
  • Today, we meet Ida Othman, a Malaysian entrepreneur who started with a quest for a brighter smile.

    Ida is the owner of Asia Natural Essentials Sdn Bhd and the mastermind behind the Gogy Natural oral care brand, a proudly Made in Malaysia product.

    This is not her first business, mind you but she has finally found a business that she is happy with. She once owned a spa business and even a food business from home.

    This episode is filled with a lot of wisdom and learning as she shared how her own desire for whiter teeth brought her to her current ecommerce business.

    You’ll hear about her early struggles and why she never started with a business plan. You will also learn how she validated her product, how she created further products and finally, the rebrand that she went ahead with although the rebranding exercise was costly.

    Full show notes: WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • Forget everything you thought about leadership!

    In this episode, we have Nandini Das Ghoshal who is the Co-Founder & Director, ION Consulting International Pte Ltd, based in Singapore.

    Nandini shares her experiences from the fascinating world of applied neuroscience in the context of organisations, teams and leadership.

    She reveals how we can leverage our brains to develop better teams, create better results and fundamentally shape us as more effective leaders.

    Nandini is an experienced executive coach and learning facilitator, based out of Singapore.

    She offers one-on-one executive coaching abd bespoke programmes on leadership, team effectiveness and career transitions for individuals and groups.

    She enthralls us about our brain, not as a organ of cognitive performance but as an organ of relationship.

    If you want to create improved performance at work or at home, you need to focus on using your brain to enhance your relationships.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsred by RedboxStudio.com

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  • Tahreem Shah is the co-founder and the Head of Growth at AmarLab based in Singapore. She describes it as the Uber for medical diagnostics.

    Additionally, she is the co-founder of Bhorosha, an alternative job-sourcing platform in Bangladesh that connects informal sector women with skills training and matches them to better-paying jobs.

    Tahreem’s journey seamlessly integrates architecture, business and technology through her two startups.

    With a background in architecture and a passion for social change, Tahreem dedicates herself to finding innovative solutions for the challenges faced by marginalized communities in her home country of Bangladesh.

    Tahreem's journey into social entrepreneurship began during an architectural internship in Norway. While there, she realized her true calling lay in addressing the pressing issues of urban disaster preparedness, unemployment, healthcare accessibility and financial inclusion.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

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  • In this episode, you will meet Mayuree Aroonwaranon, the CEO and co-founder of GEPP Sa-Ard Co., Ltd., a Bangkok-based company that helps companies in Thailand with waste management.

    Yet her story didn’t begin in waste management.

    This French-speaking Thai national who grew up in the slum area of Bangkok has an inspiring story to share about herself and why she gave up a lucrative career in oil and gas to become an entrepreneur.

    Coming from a challenging background and growing up in the slums, Mayuree has always had a heart for her community. She was determined to make a positive impact but she didn’t know how until she chanced upon a news article that said every Thai person throws away 1.14 kg of rubbish a day.

    She said she was clueless when she read the headline - was that a huge amount of rubbish?

    That took her and her co-founders down a rabbit hole of finding answers.and that's how they started their company which focuses on businesses and organisations using their digital platform. Their GEPP platform (hardware and software) helps companies to shift their mindsets from "dispose" to "manage" their waste successfully.

    For the full show notes and links, visit: WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • This episode is with Wendy Lim who is the founder of Wei Ling Chambers in, Malaysia.

    She owns a boutique law firm in Kuala Lumpur and handles initial public offerings, securities regulations, mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investments and more.

    As a young female lawyer, she is not unusual in that she chose to set up her law firm after working with other law firms.

    What’s unusual is that Wendy has always wanted to be a lawyer since young and she still carries that fire and passion in her till today.

    What I find most interesting about Wendy is that she loves business and by helping her clients with their business needs, she gets to discover entrepreneurship too.

    Far from being conservative or staid, this young female lawyer is showing the world that you can be a lawyer and you can still retain your individuality and be a risk-taker!

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • This episode features Mandy Pao from Hong Kong, the founder of The Aligned Entrepreneurs.

    Mandy's entrepreneurial venture emerged from burn out that resulted from running her first business, a branding and marketing agency for 10 years.

