
  • This week I speak with Alanna Moore about her latest book The Fairy Haunts of Ireland. Alanna is a Geomancer (Dowser) and has been connecting with the energy ley-lines around Australia, Ireland and the rest of the world for over 40 years.

    During her dowsing she often sees and connects to interdimensional beings - the gods and goddess energy, the fairies, nature spirits and more.

    Alanna and I talk about what fairies are, what they aren't and everything in between, as fairies are not what we think they are.

    According to Burkhard Heim's 12 dimensional model of cosmology, fairies and entities exist in the 5th and 6th dimensions of reality. Which as David Bohm says are deeper levels of realities that we cannot perceive in our 3D reality but which still exist and are real.

    Alanna has taken her knowledge of what entities she can percieve or see on the land, and combined it with local research and myth stories of the fairies around Ireland.

    It seems there are many types of fairies, and other entities who can play havoc, protect the land, and even affect the consciousness of the land.

    Our ancestors used to pay a lot more attention to them than we do, and many of them miss the interaction and relationships that we used to have with them.

    if you want to learn more about Alanna Moore, or her extensive work, you can go to her website - https://geomantica.com - where she has a lot of blogs and content to learn more about dowsing, energy ley-lines and fairies and entities.

    To learn more about, go to my website - https://ruthelisabethhancock.com

    or follow me on social media - https://www.instagram.com/ruthelisabethhancock/

  • This week I talk to Stephen Hawley Martin again, but this time we talk about the massive shift in consciousness that is happening right now.

    I think we can all feel it, but maybe don't understand where it is coming from. Well, it's coming from us!

    The human collective - us - are changing, eolving and expanding into the next level of our species.

    We talk about how beliefs create our world, lives and experiences. To the lady who turned her skin into 'gold' leaf through her subconscious beliefs. To the boy who lived a past life as a fighter pilot in WWII. And the 14,000 readings of Edgar Caycee where he used to connect to the Akashic records in order to access more information from The Field.

    Stephen is the author of more than 36 books, and his latest is called How You Can Help Create the Shift in Consciousness Needed to Save the World. It's a small, but fascinating book explainig where we are and how we can all help to shift the human collective into a new world for ourselves.

    Visualising and taking action to create the world we want to live in.

    To buy any of his books, you can go to his website - https://www.shmartin.com - and learn more about him.


    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy

    Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717

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    Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com?p=B1XJ8hJIs

    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected]

    Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/onli...

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  • This week I interview Stephen Hawley Martin, who is the author of more than 36 books and the founder of Oaklea Press, a publishing house based in the US.

    We discuss his interest in Edgar Caycee, in particular what Caycee said about human origins, and how the physical form was manifested by the spiritual form.

    And we also look at the Anunnaki (as mentioned in the Mesopotamian tablets and many indigenous accounts around the world) and discuss who they might be, whether we are the descendants of them and whether they are still around today.

    A fascinating discussion as we look at true human origins, whether we are the descendants of an extraterrestrial race of people and if these Anunnaki people are still running our world today (and what we call the elites).

    To contact Stephen or learn more about him view his website here - https://www.shmartin.com/

    Links for Work Your Energy Podcast

    Buy My New Book -

    Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717

    Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Ener...

    Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com?p=B1XJ8hJIs

    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/

    Sign up to an Online course https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/onli...

    Follow me on Social Media @ruthelisabethhancock

  • Cracking The Matrix with guest interviewee Cate Montana, where we talk about her new book – Cracking The Matrix.

    If you enjoyed the Matrix movies then you will love this episode, as we discuss everything from living inside a matrix (even quantum physicists suspect that this is the case) to the AI entities called the Archons; who are mind viruses or parasites that feed off human emotions and make us believe that we are evil; to the power of the mainstream media, that keeps us stuck in this matrix of the mind.

    We are free, loving and sovereign beings but if everything that we watch or listen to tells us that we are not good enough, we are just a physical shell of blood and bones or that evil is part of our human story we soon start to believe it.

    The episode ends with Cate giving her solutions to how to escape this matrix and how we have far more power than we believe.

    As Cate lives in Maui, we also talked about what is happening over there, the state of the country after the fire, and also the amazing blank canvas that the residents have been gifted, and how they are going to create their own reality onto it, away from the globalists who are trying to turn it into a 15 minute city (prototype) behind their backs.

