
  • Welcome to this special episode of #REALTALK, sponsored by Alterna Savings, the first full-service, member-owned, co-operative financial institution outside Quebec. Our host Cherry Rose Tan will be talking about how to create connection in this hybrid world of in-person and remote work.

    We start this episode by acknowledging how tough it has been for small business owners and entrepreneurs. It may be hard to reconnect with people dear to us after an exhausting and confusing year. In this hybrid world, there will be times when we are connecting with other people in-person with things being reopened. These changes mean meeting other people remotely using different platforms. Of course, when we meet people and try to connect with them, we want it to be rich, emotional, and also deep.

    There are three different types of people that we can connect with in this hybrid world: your co-workers, friends, and community. These are the people that you want to build connections with. After a year of feeling physically and emotionally separated from them, it may cause extreme loneliness to people, specifically for business owners and entrepreneurs. Sometimes, you may feel that you have lost your friendship and are awkward at times.

    Cherry Rose shared a lot of tips on how you can create and build connections with your co-workers, friends, and community. She also shared different strategies on how you can build and maintain those bonds, once they have been rekindled. Share with us the strategy that created an impact on you. Tune in now!


    What is a hybrid world? The importance of building connections with co-workers, friends, and community Different strategies on how you can connect with people How being playful can help you create new memories Discovering other groups that are available in your area

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • #REALTALK would like to give thanks to Alterna Savings for sponsoring today’s episode. After more than a tough year for most entrepreneurs, we are talking about how to recharge this summer. Through this podcast, our host Cherry Rose Tan will be able to talk about how to recover, rejuvenate, and give our mind and body a much needed break.

    One of the strategies that we discuss is: exercising our boundaries. Exercising our boundaries means that we have to identify what our boundaries are. To put it simply, it is setting meaningful time away from work and knowing when to stop. Setting a self care routine, no weekend work, or even giving yourself a full 8-hour sleep, are some examples of boundaries that are non-negotiable and don't involve work.

    Apart from exercising boundaries, another strategy is to get yourself enough rest. Take rest seriously. Get those workloads done ahead of time and prepare a timetable to do all the things that have to be done. Another strategy given is to add everyday variety in the activities you engage in, allowing you to unlock other senses that you have. In this way, you will not feel burnt out from your work week.

    Stay tuned and get recharged!

    What You Will Learn

    Best practices on how to take care of your mind and body The importance of identifying your boundaries How to give yourself a much needed rest How to create opportunities to add variety in your activities

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

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  • #REALTALK would like to give special thanks to Alterna Savings for sponsoring today’s episode. For our Season 2 finale, we are covering the art of difficult conversations. This topic is inspired by our active club on Clubhouse called Founder Mental Health. Every Tuesday night, entrepreneurs are gathered to share and support one another.

    We know that it is a trying time for entrepreneurs, who are navigating complex relationships and exhausting situations. As a leader, it is a privilege and our responsibility to take the lead. Our host Cherry Rose Tan shares tactical strategies on mastering difficult conversations with our Team, our Mentors, and our Friends. These strategies are also being applied by Cherry Rose to her team and her clients.

    For Team, we can use the tools of container and alignment, creating temporary spaces for sensitive topics. Aside from our employees, we also have mentors, the people we seek for help and can see our blindspots. Cherry Rose encourages entrepreneurs to reach out to mentors, deepening the relationships and acknowledging their contributions to you. Cherry Rose also shared two tools to engage in difficult conversations with mentors: experience and introduction. These tools will help your mentor to know what you really need.

    Cherry Rose talks about the importance of social networks, such as friends, to develop our emotional well-being. Even though we are experiencing this pandemic, let them know that you are still thinking of them and are willing to listen. Cherry Rose also shared tools on how to rekindle your relationship with your friends: accountability and acknowledgement.

    Stay tuned and apply the tools we have shared with you!

    What You Will Learn

    How to initiate difficult conversations with the key people in our lives Different strategies in handling conversations with your team What are microaggressions? Best ways in openings conversations with your mentor Why nurturing our relationships with friends matter, especially as entrepreneurs

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • In today’s show of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose Tan had an incredible interview with Jennifer Love, a wealth philosopher, money therapist and the founding CEO of The Living Wealthy Institute. This is the second time that we have Jennifer as our guest in #REALTALK because we have been getting lots of questions from people in our community about financial stress and how it impacts our lives and even businesses.

