
  • How would it feel for you to find your dream customers on social media? Social media can be a powerful tool in growing your network, but it can often feel very difficult and confusing!

    In this episode, I share the simple 4-step process that will attract, nurture, and convert your dream customers. This is the same process we teach, and you can start using it right now with your social media.

    As you heard in the last episode, I’ll be hosting a free 3-day workshop on July 23rd to July 25th on How to Revive and Monetize Your Facebook Group. I’ll be sharing registration details next week on the podcast, so stay tuned!

    Listen to Learn

    3:00 - How to approach defining what a “dream customer” means to you and your business

    7:15 - Ways to begin leveraging the true power of marketing and content

    11:18 - Tips for creating content that gets your target audience’s attention

    13:23 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    14:14 - How value content is problem-focused and what this means for your dream customer

    22:45 - What proof content looks like and how this type of content is solution-focused

    27:15 - Why it’s important to understand that humans use emotion, not logic, when making buying decisions

    430: 5 Reasons to Have a Facebook Group in 2024

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • Facebook Groups is an area that we really want to help you with, so we are going to be spending some time over the next couple weeks talking about groups here on the podcast.

    In this episode, I reveal the 5 reasons to have a Facebook Group in 2024, along with specific strategies that will help you revive and monetize your group, giving you your hottest leads yet!

    If you’d like to learn more about the ways you can be using your Facebook Group right now to grow your business, I’ll be hosting a free workshop on July 23rd to July 25th. I’ll be sharing registration details next week on the podcast, so stay tuned!

    Listen to Learn

    4:54 - The real reason why your Facebook Group isn’t working

    7:28 - What Facebook statistics are saying about organic reach in 2024

    10:45 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    11:27 - The ways in which Facebook Groups facilitate hot leads for your business

    16:08 - How they create community through shared interest or topic

    18:10 - Why you need to ask yourself what value you are really offering the people in your group

    18:35 - The role that Facebook Groups play in building key relationships

    19:45 - More things to consider if you are not making money through your group every single week

    22:14 - A sneak peek at what you’ll hear in next Tuesday’s episode and what to expect from the upcoming free workshop in July

    The Decline of Organic Facebook Reach & How to Adjust to the Algorithm

    411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan

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  • Today I’m teaching you something that we teach in our Love, Serve, Grow program, which is The 4 Phases of Network Marketing Business Growth. I know this will be incredibly helpful with your BIG goal or dream of growing your business in 2024.

    So, if your business is not growing, you must go back to Phase One and do the right things, the right way, consistently over time. That is the formula for success to get your business to where you want it to be!

    I hope this episode gave you some encouragement, and more importantly, a practical plan to get your business growing again.

    Listen to Learn

    0:54 - Why you need to get clear on where you are right now in your business

    3:23 - What are The 4 Phases of Network Marketing

    4:14 - A look at what happens in the first year of your business as you are building it

    5:04 - The dangers that exist in the second phase if you focus solely on managing your team, and the frustration and blame that often occurs at this point

    9:52 - How the “The Core Four” will become absolutely crucial for your business growth

    10:43 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    16:33 - What happens when we slip into the managing phase and why this happens to so many

    20:45 - A breakdown of the three sections of blaming

    24:14 - What the dying phase looks like and a reminder that you always have control of changing things, even at this point

    25:06 - My final thoughts on how to begin breaking free from the cycle for good

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • Today, I want to talk about influencer culture. This is something that we just can’t avoid these days, especially in our industry. I have some strong opinions on this topic, and I share why I think influencer culture is really damaging our profession.

    Do you agree, or disagree? I’d love to hear from you, and either way, I hope you got some value from today’s episode!

    Listen to Learn

    0:42 - The social media post that became the inspiration for this episode and why I feel that it’s necessary to be talking about influence culture

    1:43 - Taking a close look at the definition of “success” and the questions we really need to be asking ourselves

    7:31 - What influencers aren’t doing and why this isn’t a long-term strategy for success

    13:28 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    14:19 - A recent coaching call I had that highlights what isn’t being represented on social media

    21:51 - What success looks like for me (hint: it’s about much more than just the money I make!)

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • The word “leader” gets tossed around very generously in our industry, and I think this gets us into trouble, so today I want to have a conversation on leadership and what it really means to be a leader.

    In this episode, I share my perspective on what leadership is, and what leadership isn’t. Plus, I give you some valuable advice and insights that I know will help you in your own business.

    Listen to Learn

    3:01 - Something I am seeing a lot of in our space regarding leadership and a specific comment I received from a student that inspired this episode

    6:57 - A common blindspot that comes up with leadership and how our perspective on content marketing differs from most

    10:44 - What I feel is a big responsibility that leaders have right now

    13:05 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    14:33 - My thoughts on “super seller influencers” and why being one is not the only way to be successful in our industry

    18:46 - A final reminder that who you follow isn’t what makes you successful

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • In case you haven’t heard, the FTC recently announced legislation banning non-compete agreements, essentially making it illegal for any company in the United States to have a non-compete on an employee or in our case, an independent contractor.