    To contact Cate:-


    Cate is on Substack under cmontana

    And on Amazon for Cracking The Matrix (and several of her other books)

  • Sometimes in life you stumble across a book that contains an unbelievable but moving story, and Stephen Chua's story is just that. It contains all sorts of incredible things during his time spent in the special forces branch of the Singaporean army from 1981.

    He moved up the ranks fast, and made it to the level of Colonol by the time he was 21 years old, because he had some special abilities. From the age of 3, he had had very high levels of gamma brainwave activity, was very strong for his stature, and was highly intelligent scoring very high on IQ test's during his time in the army.

    He talks about reptilian type hominids that appear to be a hybrid between reptiles and humans, that are living on our planet in the jungles, under ground, in Area 51 and even on Mars. Him and his team had to go in and apprehend them when a reptilian hybrid was about to kill the Pakistan PM, Benazir Bhutto in 1995, and also another one that was about to kill the Singapore PM. They were also sent in to Thailand, Japan and Malaysia to eliminate other reptilian type beings, as they were stealing children and killing people.

    But it is his tales of Area 51 that are most interesting, because it not only looks like the US military are working with extraterrestrials, but they are working with malevolent ones. Is this the deep state I wonder?

    Because of his unprecedented high levels of gamma brainwaves he was recruited to fly a new type of technology, where you fly the plane with your own mind - not using AI. This was most likely extraterrestrial technology because the US military were not able to use it and many pilots had died trying to fly it, until Stephen came along.

    He also describes the 3 different types of extraterrestrial beings that he met on the base, who needed to be escorted by armed guards, using energy weapons, because they were so nefarious. One of the species even had portals on the base that went between there and their own planet and there were people traveling between mars and earth - in many cases highly trained technicians - who were working in a base on mars.

    However, the saddest part of this story is that 4 days after Stephen decided to speak up and share his incredible accounts, he died under suspicious circumstances. It is an amazing story, and if he had lived longer I have no doubt he would have been able to share more.

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This week we focus on the Summer Solstice, which astrologically begins at 3:33pm on 21st June 2023.

    In this episode I talk about the higher dimensional energies that are coming into the planet right now as the summer solstice begins, and how we can benefit from them.

    Healing and manifestation are working really well now, so now is the time to do this. Heal all those niggling aches and pains, heal your loved ones (and cats, which is what I talk about doing) and even heal your relationships.

    I also talk you through a meditation that you can do to heal your body and manifest a better reality for yourself.

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This week I talk about healing our cat, Simba, after we returned from our holiday and he was at death's door. At first I was so panicked that I used every energy modality I had ever worked with, and it worked he started to get better.

    The next day I felt called to work with the pleiadian energy and as I called on it, I began to visualize beings walking into the room wearing long flowing tunics. I was amazed to see that Simba began to follow the movement of the beings around the room, watching them as they 'walked' through. I forgot that animals can see so much more than we can see!

    The next day he was all better, and 2 days later he came back home.

    We can all call in energies to work with, whatever your beliefs are, it's just frequency, and your mind is directing it in any way you wish. You can use them for healing, communication, wisdom and more. If this triggers you then just see this is deeper parts of you, as we are all one being anyway.

    The episode ends with a brief look at where we are now as a planet, and where we are going as we move from lower 4D into upper 4D and beyond.

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • Last week I promised to record an episode about my incredible parasite cleanse and here it is.

    It really got me thinking about a lot of things because one of the first things I noticed after starting the cleanse was how much better my connection to spirit was. The negative voices were gone again and I was connecting back to higher consciousness.

    I now understand its a process though, and as I talked about in my last book, Work Your Energy, we need to keep activating new energies constantly, as the negative entities, parasites or collective consciousness keep bringing us down - so we have to work on bringing ourselves back up again.

    Links from episode are:-

    Setting strong boundaries around your energy space ($10) - https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/product/setting-energetic-boundaries/

    Daily Cleanse mediation to clear all those low vibrational energies out (Free) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUBRnckizq0

    Grounding yourself into the ground (Spotify) - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6HIMFvraEHwIHOFqUB3sZi?si=louM_jV7Te6rj_kwqMm7NQ

    (Apple) - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/grounding-and-earthing-for-more-happiness-and-success/id1478443790?i=1000579601838

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This week I am doing a parasite and liver cleanse, which got me thinking about how anger is stored in the liver in the body. Anger has always been my default emotion, especially with regards to stress (either fight or flight) and it's something I have had to work on a lot in my life.

