Episode 26: Hard SquirrelOur heroes prepare to start off for The Wizard of Wines the next morning. However, Semyon has made a disturbing discovery about their hosts…
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)
Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski)
Ultan as Semyon Anatov (Twitter @thesleepinggod)
Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)
Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)
Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)
Podcast produced and edited by Chris HillTheme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Welcome to the Party LinksTwitter: https://twitter.com/WelcomePartyRPGTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Patreon: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Episode 25: Little Wizard ManInjured, exhausted and smelling strongly of wood smoke, our heroes return to the inn and get more details of the job offer from Urwin Martikov
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)
Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski)
Ultan as Semyon Anatov (Twitter @thesleepinggod)
Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)
Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)
Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)
Podcast produced and edited by Chris HillTheme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Welcome to the Party LinksTwitter: https://twitter.com/WelcomePartyRPGTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Patreon: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Episodes manquant?
Ep. 24: Run, Little Vampire, Run
Our heroes fight with the vampire spawn has not gone as smoothly as they might hope, and they are now looking at making their escape...while they still canGoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Podcast produced and edited by Chris HillTheme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Welcome to the Party LinksTwitter: https://twitter.com/WelcomePartyRPGTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Patreon: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Episode 23: 'Owww', quickly followed by 'thud'
Our heroes take the fight to the vampire spawn. One side may have bitten off more than it can chew, but which one…?
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Podcast produced and edited by Chris HillTheme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Welcome to the Party LinksTwitter: https://twitter.com/WelcomePartyRPGTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Patreon: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Episode 22: Narnia Ahoy!Our heroes confront the coffin maker and make a horrifying discovery
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov and Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Podcast produced and edited by Chris HillTheme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Welcome to the Part LinksTwitter: https://twitter.com/WelcomePartyRPGTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Patreon: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Our heroes interrogate a possible culprit for the bone theft, and make some new discoveries.
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov and Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Podcast produced and edited by Chris HillTheme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Welcome to the Party Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WelcomePartyRPGTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Patreon: https://www.twitch.tv/welcomepartyrpg/Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Episode 20: When a sorcerer and a paladin love each other very much...
Our heroes make plans for finding the missing bones
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov and Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Theme music and artwork by The Sleeping GodA ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Bookzombie Presents Curse of StrahdEpisode 19: Very Tiny Rock LungsSemyon visits the church and finds out that all is not as it seems. Leena gets very drunk and Eremon goes job hunting
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
CastJosh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Theme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Bookzombie Presents Curse of Strahd Episode 18: Is this flirting?Our heroes finally arrive in Vallaki, settle in and immediately split the party…
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Ciaus as Darius Tahlvinhar Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)Josh as Eremon (Twitter @tehsarge)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Theme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Bookzombie Presents Curse of StrahdEpisode 17: You line 'em up, I set 'em on fire!Our heroes discuss the pros and cons of further windmill investigations and have one more fight before arriving at Vallaki.
GoFundMe link for Jason: https://www.gofundme.com/rallying-for-the-radtkes
Ciaus as Darius Tahlvinhar Penny as Marmoset Quince (Twitter @happypennski) Ultan as Semyon Anatov and Eremon (Twitter @thesleepinggod)Rik as Leena Random (Twitter @beHom_maS)Jane as Tizryl Forgeflame (Twitter @cellardoor10)Chris 'Bookzombie' Hill as the DM (Twitter @cjhbookzombie)Theme music and artwork by The Sleeping God
A ‘Bookzombie Presents’ Product for Welcome to the Party
Find out more at https://welcomepartyrpg.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.