    Today, I want to share my thoughts on this development, and more importantly, provide a warning and a word of caution because I know for a fact that the “vultures” are starting to circle.

    So what does this all mean for you, your business, and the industry as a whole? Tune in to find out as I break it all down in this episode!

    Listen to Learn

    3:26 - My opinion on whether this new ruling from the FTC will be a good thing or not for our industry

    5:34 - The two important clauses that are in most distributor agreements and are not covered in the FTC ruling, plus why this is important to be aware of

    7:49 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    10:51 - Why I believe that this is a just rule, based on my past experiences and what I see in the industry

    15:46 - What will never change for you, despite this ruling or any other ones that are introduced

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    417: The Downside of Selling Products from Multiple Companies

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • Are you frustrated that you're not growing your following on social media? This is a major frustration for so many people right now, myself included if I’m being honest!

    Today, I reveal the 3 main reasons why this is happening and I share the plan that we are going to be implementing in our company to address the issue. If you do what I teach in this episode, you absolutely will begin to grow your following again. So I ask you… how exciting would that be?!

    Listen to Learn

    2:29 - A refresher on the marketing funnel and why understanding the objectives of it is key

    5:26 - The type of content you must be creating for cold leads and the first mistake I see people making

    8:33 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    9:35 - An area where those who are even posting value content are going wrong

    12:57 - The key pieces to include in the top-of-funnel value content plus the third mistake that is hurting those who are looking to grow their following

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan

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  • I’m extra excited to share today’s episode, because you’ll get to hear the story of a long-time client of ours, Shannon, and how she made $4,000 in just one month from a single post she made on social media.

    This conversation will not only inspire you, but you’ll also learn the tactical and actionable strategies that Shannon actually used, including two specific skills she worked really hard on that made all the difference in the results she has seen in her business!

    If you happen to be listening to this episode at the time of publishing, our brand new program, Transformed! starts in just a matter of days, on May 1st. To grab your spot and learn more about the strategies that Shannon talks about here, along with so much more, go to https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed!

    Listen to Learn

    6:16 - Some of the things Shannon has had to do differently to adapt and evolve to the current state of her business

    8:12 - What she did recently to truly embrace the call of leadership

    10:15 - How transformational conversations literally changed Shannon’s business (and can for yours too!)

    16:01 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    18:15 - How Shannon used cross-selling, another powerful strategy she learned in Love Serve Grow

    21:18 - What you always need to make sure of when using this strategy in your own business

    26:24 - The important distinction to be made and understood about the people who buy from you

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • You’ve most likely seen someone who has left a company, then trashed the company and the people they left. This type of thing happens often in our industry, but why are these ‘leaders’ doing this? It’s because they believe it will make themselves and their businesses look better. However, today I reveal all the ways in which it’s actually doing the exact opposite.

    How can we expect others who are watching this sort of behavior to respect us and what we do if we don’t even respect ourselves? Let’s stop tearing each other down and do better while building our industry up!

    Listen to Learn

    1:32 - What most people do when they leave a company, the reason behind it, and what I’ve observed during my years in the industry

    4:18 - The long-term impact of trashing a company that you are leaving

    6:28 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    8:56 - Where the opportunity really lies from a business perspective

    10:42 - How you can grow personally when leaving a company, and what you can do when observing negative actions from someone else leaving

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • Today’s show is a bit different… This episode is related to some news that very recently became public that Beautycounter, a respected and admired company in our space for many years, is shutting down.

    The reaction to this news that I’ve been made aware of has made me think of something that I absolutely hate about this profession, and that is the negativity in times like this and how certain individuals prey on the challenges and struggles of others. I was so fired up about this that I just did an Instagram Live about it, and I’m sharing the audio from that broadcast right here for you to tune into in case you missed it.

    Whether you’re a Beautycounter Brand Advocate or just somebody in this profession who wants to elevate the way you do business, this is an important episode. I hope this provides some clarity for you during difficult times, as I shine the light on the dark side of our industry.

    Listen to Learn

    7:54 - What normally happens when news like this is announced and how I feel about this type of reaction

    10:31 - A critical choice that we must make when we are going through challenging times

    13:56 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    14:58 - Our own personal adversity that we faced as a company last year and the lessons I learned from experiencing it

    18:10 - A simple question for you if you are going through tough times right now

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • There’s a belief I’m seeing in our industry that team building is dead in 2024, and some companies are promoting the idea that you can still make money without building a team… but is this true?!

