
  • Your mindset has the power to shape your life.

    Discover how mining for gold in challenging situations can unlock endless possibilities and elevate your leadership journey.

    In this Heart Glow CEOā„¢ episode you'll learn:

    8 benefits of practicing positive reappraisalHow to transition from merely surviving to truly thriving through mindset shiftsStrategies to enhance your leadership skills, including boosting your problem-solving abilities

    Join us to unlock your full potential through essential tools that lead to self-mastery.


    Episode Mention:

    Mindset by Carol Dweck


    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a second to leave a review on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or leaning into downward-facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi



  • FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, robs you of peace by constantly pulling your attention away from the present moment and towards an endless cycle of comparison and anxiety.

    Instead of enjoying your current achievements and experiences, FOMO keeps you fixated on what others are doing, fearing that youā€™re missing out on better opportunities, more success, or greater happiness.

    This perpetual state of unrest creates mental and emotional turmoil that undermines your ability to relax and appreciate the here and now, leading to chronic stress and dissatisfaction.

    In this Heart Glow CEOā„¢ episode, you will learn:

    How to flip FOMO to JOMO so that you can relish what you do say YES toThe power to reclaim time and shift perspective is in your handsAn invitation to do less to experience more

    Choose to ditch feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to always be "in the know" and start sinking into your own joy. 


    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a few seconds to leave a rating and/or comment over on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or trying to lean into downward-facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi



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  • Many leaders feel it is weak to show emotions or if they are too soft they will be taken advantage of. This couldn't be further from the truth!

    In this episode, you will learn:

    The power of busting through outdated paradigms so your full authentic self can shine and inspireSteps to become aware of and familiarize yourself with a wide range of emotions so you can better articulate, navigate with ease, and deeply experience from a somatic levelA simple exercise to attune to the present moment without needing to solve or fix anything

    People relate to people ā€” being in this human experience is being subject to a rainbow of emotions. We are not robots after all. When you courageously express your feelings you make it safe for others to do the same.

    Episode Mentions:

    How Words of Affirmation Can Skyrocket Your Confidence as a Leader

    Mindset Cascade

    Feelings Wheel

    BrenƩ Brown's Book 'Atlas of the Heart


    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a few seconds to leave a rating and/or comment over on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or trying to lean into downward-facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi



  • Neuroscientific research supports the idea that positive affirmations can influence brain pathways and enhance better problem-solving performance under stress.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    The top 5 ways that words of affirmation can skyrocket your confidencePractical tips for incorporating affirmations to harness their full powerHow to harness the right words to turn self-doubt on its head

    You have the power to rewire your brain so that you can lead with confidence and ease. Why not try the simple and free tool of words of affirmation starting today?

    Episode Mentions:

    I Am Enough (book)
    We Can Do Hard Things (podcast)


    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a few seconds to leave a rating and/or comment over on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or trying to lean into downward-facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi



  • Research by Harvard Business Review reveals that 71% of senior managers find meetings unproductive and inefficient. This statistic highlights a significant opportunity for improving the way you conduct team meetings.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    How to optimize your meetings to be fun, engaging, and effective.Strategies to prevent burnout and resentment as the main facilitator.The secret sauce to transform stale, robotic leadership into genuine inspiration.

    Meetings are an integral part of business. Why not make them enjoyable and productive?

    Episode Mention:
    Want Harmony? First Cultivate Positive Energy in the Workplace (RE: Emotional Contagion)

    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a few seconds to leave a rating and/or comment over on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or trying to lean into downward-facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi


  • Positive energy can make a world of difference in the workplace.

    In this episode, you'll discover the top three ways to harness and amplify positive energy in your workplace. We talk about:

    1. Understanding the ripple effect of your emotions

    2. Mastering the art of setting a constructive emotional tone

    3. Practical strategies for maintaining a supportive and grateful work environment

    Get ready to infuse your workplace with an infectious enthusiasm that uplifts & empowers your team. It's time to shine brightly together and turn collective aspirations into reality!

    Episode Mention:

    Enhance Emotional Resilience with Gratitude

    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a few seconds to leave a rating and/or comment over on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or trying to lean into downward-facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi


  • In this episode, we embark on a journey to explore the profound significance of intention in shaping your path to success.


    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Intention: Delve into the essence of intention as the seed of all achievement.

    Embracing Growth: Discover why periods of darkness and silence are indispensable for personal and professional growth.

    The Blueprint for Achievement: Uncover a practical 3-step process to effectively harness intention and achieve your goals.

    Tune in as we unravel the transformative power of intention and equip you with invaluable insights to navigate your journey toward success.


