight of a papertown? That you can do!”
27’06”: influences from other games
27:55”- alternating mechanicsStudio shout outs:
Opaque Media Group Earthlight
Samurai Punk: American Dream
Tin man studios
Welcome to Part 1 of our Pax East Coverage. We talk with Montreal developer trebuchet about their second VR title "Jousting Time" and their original title prison boss VR. We then
talk to Stuido about "The take" which is remincent of spy vs spy. It's a unique concept. Both Jousting time and the take make these vr experiences fun to watch and implement
social aspects which make them great for spectators when guests are over. We're interested to see how more VR devs try to break VR from the premature "Isolating"
tag it has been given.00’50”: Interview with Trebuchet
02’45”: Social interaction for spectators
04’20”: Twitch integration
05’30”: Kickstarter
07’00”: The yelling mechanic
08'00”: Armor system
09’30”: Match Format
11’00”: Why Kickstarter? Can it fund development?
12’40”: Prison Boss VR
14’00”: Resource management
16’50”: Pricing
18’00”: Picking items
19’00”: Interview with Stuido
20’00”: playcrafting NY
20’45”: The Take summary
22’35”: Origin of comic book art style
24’00": Release roadmap for other headsets
24’48”: What were some VR design challenges ?
25’48”: Making an accessible VR experience.
27’05": Fun to watch
28’28": What are some challenges as a VR studio?Kickstart info for Jousting Time at
Prison Boss VR
https://store.steampowered.com/app/673600/Prison_Boss_VR/The Take
https://store.steampowered.com/app/809410/The_Take/Play Crafting
Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigtherndon
Produced by Jason Parks http://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show? Did we miss something? Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter. http://.twitter.com/virtualitycast -
We talk with Eric Vezzoli of gotouchvr and dig beyond haptics as a tool for increased immersion. We discuss how haptics is currently best used for training motor memory, the differences between U.S. and European start ups along with other uses for haptics outside of VR. Eric is the youngest awarded by the European Commission for outstanding research applied to entrepreneurship in at the MSCA 2017 prizes. He is one of the most cited young Haptic Scientist in the world. He published 23 scientific papers and deposed 5 patents.
00’57”: Eric background
02’50”: Haptics is a bidirectional interaction
04’00”: There is no one solution for haptics
08’00”: Using real world objects to enhance the virtual experience.
09’20”: It is not clear how to communicate touch. Nor is there a protocol
11'00": Haptics companies are struggling to justify the cost versus benefit.
12’20”: Getting investor attention for a Haptic device.
13’28”: Using Haltic’s to train multi modal memory
15’58”: Haptics aren’t scalable
17’25”: Haptics aren’t shareable
20’35”: Haptics as a platform
24’25": The Haptics community is small
26’22": Go Touch VR: The VR Glove without a glove.
30’45”: Who is Go Touch working with?
32’11”: what’s next for Haptics?
35’05”: What’s the difference between U.S. and European start ups? 37’40”: What is the European VR community like?
40’40”: How does one get into Haptics?
43’18”: How is haptics used outside of VR?
46’30”: Can Haptics increase user engagement?
49’13”: How can we make haptic devices shareable?
50’30”: What are the next steps for Gotouch VR?
53’20”: Can consumers get Gotouch VR? gotouchvr.com
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigtherndon Produced by Jason Parks http://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show?
Did we miss something?
Did we get something wrong? Reach out to us on twitter.
Welcome to Season 2 of the Virtuality Podcast. We brought Kathy Bisbee on the show to talk about the Brookline Interactive Group and their Public VR Lab. Once a community broadcast group, Kathy has led the transformation into a media center with VR at it's focus. We talk about her projects locally and with the United Nations.
0'00" Brookline interactive group
4'00" Public vr lab
6'15" projects for the United Nations
9'45" Cultural differences in experiencing VR
11'45" Immersive story telling and media literacy
15'00" Hero’s journey
17'15" Agency within an experience
18'50" Difficulties of communicating what VR is like to those who haven't tried it.
20'20" AR experience with local monuments
21'26" possibilities with the freedom trail
23'00" Standardization of distribution in AR
24'00" Location based services
24'48" Creating a community for collaborative creation without economic incentives
27'05" Empowering new creators with the skill set to make their own XR experiences
28'40" Is google cardboard doing VR a disservice?