    In this episode, I want to keep it real and share why team building is not dead. Not only that, but there is most likely a greater opportunity for you to build a team today than there has ever been. However, in order for you to take advantage of it you have to step up your mindset and your skill set. If you do, you can put your business in a position to win BIG time, and it is my intention that this episode will provide you with the direction and support to do just that!

    Listen to Learn

    1:20 - Where the belief that team building is dead is coming from and the role that the pandemic played in it

    2:49 - What really separates the growing and successful businesses in our industry from the rest

    5:10 - Why I believe so strongly that the opportunity that exists today is so much greater than ever before

    8:28 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    10:42 - The real price of joining a business, what your prospects will be evaluating, and how it’s about so much more than just money to them

    12:54 - The three primary fears people have that will stack up the perceived price for them

    15:35 - A challenge and an opportunity you have to uplevel your mindset and the systems you have in place when new people join your business

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    417: The Downside of Selling Products from Multiple Companies

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • To get your copy of Your Roadmap to $1k in 30 Days, click here!

    Today I’m sharing with you an interview that I had with one of our Love Serve Grow students named Dejai. Dejai is a Seint Artist who was able to achieve her first ever $1000 commission month ORGANICALLY after less than 30 days of working with us and implementing Authentic OutreachTM. Yes, you read that right! In just 30 days, Dejai tripled her sales volume and income and generated $1000 organically in the process, which is key because organic growth is the foundation for sustainable success!

    I’m so proud of Dejai and her breakthrough! In this episode, she reveals exactly what she said and what she did to achieve it. Stay tuned as we’ll be highlighting more inspiring stories like Dejai’s on the podcast this year to introduce you to more people who are building their businesses the way we teach, and to show you what’s possible for you.

    Listen to Learn

    5:53 - Dejai’s journey in network marketing and what her business looked like prior to Love Serve Grow
    10:17 - How she felt when she she first began using our Authentic OutreachTM scripts
    13:53 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!
    16:27 - The actual results Dejai got with the first group of people she started reaching out to using the full Authentic Outreach™ strategy
    21:06 - Why it’s so important to focus on your existing customers versus focusing on new, new, new

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • How does recruiting 20 people into your business in just 30 days sound to you? It might sound attractive at first, but today I’m going to get a little spicy and share why I actually think this is NOT a good idea. Then, I’ll give my take on how to approach selling in your business.

    This episode is one that is going to challenge the way most people were taught to sell, grow a team, and build a business, but it’s a conversation that needs to be had because what is being taught goes against everything that we value in our lives.

    Listen to Learn

    4:14 - A look at a common sales approach that is shared so often and my take on it

    7:11 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    8:12 - How this approach comes across to the people you are speaking with

    10:42 - The stand you can take right now against manipulative scripts and transactional selling strategies

    13:38 - The tremendous benefit you’ll see by purposely slowing down in this process

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • Self-sabotaging my own success is something I did in my business for a very long time, and it’s something I see happening almost every single day by other people in this profession! If you find yourself in this cycle, today I am going to help you uncover why you’re doing this and the path towards overcoming it.

    I strongly believe what I share in this episode may just be the thing that sets you on a different, and better, course in your life and business!

    Listen to Learn

    4:54 - The real reason why we self-sabotage ourselves and how most of us probably aren’t even aware this is happening

    5:58 - A different way of doing business that exists for you right now

    7:12 - Exciting details on our brand-new workshop, Transformed!

    8:15 - The life-changing exercise you can do that will completely change the way you view everything in your business

    10:34 - What you can do to start turning your obstacles into objectives and opportunities

    11:24 - One of the biggest mistakes I see people making and the way to break free from the trap of just building a BIGGER business

    Are you tired of all the transactional strategies being taught today? Check out our brand new program, Transformed! (and get it for less than $10 right now) at: https://yourvirtualupline.com/transformed

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • Today I want to talk about the downside of a trend that I've been seeing in the industry: selling products from multiple companies. People have been talking about and coaching others to take on additional products from other companies as a way to make more money, and although this may seem like an attractive option for you to consider, I want to present the downside to doing this.

    Selling products from multiple companies is really a byproduct of the challenges that most people in this profession have faced when trying to grow their businesses. In this episode, I reveal how this path can lead to failure and give you a different perspective to consider!

    Listen to Learn

    2:46 - The alluring sales pitch for selling products from multiple companies

    4:05 - What I mean when I say this is a short-term strategy but a long-term problem

    5:54 - Why this system is attractive to some

    8:37 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    10:05 - The single biggest reason why businesses and people fail and why it’s important to be always be aware of this

    11:26 - A closer look at how selling multiple products will to lead to failure for business owners plus a better strategy to be using instead

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • How do I get people to like and comment on the posts I make about the products I sell? If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, you’re not alone, as it’s a question I get a lot.

