
  • It’s week 2 of snatched summer series.

    In this week’s podcast episode, you will know exactly why you haven’t lost weight yet.

    If you are confused or you feel like you’ve tried everything and now summer is near and you don’t know what to do, listen to this episode.

    When it comes to losing 20 pounds, there are 3 components (mindset, portioning or consistency in your workouts) that you need to check off to be in a weight loss phase and I dive deep into which one you need to prioritize based on where you are at now. Tune in! :)

    Let’s Work Together:

    Join 6 months 1:1 coaching where you lose 20 pounds and keep it off eating your cultural foods. No dieting. No restricting. This program is designed to help you be the most consistent you’ve ever and feel confident in your skin again. To apply, book a free sales call here and let’s chat: https://calendly.com/superlysam/6-months-1-1-coaching-sales-call

    For more details about 1:1 coaching, visit this link: https://superlysam.com/coaching

    Visit my website: www.superlysam.com

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569


    I am kicking off this series to help you lose 20 pounds without dieting while traveling this year.

    If you’ve been debating with yourself whether you should wait until after summer to lose weight because it feels too “late” now, listen to this episode.

    I share 3 ways you can get out of that mindset and make progress as you’re traveling so you don’t have to pause your 20 pound goal to enjoy life, you can do both.

    Make sure to tune into the podcast every week as we kick off this series to help you feel confident losing weight during one of the busiest seasons.

    See you there!


    Let’s Work Together:

    Join 6 months 1:1 coaching where you lose 20 pounds and keep it off eating your cultural foods. No dieting. No restricting. This program is designed to help you be the most consistent you’ve ever and feel confident in your skin again. To apply, book a free sales call here and let’s chat: https://calendly.com/superlysam/6-months-1-1-coaching-sales-call

    For more details about 1:1 coaching, visit this link: https://superlysam.com/coaching

    Visit my website: www.superlysam.com

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569


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  • SURPRISE! You’re not supposed to be in a losing weight cycle all the time. There comes a point in your journey where you need to practice being in the maintenance phase. This is the phase where you learn how to keep the weight off and get comfortable in your new body without sabotaging the progress you’ve created. In this episode, I share the importance of this phase and how it can’t be skipped or overlooked. Even if you’re not at your 20 pound goal yet, listen to this episode to prepare yourself for the journey to see your goal all the way through the end. Tune in! :)

    Let’s Work Together:

    Join 6 months 1:1 coaching where you lose 20 pounds and keep it off eating your cultural foods. No dieting. No restricting. This program is designed to help you be the most consistent you’ve ever and feel confident in your skin again. To apply, book a free sales call here and let’s chat: https://calendly.com/superlysam/6-months-1-1-coaching-sales-call

    For more details about 1:1 coaching, visit this link: https://superlysam.com/coaching

    Visit my website: www.superlysam.com

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • If you’re waiting until you’ve lost all the weight to start shopping for new clothes, this podcast pep talk is for you. Cause let me tell you something, it is not a waste of money even if you can’t fit into them later after you’ve lost the weight. It will help you think differently about your body and about yourself now, which will automatically up-level your identity to stay consistent towards your 20 pound goal and keep it off.

    Tune in and start shopping for your body size now.

    Let’s Work Together:

    Join 6 months 1:1 coaching where you lose 20 pounds and keep it off eating your cultural foods. No dieting. No restricting. This program is designed to help you be the most consistent you’ve ever and feel confident in your skin again. To apply, book a free sales call here and let’s chat: https://calendly.com/superlysam/6-months-1-1-coaching-sales-call

    For more details about 1:1 coaching, visit this link: https://superlysam.com/coaching

    Visit my website: www.superlysam.com

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

     Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569 

  • We have a special guest! My client Crystal shared how she went from using food to cope with stress and being inconsistent with her workouts to now feeling confident with food while getting in a workout in no matter what. In this episode, Crystal shares the struggles she faced during her journey in 6 months 1:1 coaching being a mom of two, a business owner and her past experience being an MD. If you are struggling with time, motivation, and discipline, this episode is for you to take one step closer to your 20-pound goal.

    Connect with Crystal: https://www.instagram.com/crystalagyei/


    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://calendly.com/superlysam/6-months-1-1-coaching-sales-call

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • There’s always a reason why you’re overeating. When you're not aware of it, you can get stuck in the cycle of working out consistently but not see the weight come off. In this week’s episode, I share 3 reasons why this is happening and what to do so you can start losing 20 pounds this week by fixing one overeating habit. 

    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: â€šhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • This week’s episode is a re-release of another popular episode on the podcast to help you get out of a plateau so you can lose 20 pounds this year.

    When the scale is stubborn and it’s not going down no matter how much you try to eat healthy or workout, your brain is gonna say you’re in a plateau.

    Don’t freak out!! A weight loss plateau can be frustrating but it is normal and part of the journey because our bodies LOVE saving energy.

    In this episode, I share 3 reasons why you are experiencing a plateau and how to overcome it depending on which category you fall into. Make sure to take a listen if you’ve been feeling stuck at the same weight. I got you. 😜



    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: â€šhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • This week’s episode is a re-release of our most popular episode to help you redirect your focus in your weight loss journey. You can’t focus on the quality of your healthy habits until you’ve built the healthy habits first. When you focus too much on perfecting the food on your plate, making sure you can hit the gym 5x a week when you haven’t built the habit of not working through your lunch break and moving your body in a way that feels easy, you will SLOW down your progress.

    In this episode, I share what not to focus on that will waste time and help you see your next steps so you don’t get overwhelmed. You’ll walk away knowing how to redirect yourself with confidence.

    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: 

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • Naihomy Jerez is a food and holistic health coach for women of color. She specializes in teaching busy women how to use food to heal while living their BEST life! Naihomy lost 50 pounds and reversed her pre-diabetes while still eating what she loves. In this episode, she shares how you can use food to your advantage and make it work for your body so you can support your health long-term. Cause your health is not just about you, it is the knowledge you pass down for generations to come. Naihomy is a health advocate for her community. Her work has helped dozens of clients reverse their blood pressure and pre-diabetes, get their menstrual cycle back, help PCOS women get pregnant, and manage their thyroid conditions. Her work is life-changing and I can’t wait for you to hear this conversation.

    To connect with Naihomy, visit these links:




    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • If you talk yourself out of a workout and eating healthy every single time, this episode is for you. I know there’s a lot of shame when you tell yourself you’ll do something and then you don’t follow through. In this episode, I share 4 reasons why this is happening and how you can overcome it right now to start taking action to lose 20 pounds. Because trust me, you cannot TAKE this personally. There is something not working with your weight loss plan that makes it hard for you to stay consistent and I am here to share with you what that is AND teach you how to hold yourself accountable in a compassionate way. Tune in!

    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • When you feel like you’re not making any physical changes in the mirror after doing your workouts and eating healthy, you have to create an invisible progress list. This list includes all of the wins you can celebrate right now outside of how you look. This list is going to help you see what is working and what you need to get better at to help you keep making consistent progress. In this episode, I share how this list helped me stay consistent in my weight loss journey for the past 11 years. It is how I continue to track progress today. Cause guess what? When you see yourself everyday, you won’t notice the subtle changes you make, you have to document it. It’s time to give yourself the credit you deserve. Listen in!

    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569 

  • To lose 20 pounds AND keep it off is a lifelong commitment. It is not a 3-6 months side project you just do by eating healthy and working out then stopping when you reach it. When you do this, you will be in the losing and gaining cycle over and over again. This is why in this episode, I share how you can stay committed to the 20 pounds goal beyond the 20 pounds. Cause guess what? You will be taking care of your body and health for the rest of your life. So you gotta prepare for the long term thinking. Because it’s easy to get distracted and tempted to go back to what used to work when everyone around you is thinking short-term by doing the diets. This podcast is a reminder that your 20 pound goal is just ONE milestone of your journey, there’s more after that. Switching my mindset to this mentality has helped me stay consistent in my journey for the past 11 years. You got this.

    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569 

  • It’s time to let go of how your body used to look like. I know you were once fit. I know you were once active. I know you were once smaller even though you thought you were overweight. Whatever it is, you’re not there anymore and wishing that you will GET back to there when you set the 20 pound goal will disappoint you. That’s because this journey has to look different this time. Wanting old bodies = bringing back old eating and workout habits that no longer serve you in this present moment. In this episode, I share why letting go and feeling the emotions of grieving your body will help you lose 20 pounds and keep it off this time. Because this time, it is different. You’re building your body the way you want without bringing the baggage of shame of not loving your past fit body.