    Our conversation is particularly illuminating as Mandy bravely unravels the less-discussed facets of entrepreneurship.

    She opens up about the pressure to conform in Hong Kong, where success is often equated with perpetual busyness and "the bigger, the better".

    If you've found yourself questioning the relentless pursuit of growth or yearning for a deeper sense of purpose in your entrepreneurial journey, this episode is a must-listen.

    Join us as Mandy shares her inspiring story of resilience, reinvention, and the pursuit of aligned success.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • The first episode of Season 8 features My Holland.

    My is the CEO of EQuest Asia, a coaching and training business based in Vietnam.

    Despite never residing in Vietnam, My felt a profound calling to return to her ancestral homeland to establish her business.

    She advocates for embracing happiness and fulfillment in the workplace while nurturing one's cultural identity, particularly among overseas Vietnamese and empowering women to find their voices.

    She is also a speaker, consultant and coach in corporate well-being, organizational change resilience and emotional intelligence.

    Born in France with Vietnamese heritage, My (pronounced "Mee" in Vietnamese) is a leader deeply immersed in cross-cultural experiences across various nations.

    Interestingly, she was born on 20 March, the UN International Day of Happiness, a fact she interprets as more than mere coincidence.

    Her journey reflects a multicultural worldview, shaped by her upbringing in France, education in both France and the USA, and professional experiences spanning the USA, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, and New Zealand.

    It's a fascinating look at finding one's roots, embracing multiculturalism and being open to possibilities at every stage of one's life.

    Get the full show notes: WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • What goes on behind the Womenpreneur Asia podcast? What are my ups and downs in producing this show? And what have I learned throughout this journey of speaking to Asian women entrepreneurs in Asia?

    Hello and welcome to the final episode of Season 7 of the Womenpreneur Asia podcast and I am your host, Krista Goon.

    My mission is to uncover the stories and strategies of Asian women entrepreneurs in Asia to help you and inspire you as you navigate your business journey. This episode is sponsored by Redbox Studio.

    Today's episode is Episode 100 and I am happy you are with me and we’re getting into Episode number 100 together.

    When I told Padmaja, a previous guest on this show, that I was hitting 100 episodes, she said we must do something together. And that is how Padmaja and I ended up recording this milestone episode. Padmaja is the CEO and founder of Siksha Group in India where they offer learning and development for companies across India and globally.

    One of the best things about having friends across Asia is that I get a lot of support for my podcast. When I first mooted the idea in Hawaii in July 2019, my Asia Pacific friends said they loved the idea and many supported me through the first season.

    And when I first started it, I just wanted to have a go and do something different - something that was technically challenging yet gave me a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. And 100 episodes later, I am still happy to do this although I need to carve time out to podcast. What you hear as an episode is just the tip of the iceberg.

    And having said that, I’m also officially announcing that I’m writing an ebook about podcasting so if you’re listening to this, sign up for my email updates at WomenpreneurAsia.com and I will keep you updated when that ebook is for sale plus some exciting plans for this year.

    The ebook was a result of many friends asking me how they too could start a podcast. It sounds sexy to start a podcast but I share with you in my ebook my own experiences of producing a podcast on my own.

    Today’s episode digs a little into those experiences - think of it as a behind-the-scenes of podcasting.

    Enjoy this episode! I will see you in Season 8 which starts in May.

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

    Find out more about Padmaja's story in Season 3, Episode 8.

  • Today’s episode is a little unusual as we feature someone who is not an entrepreneur but has an empowering message for everyone.

    Shivani Reddy wears many hats - she is a HR and Organizational Development practitioner, startup mentor, coach, speaker and finally, #IAmRemarkable ambassador.

    Her 15 years of experience spans positions in renowned organizations such as Groupon, Societe Generale, NIIT Limited, and TDCX Malaysia.

    Shivani is also the Partnerships Manager at Girls in Tech Kuala Lumpur and a Google-trained #IAmRemarkable facilitator.

    As a Google-trained #IAmRemarkable facilitator, Shivani is part of a global network of 4500 individuals dedicated to empowering women and underrepresented groups.

    In this episode, we discuss #IAmRemarkable, a transformative workshop that she facilitates.

    The workshop advocates the value of vocalizing one’s accomplishments no matter how big or small. Acknowledging achievements, regardless of their perceived size, is a crucial aspect of building genuine confidence.

    In this episode, we discuss #IAmRemarkable, a transformative workshop that she facilitates including the stories of transformation that these workshops have created.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • This episode features Brenda James, the visionary Founder and Principal Florista of Nook Flowers located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    Her floral business is unique in that stands apart from others on the twin pillars of creativity and sustainability or in her own words, "responsible floristry".

    In this episode, we unravel Brenda's 15 years as a business owner and florist and uncover what makes this unique Malaysian floral studio what it is today.

    For Brenda, Nook Flowers is more than a business—it's an extension of her ethos and values. The studio's grown not flown philosophy is seamlessly woven into its brand philosophy and operations.

    And she closes Nook Flowers on Valentine's Day. It is a bold move, especially for a florist. Find out why in this episode.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

    You are listening to Episode 12 of Season 7.

  • Today’s guest is a returning guest and I wanted to bring her back because she has a great story and a fantastic business.

    And it’s all fully online. I love fully online businesses because I am a big advocate of this - after all my own business is all about the digital world!

    Today I am speaking to Michelle Hon who is the founder of MomBoss Academy in Singapore. If her name sounds familiar, yes, she was featured in Season 4, Episode 8 so if you want to know her backstory of how she ended up starting this business, check that episode out.

    Today, though, Michelle and I are going deep into her business. We’re going to talk about motherhood and the art of building a business - a lifestyle business - as Michelle calls it - right from home.

    This is a conversation that you don’t want to miss but the key thing is that Michelle believes that moms can carve out a path for themselves without compromising on their family life.

    In this episode, Michelle enlightened us on the concept of building assets for your business. Your programs, services, and offerings can be valuable assets that generate revenue long-term. It's not just about creating something for now; it's about crafting a sustainable foundation that keeps giving.

    You can also take a cue from Michelle's playbook and reverse engineer the process of building your business. Understand your target market, listen to their needs, and identify the problems you can solve. Success lies in aligning your offerings with what your audience truly desires.

    Michelle shared an important strategy for pre-launching your offer to test the waters. Before fully committing, gauge interest, collect feedback, and ensure there's a market for your product. It's a strategic move that can save time, and resources, and set you on the path to creating something truly in demand.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

    To find out about Michelle and more, check out MomBoss Academy.

  • Hana Chua is the Director of Business Finance at Kebun Kota Sdn. Bhd located in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

    The family business that she is in comprises many moving parts - from aquaculture to sustainable farming to technology transfer to creating ripples in the local cafe scene with their cafe arm, Roots.

    The Chua family's commitment to sustainable farming and smart urban agriculture forms the cornerstone of Kebun Kota.

    This commitment also extends to Roots, a cafe that started as a haven for book lovers and evolved into a platform for sustainable practices, sparking vital conversations about nutrition, localizing food, and forgotten delicacies.

    In today’s conversation, Hana opens up about her experiences as a young woman navigating the complex waters of a family business deeply rooted in sustainability.

    For show notes and more, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    Today's episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • Today’s episode is with Soundari Mukherjea, CEO of Soundbytes11, who is originally from India but now calls Hong Kong her home.

    As the CEO of Soundbytes11, an organisational consultancy, she focuses on working with leaders and teams to harness the power of storytelling to drive business outcomes.

    Her expertise spans various domains, including change management, personal branding, cross-cultural intelligence and diversity and inclusion initiatives.

    In this episode, we discuss how great stories can do wonders to help you communicate key values and messages to your team and clients.

    Soundari shares examples from the work she has done and even delves into personal strategies for self-development and learning that have worked for her.

    More information in the show notes on the website: WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • Today I am speaking to a Malaysian entrepreneur, Genevia Chin who is the founder of Wonkie Ice Cream, previously known as Three Tiers Ice Cream.

    Genevia, a spirited entrepreneur with a passion for frozen joy, started her first ice cream venture, Three Tiers Ice Cream when she came home to Penang after working in Singapore.

    In today's episode, we'll uncover the evolution of Three Tiers Ice Cream into the newly rebranded Wonkie Ice Cream (and Genevia explains why the rebrand was necessary).

    Genevia’s journey takes us through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, from the thrill and pain of going viral to the invaluable lessons learned when the unexpected happens.

    This ice cream artisan has found her niche in alcoholic ice cream and her story is as rich and diverse as her ice cream offerings.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by Redbox Studio.

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  • Today's episode is with a visionary Malaysian entrepreneur in Hong Kong., Janice Chew who is the principal of JC Legal.

    In the ever-evolving realm of corporate law, Janice Chew has emerged as a trailblazer.

    As the principal and founder of JC Legal, a bespoke corporate law firm, Janice has not only defied traditional norms but has also brought a fresh and fabulous perspective to the legal industry.

    In a field where the norm dictates that legal firms typically hire paralegals as their first staff members, Janice opted for an unconventional route - she hired a business development person!

    Her unique approach to growing her business showcases her creative thinking from the outset.

    Despite being a relatively young law firm, JC Legal has rapidly gained recognition. In 2021, the firm was honoured with the prestigious Lawyer Monthly Legal Award for Venture Capital Law Firm of the Year.

    Janice, too, earned accolades as a finalist in two categories at the ALB Hong Kong Awards—Young Lawyer of the Year and Rising Law Firm of the Year. Additionally, the firm secured a spot in the ALB Fast 30 as one of Asia's fastest-growing firms in 2021.

    What truly sets JC Legal apart is its commitment to innovation, demonstrated through innovative legal initiatives.

    Their Startup Steward Programme, launched in 2018, has nurtured over 100 high-growth companies, including notable names in fintech and crypto.

    The programme earned the firm the Bronze Award for Startup of the Year – Business Services at the CEO and Executive World Awards 2021.

    In this episode, Janice speaks about the origins of JC Legal's Virtual Legal Clinic which was designed during the pandemic to offer legal services while helping a local charity.

    Janice Chew and her firm, JC Legal, prove that you can inculcate creativity in your industry and spark the imagination of your community and clients.

    As Janice says, “Success is a matter of choice.” What choices are you making today?

    Get the full show notes at WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by Redbox Studio.

  • Helen Tan of Double Woot Fashion Talks About Influencer Marketing

    🌟 Join us on an inspiring journey with Helen Tan, the creative force behind Double Woot fashion!

    Hailing from Penang, Malaysia, Helen and her sister have built a cult-like following for their quality fashion at affordable prices.

    From the early days as a pre-loved clothing shop on Blogspot to a global sensation, Helen shares her 18-year entrepreneurial voyage.

    Dive into the challenges faced during the COVID pandemic, innovative marketing strategies, and the pivotal role of influencer marketing. Helen's insights on family support, passion, and finding purpose resonate deeply, making this episode a must-listen for aspiring women entrepreneurs.

    Discover the unique naming conventions, emphasis on authenticity, and the multifaceted marketing approach that defines Double Woot's success.

    Tune in now for a dose of empowerment and entrepreneurial wisdom!

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by RedboxStudio.com

  • Jenny Tay is an entrepreneur from Singapore taking on the world of funeral services with a zestful and innovative spirit, no pun intended.

    She is not afraid of challenging norms and stereotypes about the deceased, death and dying.

    As the Managing Director of Direct Funeral Services Pte Ltd, she is transforming the funeral services industry - usually dominated by rough-talking men and surrounded by superstitions - one taboo at a time.

    To Jenny, the funeral services business is a hospitality business.

    When she married in 2015, she made the front page news as she and her husband decided to take unusually daring wedding photos - she was photographed in her wedding finery lying in a coffin and sitting on the coffin!

    Jenny and her husband worked to revamp society's shoddy perception of funeral services and raise the bar for funeral directors.

    Jenny approaches this business with deep respect for the deceased.

    She recognizes the equalizing nature of death, emphasizing our shared humanity beneath societal roles and gender differences.

    In her determined way, Jenny revolutionized the industry, pushing forth innovative ideas as she was dissatisfied with outdated practices in the industry.