    Today, we dive deeper into this challenge and I share the real reason why your posts aren’t getting engagement. I also reveal exactly how to start creating product posts that get engagement…and sales!

    Listen to Learn

    3:06 - The real reason why your posts are not getting engagement and the three questions you need to ask yourself when crafting a post about your product

    5:44 - A real-life example of someone I helped recently and how I teach her and others to make product posts
    11:06 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    12:51 - Some shifts in language and wording you can make in your product posts that will make all the difference

    18:09 - An exercise I invite you to do that will assist you in creating effective content

    411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan

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  • Are you at a place in your business and life where you’re struggling with balancing it all? Today I want to have a really important conversation with you about this and provide a different perspective on leading by example by sharing a recent conversation I had with an expecting mother who found herself at these crossroads. As a leader, one of your biggest jobs is to be the example of what is possible in a business like this, and I believe this is a message that some of you may need to hear as well about what it really means to be a leader!

    Listen to Learn

    2:00 - A personal story that demonstrates what it really means to lead by example

    5:23 - The common belief I shift I want to propose and how you can start to do things differently in both business and life

    5:44 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    10:23 - Two specific things that are crucial to do if you are to keep a balance between being a leader and taking time off

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • If you’ve been thinking you can’t find anyone to talk to or you’re not sure what to say when you do reach out to people, this episode is for you! Today, I share the transformational strategy we created and teach our students called Authentic Outreach. What I teach you in this episode may just be the most important training that we’ve ever done on this podcast. I can say that in all the years I’ve done this work, I’ve never seen a strategy create results for people so quickly!

    Not only am I going to teach you the strategy, but as a special gift, I’m going to give you the ability to get the actual scripts that we make available in our paid Love, Serve, Grow program. All you have to do to get the scripts and start using them right away is to go to https://courses.yourvirtualupline.com/scripts/!

    When you use this strategy and the scripts provided and it helps you in any way at all, I would be so grateful if you could send me a DM on Instagram, @bob_heilig, and share your story with me. This truly is the fuel that inspires me and keeps me doing the work that I do.

    Listen to Learn

    3:11 - What Authentic Outreach is and why it must be the very first step in having a transformational conversation

    3:38 - The three reasons why Authentic Outreach is so effective with producing quick results

    8:50 - How using this strategy will not only allow you to speak your truth, but people will trust and respect you more in the process

    17:00 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    17:42 - The way that the Authentic Outreach scripts will allow you to problem solve while serving and helping those you speak with

    23:12 - Why you need to remember that not everyone will be a fit for your business and how this strategy actually helps you audition your prospects

    26:57 - The two places you can use Authentic Outreach with engaged leads

    33:44 - Four ways you can make your customer worth more money to you and how Authentic Outreach will improve each of these areas for you

    37:24 - Why you MUST use scripts in your business

    Download the Authentic Outreach Scripts NOW at

    413: 2 Mistakes You're Making Keeping You From $1,000 Months

    412: The Fastest Way to Grow Your Business in 2024

    411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan

    The Value Of Investing In Loyal Customers (Forbes Article)

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  • How much time are you spending on the activities that are actually going to generate revenue in your business? If you are trying to do EVERYTHING, but you still have yet to hit consistent $1,000 months in your business, I created this episode for you. Listen closely, because today I’m sharing two of the BIGGEST mistakes that I see people making that are keeping them from getting to $1,000 months!

    Listen to Learn

    3:07 - The main reason why making your first $1,000 is the hardest

    3:59 - Why focusing on too many social platforms is hurting your business and the advice we give to our students who are doing this

    8:20 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    9:03 - What you need to know about automation and when is the right time to start implementing it in your business

    12:29 - How to get to $1,000 months when you don’t even have customers yet

    13:01 - An interesting exercise to do using our authentic outreach method that will help you generate consistent revenue in your business

    412: The Fastest Way to Grow Your Business in 2024 & 411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan

    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig

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  • What if I told you that you already have every single lead you need to grow your business this year? What if you didn’t have to constantly find new customers? I had this really major breakthrough at the end of last year about what most of you are missing in your business, and today on the podcast, I reveal the 4 things to be doing right now and the BIG mindset shift you can make that will grow your business in the fastest way possible in 2024!

    Listen to Learn

    3:39 - A look at world class companies that have stood the test of time and how this can apply to the success of your business

    4:52 - The only two ways to make more money in your business

    8:25 - What the stats are saying around exactly how important existing customers are to your business

    9:51 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message

    15:04 - The impact of referrals and the two critical points where you should be asking for them

    16:34 - What cross-selling is and why it’s the most underutilized sales strategy

    19:04 - How upgrading your existing customers to your team makes you more money

    21:15 - Your homework that will put you on the path to the fastest way to grow your business

    The Value Of Investing In Loyal Customers (Forbes Article)

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