
  • Day 213 - The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that the podcast is about 2 months behind real-time and we’ve just finished May. I hate to say it because I committed to you and myself at the beginning of the year that I would post daily blogs, but life, well life, and cruising are just getting in the way. Recording daily worked whilst in lockdown but I’m really struggling to find the time and effort.

    Let me elaborate regarding “effort”. It’s not that I don’t enjoy doing them, of course, I do why would you/I do something you/I’m not enjoying. It’s not that Willow and I have stopped walking because clearing that demanding young lady, as all dogs do require commitment, effort, and walking.

    As you know we are now back out cruising and as such, I’ve gone back to vlogging which for me is super time-consuming, you’ll know this if you’ve watched any of our videos.

    Also, and probably reflecting the main reason is we lost Eva in June. Dave and I are truly heartbroken but Willow is totally lost, sad and upset she has never been without Eva and I don’t think she understands. The walks are very different now. We go we walk we come home it’s as simple as that. Both Willow and myself have withdrawn into ourselves. I don’t feel funny and the last thing I would ever want is too laden you with our sadness day in day out. The loss of Eva had left complete devastation behind. It’s something we are all working through and it’s only now some two months later I feel able to tell you. But please DON'T say the words; don’t offer kindness and condolences because that’s the reason it wasn’t mentioned earlier. It’s enough to know you’re thinking them and want to say them but if you do that will just break me and I am barely holding it together as is. As such whilst we still walk, I don’t do the daily blog post and I’ve kind of lost my mojo, it’s all very sad and we’re all sulking.

    I have to say even though I’m out of sorts and a bit down I'm so very appreciative that you have continued to check in to see how Willow and I are progressing with the walking. All be it that sometimes they contained very little walking indeed.


    This is a full audible version but A FULL WRITTEN VERSION is on our website.


    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/narrowboat-changing-pace/message
  • Day 155 – They say they come in threes. Bad luck, because clearly feeling like life has a downer on us, so it isn’t going to be the good stuff. Inadvertently got scammed last night – was expecting a parcel, paid for a parcel to be delivered, and shouldn’t have. Had to phone the bank and police and froze my card. Then my computer crashed this morning from overwork. So, I’m just sat here waiting for the third and final strike to bear down on us like a ton of bricks. And sit here I wait.

    We were meant to be moving forward on our travels but with the third one looming I really want to sort out this big IT mess, which it is finally, after much scrabbling around doing.

    We’re going to go for a walk down by the River Don when it cools down, otherwise, we’re going to have some very super hot dogs. The downside of that is the little beasties will be out ready to bite and suck.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/narrowboat-changing-pace/message
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  • Day 154 – We continue our narrowboat cruising journey along with the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, which includes the beautiful Don, we travel under the magnificent Conisborough Aqueduct. It just can’t help but take my breath away. I have a somewhat reasonable excuse for not walking, there is no towpath, and what with all Dave’s van and bike shuffling I am required yet again to skipper the ship. Lol, I say that like she’s massive, but no we are so dwarfed in this much bigger, more impressive surroundings. We pass some very beautiful sea-going boats. What we fondly call Gin palaces because palaces they are. Boats slow down when crossing or near moored boats but these Gin palaces really struggle to go slow with their two turbo engines. Would I swap, probably not – all that bouncing about would probably make me queazy.

    Came to another favourite spot to meet up with friends, and we clearly ordered the correct sunshine because we were all able to sit, eat and play outside. Ching Ching bottoms up. Hope you also had a good day.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/narrowboat-changing-pace/message
  • Day 153 – This is a walking diary, right? Well, maybe but it’s evolving into more of an overview about our lives rather than any serious walking. Started with good intentions and I hope to do more walking in the future but right here, right now – no walking involved today. We traveled 14 miles and not a single step was counted. Okay, 3600oddish was, but I didn’t walk a single step. We traveled down the Tinsley flight, and apart from moving my arms a bit, my legs didn’t walk anywhere. I noted my tummy rumbled as I missed breakfast, and it’s not like you can stop mid-flight and grab something to eat, especially with volunteers – which is a new thing on the flight.

    Dave did all the walking, but then he’s not walking 1000 miles in a year. Willow is, but then all she did was make her presence known by barking. We let them out at the private garden and several enclosed locks along the way, but as for walking – no not really, none was done. But the important bit here is, we are off – on our way. We are not going where we wanted to go, with all the breaches and restrictions, so I think we must be on plan G. We’re not going up Ripon Canal, those works have a 3 month lead on them. We thought we’ll go up the Lancashire Canal. No, we’re not doing that. We think the BCN Marathon Challenge that wasn’t on, might be, but don’t know what date so it looks like we’re heading south but again with all the restrictions which way? 