    The conversation begins with how Jennifer started around money. As she further explained, talking about money is very sensitive to people. It elicits lots of emotions for us, such as, fear, anxiety, frustration, resentment, anger, and everything in between. These feelings are not safe and not comfortable to feel. Also, Jennifer is thankful on #REALTALK for opening this conversation about money as it will serve as a safe place for people to come, reflect, and contemplate.

    As the interview continued, Jennifer shared more stories about money when she was little until she started to have clients of her own. Awareness is the key in understanding the impact of money on us. Moreover, Jennifer discussed the multiple wealth zones and the two parts of living wealthy. There are more important matters that they have talked about like the signs that you need to start the work around money and wealth, the role of your beliefs around money, and a whole lot more.

    Listen in and enjoy!

    What You Will Learn

    The impact of financial stress and its impact on us Awareness, as the first key step in understanding what is happening to us Jennifer’s story on how did she started about money Multiple wealth zones: spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental Two parts of living wealthy: existing and being Signs that you need to start working around money and relationships The importance of money beliefs for founders and entrepreneurs

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • In today’s episode of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose interviewed the person near and dear to her, Jay Wong. Jay and Cherry Rose got connected as they worked together for a year on this #REALTALK Podcast, which covers the mental health journey of founders and investors in the tech industry. Jay Wong is the founder and CEO of Podcast Your Brand, one of North America’s top podcast agencies. He works with large enterprises and thought leaders in the field of podcasting.

    As the interview progressed, Jay shared that podcasting can help entrepreneurs if it is correctly utilized. Unlike other channels, like social media, podcasting is a dialogue that you create with your community. It is not the content that matters, it is the context. How many people can relate to you? How many people can you reach out and peak their interest? It is a win-win situation for both the entrepreneurs and your listeners.

    Podcasting is a platform used to communicate to a wide range of people, especially if podcasting is your target audience. As an entrepreneur, podcasting really helped Jay in expanding his network. He tried different things before and podcasting was the last thing he tried. It really did change his life. Podcasting can capture your journey and document your breakthroughs. You will be able to see your transformation over time.

    To conclude their wonderful conversation, it is important to stand for yourself and what you believed in. Through podcasting, you can share with people your beliefs and the values that you’re holding to. This episode will give you insight into how #REALTALK moved from stories to this national platform. Enjoy!

    What You Will Learn

    Jay Wong’s journey to podcasting and its value How podcasting can share your message and let your voice be heard How to get started with your own brand The importance of expanding your network and collaborating for a more meaningful conversation Trends this year around podcasting and other audio-based platforms Taking a stand for yourself and what you believe in

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • We have been requested by people in our community to speak about this topic, which is always coming up in conversations with friends and colleagues. During COVID-19, where a lot of people have been impacted, there are conversations about losing money and decisions that need to be made regarding the continuity of a business.

    In today’s episode of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose Tan will have a conversation with us about money and how money relates to mental health. If you are an entrepreneur, you are probably grappling with the tough decisions on how you can continue to support yourselves and other people in your Inner Circle and in your community. Is quitting the right answer?

    Be enlightened by this episode. Enjoy!


    What are the conversations around money in the entrepreneurial world? When is it time to quit and/or should we quit? The three areas to consider around quitting The 1st area of quitting: A look at “The Dip,” as described in the book by Seth Godin. How can quitting can become a transition to a better thing? The 2nd area of quitting: What would the impact of quitting be to your Inner Circle? The 3rd area of quitting - What does success look like to you?

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • In today’s episode of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose interviewed the amazing Lisa Mae Brunson, Founder of Wonder Women Tech, a global movement celebrating women and diversity in STEAM.

    The interview started by sharing their visions of the world, followed by Lisa Mae’s journey to her position right now. Her passion for social innovation and campaigns that focus on human rights, equity, and humanity led her to what she has achieved.

    As the interview progressed, Lisa Mae shared her experience of major burnout and what it taught her about being a better leader. She also shares how she connects with her team members, and the importance of being real and leading from the heart. Learn the importance of being open, working together, and leading from a place of connection as an entrepreneur.

    Tune into this episode!

    What You Will Learn

    What connection means to her (and why it matters in business) Her experiences with extreme burnout and COVID-19, and what it taught her about being a better leader How flexibility and surrendering can change the game The importance of mentorship in moving forward as leaders

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • It has been almost a year since the pandemic has started. COVID-19 has made us experience a lot of changes on the way we live and work. Lockdowns, physical distancing, and different and unlikely situations, especially in business. This pandemic has impacted every single individual, regardless of your social or economic position in life. But have you imagined what will happen to us after this COVID-19? Will it be back to normal, or it will permanently change everything?