    Share the pod love:

    If you like what youā€™re hearing on Heart Glow CEOā„¢, the best way to support the show is to take just a few seconds to leave a rating and/or comment over on www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

    Sheā€™s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

    When sheā€™s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, sheā€™s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or trying to lean into downward facing dog.

    Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


    Connect with Kc:

    Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi


  • Today's focus is on the hero's journey as a pivotal framework for personal growth and leadership excellence. The discussion delineates the journey into 3 distinct phases, offering a reflective lens for high-achieving leaders who are both heart-centered + mission-driven to consider their challenges and triumphs.


    I share personal anecdotes, inspirational quotes from renowned leaders, and a strong emphasis on the essential qualities of resilience, vulnerability, and the power of a supportive community.

    You'll be invited to acknowledge and embrace your journeys, contemplate the significance of transformation, and reflect on what it means to "have the strength for two."



    Joseph Campbell's philosophy called The Hero's Journey: "00:00:02"
    Nelson Mandela quote: "Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it": "00:07:21"
    Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: "00:11:41"
    Desmond Tutu quote: "My humanity is bound up in yours for we can only be human together": "00:13:12"
    GlowUp Online Healing Circle: "00:14:48"
    Louisa May Alcott quote: "I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship": "00:17:34"


    Want to connect with me?
     šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call Here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • In this podcast episode, Kc Rossi, an Integrative Leadership Coach, recounts her experience speaking at the Golisano Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship. She discussed "Architecting Wholistic Wealth," which involves creating success across all life aspects, not just financial.

    Rossi introduced the "six slices of the pie" concept, covering physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, connective, and collective well-being. She highlighted the WOOP method (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan) as a tool for achieving goals, emphasizing the importance of addressing each step, particularly anticipating obstacles. This message is about nurturing every facet of one's being for sustainable success and using WOOP to turn dreams into actionable plans.


    Episode Mention:



    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • Welcome to another episode of Heart Glow CEOā„¢. I'm Kc Rossi, your host, and Integrative Leadership Coach. In today's episode, I'm excited to delve into the fascinating concept of the "Glow Factor" for high-achieving female leaders.

    Join me as I share insights into the delicate balance between success and well-being, emphasizing the crucial role of inner radiance and authenticity in our journey. We'll explore the unique pressures women often face and discuss practical strategies to enhance our glow without sacrificing ourselves in the process.

    But it doesn't stop there ā€“ I'll introduce you to the idea of wholistic wealth, highlighting the importance of nurturing all aspects of our lives, from the physical to the spiritual.

    Throughout our conversation, I'll stress the power of community and connection in supporting our glow. And as we wrap up, I'll leave you with an empowering message: embrace your worth, embrace your potential, and let your glow shine bright!


    Episode Mention:

    Wholistic Wealth


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.


  • Are you a high-achieving woman struggling to align your team? In this gripping episode, Kc reveals the secret weapon for leadership success: swapping expectations for agreements.


    Discover how this simple shift can transform your work environment, enhance trust, and skyrocket accountability.

    Rossi's insights will rewire your brain from anticipation to cooperation, propelling you and your team toward unified goals.

    Tune in to learn how clear communication can amplify your ambition and lead to collective triumph. This episode isn't just a game-changer; it's a life-changer.


    Episode Mentions:

    Collaboration and the Social Brain: the Positive Impact of Working Together


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • In this podcast episode, Kc Rossi an Integrative Leadership Coach, discusses the constraints of adhering to a scripted persona, especially for female leaders.

    She encourages listeners to embrace authenticity over perfection, highlighting the limitations of over-preparation and the appeal of genuine individuals like Mel Robbins.

    Rossi references Vanessa Van Edwards' work on charisma, combining competence with warmth.

    Episode Mentions (books):


    She challenges her audience to express their true selves and share their experiences in pursuing authenticity, emphasizing the importance of genuine connection in today's digital world.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • You are naturally inclined to seek stability and familiarity, so when change disrupts this equilibrium, it can generate stress and discomfort.

    In this episode, we uncover 4 common factors that tend to shake people when it comes to change. You'll get actionable tips and insight on how to tune in and activate your calm confidence in any chaos.

    You will come to see how change is not the enemy; it's the heartbeat of growth.

    Let's go!

    Episode Quotes:

    "Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." Napoleon Hill

    "You don't struggle your way to joy; you joy your way to joy." Abraham Hicks

    "I never lose; I either win or I learn." Nelson Mandela

    "Focus on opportunities and how you want to feel, versus what's not working and why it's wrong." Kc Rossi

    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.


  • In this episode of "Heart Glow CEOā„¢" Kc Rossi introduces the podcast's new focus, aimed at high-achieving women seeking balance and transformation.