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/narrowboat-changing-pace/message
  • Day 152 – I would say I haven’t walked a single step today but I have – Dave was snoring next to me when Willow started screaming at 7am. It was so early I must have been on autopilot and took them out Yes, I know all you keen ones get up at 5am and have done all the super important jobs before you go, do a full day’s work, and then come home and are a domestic god. Me – I’m not employed so I prefer the more leisurely approach; it matches my walking style and suits me to a T.

    I was going to say I haven’t walked a single step because today we broke free. Yes, fine we were going the wrong way up the canal, but free is free. We have left the Marina, we are truly Nomads, or the other term is water rats. I’m not sure where the term comes from, but I think it stems from working barge families back in the day. But I don’t know really – do you?

    We left the Marina today and boated down to Victoria Quays in Sheffield City Centre – defiantly going the wrong way for our boating season, but no matter how many times we have been into the Quays we have never taken the Silver Propeller challenge location photograph, as set by the Inland Waterways Association. It’s like a Narrow boating game of Bingo in various different spots throughout the network.

    We turned around and came back to our secret spot, the girls love it here – free to roam and play. We go back to Tinsley tomorrow to pick up Natasha as we head out. Think she’s escorting us out so she knows we’re gone. Rude I know!!

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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  • Day 151 – Quite a lot of walkers about – no I wasn’t including myself. I’m well off the boil. You know a serious walker when they have sticks and backpacks. This only confirms my bimble tendencies, but as they say Rome wasn’t built in a day. Oh yeah, they also say the Tortoise won the race so you just think on. Willow and I are getting there, we’ve just passed the 450 miles banner. I never doubted we could, and will do it, but it’s only at a much slower pace than others, who I believe are already heading back. I hope they bring me some Scottish Tablet – a lovely sweetie bar that I just can’t get enough of. It would have enough energy in one bar to get me the rest of the way.

    Because of the current situation we find ourselves in – avoid big groups and mask up, and also Willows unpredictable behaviour, I tend to get her to hang back, sit and wait to allow the masses to walk through. The Towpath isn’t so wide and we would end up rubbing shoulders especially with Willow to Heal, ie; at my side.

    We’d, well Willow had already been barking and making a show of herself with the working boat, and the ramblers seemed very interested in what they were doing. Been there done that. I did have to smile when one of the ramblers tried to open the lock gate when the working party was half way up in the lock. It’s hard to remember that some people just don’t know – why would they. It’s like I know nothing about golf, apart from the clubs get heavy when you’re lumbering them about. Also, golf is good walking, and if your ever asked the answer, its quite simple, of course Louise wouldn’t cheat if she got stuck in the sand dune or water. I’m glad we got that cleared up because you never know when that sort of question would come up.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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  • Day 150 – Took Dave to work again today, nope not for an Eva appointment, but something was clearly sick on the boat. I was sick of my laptop, and it was a sick laptop, which had to go to the doctors. To the shop. The shop opened at 9.30am and was banging on the door, Okay I exaggerated that bit but I was there pretty much after it opened. The man’s question was ‘Are you alright?’ and I sobbed ‘No’. He said he’d look and if he couldn’t fix it no charge so that was a little ray of light.

    As I blow the dust off the old laptop, I stepped back in time. To a time when things took just that little bit longer because it was ever so slow.

    I pottered around the boat because we are going out at the weekend. We are waving byes-y-bye and leaving the Marina forever. To become continuous cruisers, and travel the canals – well we would if we could, but we can’t, there are so many restrictions we are now on plan G, but probably will work our way through the alphabet

    Willow and I took our daily jaunt and we did selfie’s like we was young people. Willow did it regally and I was crawling on the floor trying to stay upright and extend my arm to get us both into shot. I can only liken it some weird yoga that you do with your dog, and I think there are actually classes like that, but unless Willow and I were the only participates, and even the teacher wasn’t allowed to bring her dog, then no Yoga would get done.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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  • I know you know what I’m talking about when I say – it should do this, but won’t – WHY WONT YOU DO IT? I’ve looked it up on Google and You tube and I purchased the same extension twice. I’ve spoken to my IT Guru and still, you sit there vexing me. Just sitting there looking smug with the progress reading ‘waiting to download’ Okay then – Do that then. Nothing stopping you. Why are you being so mean?

