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  • In this episode you will learn how to master cold market recruiting and generate an endless amount of leads for your business. I give you strategies for Facebook, LinkedIn and face to face prospecting.

  • In this episode we discuss the power of live streaming video when it comes to growing your business and personal brand. If you haven't already started to leverage the power of this incredible tool, you are really missing out. In my opinion, the future of social media will be live streaming video.

    There has never been a more powerful tool to quickly develop know, like, and trust with your team and prospects. In the last few months, Facebook has made some major enhancements to their live streaming platform that I feel make it perfect for network marketing professionals.

    In the training I talk about which platform you should focus on (Periscope of Facebook Live), and give you the top 5 ways to use live streaming video to help you grow your business faster. These are simple things that you can begin to implement today that will make a huge difference when it comes to training and working with your team.

  • Episode 35: Run the 4 Minute Mile for Your Team

    This is session is for the leaders out there who are in network marketing or anyone else leading any type of a team.

    Ask yourself these questions:

    Are you frustrated because the people on your team are not showing up or not putting in the work? Are your people not advancing or do they seem to have hit a ceiling? Do you feel that you want it more than they do? Why won't your people follow what you're saying?

    Since we are not in the corporate world, it's important to realize that in network marketing, we are building a volunteer army. The problem is we have to figure out how to motivate and inspire our team. How do we do that? By leading them by example.

    All of us start off our businesses in phase 1, which is recruiting, meeting people and going out there every day to build our business. But then we start feeling the need to train the people we have and fall into what is called "management mode". We concentrate on teaching our team how to do things, in turn being dependent on them for growth. So, what will you do when they aren't progressing? How do you get them back on track?

    The highest responsibility of a leader is to lead by example and to demonstrate the correct behaviors to our team. Stop and ponder on these important points:

    Are YOU part of the reason why you team isn't succeeding? Do you lack personal accomplishments in your business? When was the last time that YOU rank advanced in your company? Are you showing them that's it's possible to hit your goals? When you are in "management mode" and not doing Phase 1 activities, how is that affecting your business?

    If you have stopped rank advancing, then consider that your people may be struggling with if it's even possible for them. Sometimes we need to get a little selfish, get out of management mode, start showing everyone it's possible to getting back to Phase 1.

    A good example of this is the story of Roger Bannister. He was the first person to ever run a 4 minute mile. Before him, people thought it was humanly impossible to complete this goal. Once Roger Bannister accomplished it, within a year hundreds of others also accomplished this once thought impossible feat.

    What changed? It took one person to show the entire world that it was POSSIBLE. I challenge you to run the 4 minute mile for your team. Show the leaders on your team that it's possible to rank advance and achieve your goals. This will encourage them to stretch and achieve their goals.

    Make a decision today to hit that next rank, to get your next promotion. Get uncomfortable, get out of management mode, and back to Phase 1 activity. Show your team that it's possible to do what they may now think is impossible.

  • In this episode we discuss one of the not so well known secrets of success:

    "Success REQUIRES struggle."

    One of the biggest reasons why most people are not achieving their goals in their life and their business, is they don't understand the relationship between success and failure. The only way you can become massively successful in your life, is you have to also become a massive failure.

    Sounds kind of counter-intuitive, right? Here's what successful people know, that most failures do not - the positive you get in your life is actually the BY PRODUCT of the negative. You will be successful to the degree that you are willing and able to put up with all the bad, negative "stuff" that you encounter.

    Any goal you have in your life is a 2-sided coin. On one side is what you want, and on the other side - in DIRECT PROPORTION, is what you don't want to do to achieve that goal. Those two things will always be in balance.

    In the episode I mention one of my favorite books of all time, Go For No by Richard Fenton. I highly recommend reading it, if you haven't already. This recording is from a Facebook Live training that I did over on my Your Virtual Upline Fan Page earlier this week. I already have almost 40,000 views and over 700 shares since it was broadcasted.

    I wanted to share the message with you here, knowing that it's going to make a huge impact for you all. Make sure you go to Facebook and "Like" my fan page if you haven't already. I'm doing a live training every Monday - Friday at 8:00 am EST that you can join live, or see the recording. Here's the link to my page:


  • In this episode we discuss the 80/20 rule of sales and marketing.

    This principle simply states that 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes.

    One of the best books you can read is the 80/20 Rule of Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshal. In this book, Marshal discusses how this principle can essentially apply to anything in life.

    It is critical as a leader that when you build a team you don’t get pulled in too many directions. The larger the team, the more difficult it becomes to remain productive and you slip into management mode. Because of this, it is important to focus on the right activities and people that got your business to where it is in the first place

    3 Takeaways from this episode:

    80% of your production will come from 20% of your people 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities 80% of your time should be spent developing the relationships with the best 20% of people

    This episode is a recording from a Facebook Live training that I did over on my Your Virtual Upline Fan Page earlier this week. I wanted to share the message with you here, knowing that it's going to make a huge impact for you all. Make sure you go to Facebook and "Like" my fan page if you haven't already. I'm doing a live training every Monday - Friday at 8:00 am EST that you can join live, or see the recording. Here's the link to my page:


  • Today I want to talk to you about Facebook Stories! This exciting new feature just launched on Facebook and I want to share how you can use this incredibly powerful tool to get more attention on social media. This tool is also an incredibly powerful feature from a prospecting and recruiting standpoint to generate more engagement from your audience.

    So, you may be asking what is Facebook stories? It is a series of small videos and pictures that you can take throughout your day to essentially tell the story of your day. It allows you to show a more personal side of yourself and bring people into your world and get to know you. Right now, it is not available for everyone but it is being rolled out over the next week.

    The main difference between Instagram stories and Facebook stories is the filters. With Facebook stories, you can add the filters before you ever take a picture or video. One of the things about stories is it allows you to show your personality and the videos can even be up to 20 seconds long as opposed to the shorter versions on Instagram and Snapchat. Like with anything new, the key to success is consistency. If you can stay consistent and give yourself time to get better and rise to the top you will win on this platform.

    The best way to create content is to stop thinking and start documenting! Just be yourself and start documenting your life. The beauty of the story functionality is allowing you to become the star of your own reality TV show! This allows you to begin building a personal brand. Through stories you can show anything and everything that is important and that matters to you. Familiarity breeds trust and if you are constantly in front of peoples face you become trustworthy.

    One example of something you can do is to start documenting your journey as an entrepreneur. Talk about the things you are learning. Share your successes and also your failures.

    You may be asking how does this help me sell more and recruit more people? This happens because everything you share with someone becomes a point of commonality with that person. The more you share of yourself and the more points you can create, the more conversations you can start. This is where the sales and network growth begin!

    Actionable method to getting started on Facebook Stories:

    Focus on a mix of content by both being funny and adding value to your viewers Give yourself permission to be you and stand out Use Facebook Stories to drive traffic to other channels such as Facebook Live, etc.

    Quick reminder: I have a live training event coming up on April 7-9 that you should strongly consider. Be sure to check it out here: https://breakthroughacademylive.com/2017