    In this episode of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose Tan, talks to us about forming a Brave New World, a term from the dystopian book by Aldous Huxley. Unless we conquer the breakdown of systems in our communities, there will be people who suffer. In this Brave New World, leaders must collaborate with one another and take action for the greater good. How do we have the conversations to move forward? What kind of planet do we want to leave the next generation?

    Let’s keep going and work together, as we define a Post-Covid world.


    What is a brave new world? The importance of stepping up as a leader The impact of COVID-19 in the mental health How we can work together towards healing and reconciliation How can you contribute as a leader, especially to younger generations

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • This pandemic leads us to different situations and triggers emotions that we never wanted to feel and experience. We have entered The Age of Loneliness, where physical distancing is implemented and even lockdowns, which results in families and friends living apart and working from home. This feeling of loneliness can increase the risk of depression and anxiety.

    In today’s episode of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose Tan will enlighten all of us about what loneliness is. We will cover the growing stats on loneliness. Leaders, entrepreneurs, whatever your position in life might be, we are not exempted in this feeling of loneliness.

    If you ever encounter this feeling of loneliness, we in #REALTALK encourages everyone to take small steps, having a real talk with yourself, your family, and your friends. Building a community that will help together in conquering loneliness. Enjoy!


    What is the age of loneliness? The effects of loneliness on our mental health Small and effective steps to dealing with loneliness The importance of having a support group in overcoming loneliness

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • We all have things that we want in life and other things that we want to let go. There are different aspects in our lives that we want to improve on. Especially in the start of a new year, we want to start anew. Where do we start? What should we do?

    In today’s episode of #REALTALK, our host Cherry Rose Tan is going to share one of her best practices, the North Star. North Star serves as a guiding light and sets a direction to be followed. As Cherry Rose further discusses how the North Star has impacted her life throughout the years that she’s practiced it, she highlights that fluidity and structure that can make people easier to adapt in hard situations.

    Having your own North Star can aspire greatness, as it gives you the opportunity to be focused, rather than thinking of negative things that can lead to mental health struggles. In 2021, let us give ourselves the chance to follow our North Star. Happy New Year and enjoy!


    The importance of having a direction in life What is a North Star and how it can lead you to success? The advantage of staying focused in life How to balance between fluidity and structure

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • In today’s show of #REALTALK, Cherry Rose Tan was interviewed by Edwin Frondozo, the Host of the award-winning The Business Leadership Podcast. Edwin is a keynote speaker, a veteran entrepreneur, and the CEO of Slingshot VoIP, a telecommunications network.

    This special episode is themed around flashpoint. A flashpoint is a moment in time, where there is a window for great conflict and also great opportunity. 2020 is a flashpoint moment on the planet.

    The conversation started with Cherry Rose sharing her background and how she started. She came from a family of entrepreneurs from different industries, tech and food, just to name a few. Her family served as inspiration to what she is achieving right now.

    As Edwin and Cherry Rose unpack 2020, they talk about the flashpoints in their life. What have they learned from this year? How has #REALTALK shifted since COVID-19? What do leaders need to know and think about, going into 2021?

    Talking about mental health takes willingness. Tune in now!


    The importance of acknowledging and navigating a flashpoint What people need to know about tech founders and mental health The global crisis called loneliness Reflections on 2020 and the passing of Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • In today’s show of #REALTALK, Cherry Rose Tan had a wonderful interview with the Co-Founder and CEO of Willful, Erin Bury. A marketer, technology expert who was named one of Marketing Magazine’s Top 30 Under 30.

    The interview started with a wonderful journey of Erin and bits of her family background. Erin’s mother became her inspiration in taking the marketing path. With her ultimate dreams, she has a clear picture of what she wants for herself.

    Their conversation covered some of their life experiences that served as an eye opener for them about having estate planning. As they further discuss estate planning, Erin’s goal is to educate people about the importance of having estate planning. Though it’s difficult to talk about starting to prepare a will, people should be ready for the unexpected.

    Talking about leaving loved ones behind is an emotional topic for some people. Making your family understand the importance of estate planning is a really good place to start.


