I was often featured on the Voisey app and I have been leaving the app to work more as a music producer which is super exciting, but has created a huge change in me and my relatability to hobbyist artists. It’s something I feel very uncomfortable with, although I feel totally fine sharing it here and the overall feel of this time is I’m going through great growing pains. It hurts to let go of the past, but in order to grow, you can’t take everyone with you with each step you take. I hope if you feel alone, that you know you are not alone. This is a repeating feeling in life as social circles transform especially in entrepreneurial networks. Sending love and faith your way!
I start off talking about how I came out as She/They and Bi on video and how that happened and what it has opened my life to since. Apparently I channeled a whole freaking collective message after LOL. All about AWAKENING CONFIDENCE! I hope you resonate 🤍
I had a growth spurt emotionally. Now that I write it, it’s a long freaking story. I should stream more about the physical changes in my life that caused this, like starting a business successfully in the middle of a pandemic. Like, wtf haha. I couldn’t do that before the pandemic... yet here I am. Survival makes you do wild things!!! Never give up on yourself! Anyways, here I stream about the deeper reflections that resonated through my core once it really hit me that I am seeing a whole new light and balance in my life. I almost feel childish in my podcast entries prior to this - in less than a year of changes? Wait, it has been over a year since I started podcasting. Omg. Ok I’m done, hope you find something inspiring in this episode and enjoy the zen new energy I wanted to share! Haha. Blessings🪐🙏
I’m back on here after at least half a year of changes!! I felt like channeling the main thing that I have been coming to understand which has brought me a positive manifestation shift in this last season. I have completely transformed my life since then and I’m pretty certain the attitude of my voice will have more strength and security to it than before. It’s all about always choosing what lights you up. If something resonates with you, feel welcome to share!! Follow and tag me @BeingAmetaphor on IG to get updates about my creativity and... what lights me up! My music is also streamable on all major music platforms. 🤗 Xo Ametaphor 💛⚡️🌤
My first scored podcast!! I told ya I was going to evolve and get better over time (speaking to myself? haha) Starting anew, OMG. Noticed as I went through old video attempts to speak publicly that it’s led me to who I am now and I kept letting fear get in the way of sharing my messages. Human connection is the most inspiring force right now!! Anyways, enjoy some asmr/binaural beat inspired relaxation music created by me over the stream of thoughts. Much love :)
So happy to share a free-flowing stream with my dear good friend and fellow music producer/collaborator who is also into awakening, Tyler Escudero aka “Atherton”, and you can stream his music everywhere as Atherton and connect with him on Instagram @atherton_music :) All background music is his!
I share how we met (plz bear with my tone of voice, it's because I was nervous doing a podcast collab for the first time lol!) online back in 2015-2016 ish, even though we both had gone to Icon Collective in 2014, and how we initially bonded over Eckhart Tolle's books including Power of Now and A New Earth, so we dive into how we both learned very similar life lessons! Our friendship has been full of awakening conversations and our differences have made us learn a lot from each other - actually something that inspired me to create this space to simply be, because so much progress takes place in the form of conversations with my friends. So, THANKS, TYLER!! for being willing to hop on here with me and bring your presence to the beautiful listeners here.
Enjoy hanging out with us!! We love having these breakthrough moments so I’m excited to share some aha moments of ours with you!! :) -
Thanks @rythemenace on IG for suggesting the topic of ‘manifesting & being content with the now’!! Wow, I didn’t realize how much my view on manifesting has changed until I vocalized it and decided to take this opportunity to say something different than what I see people posting and talking about up to now. I wish someone told me that I didn’t need to try so hard to manifest, I just had to focus on enjoying life and everything would fall into place. Or just do the dang thing. Haha! If you like my podcast PWEEZ share with an awakening friend!! Love you all and thanks for listening!! :)
How many times will I need to hear someone remind me what I could be doing for myself before I actually step up to the plate and do it for me! I’m waiting on myself!! I could either wait around for a place I can fit or create a space for myself and others. I’m realizing that I have a clear calling to DO THE DANG THING!!!! Haha. Tough love towards myself. Relevant improv at the end :)
I wrote these in a text to myself recently and I knew I wanted to record them to be streamable. I guess now was the time for it to happen :) Enjoy, my loves, and shine bright!