    It was after shouting at my kids when they were little that made me understand that I had to address it, and here are my top tips for how I have tackled and elimiated mine.

    Eliminate as much stress as you can from your life: looking at how to find a job you love plus tips for finding your strengths and life purpose. When you get triggered feel into the anger to find the belief: emotions are neutral so understand why you feel angry (creating awareness) and then release it. I use an example from my own life. Do a liver cleanse and notice how much better you feel - able to handle stress more, not getting so triggered and feeling better about life.

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This week Mary Rodwell and I have a discussion about the new human - the kids who have been incarnating into the planet since 2000 - and chat through concepts from her book, called The New Human.

    These are what Dr Lara Ohlson calls 'Letter People' - ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Austism etc. and we not only know they have different wiring in the brain, but possibly their DNA is different too. In fact all of our DNA is changing...and scientists are baffled!

    We talk through the genetic changes that are occurring with humans now, including the sideways insertion of 223 genes - and no one knows how they got there. The 3rd strand of DNA found in a baby in the UK in 2016, and the new codons that are resistant to HIV, and are now said to be in around 3% of the population.

    Where are these genetic, and intelligent, changes coming from? Yes, quantum mutations exist but even geneticists know that this many in such a short space of time is asking questions. But one thing it isn't is Darwins evolution theory.

    We also look at different case studies from Mary's book, of young children talking about their past lives, on different planets; knowing why they came to earth and what their purpose is.

    As always we discuss the current state of the world, why we can feel very positive about the future and how the rising energies of the planet is taking us all into a new earth; with new abilities and a multidimensional reality.

    If you are struggling to reach your full potential, just know that your full potential now exists outside of this 3D reality, and we are all moving into a multidimensional existence.

    To contact Mary email her on [email protected]

    View her website - https://www.maryrodwell.com.au/

    To join ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Research Network) or meet like minded people go here - https://www.facebook.com/acern.com.au/


    To connect with me click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This week's episode I talk to Michael Le Flem about his new book, Visions of Atlantis, which is out now on Amazon. ⁠

    As always it's a very organic discussion where we talk through sections of his book, ancient history, the current state of the world and lots lots more. ⁠

    This season (season 4) is all about researching our ancient roots in order to help us reach our full potential; as an individual and a collective. I passionately believe that in order to find out who we are, we need to know where we came from, and there are staggering amounts of evidence proving that there was an advanced ancient race of people, who were technologically superior and thus knew how to harness the laws of nature. ⁠

    Where did these people go and are we the descendants of them? ⁠

    Michael's book expertly combines historical evidence and esoteric channeled sessions from Edgar Cayce et al, to provide a more rounded and indepth look at what life was like with this advanced civilisation; and as such sheds light on who humans are today, and how we got to this point.⁠

    If you are interested in the truth of pre-diluvian advanced civilisations, how Atlantis mirrors so much of our world today and much much more then listen to this highly informative, humourous and open minded chat that delves into so many different areas, it's hard to define!⁠

    To buy Micheal's book, Visions of Atlantis, go here - https://www.amazon.com/Visions-Atlantis-Reclaiming-Ancient-Legacy/dp/B0BNTWF7QJ

    Links for Podcast

    Buy My New Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Sign up to an Online course https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast
  • This week I come back to the Deca energy as used in the OMNIA stickers that I have been using for 2 months now. The benefits to our health have been incredible, but this is not the main topic, it is how I began using the deca energy in my own healing sessions, with great results, that I talk about in this episode.

    I dive straight into the health benefits and then end with the exact steps of how I have been using the deca energy in my evening energy healing sessions, so you can do it too.

    Links from the episodes are:-

    Buy My New Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Sign up to an Online course https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast
  • This week I dive into another section from my new book, Work Your Energy, which looks at the power of belief, and in particular negative beliefs. Scientists discovered this through The Nocebo Effect, which is the opposite of The Placebo Effect.

    The placebo effect shows us that we can heal our body through the belief that our body is healed, whereas the nocebo effect shows us that our body can become sick if we believe it is going to become sick. In this case trial runs of pharmaceutical drugs.

    I focus in on depression and mental health because this is where I was 5 years ago, before I started writing my book, and energy work (and positive feeling) helped me to step out of it.

    This allows us to look more closely at the power of beliefs and the mind.