31'23" VR is on the eve of adoption
31'45" Technology driven adoption versus Consumer first Adoption 33'40" What first demo
34'20" Creator of Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland at VRLA 2017
35'55" VR creatives need to think about what people want
37'40" importance of Location based VR experiences
39'48" VR is a paradigm shift equivalent to the internet
41'00" Public VR lab projects
43'00" Immigration stories told through VR
48'00" Dip in VR adoption makes it a great time to learn
49'30" We need more diversity in VR
50'15" purpose of viveport
52'50" Talk to your community media centers about VR
53'50" Hamilton is just one immigration story, what could more do?
56'31" making the experiences, technology , and VR industry as a whole accessible.
Links: Public VR : http://publicvrlab.com Hubweek
Justin Roiland co-creator of Rick and Morty VRLA talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPN5V7ZEcrQ
Eyes Wide Open: VR Journalism http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6959518/
The Blu http://store.steampowered.com/app/451520/theBlu/ or https://www.viveport.com/apps/1b591122-7ab7-4c27-9d31-cbaf9ef8e1e1
Ritchie’s plank http://store.steampowered.com/app/517160/Richies_Plank_Experience/
Google Earth http://store.steampowered.com/app/348250/Google_Earth_VR/
Future of storytelling festival https://futureofstorytelling.org/fest
Mindtrek VR https://www.mindtrekvr.com
Traces http://www.experiencetraces.com
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,http://twitter.com/craigtherndon Produced by Jason Parks http://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show? Did we miss something? Did we get something wrong?
Reach out to us on twitter. http://.twitter.com/virtualitycast
Join us as we reflect on 2017 and recap the big moments that stuck out for us this year! This is the first episode where we decided to just sit down and chat instead of an interview. Let us know what you think and may do more like this!
0'00" State of the industry: sales overview
2'00" AAA’s come in VR -Skyrim
4'00" Farpoint
5'25" Favorite VR experience this year -Chocolate
7'48" From other suns
9'55" House of the dying sun
11'28" Using joysticks for movement
12'00" episode highlights of the virtuality podcast
15'40" big stories from 2017
19'19" so many headsets!
20'20" headset recommendations
22'25" TP cast wireless VR
23'35" Stand-alone headsets ' Oculus Go, Vive focus
25'15" Oculus commercial license
26'25" exit reality
28'40" Social VR
31'00" Facebook spaces
34'00" Vancouver VR Scene : CVR expo (rebranded to vu.live)
35'55" Call to action
36'30" Ready player one
39'00" Movie VR experiences
40'10" China VR Scene
42'21" Mind Trek VR
42'50" VR, AR, XR, MR... what?
44'55" Magic Leap Headset
48'13" AR tools and solutions
49'30" VR fitness challenge #VRFit
52'50" did we miss anything?
Websites: VrHealth.institute - this site shows how many calories a vr expereince burns on average
Boston VR steam group:
VRTK - https://vrtoolkit.readme.io/
Ready Player One: http://readyplayeronemovie.com/
Experiences and games:
Chocolate vr expereince - http://store.steampowered.com/app/575420/Chocolate/
From other suns - https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1226573594029268/
Farpoint - https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/farpoint-ps4/
Skyrim VR - https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-vr-ps4/
Fallout 4 VR - http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/611660/
Doom VR - http://store.steampowered.com/app/650000/DOOM_VFR/
Pavlov VR (essentiall vr counterstrike) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/555160/Pavlov_VR/
Vacation Simulator - https://owlchemylabs.com/announcing-vacation-simulator/
Headsets: Standard headsets: Vive https://www.vive.com/us/
Oculus Rift https://www.oculus.com Playstation VR : https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-vr/
Newer headsets Pimax VR headset - https://www.pimaxvr.com/en/
Magic leap- https://www.magicleap.com/ Lenovo - https://www3.lenovo.com/us/en/jedichallenges
Suite of Microsoft headsets -
Standalone headsets:
Oculus Go - https://www.oculus.com/go/
Vive Focus - https://www.vive.com/cn/product/vive-focus-en/
Social VR Alt space https://altvr.com/
High fidelity https://highfidelity.com/
VRChat https://www.vrchat.net/
Facebook spaces https://www.facebook.com/spaces
VR Near you
Void : https://www.thevoid.com/
TPCAST (wirless vr for vive) - https://www.tpcastvr.com/
Exit reality -http://exitrealityvr.com/
Conferences mentioned:
Pax South - South.Paxsite.com
CES - https://www.ces.tech/
Vancouver VR Conference - vu.live
SVVR - http://svvr.com/conference-expo/
AWE - https://www.augmentedworldexpo.com/
Credits: Host:
Craig Herndon, http://twitter.com/craigtherndon
Produced by Jason Parks http://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show? Did we miss something? Did we get something wrong?
