
  • Today, we'll be discussing a topic that's often overlooked when it comes to self-care – the possibility that it can be harmful.

    Now, before we get started, let's make something clear. Self-care is essential. It's vital to our mental, emotional, and physical health. But, as with anything, there can be too much of a good thing. Today, we're going to talk about how self-care can sometimes become harmful.

  • Today we're talking about a skincare essential that's been around for centuries - facial oils. If you're thinking "oil on my face? No thanks," then stick around because we're about to convince you otherwise. In this episode, we're diving into the many benefits of facial oils for skin health.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • As moms, we often get so caught up in taking care of our families, our homes, and work, that we forget to take care of ourselves. But self-care is not a luxury, it's a necessity. So, today we're going to talk about how to make selfcare a part of your routine and develop a selfcare schedule.

  • In today's episode, we will be talking about the different mom personality types and how they impact parenting.

    When it comes to parenting, every mother has a unique approach. From the guilt-free mom to the by-the-book mom, there are several mom personality types that can influence how you raise your children.

  • How many of us really think about if what we pass to our kids from how we were parented is even healthy? Well, there’s a name for it- Conscious Parenting. And if we’re not careful, we risk continuing a legacy of encouraging a range of mental and emotional issues to develop in the coming generations.

    For Kim Muench, it wasn’t until her eldest son was secretly suffering from alcohol addiction and she had to parent him through it rather than just sending him to rehab, that the lightbulb went off. It impacted her so much that today she is a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach specializing with mothers of adolescence, on a mission to help build healthier, happier, more functional relationships in families. Her book, “Becoming Me While Raising You: A Mother's Journey to Herself” has helped so many moms and she’s here today to share how we can incorporate Conscious Parenting to build a healthy legacy so the next generation can truly thrive.

    History begins now, are you ready to take part in creating a beautiful one by parenting well? Enjoy this episode with Kim!

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 10:

    ●  How vital it is that we reflect on how we were raised and being intentional about how we live around our kids and who we spend time with.

    ●  How conscious parenting entails shifting from things we were taught like not going against authority and being pushed out of uncomfortable feelings so that we don’t end up projecting but instead reconciling our relationship with how we were raised to even make our parents look and feel good.

    ●  Appreciating your kids for who they are + the courage needed to not compare them or push societal norms on them. Rather we must tune into our children and help them develop into who they're meant to be.

    ●  Her reason for specializing in moms as they set the emotional tone or barometer and when they work on themselves, it ripples out to everyone else in the family.

    ●  How moms can practically begin to go inward and do the inner work to parent consciously, especially using meditation to reconnect with themselves and overly just making self-care mandatory as Nicole affirmed that when moms thrive, everybody thrives.

    ●  Managing your environment and finding community to support you since conscious parenting isn’t a known concept and so may not be readily accepted by those in our close circles.

    ●  Kim’s 4 crucial questions to really dive into the journey of reconciliation and unlocking your wisdom and the wounds of your inner child.

    You can reach out to Kim on Instagram and Facebook @Kim Muench Real Life Parent Guide

    Her Podcast- Becoming Me While Raising You

    Website: Reallifeparentguide.com

    Tiktok Kim Meinch Parent Coach

  • To say this week’s guest is a survivor would be an understatement. This podcast goes out to all the superwomen who have gone through infertility- we salute your strength and send our love to you all.

    Having dealt with years of unexplained infertility herself, failed IVFs and surviving several miscarriages before finally getting pregnant naturally after a successful IVF despite being told nothing could be done, Top Functional Fertility Coach and Infertility Warrior Monica Cox, is now a mom of 2 great boys. We’ll explore today how she finally broke free from infertility along with the lack that exists in our medical systems and understanding how much our lifestyle as well as genes affect not just fertility but our general health.

    Monica desires that her clients look beyond their Infertility diagnosis and take control of their health through clean eating and simplifying their lifestyle. In other words, fertility is just a byproduct of optimal women’s health. Whether you’re here to learn how you can beat infertility or just optimize your health, you’re in for a wealth of knowledge from Monica so stay tuned!

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 4:

    ●  Monica’s Escape from Infertility Story

    ●  Her transition from almost 20 years in Early Education to using fertility as a way to get to children before they even have issues.

    ●  How infertility, autoimmune issues and certain illnesses like PCOS and Endometriosis are tied to genetics but can be reversed by lifestyle.

    ●  Reasons for a drop in birth rate, being attributed to women having more options to start a family later on in like, poor medical advice, mental as well as emotional decline and even birth control being used as a bandaid for teenage girls.

    ●  The truth about menstrual symptoms, how women’s cycles are merely an act of inflammation and your body getting rid of what it did not use but also the major fact that it does not have to be painful nor were the symptoms we face today even common to our ancestors years ago + In high state of health you don’t even realize your period is coming.

    ●  Monica’s Winning 6-step “Fertility Formula System” that has helped hundreds of women become fertile. From Diet to Rest & Recovery, Exercise, Awareness & Mindset and Supplementation.

    Monica’s Resources: Boost your Embryo, Baby and Me

    You can reach out to Monica  on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok Finding fertility on IG. You can also visit her website findingfertility.co.

    Book Recommendation: Opposite mother

  • One baby alone is already enough, so when you’re a thriving mom of 6 during an entire pandemic, you ought to be praised. Today’s episode features Onnie Michalsky, Licensed therapist and Life & Wellness Coach for Supermoms who have lost themselves under their mom hats.

    A lot of moms are fed up with mom guilt and neglecting themselves until everyone else is happy. But where do we even start? What would I even do if I take a break, plus what if someone needs me? These are raging thoughts constantly going through many mom’s heads and they are simply dying to get unstuck from this cycle. Once she had it with mom guilt, and even resentment, Onnie decided enough was enough and completely shifted her busy life as a mom of 6 to give herself the breaks she needed, and show up better for her loved ones and social circles. If a mom of 6 in 2022 can do it, why can’t you?

    You should not have to feel guilty about doing things for yourself or feel guilty for asking for help. It does not make you a bad mom at all. So let’s demolish that narrative that we have to be busy and do all the things to be a good mom . Sounds like something that hits home? Grab your pen and paper because this episode has some great tips for taking your life back as a mom. Have a listen!

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 4:

    ●  How putting herself on her to-do list, discovering exercises that were right for her and eating better made a huge difference in how she showed up- simply being a better mom and role model, being in a better mood

    ●  How having her own self-care already established, made her last child the easiest to handle compared to her other 5 kids.

    ●  Helping moms hang up their keys and just relax because contrary to popular belief, “not having time” is not the root of not maximizing breaks or self care because moms make time for everything else all the time. + observing the possibility that moms seemingly don’t consider themselves worthy enough to focus on their own needs.

    ●  Using CBT to shift the beliefs- the perfectionism, the people pleasing and unrealistic expectations, self doubt… all the things preventing moms from making time for themselves.

    ●  The struggle of not knowing how to ask for help because we were not taught how due to societal pressure that makes us internalize, reveal our need for control and fear of being vulnerable enough to ask, to prove our worthiness and that we can do it.

    ●  Advising how moms who are new to being self aware and journaling can begin to reframe their minds by first recognizing what they need help

    ●  The isolation created by superwoman/supermom syndrome from overextension because people see that you seem to have it all together and question whether you even need help when in reality we’re sometimes falling apart on the inside to keep up the facade.

    ●  By creating margins for your life, relationships with friends, kids and your spouse noticeably improve.

    ●  The 5 Pillars of Self-care and being intentional yet patient with it. From the Physical, Emotional & mental health to the Spiritual, Intellectual and Social.

    ●  Using scheduling and time blocking but not overbooking or overscheduling.

    Free resource: 15 Self-care Practices You Can Do Under 15 Minutes for busy moms and those new to the discovery journey required to start.  momswithoutcapes.com/momlifebelike

    You can reach out to Momswithoutcapes on Instagram, or even visit her website momswithoutcapes.com for free resources.

    Her Podcast- Moms without capes

  • How many teen moms do you know not only graduate in the top 10 of their class and self-finance their way through college? This is who you call a real go-getter. In this episode, Nicole speaks with mom, Finance Coach and Digital Entrepreneur, O’Dasha Collins about how to manage money well and provide better security for yourself and your children’s future. With the current economy, it seems like it could be really difficult but this podcast dives step by step ways to invest in your kids’ future, understand the different types of life insurance and how intentional we need to be in contributing to a retirement savings plan.

    From selling chips, candy and different things in high school to moving out, going to college and taking care of her baby, O’Dasha uses her great work ethic and financial expertise on her socials to help others get their financial life together. You might want to stick around to discover how you can connect with her and benefit from the wealth of knowledge that's spread across all her social pages as well as little tips that push her to do so many things as a young mom. Let’s listen to find out how she does it all.

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 6:

    ●  How she went from Teen mom to college graduate and made it all work.

    ●  O’Dasha expresses knowing how to adjust is key in how she finds time to raise her baby, film and build her business.

    ●  How 4 major points to managing the current economy and still finding ways to invest in your kids future- from budgeting to cutting back to earning more and being willing to sacrifice to thrive in this economy.

    ●  Her current process for working with clients now of free content, preparation to release her digital planner and working 1 on 1 to set saving plans.

    ●  The difference and benefits of Whole Life vs Term Life

    ●  After budget and insurance, what’s next for getting your financial life together- retirement plan, just start putting something back to reduce the cost eg $25 and gradually add more.

    ●  How she is teaching her son finances with Dave Ramsey’s Jr book, which includes a spend and save folder to teach him financial responsibility.

    You can reach out to O’Dasha on Instagram at @Dashofdaysh and visit her website dashofdaysh.com.

  • How conscious are we with what we are putting not just on our bodies but on our already heavy schedules? From Science to Beauty to Holistic Wellness, LaKeish Entsuah tells all today on this week’s episode. This diverse, phenomenal mother despite her health struggles with PCOS and fertility issues among other things, is a woman of three- 3 kids and 3 different areas of major career transitions and this episode reveals how in the world she does it all.

    After being burnt out from the highs of the black-owned business hype during the beginning of the pandemic, LaKeisha transitioned from a booming Beauty business to Holistic Wellness in 2021, with three children at home including newborn twins upon recognizing that our health is a function of what we do daily. She decided that for her own wellbeing and her loved ones, that she will stand on this powerful quote “Stress less, rest more” and went on a mission to transfer that ideology to others because of how relevant it is to our overall wellness.

    In all of what you’ll find today however, we hope you don’t miss the point that it all takes time. We won’t take one morning and fix our lives in 30 minutes- it just doesn’t work that way and that’s perfectly fine. Are you seeking to finally find true rest? Listen to this week’s episode to see how you can declutter your schedule to “Stress Less, rest more”, plus tools like LaKeisha’s Team Beauty Sleep Journal and you’ll absolutely love the Schedule Audit Checklist.

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 3:

    ●  How “wellness” is really self-defined, where you go on a personal journey of figuring out what’s right for you, showing up how you want to and being absolutely sure that it feels good for YOU.

    ●  The power of being honest with yourself + the 5 Major keys to succeed in doing an honest “check-in”. From the patience required to tips on where to even start, a major strategy to finding the root cause of not feeling or being your best, the power of strict self-boundaries and how lack of rest may be the real baseline of wellness.

    ●  LaKeisha’s 2-step guide for where to start if you’re dying to escape burnout as a mom - is your current schedule really working for you or against you?

    ●  How her haphazard sleeping patterns inspired the creation of the Team beauty sleep journal to systemize her night time routine, get scattered thoughts out her head, and wind down properly to stabilize her energy + Wind down ideas

    ●  How your rest creates a positive ripple effect on your family- bye bye ticking bomb mom, hello patient and ready to engage mom.

    ●  Importance of being in tune with our bodies and how it helps with expressing what’s on the inside for not just moms but their kids and using that to create boundaries for respecting when mommy is too tired to engage.

    You can find LaKeisha @L.entsuah on all socials, especially IG and her business at Brand@wellbeautylab on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

    Special gift alert!: Schedule Audit Checklist at Schedule Auditing 101 – Well Beauty Lab

  • Knowing she was destined to be a teacher from always accidentally teaching in different schooling systems, from the different client experiences with those from public and private schools and even other states, she noticed that they all had struggles because their needs were simply not being met at their schools. And so the journey began- unschooling was the way to go! Carrie dives into all the benefits and practical ways you allow your children to have the freedom to learn and be creative based on their own interests, plus you get to say goodbye to those unnecessary battles like getting worked up about not getting dirty or what clothes to wear to school… all the things. Tune in!

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 9:

    ● Children learn a lot more on their terms when interested in something vs when forced- think of people’s careers; they mainly remember what’s in their field, not all the other subjects that don’t help their career.

    ● Clarifying that unschooling is simply child-led learning; when they're curious about something, you help them dig into it using different tools and resources.

    ● Difference between learning vs being taught and how you don't need to be taught to learn but be exposed, interested and have resources to explore it.

    ● How parents can practically make the switch if they firmly support unschooling and want to apply it.

    ● The importance of being open as a parent is to let them change their interests after being exposed; allow them to change their mind if they are no longer interested in it. Tip: Don’t invest in expensive resources- they’re still kids and their interests change.

    ● How she makes Unschooling possible without screens

    ● The danger of leaving them in front of the screen for entertainment as we make them dependent. Make it a treat or learning tool rather than a go-to for entertainment + how parents who are working all the time can incorporate unschooling by respecting their journey with it.

    ● Long term effects of kids these days not being outside and reasons we’re not embracing outside knowing that we ourselves used to be outside all the time. Reasons such as how obsessed we’ve become with educating our kids to a high degree as to go to college and get a good job and overscheduling them all of their childhood.

    ● Honesty about the criticism she gets for choosing to live like this + the anxiety.

    ● Being aware that there are many ways to still socialize without school and how with regular school punishing them to be quiet whenever they break a rule, it often doesn’t even allow them to have a voice like unschooling does. Moreover, in that space they’re limited only to their age group when in the real world as an adult, you have to interact with everybody and learn from them.

    ● Difference between a cool op and private schools and private schools there isn't as much control as a parent.

    ● Parental development for the homeschool space.

    ● Husband adjustment to homeschooling life as husbands tend to not be on board.

    To find Carrie, she is Carrie Paxton Herzberger on Facebook

    Website: [email protected]

    Free gift: 73 activities to do this summer. All low-prep, no stress, budget friendly, can be done right outside!

  • Contrary to what we typically see, being a teen pregnancy statistic does not equate to self-imprisonment from losing yourself to be a great mother and wife. At least, it doesn’t HAVE to be. In this episode, Life & Business Coach Amanda Clark joins us to share how she totally smashed that norm. She herself went from thinking she had to put her life  on the back burner to building a successful photography business with four kids, now with her own podcast “Braving the Mountains” plus of course her coaching business for moms.

    Have you been looking for a permission slip to not do all the things and burnout as a mom as well as a current or prospective business owner? Amanda gives all the permission you’ll ever need in this episode as she practically empowers moms to live lives that they are not just okay with but obsessed with, by building a business that supports the life they want to live while raising inspired kids.

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 4:

    ●   How giving and receiving permission from yourself to stop trying to do it all is a key step to get breakthrough in being 100% CEO + 100% Mom.

    ●  Amanda addressed how our conditioning as moms has trapped us into taking care of everything else while dad plays the role of breadwinner and how society has not caught up with the fact moms can not only make bank but do so without doing all the things.

    ●  Not glorifying the “hot mess” mom narrative and being overwhelmed with thinking we have to be on all the social media and have all the things, while kids run wild in the background.

    ●  Defining needle drivers and the importance of knowing the needle drivers in your business and life - they determine what actions you actually need to take so you don’t waste time investing in other tasks that don't help you build a business that supports your life + How to discover your needle drivers

    ●  Using time blocking and other tips to separate work time from mom time so you give each 100% without being overwhelmed by deciding how committed you are and what areas of you can outsource because time is everything.

    ●  The Dumpster Fire Week Strategy and scheduling recommendations

    ●  The power of doing what works for you-  Some people need super detailed calendars while others just need to time block + Mindset power

    ●  Amanda’s 6 week program + her step-by-step coaching process

    You can reach out to Amanda on Instagram where she’s most active @Amandaclarkstudios

    Her Podcast- Braving the Mountains, Website: Amandaclark.biz

  • Seriously, how did our parents do it? If you are a burnt out mom and you know it clap. your. hands. We know how real the struggle of not just modern motherhood but Pandemic motherhood is and just how steep the learning curve can be. That’s why today’s guest is someone who is making history as we speak, having built a blueprint for mothers in the “new normal”. In this episode, that lovely guest is Motherhood content creator and influencer April Knight-Copeland and they’ll be talking about navigating motherhood during the pandemic. Her specialty being New Parent Advice, Childhood Development Milestones and Children’s Product Reviews, April dives into her experience as a new mom during the pandemic and gives away gems you’re sure to love. From feeling isolated, and having postpartum anxiety and depression, she yearned for a village she could relate to and build with on her journey. With her blog “According to April”, she’s now a major point of reference that other moms can identify with and they’ve grown a wonderful, supportive bond in a thriving community of moms seeking to transform motherhood for the better.

    How do you remember your parents? A lot of us remember the toiling and the hustle and while that can be appreciated, we modern mommas simply cannot. We refuse. Do you want to be a mom that’s remembered as happy and healthy? One that is present and genuinely enjoys motherhood, having fun with and without your kids? This episode challenges you to set your life to accomplish exactly that. So ensure you stay throughout the podcast to get her secrets to thriving as a mom rather than just surviving, using her Balance System. Here’s a hint- Above all else, know your WHY and put yourself FIRST!

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 2:

    ●  “Work-life balance” within the new normal. How self-awareness and patience are necessary to adjust to the needs of pandemic babies while giving moms the permission and freedom needed to set mandatory boundaries for their mental health.

    ●  Managing shame with the comparison trap that pandemic moms fall in where “normal developmental milestones” are looking very different for pandemic babies and how absolutely nothing is wrong with your child or are you a bad parent + April’s own experience with her son having to go through speech class and occupational therapy to help him develop faster since quarantine took that away.

    ●  From Isolation to Unity with building her blog “According to April” during the pandemic

    ●  How April manages to prioritize self-care yet still be a mom, wife, star blogger and use her heart for moms seeking to thrive online in their own ventures during the pandemic, by successfully building her Virtual Assistant Company “April Virtual Solutions” in 2022.

    ●  Dealing with overwhelming birth and delivery information by balancing unsolicited advice from other moms during your pregnancy through setting boundaries with people drowning you with advice from their unique experience.

    ●  April shared her Balance System to transform mom life from draining to fulfilling

    ●  Advice for prospective moms to prepare physically and mentally

    You can find April on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok at Accordingtoapril.com and you can head over to her new business website Aprilvirtualsolutions.com to see what’s in store for you to build your own empire with help from outsourcing solutions.

    Special gift alert!: Mention the word “confidence” to get a special gift of 5% off. April wants to see moms all over, taking up space and winning!

  • Have you ever heard of a Motherhood Architect? Well, it’s 2022. Not only is that a real thing, but don’t you agree that there’s no other time like today to break free from the traditional notion of motherhood? At least that’s what today’s guest inspires women to do- her name is Mara Kazantzaki, International Lifestyle Consultant and Change Maker for Moms. In today’s episode, she shares what led to her breaking free from the traditional paths of both the rat race from “working corporate” with BBC followed by doing the extreme opposite to stay home to take care of her newborn then changing everything and moving to Thailand with her family. Clearly, she was successful in rewiring her brain and lifestyle to put herself first and we just had to share her journey of what went into that.

    In this episode, you’ll find that her studies in Thailand, at the highest level in BreathWork and Meditation, have such relevant and impactful solutions to reforming how we do motherhood now compared to the past. From the deep effects of mom guilt and negative inner talk, many moms are dying to get unstuck and Mara is dying to free as many moms as she can. Ready to learn how you can rewire your brain and lifestyle to have a satisfying mom life and live ‘beyond motherhood? Have a listen!

    Here are the main points discussed in Season 1 Episode 4:

    ●  How and where moms can start relearning what they’ve been taught about motherhood and understanding that it’s not only okay but vital to put themselves first.

    ●  How villages no longer exist for many moms and they are being drained, as the majority of the time, they are the parent always being called upon for responsibilities because of how we have been conditioned.

    ●  The importance of setting boundaries with people but recognizing that the work really starts from within us as moms.

    ●  How vital it is to release all the guilt from the beginning before you can move forward with relearning your role and lifestyle as a mom.

    ●  That we have to be the ones to re-parent and give ourselves the self-compassion we need as a very effective way of removing all the mom guilt. By practicing this self-compassion, that is how we recondition ourselves to be free and fulfilled.

    ●  Using gratitude to mute the silent abuser of negative self-talk, i.e that ongoing inner critic that preaches that we “should have done better” or known better.

    ●  Making use of the modalities like yoga and meditation to help us to learn to emotionally self-regulate + “Attacking the layers from the physical to the mental and then emotional”

    ●  Daily “Me-time” suggestions for moms apart from the typical doing their nails and observing how much more in tune we are with our bodies.

    You can reach out to Mara on Instagram at @Marabeyond on her personal page or @Beyondmotherhood and visit her website beyondmotherhood.com for free resources.

    Here’s what you can look forward to from Mara:

    1)  She’s launching a community to share with all moms around the world

    2)  Making space for a meeting room for 4hrs to meet with moms to facilitate guidance and create a blueprint for them to know what to do next based on where they are in their unique journey

    3)  Retreats to take moms away from their situation and into nature to start the process reframing their state of mind and wellbeing with the different modalities + taking moms out at night JUST TO SLEEP! (Amen, right?)

    Find Mara here:



  • In this episode, Dr. Simone joins us to discuss not only how to raise children with self-esteem using fun, diverse techniques from her coaching but afterwards how we maintain and apply the lessons learned in less than ideal environments as well as the importance of leveraging the right mindset to bring forth inspired action rather than dragging yourself to get results. She even went further to put some spotlight on moms and shared how they can also show up as their best selves without being depleted."

    Life will LIFE. And too often as adults we're so underprepared for what it brings. Oh what we would give to have in our childhood all the resources on esteem, self-love, self-care… all the things on showing up as our best selves like those available these days.

    If any of that hits home for you, you are going to be thrilled by this episode. Our guest today has the gift of not only seeing the child in the adults she encounters, and fulfilling what they needed as a child but can also see how a specific child will be as an adult upon interacting with them. She is none other than The Self-Esteem Doctor herself, Dr. Simone. With her gift, she shares with us how she’s living out her purpose using NLP uniquely for children to improve their esteem, so they can blossom into amazing adults who know what they are about and own themselves fully. But, no worries- she has a piece for us adults too because it is not too late to rebuild your esteem! And for our moms, we have a special part in the last section just for you.

    Here are the life-giving points you’re about to engage with:

    ●  How Dr. Simone went from modeling in college to pursuing an honorary degree in Neurolinguistics (NLP) to live out her life’s mission of healing the self-esteem

    ●  How her techniques are transferable to adults, especially moms who carry "mom guilt" and the lie that life ends when you have kids.

    ●  The importance of knowing how to be fireproof as her coaching takes into account the need for the right environment and reframing techniques that help kids sustain what they learn even when their environment is less than ideal for growth

    ●  The beauty of doing the mental work first- having the right mindset and knowing your "why" paired with personalized, built-in routines that foster a growth and inspired action lifestyle rather than a one-time antidote

    ●  The Self-Esteem Doctor Academy and how it’s perfect for incorporating great self-esteem in our routines rather than as a one-time antidote.

    ●  A special section for keeping your sanity as moms where she shared her own journey and tips to build our mom arsenal, empower our kids, keep mommy guilt at bay plus the most important- not neglecting yourself but charging your battery first then only pouring from your overflow.

    Plus, at the end she offers a great freebie- Free Consultations geared towards building a lifestyle that sets you up to have a great relationship with your kids.  + The cutest strategy she has when she gets home too late to say goodnight to her kids!

    You can find Dr. Simone on Instagram @theselfesteemdoctor, and on her website: theselfesteemdoctor.com

  • There’s a silent scream from moms everywhere, have you been hearing it? No one is coming to save mothers from the stress of life simply happening and the pandemic has made that stress even worse. Contrary to life as we currently know it, motherhood burnout is NOT okay and it’s time we finally put our foot down for our sanity!

    In this episode, cheers! Nicole officially launches Gorgeous Confidence with a common yet foundational and extremely relevant question - “Why Are We Here?”. She begins by introducing some of the topics she’ll be covering on Gorgeous Confidence like Motherhood, Relationships, Partnership and so much more, with the aim of simply reducing the self-neglect and loneliness that comes with all that to become your best selves as moms in every aspect of life.

    I mean, we love a good mani and pedi, right? Go self-care! But in order for moms to be freed from the shackles of self-neglect, Nicole challenged us to go even deeper to reimagine self-care with the mental and emotional aspects as well, because it is not only MANDATORY but far from selfish. However, the physical is of course still important so tune in to hear about the 3-step “Glow Like a Mother” Skincare System in 5 minutes or less for busy moms. Ready or not, The Gorgeous Confidence Podcast has a lot more in store and we’re so excited to build our mom community together  to come out better than ever! This one is a worthy listen- cheers to the beginning of living your best mom life! Welcome to The Gorgeous Confidence Podcast.

    Here are the gorgeous points discussed in Season 1 Episode 1:

    ● The essence of the Gorgeous Confidence Podcast and what to expect

    ● Prioritizing self-care to be a victor in motherhood rather than a victim

    ● How important it is to dive deeper into the mental and emotional aspects of self-care

    ● Quick 3-step “Glow Like a Mother” Skincare System for busy moms

    This is all about us as moms navigating how we can live our best lives, so we want to hear directly from you. Let us know by emailing us at hello [at] gorgeousconfidence.com or reaching out on Instagram @gorgeousconfidence.  What do you want to talk about and get support for:

    The most demanding role and period of our lives Doing it through this new world that no one has ever navigated before