    Yes, that’s right, I’m having another laptop meltdown. It’s not until you start to write things down and reflect on your life, and you think I couldn’t possibly ever see this happening to me, and when I read this back in a week, a month, a year I’ll be full of denial. But right now, in this the current present, OMW my knickers are in such a twist that the frustration could be called ‘wind the bobbin in’

    I nearly did that thing that you’ve seen on movies when they are sitting at a table and something kicks off, and then they just flip and upturn the table, my lifting, and flipping. When I say nearly, I didn’t but I’d like to have a go at it. With the slow-motion playback and the drinks spilling in mid-air.

    After the flipping the table, I walked out. Best go out and calm down because this is doing my noggin in. Nice day and good company, Willow and I were getting on well and I managed to calm myself down.

    Think the duck may have wound Willow up a tad, but I was good. It’s good to be outside and let your mind refresh. Take a breath or two. I decided to leave it, no more I’ll just do this or I’ll just try that. The laptop was going into the shop to get sorted before I threw it into the cut (canal)

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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  • Day 148 – First Day back on the job after a weekend away. When I say job I mean, back to walking because that is my job. Dave brings home the bacon and I stay at home to dog-sit or as I like to call it, Eva’s personal PA/Nurse and Willows personal NoooNoo0/Security Blanket. Would I have it any other way, probably not. But the conversation is slightly limited to watch me do this, stroke me, feed me and look at what I produced. Next door was talking to her cat and how me and the girls laughed when I told them. (Stolen Joke but still funny)

    Shocked, or was I shocked, to see that someone had snapped the baby fruit tree upon our return. I was slightly shocked because I do like to see the good in people, the pride they take about their local community, and then again not shocked at all, more disappointed that I thought it might happen and it did.

    Willow bounced her way down the lock, she seems in good spirits I am putting that down to for the brief time we were out we didn’t get wet. Also, good enough for me.

    There is a collection of stone slabs on our walk and so the tale goes in yonder years gone by, that they are the old remaining stones from the old lock house that used to sit further down on this stretch of the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal. I don’t know that much about them, but it’s where the chicken foot gang sit, its actually where everyone sits and today it is where a man sat with lots of plastic carrier bags. It’s not something that I see every day and as such something that sticks out to me. The fact that he was still there when we came back, nothing at all unusual in that. He was still there when I went out with Eva and still there when we came back. Now my curiosity is peeked. What is he doing? Who is he waiting for? Why all the bags? these and many more questions will never be answered, but maybe he’ll become a regular to us, maybe not, but he might.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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  • Day 147 – We’re going home today, even though the boat is a 50-foot Narrowboat Cruiser Stern there appears to us to be more room at home. I think that’s because everyone knows their space. At Mums the girls just lay in the middle of the floor. I think in Willow’s case in hopes of bullying and tripping up Nanny.

    One more call of technical admin and then we’re heading home. Have to say,I’m not used to all this frolicking and I’ve got work to catch up on.

    We walk the girls on the return to the Marina and it’s spitting, so not quite rain but it’s trying. We unload and unpack and finally at a late hour manage to sit down. No one can be bothered to cook so we end up with a toastie, you know I really enjoyed it. Sometimes it’s just the simply comfort food we crave. Unlike Willow, who craves all food. I hate the dogs watching me eat and sometimes they think they can get away with it and when I send them away, they don’t move they just advert their eyes, guessing they still want to taste and see it in the smell, what with dog noses being ten times more powerful than ours.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/narrowboat-changing-pace/message
  • Day 146 - Hooray it’s here, the first family gathering in what seems like donkeys’ years. We’re all going out for a meal tonight.

    Last night didn’t go well, and Willow was all out of sorts, no problems with Eva, but Willow kept checking I was there, which I was. It was a bit like been tortured when you just drop off and they wake you up.

    Went to a jeweller in Louth, Lincolnshire with Mum to get my necklace repaired. It used to be my dads, and he had it made at these jewellers. Nice to be out with Mum and dog-free. Walked about a bit in this historical market town, some really nice buildings, but Mum was more interested in having a coffee. Did I tell you I hate coffee, not to worry, I roughed it with a cream tea. I know what a saint I am. Grimsby was our next point of call, and by the time we got back to Mums, Dave had had enough of Dog-time. Needless to say, Eva was no problem, but it didn’t bowed well for the Dogsitter we had coming in. After Dog sitting people don’t really want to offer their services anymore, and again, I reiterate, I don’t think it’s because of Eva.