    She discusses the impact of beginnings on one's journey, the science of mindset and motivation, and the importance of setting clear goals with emotional engagement. Kc advises on the power of positive intentions, visualization, and routines, and encourages reflection and mindfulness to shape a successful narrative. The episode is a blend of scientific insight and practical advice for women leaders to achieve their goals with intention and fulfillment.

    Episode Mentions:

    The Mindset Cascadeā„¢

    Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones (Ikigai)

    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • Do you find yourself drained at the end of a client call or team meeting? You are not alone and there are solutions! In this episode, you will learn:

    āœØ How to increase your presence which will optimize your connections
    āœØ The Tune In & Shift tool which will radically conserve your energy
    āœØ How to utilize the Loop of Awareness which will supercharge your communications and results
    āœØ The key to staying in your own lane so that you can prevent burnout


    Episode Mention:

    Loop of Awareness by Katie Hendricks


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is a Wholistic Leadership Coach who helps female mission-driven CEOs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits while staying in alignment with their purpose.

    Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which allows her to bring deep insight to her coaching.

    Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint MethodĀ®, an approach that profoundly helps teams develop trust, improve communication, and amplify engagement.

    She is the host of 5-star Women Developing BrillianceĀ® ā€” The Spirit of Business podcast; a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose.

    When she is offline, you can find her meditating, whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York.

    Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • As I attended the memorial service for my neighbor Shane, who passed away suddenly at 61, my heart was filled with reflection.

    It made me realize how important it is to appreciate the people in our lives. I want to encourage you to take a moment and feel gratitude for your inner circle. Life is short. Let's make the most of it!

    I believe that through simple gestures like a warm hug or kind words, we can share our love with those around us.

    Linda Ellis's poem "The Dash" reminds us that it's not about the years we live, but how we spend the time we have (that space between the birth and death date on our tombstone).

    It's an invitation to live and love fully, to cherish the memories we make with the people we care about.

    I invite you to take a moment to appreciate the people in your life and let them know how much they mean to you.

    Then commit to living in a way that you're proud of how you spend your dash.


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is a Wholistic Leadership Coach who helps female mission-driven CEOs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits while staying in alignment with their purpose.

    Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which allows her to bring deep insight to her coaching.

    Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint MethodĀ®, an approach that profoundly helps teams develop trust, improve communication, and amplify engagement.

    She is the host of 5-star Women Developing BrillianceĀ® ā€” The Spirit of Business podcast; a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose.

    When she is offline, you can find her meditating, whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York.

    Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • In this podcast episode, Executive & Leadership Coach Kc Rossi interviews Leadership & Career Coach Jennifer Standish about overcoming limiting attitudes, self-advocacy, and confidence building. Jennifer shares her personal experience of being raised by a narcissist and the impact it had on her life and career. The two coaches offer tips on how to gain clarity and pause to make better decisions, build confidence in business and sales, and develop a success mindset. Jennifer emphasizes the importance of authenticity, integrity, and a desire to serve when approaching potential clients, and encourages people to stay in the game for long-lasting success.


    You will learn:Ways to traverse the effects of the pastThe power of self-advocacyEffective confidence-building tipsKeys to a salespersonā€™s mindsetStrategies to succeed at cold calling


    About Jennifer:

    Jennifer is the author of Permission Granted: Live Your Life Full of Joy and Peace, a book that offers readers practical advice on how to create an amazing life regardless of their past experiences.

    She is also the Founder and President of Give Yourself Permission, which helps women create new rules for their lives, so they can overcome limiting attitudes that prevent them from achieving career success and finding happiness.

    Jennifer was raised by a narcissist who made her believe she was stupid and destined to fail. She had two eating disorders and was suicidal by the time she was 16 years old, and at 23, she suffered from imposter syndrome, which resulted in a psychological breakdown that prevented her from working for four years.

    As a result, she has been a student of habits that lead to a meaningful life and career for 20+ years, and what makes her unique is that she practiced and refined the life mastery principles she teaches for years before deciding to share them with others.


    Connect with Jennifer


    Episode Mention:

    Permission Granted: Live Your Life Full of Joy and Peace


    About Kc:

    Kc Rossi is a Wholistic Leadership Coach who helps female mission-driven CEOs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits while staying in alignment with their purpose.

    Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which allows her to bring deep insight to her coaching.

    Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint MethodĀ®, an approach that profoundly helps teams develop trust, improve communication, and amplify engagement.

    She is the host of 5-star Women Developing BrillianceĀ® ā€” The Spirit of Business podcast; a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose.

    When she is offline, you can find her meditating, whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York.

    Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • Get ready to transform your life with Leadership Coach Kc Rossi's latest podcast episode! In this episode, Kc shares three powerful practices that will help you feel grounded and stable amidst any change or challenge that comes your way.

    She dives deep into the concept of resilience and how it has evolved over time, inspiring you to reflect on your own definition of bouncing back.

    But that's not all! Kc also introduces practical strategies that will increase your personal resilience, including prioritizing basic self-care routines, tapping into your personal values, and adopting an anti-fragile mindset.

    You won't want to miss out on these life-changing practices that will help you become the best version of yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Tune in now and start putting these practices into action to create true change in your life!


    Episode Mentions:

    Resilience by Carole Pemberton

    Anti-Fragile by Nassim Taleb


    More on Kc:

    Kc Rossi is a Wholistic Leadership Coach who helps female mission-driven CEOs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits while staying in alignment with their purpose.

    Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which allows her to bring deep insight to her coaching.

    Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint MethodĀ®, an approach that profoundly helps teams develop trust, improve communication, and amplify engagement.

    She is the host of 5-star Women Developing BrillianceĀ® ā€” The Spirit of Business podcast; a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose.

    When she is offline, you can find her meditating, whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York.

    Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.


  • Get ready to be inspired in this podcast episode featuring Kc Rossi, a renowned Leadership Coach, as she delves into the topic of identity wobbles. These are the moments in life that shake us to our core and make us question who we truly are.

    Kc shares her personal story of battling thyroid cancer and how it affected her voice, leading her to experience an identity wobble. But don't worry, she doesn't leave you hanging there. She offers practical tips and advice on how to navigate through these challenging times.

    You'll learn 4 tried and tested ways that can get you back on track.

    Kc also offers a coaching package designed to help individuals connect with their purpose and align with their identity. So, tune in and get ready to discover how to overcome identity wobbles and emerge stronger than ever before!

    More on Kc:

    Kc Rossi is a Wholistic Leadership Coach who helps female mission-driven CEOs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits while staying in alignment with their purpose.

    Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which allows her to bring deep insight to her coaching.

    Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint MethodĀ®, an approach that profoundly helps teams develop trust, improve communication, and amplify engagement.

    She is the host of 5-star Women Developing BrillianceĀ® ā€” The Spirit of Business podcast; a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose.

    When she is offline, you can find her meditating, whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York.

    Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.

  • Have you ever heard the saying, "Start before you're ready?" What does that mean to you?

    It could be that despite feeling uncomfortable, not fully prepared, or doubtful you own who you are right here, right now anyway.

    That you embrace all that you are without needing another credential. That you accept yourself, your weight, your financial status, or your professional title just as it is.

    Stop and think for a moment, what would that be like?

    Breathe into the unlimited possibilities of what it would feel like if you didn't hold yourself back. Because in most cases, you are the one programming the governor on your life.

    Integrity is one of my top values. In that, I felt like I needed and wanted to put this philosophy into practice so that I could be in alignment with what I teach.

    As you know, I've been the host of the Women Developing BrillianceĀ® show since July 2019. It's been a wonderful experience to connect with powerful women around the globe. We've heard about what it takes to have a joy-filled life and a successful business. We've also discovered some behind-the-scenes bumps that have needed to be traversed along the way.

    Due to a health challenge, I've taken 4 months off from the show. Despite not having my full voice back, I'm choosing to start before I'm "ready."

    Today's episode was actually recorded before my surgery. I thought it was the perfect way to dip my toe back in.

    Most times, it only takes a small action to initiate momentum. Once we experience some movement, it opens up the door to flow.

    So here we go!

    In this interview, you will hear answers to:

    āš”ļø Is it really possible to choose our own reality?

    āš”ļø How can we know what soul alignment really is?

    āš”ļø Whatā€™s the biggest mistake people make when it comes to human development?

    āš”ļø What are a couple of ways that we can feel more harmonious and centered?

    āš”ļø What will happen as we enter deeper into the Age of Aquarius?

    Are you interested in these answers? If so, you will love this episode!


    Episode Mention:

    Free 12-minute visualization; Reclaim Your Power


    More on Kc:

    Kc Rossi is a Wholistic Leadership Coach who helps female mission-driven CEOs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits while staying in alignment with their purpose.

    Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which allows her to bring deep insight to her coaching.

    Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint MethodĀ®, an approach that profoundly helps teams develop trust, improve communication, and amplify engagement.

    She is the host of 5-star Women Developing BrillianceĀ® ā€” The Spirit of Business podcast; a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose.

    When she is offline, you can find her meditating, whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York.

    Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists.


    šŸ‘‰ Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Kc here.


    Remember to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player to hear ways to optimize your productivity, performance, and profits, and review the podcast here.