Kim Herewini - Formerly Kim Tanner, played 37 games for the Blacksticks before missing re-selection. Follow her through her journey to get to the black jersey, and her life after high performance sport.
Kim entered her motherhood journey 2 years ago, with the birth of her beautiful son. This journey has be challenging physically from a birth injury perspective for Kim, but has also allowed her to hook into some of her high performance sporting mentalities, like controlling the controllable's, being resilient and being patient.
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In this episode I talk to Honey Hireme-Smiler.
Honey has played Internationally for New Zealand in Rugby League, Rugby 7s and Rugby Union. With MANY knowing her as Honey Bill. Her talent expands through black jerseys but also carries with that legacy, the title of Mother.
As a Single Mum, Honey achieved a lot on-field but also dealt with things like Mum Guilt, the notorious life juggle and other challenges just like every other Mum. So join me as we hear from Honey 'the MUM'.
This episode is PROUDLY brought to you by The Refinery Room, your home of the innovative TESLAformer and TESLAchair. Check out https://www.refineryroom.co.nz/ for more information!
Episodes manquant?
In this episode I talk with Olivia Chance, New Zealand Football Fern. We chat about her experience as a Football player, from watching Men play as a child to becoming a role-model within the Women's game. She also talks openly about her motherhood journey from conception and loss, to playing in the World Cup while injured AND pregnant, as well as her birth and postpartum journey so far. An inspiration for females, Mums and Football players alike!
This episode is brought to you by Topsy Turvy NZ
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In this episode I talk to Kat Rogers, a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist based in the Waikato (New Zealand). Kat is a firm believer in people having the power and understanding to advocate for themselves, especially during their motherhood journey. Together, we cover topics from pelvic health education and her background, to what working alongside a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist is like as a holistic experience for people in stages from pregnancy and birth to postpartum and beyond.
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Yeah the Mums: Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower women to pursue their wildest dreams by sharing varied experiences, resources and triumphs of motherhood.