Reach out to us on twitter. http://.twitter.com/virtualitycast
We invited Hugh Hancock, founder of machinima.com and the person who coined the term of the art form “Machinima”. We discuss how Machinima’s early days relate closely to the VR medium today. Hugh’s background in film feature itself in the story and presentation of Strange Companies premiere VR title “Left-Hand Path” which released on steam November 10th. It is one of few experiences featuring over 15 hours of content. We go into the game’s mechanics before wrapping up with a brief discussion of motion capture and the state of the VR market for indies.
0’00": Summary
1’00": Hello
2’00": Machinima vs Machinima.com : What's Machinima?
5'15": What did Machinima mean to film and creators when it started?
11'48": When was it apparent Machinima was a new medium for film?
14'25": Video streaming before YouTube
16'15": The Server Froze
18'25": Limits of technology in 1996 for machinima
23'00": How did manage the actors/cast?
27'45": Legal Barriers to Machinima
36'00": How long would Bloodspell take today?
37'50": VR as a new medium for film
40'00": Avatar “technically machinima”:clarifying Hugh’s definition for Machinima
43'00": VR makes it easer to produce
46'00": Left Hand Path
51'10": “This game is designed to make you feel like a scared, fragile, human”
52'40": Casting spells like you're a wizard
56'25": Husk mechanic
57'45": Latest monsters
59'45": Types of spells
61'20": Lovecraftian influence
62'20": What’s next for Left Hand Path?
63'00": What’s after Left Hand Path?
64'22": What’s the limit of tech now?
68'40": Motion Capture systems: NVN, Neuron Perception, Rokoko,Hi5 Glove
80'20": Left-Hand Path and how indie devs are more accessible than their AAA counter parts.
80'22": Flight sims and training
88'10": The indie difficulty of content discovery and marketing in VR
91'50": Will we miss the Minecraft of VR?
Show notes: Left-Hand Path: http://store.steampowered.com/app/488760/LeftHand_Path/
Hugh’s company website: http://www.strangecompany.org
Hugh’s twitter: http://twitter.com/hughhancock
Links mentioned: BloodSpell: http://www.bloodspell.com
Eschaton Nightfall: Not currently available online.
Darkening Twilight: (Part1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51OOyvJlIY4
Death Knight Love Story: http://www.deathknightlovestory.com
Hardly Workin' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL7TJdQO-PE
Male Restroom Etiquette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzO1mCAVyMw
The machinima piece Craig worked on: Operation Burning Sands Part 1: https://youtu.be/y6HceFWMgsQ
BF2 Mine video mentioned by Craig: https://youtu.be/SIo3q-tcmk4
Affectiva: https://www.affectiva.com/
Virzoom: https://www.virzoom.com/
Face fx: https://www.facefx.com/
Raquette NX: http://store.steampowered.com/app/428080/Racket_Nx/
Credits: Host:
Craig Herndon http://twitter.com/craigtherndon
Produced by Jason Parks http://twitter.com/jasonparksvr
Music by Rachel Dziezynski
Got comments on the show? Reach out to us on twitter. http://.twitter.com/virtualitycast
Lyron Bentovim is President and CEO of the Glimpse Group based out New York City. We cover the NYVR Expo, the challenges of being a startup, and how the Glimpse Group addreses those roadblocks. Later in the show we harp on the power of community and the importance of engaging your passion. Best part for us is when Lyron confirmed Boston is a potential new hub for the Glimpse Group.
0'00" : NYVR Expo
1'40" : NYVR start up pitch
6'10" : What is the Glimpse Group
10'10": Building a team atmosphere
12'28": What was the series A funding for?
14'50": Boston Hub
16'00": Launching a start up
18'40": A product for today
20'15": Various verticals within the Glimpse Group
25'10": The challenges of raising capital as a start up
28'50": Expectations once funded
32'00": When are you ready for funding?
34'30": The Glimpse model is unique
36'00": Room, Desk, or car?
39'40": What should parents do to ready their child for a start up?
41'00": Engage your passion
44'50": Alt Space Salute and the power of community
46'55": Fictional worlds have a draw
47'45": Lyron’s favorite headset
59'40": Closing comments
Questions for Lyron? Reach out to him at: Lyron@theglimpsegroup.com
Show Links:
Credits: Host: Craig Herndon,@craigtherndon Produced by Jason Parks @jasonparksvr, Music by Rachel Dziezynski Got comments on the show? Reach out to us on twitter. @virtualitycast
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