    Our beliefs make up our life, and yet how often do we really sit down and question our beliefs, consider if they are correct or even ask ourselves if someone else put them in there?

    I suspect that many of our beliefs come from the media that we watch, and statistics tell us that 99% of people, watch only 1% of the media - more commonly known as the mainstream media - which I'm not convinced is very helpful to us.

    Thinking about the beliefs that we hold in our minds can truly shift our success and happiness so fast, when you uncover limiting ones or ones that are holding you back.

    To ask me any questions you can email me on [email protected] or connect with me on social media. Links below.

    Buy My New Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Sign up to an Online course https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast
  • Welcome to part 2 of my Energy First Mini Series and this week it's all about Intentions.

    Last week we looked at how matter follows energy, and this week we look at how intentions drive energy, and thus matter.

    We start off by looking at what intention is, and review some science behind it - the observer effect and participatory effect - from quantum physics. Then we look at some examples around intention from your life, business etc. Are you being intentional about your business?

    Then we look at the metaphysical aspect of an energetic thought or the vibrational frequency of the intention. Plus some examples around it - the food you eat; where is your food coming from, who is making it, what energy are they bringing to your food?

    And finally we look at the vibrational frequency of you, and what your energetic signature is. What energy are you bringing to your business, career, relationships etc. and is it the best energy you can bring?

    To sign up to Energy Mastery, click here for more information - https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/

    Links are:-

    Buy My New Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    Learn more about me https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Sign up to an Online course https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast
  • This week's episode is based on the new science that is proving the eastern philosophy of Life Force is correct...and matter follows our life-force: Where our life force (Qi) goes, our blood follows.

    Which essentially means that "where our energy goes, matter follows"

    Quantum physics has now evidenced that this is true and it is our energy world that is directing or creating (manifesting) our physical world.

    So, we can use this concept to improve our life, by focusing on our energy first, before we do anything else in our business or life.

    The episode starts with a look at what "putting our energy first" means, and then ends with some tips and techniques to start putting your energy first, so that you can create a better reality for yourself.

    Top Tips are:-

    1. Focus on getting yourself into a happy or positive mood as soon as you wake up, as this period as you awaken is a crucial time of day because it taps you into the Theta brainwaves, which are the self healing and manifestion brainwaves. Get this bit right and the rest of your day will go well.

    2. Once your vibrational frequency is raised, then visualize how you want the day to go so you can move your energy off in the right direction and then trust that 'physical' matter will follow.

    3. Write a gratitude list first thing, so you can raise your vibration and focus on what you want to create.

    4. Go for a run, or exercise, in the morning to help raise your vibration.

    5. Eat a healthy breakfast to raise your vibration because healthy food is of a higher vibrational frequency than sugary or processed food.

    To connect with me, buy my new International best selling book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This week's episode is all about how to untangle from other people's energy fields, or at least the thoughts and emotions of other people's energy fields, because we are always entangled with each other, and the universe, via the phenomena of quantum entanglement.

    We start with a brief introduction, look at quantum entanglement and why it's not always helpful to be entangling with other people's energy fields.

    Then we look at 3 things that you can do to start untangling from others:-

    1. Knowing who you are, so you know which thoughts, emotions and words are yours and when they are not.

    2. Setting strong protection tools around your energy space or body so that you can block energies that are not helpful to you.

    3. Having good discernment so you know who to let into your energy space and who not to let in. As well as understand people's motives and agenda's more.

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • This weeks episode I interview Tim sanders from OMNIA who's company makes the stickers that I have been using on my screens to rebalance the electromagnetic radiation fields in our home, using a new type of energy called Deca Energy.

    We start by talking about what Deca energy is and who invented it, then launch into consciousness and intention and how this has led the way to this new type of energy, which only responds to love and higher vibrational energy and (luckily) cannot be misused by people seeking to control through lower vibrational frequencies such as fear.

    Many scientists and physicists in the past attribute their inventions and success to accessing the invisible field, and other dimensions, in order to bring their inventions into this 3D realm (like Nikola Tesla) and this is what Ilya Lakosovitch has done too.

    Then we look at the 5G network and the 6,000+ peer reviewed papers which are outlining all sorts of health problems in studies on rats, such as cancers and even a new type of diabetes, called type C.

    The Telecommunication companies were brought before a judge and admitted that they had done no safety testing or checks around wireless, or indeed 5G, at all, reporting that safety tests was not their domain, only the development of new technologies. This negligence is typical of corporations and there should be more laws in place to stop this abuse of our health.