    Despite facing resistance, she believes families deserve a compassionate and personalized approach during times of grief.

    She introduced uniforms and name tags for her team, redesigned funeral settings and backdrops to reflect calm and elegant spaces and even humanized the departed by creating biographies for guests at the wake and funeral to know them even in death.

    Her ideas didn't stop there.

    Concerned after overhearing how an adult explained death inappropriately to a child, she and her husband decided to author a children's book that approached the topic in a non-morbid yet respectful manner.

    This episode is sponsored by Redbox Studio.

    For more information, show notes and links, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

  • Welcome to Season 7 of the Womenpreneur Asia podcast!

    I'm your host, Krista Goon, and I'm thrilled to be back, uncovering the amazing stories and strategies of Asian women entrepreneurs in Asia to inspire and support you on your own business journey.

    I'm excited to introduce you to our guest, a remarkable Malaysian entrepreneur, Amutha Subramaniam, the founder and director of HERS Manufacturing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    Amutha's journey is nothing short of inspiring. At 47 years old, she embarked on her business with absolutely no knowledge of e-commerce, and for the first two years, she struggled to make any sales.

    However, her unwavering eagerness to learn about online selling and her persistence ultimately paid off in a big way.

    Today, she runs a highly successful 7-figure business, exporting food and beverages to the Pacific Islands.

    It wasn't an easy path for Amutha, though. After her divorce, she found herself as a single mother with no capital, but she refused to be defined by her circumstances.

    Moving from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur, she faced her challenges with courage and stepped out of her comfort zone to chase her ambitions.

    The essence of this podcast lies in the belief that each of us carries a powerful story within ourselves.

    These stories have the potential to inspire other women to embark on their own ventures, be it a business or a movement.

    Amutha's journey from ground zero is a testament to the fact that with an unstoppable attitude and determination, one can overcome any obstacle and learn everything one needs along the way.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    Today's episode is sponsored by Redbox Studio.

    Please rate, review and subscribe to the podcast so that we can reach out to more women entrepreneurs in Asia.

  • Today’s episode is with Jolly Nguyen who is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

    She is the founder of EVOL Vietnam, a social enterprise that is raising awareness of urban citizens about the importance of reducing single use plastic and preventing these plastic from polluting the ocean via community projects.

    This is the second time we are recording this conversation because the first time, we had some audio interruptions and I wanted to showcase her work better and so this round, we re-recorded the episode and I must say I am excited for you to hear about Jolly’s strategies and tips.

    In this episode, we spoke about strategy, fundraising, stakeholder management, networking and partnership-building for a greater good.

    She talks about asking for support for her projects, engaging her stakeholders beyond financials and expanding her network every time she goes out to speak or participate in conferences and programmes.

    Jolly is a well-networked individual and has seen the power of networking pay its dues directly and indirectly.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is sponsored by Redbox Studio.

    A big shout out to ForGood Vietnam, our partner who introduced Jolly Nguyen to Womenpreneur Asia.

  • Coco Wong was the first wedding planner in Hong Kong who grew to become the top wedding planner in Hong Kong for the rich and famous.

    She spun off a publishing business, florist business and more. At one point, she was the wedding consultant for Hong Kong Disneyland!

    Despite being at the top of her game, she was never afraid to stop when it was time to stop.

    And stop she did.

    But that wasn't the last of her entrepreneurial ventures.

    Today’s story is as fascinating as it is inspiring. It is the story of a remarkable and agile entrepreneur who is now focused on growing future leaders.

    Today’s episode is with a Hong Kong entrepreneur, Coco Wong. She is the co-founder of CEO Kids International and currently makes her home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    Coco is truly a serial entrepreneur with a strong conviction and a creative mind.

    She started many businesses and she was never afraid to walk away or sell them. In all her ventures, she admits that money was never the motivation. In fact, she’s always been one to focus on giving and doing good. Coco shares her mistakes, her highs and lows and what she has learned over the past 3 decades of being an entrepreneur and what she is most excited about now.

    For the full show notes, visit WomenpreneurAsia.com

    This episode is brought to you by Redbox Studio.