    As we’d fed the dogs, we ran out of the door for fear that Willow would become worrisome and by all accounts, she spent the next 15-20 minutes whining out the window. I do fear that the neighbours would have thought the world was ending, I can only hope they are hard of hearing.

    Being out with family was nice, nice to laugh, joke and remanence. Fill in the blanks of the last 12 odd months. Lovely meal and I never once had ‘wish I’d ordered that’ envy

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    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

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    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

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    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

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    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • I asked Dave to pack the day before because I wanted to pack the van up and meet him straight from work before we hit the motorway in rush hour. Pleasantly surprised that we managed to get the Friday Mad hour with little delay. Apart from the man in the Merc who didn’t release the traffic in his lane and slowed down and as his stopping distance was reduced by speed, he tried to swerve into the lane I was driving in. I was surprised about the fact that he thought two vehicles could fit into one lane and funnily he didn’t seem to see the big white transit van whilst he swerved. Enough of my road rage, and onto to better and much Nicer things. We are on a road trip to Mum's. This will be the first time the whole family has got together in nearly a year and half. We are all staying for the weekend and I have a babysitter for the girls whilst Dave and I go out to play, a meal with the family tomorrow.

    Dave and I took the girls out for a walk across an unused golf course. It would have been a fantastic walk and we could have gone on for miles if we, hadn’t had Eva with us and yep you guess it the rain just would not stop. Oh no, it poured and poured, the big drops mixed with little drops, and then the extra drops off the trees when the wind blew. I would like to do the walk again, but preferably when it wasn’t raining. The only good thing about the rain as we had the golf course to ourselves because let’s face it what other nutters would be out in weather like this.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

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    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

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    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • You’ll never guess, wow, what a good guesser you are – your right it has been raining all day today. So, of course in turn it was raining for our walk. Gone are the keen days when I first started this challenge. I’m currently in the state of, make do and mend, and it will be what it will be. I’m sure there are some other sayings I could throw at it, but currently that’ll do for now pig – yep managed to throw a film reference in there as well. A veritable dictionary of use less quotes, of old wife’s tales, sayings and film references. Nooo I don’t go as deep as literature quotes of Keats and such like, I’m happy with the ones I’m using and quite simply, I don’t know the others.

    Thankfully I was wearing probably one of my most useful Christmas Presents, the old or nearly old Waterproof Walking Boot. It’s the little things that make me happy and dry feet has got to be up there with the greats, such as World Peace and Joy to the World, because to quote another good saying – An Army marches on its feet, meaning take care of your feet.

    I have a huge hankering for Drone playing, and whilst you can fly your drone in rain, it would entail getting wet and neither Willow and myself are into that, although Eva is another kettle of fish. She loves all that blustering rain – hot dog. I think I’ve just about squeezed as many sayings as I can into todays walking tales from under the grey sky. How many sayings did you count, or indeed know? Know any good ones? Let me know what you know. Thanks

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • April showers in May, it’s not cold, but the preference from both Willow and myself is that we would most definitely prefer it, if it, was just to ‘give over’ so we could get around our walk without becoming soggy sponges.

    The council authorities are out in force, two strimmers and one big mower. Having already had a run-in with them in the past, I don’t allow Willow to walk whilst their motors are still running for fear of stones being picked up. So, we wait and wait for the operator to turn off the motors, enabling safe passage from flying stones. Giant breeds are expensive enough without having broken, fractured or worst still, shattered bones into the mix – so we wait.

    I have to say the man operating the big mower was a little miffed by the second time we passed him and made him turn off the mower. By the third and fourth time, he looked very reproachable, that I can only liken to a bulldog chewing a wasp. I had to drag Eva by, she was plodding that slowly and his grimace was getting worst with each passing step. I smiled and waved sweetly as he kicked the machine back on. I was getting the impression he wasn’t after my thanks.

