
  • Forging a new left agenda in the midst of our neoliberal hellscape -- Join us weekly for the best news and analysis from a left perspective.

  • A group of comrades from around the world, learning and growing together through marxist literature.

  • Audiobooks with commentary and analysis to help make Leftist theory more accessible.

  • Prepare to be titillated, pop culture fans, because Fangasm is here; exposing the masses to the most ridiculous fanfiction stories on the internet. The comedy podcast that no one asked for, this tantalizingly unsexy show features your favorite TV, book, and movie characters as they find themselves outside of their storylines and sometimes...inside of each other. Every week, hosts Allie LeFevere, Lyndsay Rush, & Danny Chapman will take you on a wild ride through the kind of outrageous scenarios and hilarious hookups that you’ll have to hear to believe...and probably wish you hadn’t.

    Previously known as ‘The Potterotica Podcast’, Fangasm is no longer monogamous with Harry Potter, and instead, has gone poly by reading spicy fanfiction from all fandoms—Marvel, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, The Office, Stranger Things, Parks and Recreation, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more.

    FYI: S=Season (stories 5-12 episodes in length), E=Episode, Q=Quickie (stories 1-4 episodes in length).

    Please be advised that by hitting play, you are knowingly putting yourself at risk for embarrassing outbursts of laughter, inside jokes your friends will never understand, and having your favorite characters ruined for life.

  • A weekly podcast about Christianity and leftist politics. The Magnificast is hosted by Dean Dettloff and Matt Bernico. Each week's episode focuses on a unique or under-realized aspect of territory between Christianity and politics that no one taught you about in sunday school.

  • Season 12 premiered October 20, 2024 – a nonfictional account of The Martian Revolution of 2247.

    Mike Duncan is taking everything he's learned from 12 seasons of historical revolutions - the repeating arcs, characters, ideas, events, and patterns which all revolutions seem to follow - and created a fictional history of the Martian Revolution of 2247. The series is written from the point of view of a historian working hundreds of years after the Martian Revolution and will be presented in the style and format of previous seasons of Revolutions. It will look, sound, and feel like a Mike Duncan history podcast…but will instead be a fictional narrative of a gripping science-fiction epic.

    Revolutions is a podcast that covers the great political revolutions that have defined the modern world. Each season is a long-form narrative covering a different defining revolutionary epoch across three hundred years of history. It explores in great detail the people, ideas, and events that challenged and toppled outdated regimes and replaced them with new governments. After more than 350 episodes over ten seasons of narrative nonfiction, the 12th season is a fictional account of the Martian Revolution of 2247.

    In the fall of 2025, the Revolutions podcast will return to its roots by diving into the great revolutions of the 20th century. The new run of episodes begins with the story of Irish Independence, a dramatic upheaval in the wake of WWI that saw Ireland free itself from centuries of English rule. Full of inspiring personalities, tragic events, and thrilling triumphs, Irish Independence is one of the most gripping events in revolutionary history. Future seasons will plunge ahead through the turbulent 20th century, and include the Spanish Civil War, the Cuban Revolution, and the Algerian War of Independence.

  • Season of the Bitch is a brilliant podcast hosted and produced by a coven of non binary leftist feminists. We cover all sorts of topics from marxist feminism, to the occupation of Palestine, to advice on dating and sex lives and astrology.

  • Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.

  • David Edmonds (Uehiro Centre, Oxford University) and Nigel Warburton (freelance philosopher/writer) interview top philosophers on a wide range of topics. Two books based on the series have been published by Oxford University Press. We are currently self-funding - donations very welcome via our website

  • Communist podcast exploring political economy, history and the class struggle with AP Andy, Sean KB and guests. Become a patron to enjoy bonus content, access to our Discord community and more at: twitter: @the\_antifada @baseprole @as\_a\_worker email: antifadamindset at gmail streaming: