Good morning beautiful people! It’s your boy J. Brown w/The Get Down and are are live!! I appreciate everyone who’s been tuning into the podcast. It’s an amazing feeling when you take a chance on yourself and truly believe you’re meant for this. Refreshing!! Anywhos to go with that heat I cooked up an exclusive interview with the main man, my boy, my brotha from anotha, the Plant City Protector J.T.!!! The CEO of Grind enterprises took some time out his busy day to conduct this interview. I thank him for that, because the entrepreneur life can be a busy one. So without further ado, tune in and join us on The Get Down. Where podcast can be listened too we will be heard.
SN: it may take 1-3 days for the podcast to appear on certain streaming platforms. In order to make sure you don’t miss an episode turn on the “Notifications” and you will be alerted when a new episode is available!! -
Good morning beautiful people!!! It’s The Get Down with J. Brown and we are live.
Hope you all have been having an amazing day, week, month, year. Making the most out of every moment in every way. With everything going on it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race of life. Bouncing from one urgent thing to the next. Addressing each crisis as it comes. In doing so we can often lose touch with family, friends, heck even who we are. Which is why I wanted my first podcast interview to be with family. And to discuss certain topics which are relevant and very important in the black community as well as others. So tune in and listen to the newest segment of the podcast “The Browns table talk” . Where a podcast can be listened to, we will be heard!!!
SN: it may take 1-3 days for the podcast to appear on certain streaming platforms. In order to make sure you don’t miss an episode turn on the “Notifications” and you will be alerted when a new episode is available!! -
Good morning beautiful people!! It’s ya boy J. Brown with The Get Down. And we are LIVE. First off, welcome back Jb, thank you it’s good to be back. In fact I was gone so long that Anchor logged me out the account haha. It happens, sometimes you need that time away to figure things out. And today’s podcast focuses exactly on that. How there is this immense pressure for us to succeed at such a young age. When you don’t really start to live until you’ve gone through certain experiences. So there is no age or time limit on “success”. I have a saying it goes like “Run on your own timeline and you won’t ever fall behind”, which is true. Keep yourself accountable as you work towards your goals. Which leads into the second segment of the show: Angry young adults. Or people in general and where that anger is stemming from. Tune in and join me for a chat. Available on ALL streaming platforms where podcast are featured, I will be heard! Stay blessed.
SN: it may take 1-3 days for the podcast to appear on certain streaming platforms. In order to make sure you don’t miss an episode turn on the “Notifications” and you will be alerted when a new episode is available!! -
What’s up beautiful people it’s ya boy J. Brown and you are tuning into “The Get Down” thank you so much for listening and giving honest feedback. The only way one will ever grow. On today’s podcast I focus on 3 topics I feel as if we do daily, but hardly acknowledge. Self Projection being the main one along with guilt tripping and the topic of support....the lack of and when/how we give it. Pull up your favorite app and join me as we discuss these topics. Stay blessed. Never stress. Give God the rest. We are available to listen where one can be heard. Tune into some of these streaming platforms such as Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast and many more!!!
Good morning Beautiful People!! Like the title name implies, we are HURTING!! We are fed up. We are angry. We are tired. But we will NOT give up. Change is on the horizon. This podcast I take a different approach and speak straight from the HEART. With everything going on. It was on my mind and in my heart to address it. So tune in where one can be listened to, I will be heard. Spotify. Anchor. Google Play. Apple Music. Tune in!!!
What’s up Beautiful People! It’s ya J. Brown and you are tuning into “The Get Down, The Message”. With my “The Message” podcast I like to keep things short and sweet while delivering a positive message that inspires one to grow and practice self awareness. Because when we are at peace within ourselves we can be at peace with others. Today’s topic will focus on “Letting Go and Forgiveness”. Things we can struggle with daily. We often say we forgive a situation, but then at a moments trigger we bring up negative events from the past. Have we really let go of what hurt us? Or have we become better adapt at hiding the pain? Tune in now on “The Get Down” to discuss!!! Available on ALL and I do mean ALL streaming platforms. Google, Apple, Spotify, Anchor and many more! Where one can be listened too, I will be heard. It’s “The Message”.
What’s up beautiful people!!! It’s ya boy J. Brown. Today’s episode I wanted to discuss “Depression” and how it impacts us as individuals as well as within the black community. Mental health is becoming more accepted as it’s being understood. And that is great news as constructive treatments become more widely available. So join me as we discuss the different aspects of depression, the effects it can have on us and how to be more aware in the future. Check out the podcast on all platforms available: Apple, Google Play, Anchor, Spotify and anywhere else a person can be heard. Like, Share, Comment!!! Thank you as always and Stay blessed!!
Insecurities, we all have em and are too familiar with the impacts it can have on our lives if we let it. So why is it then we continually doubt our own abilities? We shy away from the greatness we have within? Let us realize our potential, embrace the imperfections that add to our character! Podcast available on all platforms where podcast are distributed. Stay blessed!
How are utilizing the time we are blessed with? Join me today to discuss!!
You ever wondered what is holding you back from accomplishing your goals? Living out your dreams? Having the life you imagined? Well join me in today’s podcast to discuss what holds us back!!
I know you You heard it all before so why not hear it one more time. From the mind of J. Brown on the Get Down. Where any and all things will be discussed. Thought provoking conversations are the MO and controversial subjects is where I love to go. Weekly and monthly guest will be featured because I do so love to engage with my fellow peoples. And be on the lookout for motivational messages. Because this world needs a little shine. So without further ado, Let’s Get Down to it!