    Apart from feeling Guilty walking where we normally walk, nothing really amazing happened. It rained, been there done that. No chicken foot gang because they’re fair-weather friends. Empty footpath apart from the newly planted fruit trees in the middle of the Zoomie area. I guess that the whole picnic area will be up and running by the time we leave for the season. I wouldn’t even want to hazardous a guess as to whether it will survive. I hope it does, and whilst I think the fruit trees are pretty, I would much rather they fix the towpath but that could be just me being too pragmatic. CRT want to encourage people to use the towpath and with the towpath being the foundation of the whole walking on the towpath, it just makes sense to wait until the pump repairs, improve the towpath and then plant the fruit trees and picnic area. But Hey!! That’s just me, what do I know. I’ll get down from my box now, carry on, nothing to see here.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • Got a dog they said, it’ll be fun they said – what they didn’t say was that by getting a dog my focus for the rest of my days would be on poop. Walking at 5 am, I know some people enjoy it, some people like being up before the day has started and for others, the day is already underway. Me opinion is; are you mad – there is only one 5 o’clock unless you’re going on holiday, then no one minds getting up a 5 am. I woke up with a sniff, the most horriblist of horrible smells. I shot out of bed and knew instantly what was wrong. Poor old Eva has the poops. When I say poops is more like a running tap and the poor dog wasn’t able to make it through the night. Went out with whatever I threw on and the dog had me running down the towpath in desperate need of some grass because that is our preferred area even though she’d had an accident in the night on the boat.

    Of course, I went back to bed, I was tired and only went walking because the dogs needed it and knew the route. As I dozed off Dave got up for work and took the dogs out, again and again, she went number 2. Then I woke late morning to the frantic padding for yep you guessed it another desperate running tap poop. And then again early afternoon and then again pretty much every two hours. I’ve practically run a marathon. Maybe not an actual marathon but not far off. Maybe a fair way off but my legs are not used to running never mind the tugging on the lead. Hate dogs that pull, turn a blind eye to dogs that pull when they are about to explode.

    I’ve applied some binding medication that we have, so I’m hoping to have corked it to allow us to get through the night, but I might set the alarm and get up in the early hours just to ensure that the boat stays clean, and more importantly that Eva gets a break and isn’t in discomfort. Get a dog they said – it’ll be fun they said. I’m not having fun, can I get a refund?

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • Day 141 – Strange weather day today, it just can’t make up its mind if it raining or sunshine. It’s not cold but it’s certainly unpredictable. Looking at the clouds on the way down the locks big very angry and grey. Walking the other way is the blue and sunshine sky. It seems Willow and I will head into the storm. I may be overly metamorphosing our walk because 'the storm' almost sounds like we’re on the high seas and neither mine nor Willow's stomachs could take that to be fair. We do head down the locks under the grey sky hoping that the cloud manages to hold onto what it’s got. Raincoat on but it’s so hot, it’s almost a relief when it does start raining. Again, slight overkill with the raincoat, sure I would have been fine with a brolly but hindsight as ‘they say’ is a wonderful thing.

    Who are they by the way? I asked google who says ‘they’ are some people who say, but no definition of some people - are they my peers or society?

    As we head back up the locks, I spot an extremely faint rainbow, which really does sum up the day, because you only get a rainbow when the sunlight shines through the water and that it was so faint. Kind of says what I've already been saying the weather just can't make up its mind.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • Shot out of bed like the boat was sinking the second I heard Willow break into her high pitch scream. Even so, I have to admit it’s nice to be out early, the dew was glistening on the grass and the day is afresh and ready to begin. Dave wanted his golf clubs so we had to go to the lock-up and dig them out. Dave hasn’t played golf for years and years and years so needless to say his golf clubs were buried at the back, way way back. Whilst working through the lock-up the heavens open, and quite frankly didn’t stop raining all day. We got soaked at the lock-up, we got soaked whilst walking the dogs, and generally, we got soaked. So fair to say at a certain point of all the wetness you just can’t get any wetter. The only saving Grace of the whole wet soaking day was that it wasn’t cold – if it had have been, I don’t think I could have bared it. They always say to look for the silver lining, well it certainly wasn’t in the sky or the grey clouds that continued their relentless chucking it down routine. I guess that was the silver lining, it wasn’t cold.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • Up and out early today, up early because Willow deems it so. Some people have a Cockrel, others call them roosters, but universally they all say cock-a-doodle-doo and are driven by an internal clock that no one can fathom out. Me, I don’t need a Cockrel we have a Willow, and she whines and screams; it’s a noise that just grates all the way through you like you’re the invisible person. It’s always best to get up before Willow gets her scream on, because its like a knee jerk reaction very similar to the sound of a dog throwing up – you can be in the deepest of deep slumbers, but the retch or in our case, the scream of Willow is enough to have me jumping out of bed and throwing on whatever unmatching clothes are hanging around to get her out the door before she lets off another scream. Your right, our dog rules the roost.

    Quite fortuitous that we are up early, Dave wants to go to a van shop place that is only opened in the morning to purchase a four-way stretch carpet.