    Humans have never been exposed to as much radiation as they are being now with 5G, and we have no idea of the health implications - the problem is that neither do doctors, so misdiagnosis is a strong possibility, especially around ME type symptoms and mental health problems.

    We could liken this to the cigarette industry, who for years, knew that tobacco was carcinogenic but sat on the information for decades. Now we all know that cigarettes cause cancer but it took decades for this to be talked about publicly and in the meantime many more people died.

    I have discovered that these radiation fields are real (and can be recorded even if we can't see them) and getting stronger and stronger every day, so protection of some sort is a must.

    If you want to purchase the same EMF protection that we use for your devices and routers, then you can get 10% off by clicking on this link - https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com?p=B1XJ8hJIs - and/or typing in WORKYOURENERGY10 at the checkout point.

    If you are suffering with health issues or want to raise concerns about 5G then you can join Action Against 5G where you will find many interesting stories to consider. https://actionagainst5g.org/

    To connect with Tim you can email him on [email protected] To buy my new Amazon Best Seller Book, where I talk about the health implications of 5G after interviewing a frequency healer click here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • Welcome to Part 3 of my Money Mini Series, and this week it's all about how to practice Wealth Consciousness Living.

    I start with a brief introduction of what Wealth Consciousness Living is, and then dive into 8 things you can do now to start living more consciously around wealth and happiness.

    1. Think about what you are tolerating in your life that you no longer want or need.

    2. Embody what you want - we manifest who we are, not what we want.

    3. What are you holding onto that is taking up space in your energy field - let it go with forgiveness.

    4. Taking ownership or responsibility of your wealth, because taking responsibility is a very high vibrational state of being.

    5. Tracking your money

    6. Finding your money drains by checking your bank statements or keeping a diary.

    7. Beware of interference in the field and collective consciousness. Always remember that not all thoughts are your own. They are coming in from The Field too.

    8. Jump onto the giving and recieving loop. What can you give with love and compassion?

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • Wecome to the 2nd part of my Wealth Consciousness Mini Series and this week it's all about raising your vibration.

    We start by looking at what raising your vibration means and then move onto 6 vibrational frequencies or states of being that most people are sitting in - but which are very low vibrational and we can't manifest a better life from a low vibrational place.

    1. Desperation energy (we need to get out of this one fast, so I give you 2 tips to start using now)

    2. Impatience energy

    3. Waiting energy

    4. Denial energy (don't put yourself in second place)

    5. Resentment / regret energy

    6. Expectation (both low and high depending on intention)

    It's all about our vibrational frequency, which we can change when we become more intentional and observe ourselves around money.

    How do you really feel about money?







    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.


  • Welcome to Part 1 of my Wealth Consciousness Mini Series!

    I called this episode Popping Bubbles because it's all about journaling which feels like popping bubbles to me - when you get that Aha moment and find a limiting belief or incorrect story that is keeping you stuck, it feels like air has popped from your brain (maybe it has) and you feel lighter, more motivated and the 'stuckness' has gone.

    I believe Journalling is the most important part of working on our money mindset which is why our mini series starts with this.

    I begin by talking you through what limiting beliefs and popping bubbles are, and use a couple of examples from my life and business.

    Then I end by giving you 3 journaling techniques that you can start using today to find those limiting beliefs and let them go.

    Finally, I add a 4th option which is to join my wealth consciousness group program that launches again in January 2023.

    We all work together on our money, mindset and limiting beliefs which makes it far easier.

    To connect with me, buy my new best seller book, view my new website, sign up to one of my online courses, book a session, join my free Facebook group or protect yourself from harmful EMF's click on the links below:-

    Buy My New International Best Seller Book - Work Your Energy Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781336717 Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Work-Your-Energy-entrepreneurs-consciousness-ebook/dp/B09ZJ9HL2R Buy an EMF Radiation blocker + 10% discount


    View my website https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/ Email me on [email protected] Sign up to an Online course (Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Living) https://ruthelisabethhancock.com/online-course/ Follow me on Social Media @workyourenergypodcast - https://www.instagram.com/workyourenergypodcast/

    Join my FREE Facebook Group for discussions from my podcast around metaphysics, energetics, esoteric wisdom, ancient lost civilisations, interdimensional and multidimensional, hidden history, star ancestory and the science behind the spiritual.