MOTIVATION!! You are an ENTIRE being. You are the Source of anything that manifests from your action. No one part of you is more valuable than you as a whole, even if others don’t see that. I share my story of being a demo-ing vendor at an event I had no idea I could have been paid to speak for with the content of my story to inspire others. I watched someone I follow on Instagram in person, speaking publicly, who I didn’t even expect to see, and it put into perspective why I follow who I do and what makes them able to do what they do and I’m still struggling to be confident with my position. It was merely my inability to realize I had value beyond my own imagination and understanding of myself. I think “why not me?” and then I dive into being that. My world has shifted since I chose to embrace my thoughts as having value. It’s as simple as helping people remember the simple things that make life worth living, honestly. I sing relevant improv at the end :)
WOW SUPER AWESOME AWAKENING SESSION!! I started off talking about how my speech awareness has evolved and then 3/4ths in got into a super awakened state where I legit felt like I was floating above my voice and surfing it as a wave just by observing it. Gosh, that was awesome lol! That really kicked me back to my center and present moment! I sing improv at the end :)
I randomly felt inclined to think about what I would do with the rest of my life if I found out today would be my last day here. I had this burst of excitement imagining telling everyone how grateful and honored I am to have been a part of this all and felt like I would be happy with my life. I would want to be cheered on as I go into the light or return to Source, not mourned. Graduating in joy. Thinking of life ending puts things into perspective and I want to share the urgency of making this life what you want now because this life is all we have! What if this was your last day? What if this day was a metaphor for the rest of your life? Who do you need to let know you LOVE? What do you want to change?
Intentions, intentions... Okay, right now, I'm reflecting on the fact that I have never been able to show up this confidently and outwardly before and why. I talk about my take on being afraid of having haters or being disliked, and how sometimes we can be carrying ways of being that maybe helped us once upon a time, but now are contrarily holding us back by keeping us being who we molded ourselves to be in the past. I share how, as a child, I desired being liked so badly (as a survival instinct) that I had a self-motivating drive to stand out, impress others, and be associated with popularity in order to feel valid and have faith in myself. These later became the very things that held me back in early adulthood because the formula for my survival changed and I struggled to see my worth in other ways that weren't just to get me by safely. I mention my struggles with self-hate upon coming out as a solo artist in 2015, not feeling ready to face the world and myself while I had the epic privilege of my music and name reaching the public in my first music license deal. I was actually stooping to very low lows with my self-image and had to unlearn things I did to cope with insecurity to rebuild myself from square one again. I have changed so much since then, and everything has improved with my dedication to nurturing my self-love. I create positive affirmations to help you with your loving reflection on yourself and sing some relevant improv at the end. :)
LET’S BE EPICALLY IN LOVE WITH BEING HERE, FULLY, AS WE TRULY ARE, RIGHT NOW! Ikigai is a Japanese word I hold dear to my heart that translates to reason for being. I take you on a walk with me in nature where I freely and poetically stream consciousness (as I walk next to a stream!) and dive into what I realized is an expression of my ikigai - what makes me feel impactful/valuable/joyfully full of purpose. I provide a guided meditative perspective/philosophy to drive your awareness into the practice of narrating the present moment, lovingly and powerfully, not only for your own healing, but also for the greater good. I share highlighted thoughts of mine, reasons for sharing this mindset, and empowering affirmations to bring you back to continue writing your story with the intention of being epic. You can hear my footsteps, wildlife sounds, and wind blowing in the background. I lovingly sing improv at the stream at the end to conclude my message and send you on your way in an energetically refreshing and activating sense of peace.