    Upon our return, we are greeted by barking and whining and sure as eggs is eggs or in this case, a dog is our dog, damm it! I do hope none of the neighbours wanted a lay-in - Sorry.

    In between the showers which do not seem to be going away, we stroll out for another family walk  When I say stroll I mean the term loosely; Willow soon perked up, after storming around like a hurricane and running at Eva faster than a speeding locomotive. Spending the energy penny and Zoomies a plenty She also found a stick which set her off into a dizzy dance of trotting with her knees bent high, Willow had a blast and I’m just guessing Eva looked so relieved and off the hook of Willows singular speedy attention.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

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  • Another busy day out walking on the towpath, it seems the volunteers for Canal and River Trust are back out playing now that restrictions are easing. They are digging and planting more trees and concrete bases for the positioning of the benches. Oodles of other people out walking about and everyone seems to be in a good mood. Apart from Willow, I think who appears to be most disgruntled. She spent a good portion of the walk hiding behind me.  I’m unsure if she was implying that my stature was big enough to hide a Great Dane, but she clearly got what she wanted and that was for all those outstretched arms to leave her alone – unless they wanted to hug me in the process, and I don’t think the restrictions have eased that much to fore fill any hugging.

    I tried to cheer Willow up but failed miserably. She didn’t seem overly impressed when I put a buttercup under her chin to see if she liked butter. Willow actually appeared to be a little suspicious of the bright yellow sunshine flower. Or is it a weed? The little buttercup was trying to remain out of this moody mess that Willow had encapsulated us in, refusing to comment on whether Willow liked butter. I didn’t see the little yellow shimmering reflection under Willow’s chin so can only assume that it was not commenting for fear of making the atmosphere just that little less moody. You and I both know that Willow likes, neigh loves anything from the kitchen so butter would be a very big tick.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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  • After the excitement of the last couple of days, what with Drone flying https://youtu.be/U_2RLvILQl4 , Snake in the canal, and what seems to be becoming a pattern, the lost eggs of young birds. Today is positively a dull day. No dinosaurs or horses were seen. No Mr or Mrs. Lochness. No typhoon or typhoo was spotted or had. Willow and I just trotted and talked, mostly about our excitement about our impending release from this dead arm canal. Well, I chatted, Willow rubbed her face on the floor like normal, like all other walks before and almost like I was telling her off again, surprise not in this instance, but I do liken telling her off, to Willows not listening, so I chatted to myself whilst being completely ignored by my shadow. Others gave me the sideways look of ‘soon you’ll be looking for hair in the palm of your hands but no one came outright and said – ‘who you talking to you nutter?’ gonna take that as a win I think. It did start to spit on the walk, but looking on the bright side, at least no one was spitting at us because I most defiantly would have set my cowardly lion on them. Okay maybe not, to be fair I might have had to bite their ankle myself.

    Yesterday’s drone footage is on Youtube if you’re interested. You’ll notice there isn’t a Willow insight, and that’s because that lovely black, white and green creature is becoming totally unpredictable. So it wouldn’t have been safe asking her to walk herself, which Eva did manage to do. I suspect Willow would have got into a tangle one way or another, either by tripping over her own feet or chasing a duck and flying off the edge of the canal. Seriously, all the misdemeanors that could possibly happen with that dog could send anybody’s imagination into a spin. But as I said Eva walked herself apart from when I asked her to wait. Alas no drone flying today, but that’s alright I’m still buzzing from yesterday’s efforts.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star rating or review and share it with those you feel would also enjoy them. Don’t forget to follow us, here for future episodes – once again thank you for listening.

    Same walk different viewpoints - Come say Hi at;

    Our website - https://changingpace.co.uk

    Louise's (Couch Potato) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://twitter.com/NbChangingPac

    2. https://www.facebook.com/NBChangingPace

    3. https://www.instagram.com/nbchangingpace

    4. https://www.tiktok.com/@narrowboatchangingpace

    5. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarrowboatChangingPace

    Willow's (Great Dane) account of the walks can also be found here;

    1. https://www.facebook.com/WillowTheGreatDane

    2. https://www.instagram.com/willowwalks1000miles

    3. https://www.tiktok.com/@willowwalks1000miles

    4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdl0W-Q_vJQmQQ3Ae1Bogw

    PLEASE NOTE - We are not contracted or affiliated with the official #walk1000miles challenge, we are just participants - https://www.walk1000miles.co.uk

    Some of our posts contain affiliate links, We earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using these links, they cost you nothing extra. Every little click helps, thank you for supporting us.

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