Télévision et cinéma – Turquie – Podcasts populaires
Sinema insanı Melikşah Altuntaş’ın hazırlayıp sunduğu bu podcast serisi, iyi bir film izlemek isteyenleri ihya edecek konsept listeler, sinema dünyasının kanayan yaraları ve ilginç olaylarını mercek altına alan dosyalarla sizi film komasına sokmaya hazırlanıyor.
Friends and co-hosts Drew Shulman and Marie Vigouroux explore TV show Supernatural. With a focus on character narrative, growth and relationships, they offer a critique of the show’s lore, production and writing decisions. Whether you are a long-time fan or a newcomer, join Drew and Marie weekly as they parse through 15 seasons of Sam, Dean, and, of course, pie.
Celil Sadık ve Kemal Akçay'ın hazırlayıp sunduğu kültür-sanat ve goy goy podcastidir.
Join Walter and Rob as they give alternate takes on movies and how to change some for the better.
Film yapimciligi hakkinda ogrenmek istediginiz hersey bu kanalda! Film yapimi atolyesinde senaryo'dan dagitim kismina kadar herseyi ogrenmek icin beni takip edin. Bagimsiz sinema filmi cekmek ve uluslararasi basari elde etmenin yollarini bu kanalda bulacaksiniz. Hakan Yildiz odullu yapimci ve oyuncu olarak bu sektorde 10 yildan fazla calismaktadir. 20 den fazla Filmin yapimciligini yapmis olup kimilerinde yazar, yonetmen, oyuncu olarakta yer almistir. Yeni bircok bagimsiz film uretmeye devam etmektedir. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/filmyapimatolyesi/support
Ezgi Çelik her hafta bir misafirle sıcak, samimi bir sohbet gerçekleştiriyor.
Kendi mizah anlayışıyla gündem haberlerini usta bir dille yorumlayan Ceyhun Yılmaz, trafiğin en yoğun olduğu saatte ‘’tampon tampona aşk’’ sloganıyla dinleyicileriyle buluşuyor. ‘’Ceyhun Yılmaz Show’’ hafta içi her gün 18.00-20.00 saatleri arasında Radyo D’de!
Evrim Kaya, Selim Eyüboğlu ve Ahmet Gürata, her hafta gösterime giren filmleri konuşuyor ve sinemanın ahvalini değerlendiriyor.
Art begets Life. Life informs Art. A circular dynamic that is constantly energized by the world of story and the visual medium of film and TV. This podcast is an exploration of this dynamic, the players, and the processes that underlie it all.
the entertainment podcast hosted by tom & josh
Her hafta Party Chat'te oyun dünyası ve film-TV dünyasındaki haberler üstüne konuşuyoruz, arkadaş muhabbeti tadınla laflıyoruz :)
Welcome to Positive Energy and Good Vibes with B Amechi where we give you Positive Thought + Positive Talk!
Each week Davis, Schroeder, Brian, and Odom of the hit YouTube channel the Warp Zone, sit down with each other and ask the all important question “How Did You Miss That?!”. Every episode the guys ruthlessly shame someone for not seeing a seminal movie, be it an Oscar winner or a Razzie winner. And yes, we’ll get to The Room (Oh hi, Mark). We’ll force that person to watch the movie they missed and then we’ll break it down, frame by frame, to see if it stands the test of time. Make sure you don’t miss “How Did You Miss That?!” so we don’t have to shame you too.
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4
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The Week in Geek is a radio talk show broadcasting in the Metro New Orleans area from News Talk 99.5 WRNO FM on Sundays at 7pm CST. Thanks to the power of the internet our show has been heard around the world via the Spreaker radio app.
We cover all topics related to geekdom such as comic books, video games, movies, books, conventions, cosplay, and many more! We have been fortunate enough to bring our listeners interviews from actors in film, TV, and voice overs also authors, comic book artists, geek musicians, and fan groups.
The hosts of The Week in Geek are David Ducorbier and Brian Held, Jr. both members of the Gulf Coast Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fandom Community for many years. Our video game pick of the week correspondent is Skungy Scontrino, our Facebook Admin is author Ernest Russell, and our Chief Librarian for book reviews is D L Held. -
Paul Levinson talks about TV, movies, politics, social media, outer space, good food, science fiction; occasionally reads from his science fiction stories, plays concerts of his music, interviews other authors
Filmsiz ve Öfkeli grubunda var olmaya çalışıyorum. Bu grupta var olmanın yolu hep yeni bir film çekimi çalışması içinde olmak ve kendime söz verdiğim tarihlerde mutlaka filmimi bitirip yayınlamak. Ve bu podcast bu serüvenden işler nasıl gidiyor sizinle paylaştığım yayın kanalı.
Im Gehörgang ihrer Majestät ist der erste deutschsprachige Podcast über James Bond. Seit Februar 2020 zelebrieren Kai Sternberg und Sebastian Meinke jeden Monat die Abenteuer des britischen Geheimagenten – von Ian Flemings Romanen, über die Comics und Videospiele, bis zu den beliebten Filmen. Dazu gibt es die Bond-Nachrichten, Reiseberichte von Drehorten und Interviews mit Akteuren der Fan-Szene.
We've been writing about celebrities on Celebitchy.com since 2006 and we love to dish. We cover the latest in entertainment news, celebrity gossip, fashion, scandals and royals. Join us every week!
Podcast by Gökçe İnce
Small Screen Feelgood Podcast With Trevor Feelgood What is this then ? Each episode Trevor sits down to rate TV shows and he won't give up until every single TV show is rated. Is this pointless yes.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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