    The importance of having a clear vision of yourself Willful’s mission How to start planning your will and why is it important? The awareness about estate planning

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • Today’s episode is a mental health resource, brought to you by Alterna Savings. It has been 9 months since the pandemic has started. At #REALTALK, we are grateful to be connecting with you through the podcast at this time. As we end 2020, it has been an emotional rollercoaster for many of us.

    The holidays are approaching, but it can still trigger different emotions. It can also serve as a reminder for us of our lost loved ones. It can trigger different emotions such as joy to grief, happiness to disappointment, and more. There are also people in this world that are struggling in different aspects of their lives, such as finances, relationships, and more.

    As a mental health expert, our host Cherry Rose shares with you the processes that will help you get through this year. Three areas that we cover are: reflecting on your year, adjusting your living environment, and boosting your self-care rituals. Do not miss this opportunity of having an improved and powerful 2021. Let’s start!


    The three processes that helped me get through holidays The importance of self-reflection How to separate your work and personal spaces The importance of having a self-care ritual

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • Welcome to Season 2 of #REALTALK! This season will be filled with an incredible lineup of tech founders and investors. Lots of business leaders will be interviewed to shed light on what entrepreneurs experience in other aspects of life, especially on mental health.

    For those who are new to our podcast, #REALTALK is always open to helping entrepreneurs take care of their mental health. Entrepreneurs are not exempted from this kind of battle. Anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma are also part of their experience as entrepreneurs.

    The #REALTALK team has read and compiled over 100 articles about mental health and how it is tied with entrepreneurs. We will be launching a benchmark report, aggregating and summarizing all of that research for you. Stay connected to us on social media (@realtalkmvmt), as we post daily mental health content from Mon-Fri. Stay tuned and enjoy!


    Overcoming tough situations in life How COVID has impacted entrepreneurs Different tips on how you can handle mental health concerns The impact created by #REALTALK

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/


    Cherry Rose Tan






    The Rise Conference – the biggest tech conference in Asia

  • In this season one finale show, our host, Cherry Rose Tan reflects back and reminisces about the origins of #realtalk, and then goes on to reveal all the exciting things that we have planned going forward.

    #realtalk started as a mental health movement for the tech industry nearly two years back. While it took a while for the movement to garner support and steam, our relentless perseverance finally paid off as we were able to get some of the biggest names in the technology space to talk about their mental health issues on the show.

    Our sincerity and effort have not gone unnoticed as the podcast has grown in popularity by leaps and bounds over the past season.

    In a bid to make an even greater impact on mental health and wellbeing, our host shares how #real talk shall assume the role of a facilitator very shortly.

    We hope you enjoy this show!

    What You Will Learn In This Show

    Future plans for the #realtalk movement How #realtalk has evolved over the past two years How to further mental health and wellbeing for entrepreneurs And so much more…


    Cherry Rose Tan

  • Today’s episode is a mental health resource, brought to you by Alterna Savings. Our host Cherry Rose shares three practical tips to rebuild your business and life so that you can end the year on a strong note.

    In today’s show of #REALTALK, Cherry Rose Tan shares three practical tips to rebuild your business and life so that you can end the year on a strong note.

    The first tip that we talk about is work-life integration.

    The work-from-home model has totally blurred lines between the personal and the professional. Needless to say, this new normal can drastically impact our capability to do “deep work”.

    We are continuously required to switch between our personal and professional tasks – which is extremely counter-productive. In this first segment of the show, Cherry Rose Tan shares some practical tips so that we can regain our FOCUS in spite of all the distractions.

    Secondly, you will receive some valuable lessons on risk mitigation.

    COVID is a black swan event that has disrupted our lives and businesses in a huge way. In this scenario, it is easy to play the blame game instead of retaining an objective mindset. Cherry Rose Tab shares how prepping 90-day plans can help you get tangible and actionable insights.

    The last segment of the show is particularly interesting as Cherry Rose Tan talks about the importance of systems and processes. Cataloging a solution, whenever you solve a problem can create a powerful playbook that can be easily referenced whenever required. Additionally, you will also learn how can use psychometrics to assess your personality type and your work style.

    We hope you enjoy this show!

    What You Will Learn In This Show

    How to do “Deep Work” inspite of the “work-from-home” model How to retain an objective mindset and take tangible steps to mitigate risk, overcome challenges, and propel ahead Setting up systems and processes to streamline execution And so much more…


    Alterna Savings

    Deep Work

    Cherry Rose Tan

  • In today’s show, Cherry Rose Tan interviews Sheetal Jaitly, CEO of TribalScale. Entrepreneurs and founders are going through some unprecedented times owing to the pandemic. Today, Sheetal shares some great advice for protecting your well-being in challenging times.

    We start this show with Sheetal sharing a bit of his background. Sheetal credits his entrepreneur father for his incredible fighting spirit – something that has held him in good stead over the years. Having experienced a tough childhood, Sheetal made up his mind to “never end up in that space again.”

    As the CEO of a large technology organization, Sheetal has some interesting insights for listeners. Mental health is still a taboo topic for most organizations. After all, you don’t want to come across as “weak” and “vulnerable”.


    In today’s show, Sheetal shares how business leaders can facilitate safe spaces where employees can have open and honest conversations. Especially, in these challenging times, for many of us, work-life balance has gone for a complete toss. As leaders and business founders, how can you cultivate and show empathy towards your people?

    Sheetal also has some great advice for young folks who are starting their professional lives in these trying times.

    Other topics discussed in today’s show include dealing with personal loss, and tips for handling negative criticism.

    We hope you enjoy this show!

    What You Will Learn In This Show

    Importance of a good work ethic Developing empathy towards others Tips for reigning in pandemic-induced stress How to have open and honest conversations within your organization And so much more


    Cherry Rose Tan

  • In today’s show, our host, Cherry interviews Caterina Rizzi, Founder, Hotline, and co-founder, Breather. Caterina has some great tips for entrepreneurs who wish to enhance their mental and physical well-being.

    We start this show by discussing the far-reaching impact of COVID on startups. With the economy sliding into a recession, there is a scramble for the little funding that is still available in the market. Many young entrepreneurs who are witnessing a widespread recession for the first time are experiencing extreme overwhelm. So, what steps can you take to survive this challenge brought about by the pandemic?

    Next, we talk about the importance of self-care. Sure. You need to be in top gear when the shit hits the fan. However, when things subside, you need some normalcy in your life. You need to realize that you are not invincible and carve out some precious “me” time – which will help prevent burnout and even enhance your work output.

    We also talk about the importance of networking with like-minded peers. As you dive into the nitty-gritty of your business, you will discover that your friends and family are unable to provide the mental support you need.

    Caterina also shares her experiences as a women entrepreneur in the startup world. With the technology space dominated completely by male founders, Caterina shares how women founders find it incredibly difficult to raise funds compared to their male counterparts.

    Other topics discussed in today’s show include the need to openly talk about your failures, using therapy for mental wellness, and tips for startup founders who are grappling with extreme anxiety.

    Tune in to this insightful show now!

    What You Will Learn In This Show

    How has COVID impacted the startup space? The need to openly talk about your failures Tips for startup founders who are grappling with extreme anxiety The importance of carving out your “me” time And so much more…
  • In today’s show, our host Cherry Rose shares excellent tips for overcoming the biggest challenges that are hampering your productivity. An executive coach to the top entrepreneurs in North America, she shares important frameworks that create workability: a life that actually works.

    What exactly does that mean? Often times, people relate to their life from a place of right and wrong, causing upset and drama. When we are in this place, it makes it hard to discuss and solve problems because we lack objectivity.

    Furthermore, how can you enhance your workplace productivity if you are dealing with grief and personal loss? This is certainly not an easy ask. Cherry Rose reveals how you can overcome a breakdown and become action-oriented once again. Enjoy!


    How to create workability in your life How to be action-oriented and improve your productivity How workability is different from morality How to cope with grief and personal loss

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/

  • In today’s show, Cherry Rose interviews Jason Tafler, Founder & CEO of Unyte, a tech company of mind-body solutions for healthier and more meaningful lives. Formerly the Chief Digital Officer of Rogers, a $30 billion telecom company, Jason is disrupting mental health.

    This episode focuses on death. How can thinking about our death help us lead more fulfilled and fruitful lives? Jason starts by sharing his experience as a high-flying executive working in the telecom sector. After working incessantly for two decades, he was rushed to the hospital with a serious medical condition in January 2016. He almost died.

    This hospitalization caused him to question his priorities in life. It shook him and set him on a journey of awareness and change. He was forced to look inwards and uncover who he really was.

    How can you lead a fulfilling life, so that you have minimal regrets when you finally meet your end? This show will certainly compel you to some self-introspection. Enjoy!


    His near-death experience with burnout How thinking about our death can help us lead more fulfilled lives How to initiate a journey of transformation

    Learn more at https://realtalkmvmt.com/