Blue Fish Radio is produced and hosted by Lawrence Gunther ( The show features interviews with people that have expertise and first-hand knowledge about fishing, fish and aquatic ecosystems. Lawrence Gunther applies his expertise, experience and engaging style to both educate and entertain listeners. Each show lasts 30 minutes and is streamed by a number of broadcasters.
Production and distribution of the Blue Fish Radio Show is intended to share valuable lessons and successes so more people can become stewards of their aquatic resources. By empowering local champions with knowledge, future generations of fishers will have the opportunity to pursue the tradition of fishing, and by doing so, maintain a vital link between people and nature.
If you have a story to tell about how you made a difference in your community, or would like to nominate a local champion to be interviewed on Blue Fish Radio, please send an email to: [email protected]. -
The HP Outdoors Waterfowl Podcast is your source for all things waterfowl and waterfowl hunting! Join co-host Dan Hruska and Josh Palm as they bring you engaging discussion on the most important topics across the waterfowl and waterfowl hunting landscape. Each episode is packed with news, tips, techniques, stories, product reviews, conservation discussions, outfitter information, retriever training, photography and video tips, and much more! In addition, listen as waterfowl professionals from around the industry join the show to provide insight into the information all hardcore waterfowlers need to know. For more information and content from HP Outdoors visit or shoot an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also find HP Outdoors by visiting the HP Outdoors Facebook page at or follow on Twitter @hpoutdoors.
Come join us on a weekly adventure thru the woods and waters of Michigan thru the eyes of the Up North Journal Team.
WRVO presents an archived edition of the popular weekly essay, The Nature of Things, from Naturalist John Weeks. Weeks was born on August 21, 1924 on a little farm in West Webster, NY. His father was a commercial artist, his mother a writer and reciter of dialect essays. His early interest in nature was fostered by his parents, his 5 siblings and his teachers.
Научно-популярные лекции о работе мозга и мышлении человека. Автор: президент Высшей школы методологии, основатель интеллектуального кластера «Игры разума», автор более сотни научных работ, 30 научно-популярных книг и 12 монографий.
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Как врачи учились лечить болезни, которые раньше считались приговором, решались на новые операции и открывали — иногда случайно — лекарства, без которых мы не представляем себе современную жизнь.
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Instagram студии: @libolibostudio
Telegram студии: @libolibostudio
YouTube канал студии: ЛибоЛибо -
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«Теория Большой Бороды» выходит каждый четверг с 2015 года.
Автор: Антон Поздняков -
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КритМышь — это авторский подкаст несостоявщегося ученого Александра Головина, где он вместе с гостями пытается критически погружаться в важные темы современности.
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Гуляем с интересными людьми на интересные темы. Автор и ведущий: Иван Ямщиков. Автор рубрики "Just One More Thing": Ксения Друговейко. Режиссёр монтажа: Михаил Синельников. Менеджер проектов: Дарья Руш. Художник: Елизавета Власова Поддержи нас на патероне:
Belépő az ismeretlenbe - Beszélgetések azokkal, akik előrébb viszik a világot. Zsiros László Róbert műsora.
Petr Ludwig, autor knihy Konec prokrastinace, si do podcastu DEEP TALKS zve hosty, se kterými se baví o tématech jako jsou hodnoty, smysl práce/života a tom, co dělat pro lepší českou společnost...
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Scientificast è un podcast che parla di scienza in modo semplice e divertente.
Dal 2007 ogni settimana spieghiamo le ultime novità nella fisica e nella matematica, nella biologia e nella chimica, nell'informatica e nell'ingegneria. Il nostro è un podcast indipendente e senza alcun fine di lucro fatto da scienziati e ricercatori con la passione per la divulgazione libera ed accessibile a tutti.
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