    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • My client Claudia is back on the podcast! She lost 12.6 pounds in 6 months 1:1 coaching and in this episode, she shares how she did it without dieting while eating Mexican food. We go in depth on the mindset shift she needed to have, the eating and workout habits she had to build one step at a time to get here. Claudia did the damn work and now she’s keeping the weight off as a lifestyle that feels sustainable. Tune in!

    Listen to part 1 of Claudia’s story here on episode #114 on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/00SKelwfPpMjgrAglnoZ8p?si=6Iq2wOJmQga9gOHqpIlspQ

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/114-client-story-creating-space-to-lose-20-pounds-ft/id1546118828?i=1000639203843

    Connect with Claudia here:


    Let’s Work Together:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569

  • In this episode, I have a raw honest conversation with my client Julie about how she protected her health by leaving a toxic job for an internship. She shares how the stressful work environment drained her energy and how it didn’t motivate her to workout. She shares how she came into 6 months 1:1 coaching wanting to lose 10 pounds and how she changed her weight loss goal halfway to meet her body where it was at by taking it one step at a time. She is now living a healthy lifestyle where she can take care of her health while having a good relationship with her Hmong food without guilt. Most importantly, she learned how to have courage to leave any toxic environment. Tune in. :)

    Let’s connect:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

    Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569 

  • When you find yourself doubting whether you should start switching things up by restricting more and workout longer, you’re not trusting the process. For this episode, I give you 4 ways to trust the weight loss process so you can see it all the way through without making the same mistakes I did. When you are impatient, you get quick results that don’t last or you add more and become LESS consistent than before. That’s not going to happen here. Get ready to start having the confidence to commit to your weight goal.

    Let’s connect:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam


  • I created a fun quiz to help you know what kind of eater you are to help you stop overeating. The biggest challenge when it comes to losing weight is eating when your body doesn’t need it. The better you get at identifying what eating patterns you have and how to manage it, the better you get at listening to your body and only eating when you’re hungry. This is how you keep the weight off for good because you are not relying on MyFitnessPal or the points you get from weight watchers to tell you that you have 3 points left for the night. You are in control of how much you eat because it is YOUR BODY. When you take the quiz, you’ll fall into one of the 5 eating archetypes I created after spending more than 1000+ hours coaching dozens of 1:1 clients. Tune in!


    Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569 

    Let’s connect:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

  • Knowing the WHY behind your eating is going to help you lose more weight than worrying about WHAT you’re eating. The WHY will help you see a pattern with the snacks and food choices you make and show your TRUE unfiltered eating habits. When you care too much about WHAT to eat, you are not really changing your eating habits but instead you’re replacing it with a meal plan that won’t make the healthy eating habit stick. This will eventually show up when you start gaining weight again. In this episode, I share how you can get better at eating healthy AND eating foods you like with control by understanding your own why and changing the “bad” eating habits permanently so the weight can stay off. Get ready!


    Let’s connect:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

  • I freaken did it! I ran my first ever 10K and it went amazing. I had my best running pace, hit 3rd place in my age group and it was something I did not expect but the training I did was worth it for the growth. In this episode, I share with you 5 lessons I learned training for this race that will help you lose 20+ pounds. It’s time to take it 1 pound at a time just like 1 mile at at time ;). If you are struggling to stay committed every time you start losing weight, get ready to know exactly how to trust the process, feel confident in it and be focused on the right things that actually create progress. Enjoy this episode.

    Let’s connect:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

  • Today’s podcast, I have my friend/collegaue Naomi Kong to share a deep conversation with you around staying consistent and motivated for years. Her and I have been in the fitness/weight loss industry for over 6+ years and in this episode, we share what keeps us going, how our journey and goal has evolved as we changed– Cause your fitness/weight loss plan doesn’t stay the same OKURT. You’ll learn how to not let perfectionism get in the way when you’re starting, be okay with being a beginner and know how to keep going by getting clear on why tf are you doing this anyways? The more you get yourself into the beginner’s mindset, the more you’ll stick to your new year resolution goal. This is a good one. Tune in. :)

    Connect with Naomi Kong here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naomi.kong/
    1:1 Coaching & Fitness Resources: https://bio.site/naomikong
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@naomikong

    Let’s connect:

    Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam