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Welcome back to 50Talk. This is Episode 127 and today Victor hands over the Hosts duties to Cathy. Thank you all for joining us this week. Before we get into the things we have to talk about we first want to thank our guest from last week, Kyla for joining us again on the show. We hope you all enjoy Kyla as much as we do each time she is on. I had an interesting topic last week about D.E.I. that I will be starting the show with this week. Also Cathy and I were guests on a brand new podcast called " The Mixed Tapes" on Spotify with our cousin Amber and her co-hosts Nikki. They just put out episode one so please do us a favor and please give them a listen as soon as you can.
On to the D.E.I. conversation and we start off with, Why the sudden attack on D.E.I.? Just because the Orange man and his band of criminals say it's bad doesn't necessarily make it bad. We wouldn't need D.E.I. or Affirmative Action if everyone was given an equal chance. The group that benefits the most from D.E.I. is white women. I know people are not worried about any of the changes going on with the Government right now but only until they are personally affected by the changes. I get that, but think of all the people different than black folks that have the benefits of D.E.I.
Since a lot of companies have moved backwards on their Diversity initiatives people are also backing up from supporting these companies. Places like Target, Walmart, McDonald and Amazon are being boycotted since they year has started. My question as a GenX'er is "will young folks be able to live without some of the businesses"? I say that because most of my life their were not to many big box stores like Target or Walmart. I can live without them but it has become a challenge staying away.
The Philadelphia Eagles are Superbowl Champions again this year but never mind that football game, what about that Halftime show performed by Kendrick Lamar? What are your thoughts on the game and the halftime show? Please hit us with an email and let us know your thoughts. The performance wasn't for everyone, admit that and I get it!
I had all intentions of ending the show with this food for thought! Why can't Black people have their own stuff? The history that is out there is showing that every time we as black people start to advance in our communities and not rely on other folks those same folks come and destroy it! Why? Cities like Tulsa, Oklahoma were burnt down because " a black kid tried to pick up a married white woman". I could go in on this story for an entire show but I won't.
As long as I have this podcast with Cathy I will always mention the history of Black people and how we have worked hard for everything we have earned. Nothing has ever been handed to us. So keep trying to dismiss our history because some folks feel hurt about what white people did hundreds of years ago so now they just want to try and erase it.
We will end the show this week with a couple things we watched this week. The Netflix Documentary O.J. Simpson: American Manhunt and Captain America: Brave New World. We talked about them so please give them both a watch. Thank you for joining us this week and we will see you guys next week for Episode 128.
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Welcome back to 50Talk this is Episode 126. Your Host's Victor and Cathy are happy to be back with you all again this week. We are on a roll, two weeks in a row with a great episode. Let's start off our show with a "Happy Black History Month" even though our government isn't recognizing this month or any other Special Celebration by any other group similar to Black History. This is where we are as a country today.
This week we have one of our favorites joining us this week. Welcome back to the show our cousin Kyla. Kyla always comes on the show and does a great job. She has so much knowledge and brings her great personality each time she is with us. We get right into it with Kyla. "What and when are the Republican Party going to stop President Trump and his boyfriend Elon Musk? They are destroying our government and most of our politicians are just sitting around watching it happen. All I can say is Jasmine Crockett for President. She is the only one in my eyes that is saying anything and doing anything to stop these people.
Cathy and I called our State Representative in Congress and both of us were worried about what we were told and what was said by Mr. Lata's staff. I personally felt like this guy talked down to me and they told Cathy that they don't respond to every News story out there. I think they just took our calls and they responded because tons of people are calling there representatives all over the country.
It's Superbowl weekend and who do you guys have winning the game? I think Kansas City will win (again) but it would be nice to see Philadelphia win it all again. The President will be in attendance and the "end racism" that's been in NFL endzones for a couple years will be removed for this game. Why do we think the reason they are removing it is because the President will be there? I think a lot of us can answer that question but please, let me know your thoughts on all of this as it pertains to the Superbowl. Please send us an email at [email protected].
In Kyla's neck of the woods in Cincinnati, Ohio they white supremacists have shown up again but this time they had resistance from the community. The historically black community of Lincoln Heights rallied together to remove those folks and burn up their hatred. We need more of this around the country. Peaceful shows of force to show these hateful people we won't stand for this.
Here in Elyria, Ohio we have a prisoner on the run with handcuffs on. It's been almost five days and they can't seem to locate this kid. How does someone in police custody get away with the cuffs on? I will for sure keep you all updated on this story as we here more. I have no faith in the Elyria media but I will find information somewhere for you guys eventually.
Thank you all for joining us this week. We hope you enjoy this long episode with our girl Kyla. We will see you all next week.
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Hello again and welcomer back to 50Talk. Cathy and Victor are back on the mic's again after our 1st cruise. Yes we are going to talk about it. So get ready to hear all the juicy details. We will give you The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly that we noticed on our little excursion. As older folks we did good flying into a huge city like Miami and got ourselves a Lyft, and we did it a few more times after that. Does that make us Lyft Experts?
Any who, on to the important stuff that we have to talk about and of course that being Matin Luther Kings birthday and on Inauguration day this year. Dr. King was a great man for all Americans and would be so sad to see this President and what he is doing to this country on Dr. Kings day. That quiet possibly may have been the last time we (as Americans) get to Celebrate King as a National Holiday the way things have gone this last week.
Victor did a thing on MLK Day. He removed himself from a couple different social networking sites. I think it's easier for me to do this because I am a GenX'er. We are the most resilient group of people. Could you guys give up "any social media" today and be okay with never using it again? That's some old people talk right there.
A lot of things happened the day Joe Biden left office but, him giving people Preemptive Pardons was insane to me. Insane because it had to be done in our country today due to political differences. This is going to be a fun time the next four years.
A brand new Nintendo Switch has been announced! Y'all know Victor loves him some Nintendo. So stay tuned for further information about that when I hear something.
We hope you guys enjoyed the episode and we will see you all next week. -
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Good Afternoon and Welcome to 50Talk. Cathy and I are so glad to be back with you guys. It's been over a month since we've last spoke so we have some catching up to do. It's been a busy month in our lives and in the goings on in the country. How was your Christmas and your New Years celebrations? We would love to here about what and how you celebrated. Our Holiday celebrations were pretty good. Different but good, seeing the kids get older though has made us rethink how we celebrate moving forward. Tell us how you celebrated, send us an email at [email protected]
Just after Thanksgiving I had the honor of meeting a friend after at least 15 years for the 1st time in person. Jason aka: Faitios formerly of The Post Game Report and The Taggers Podcast from way back in the day came into Cleveland and we hooked up over Beer and some good food and conversation. We look forward to Jason and his wife joining us on the show in the future.
We are five days into 2025 but January 1st came in with a bang in The United States. There is nothing more American than a Mass killing to start the year off. Sadly this is America. Along side that mass killing was an incident that has everyone talking, like what the hell is going on? Y'all need to pay attention to what's going on. I'm going to post some links to some Independent Media and TikTok's that I follow and pay attention to. I will post those links at the end of the show description.
Former President Jimmy Carter has passed (100 years old) this past week. I remember him as the 1st Presidential Inauguration that I remember. Through out my life I always heard people say Carter wasn't a good President because he was only one term but that he was a great Humanitarian for the work that he did after his presidency and being married to his wife for all those years.
Did y'all know there are "Couples Codes" that we try to live bye? Cathy brings us some Couples Codes that makes me think and should make you think as well if you are in a relationship. This is good information and Cathy is just laying it all out there.
In New York there has been a beating and death of a prisoner by the Corrections Officers. 14 Officers have been fired but as of today not charged due to his death. When will this type of treatment stop? Law Enforcement just doesn't give a shit now-a-days.
Y'all pay attention to what's going on around you and in this country. Keep your heads on a swivel and take in different types of media to stay informed. Something is brewing behind the scenes leading up to Monday January 6th and January 20th. Pay attention!
Thanks for joining us again and we will see you all in a week or so....we going on vacation.
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Hello and welcome back to another episode of 50Talk. Your Host's Victor & Cathy are glad you all decided to join us again this week. It's Thanksgiving week and Black Friday shopping at the end of the week and we can't forget about College Football and my Ohio State Buckeyes going against TTUN (That Team Up North). So needless to say it's going to be a great week.
Cathy and I have a few turkeys sitting around the house and we had been trying to figure out how we are going to cook them. It's come down to the old traditional way of cooking that sweet bird. We can mess around after Thanksgiving with the other two birds. I'm really looking forward to all of Cathy's great cooking. I can see it all on my plate right know and I can feel the fullness from eating it all.
Black Friday is right around the corner and Amazon is already having some great sales. I get into some of the tech stuff that I think everyone needs. What are you guys looking for on Black Friday or are we all past that going to stand in line at midnight stuff? Stores are changing over time when it comes to shopping. They make sales almost every weekend leading up to Christmas so we Americans don't have to trample each other or kill each other. Safety first is what is important.
Cathy gives us a little history lesson on Thanksgiving and the first dinner and some changes the government has put in since the early to mid 1800's. Yes, some of the information she gave is new to me. You learn something new everyday still. Do families still gather after dinner to watch classic movies or go to the movie theater to check out the Holiday release movies? There are so many great movies out for the Holiday already. What are some of the traditions that you all remember growing up or that you all have in your families? Please share with us at [email protected].
I give a short lists of thew best Thanksgiving pumpkin desserts and they all sound and look incredible. What are some of your favorite thanksgiving desserts? Please let us know. Send us an email at [email protected]
Kyla sent Cathy and I a text message about an incident that happened in 1994 (I guess because we are old). Susan Smith, who killed her two kids by driving them into water and letting them drown and then went on to say a black man carjacked her. Can you freaking believe that? Of course you can, this is still America.
Are men still taking "Men Weekends" or "Man-cations" these days? This is an interesting subject and Cathy took it way out of context. We hope you guys all enjoyed the show and we really do hope to be with you guys again next week for episode 124. Thank you all for listening. -
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Hello and welcome back to another episode of 50Talk. The Host's of the show Victor and Cathy are happy to be back with you guys. They needed to take a little time after the crazy election to get over it and move the hell on. This episode is going to be the last time we get into talk of politics to deep or to much. This election has shown us who we are as a country and 50Talk is going to find a little bit of space in the country and get comfortable. So we are very sorry to have missed you all the past two weeks.
Quickly, we get right into the episode because, for the last two weeks we have been holding so much inside that we've been thinking about since the election. So first we're going to start with we can't watch any type of News since before the election. (trying to fit them in) The time I did turn on news was the night he started making his cabinet picks public and my jaw about hit the floor. Y'all don't forget that he "only picks the best people" from his 1st election, right?
There is a new "Movement" taking place on TikTok and other Social Media, it's the Blue Bracelets Movement! White woman want to let everyone know that when the shit hit's the fan. Please don't look in their direction because they didn't vote for him. I am personally not a fan of the bracelet. Let me tell you why.
We talk about how America isn't ready for a female President let alone a minority one. Also we have to talk about the Christian White Nationalists and how they played a part in the election. We both think it's sad that people actually said during the campaign that Kamala is stupid. You can't be as successful in life as she is if "she was stupid". Trump didn't get where he is by being stupid although he did fuck a lot of shit up.
So the entire episode isn't all doom and gloom. Victor tries to bring a little "Joy" to the show with some good things happening in America. There was a "boxing" match this weekend. What are your thoughts on Netflix hosting and the outcome of the fight. We got a lot more stuff to talk about in this episode before we close out the episode.
Thank you guys for joining us this week. -
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Welcome back to 50Talk. This is episode 121 and your host's are glad that y'all are able to be with us again. This week we have a guest with us so the entire show is our interview with her.
Erika is our guest and she will tell us about herself and a bit about her journey to citizenship in America. She tells us about her family moving into the U.S. and it really is an amazing story.
With election day coming up in just over a week this is a feel good story. Cathy did all the preparation for this episode so big shout-out to her for holding things down in the episode.
See you guys next week with hopefully some good news about The Cohort Network of Podcasts. -
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Welcome back to 50Talk. Your Hosts Victor and Cathy are glad you all decided to join us again. Sorry for the short episode last week. We definitely will be making up for it in this week's episode. The week has been filled with all kinds of interesting stuff for us to talk about but we have narrowed them down to a few to discuss.
We have to start this episode talking about the Cleveland Guardians and them playing in the ALCS in which they just concluded on Saturday evening. The Yankees eliminated them in the best of seen series in four games but aside from the loss ,the fans and all there old "Cleveland Indians" gear is a sore subject for me. So much progress has been made to move away from the "racists" indian to the new Guardians. Let's talk about it.
We're almost two weeks away from election day and some states are still trying to fuck with our votes. They are doing all they can to make seem like the elections aren't secure or that funny business is going on. A story out of Minneapolis, Minnesota has Republicans panties all in a bunch to. The closer we get to election day I think the worse things are going to get. If you live in a state with early voting, please get out there and get your vote in.
Vice Presidential Candidate JD Vance was out on the stump last week saying some crazy shit! My guy threw his own Momma under the bus, again. I want to give JD Vance the benefit of the doubt that he really isn't the person he pretends to be for Donald Trump but I don't know.
Cathy wants to know the importance and the significance of decorating for holidays. She did some intense research for you guys so listen closely. She is dropping knowledge.
We have a couple of the same types of stories to talk about this episode. I mentioned one to Cathy and we talked a bit about it but the second story we did not discuss until today. We want you guys to ell us your thoughts on these stories as well. Send us an email at [email protected]
We watched a couple show this week that we wanted to talk about to. Monster: on Netflix about the Menendez Brothers killing of their Parents. And the creators of "The Apprentice" want to apologize for the monster that is Donald Trump.
Enjoy the show and please join us next week for our scheduled guest. This is going to be a great conversation. See you guys next week. -
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Welcome back to 50Talk Episode 119. Your Hosts Cathy and Victor are glad that you guys decided to join us again this week. We did take last week off to refresh or better yet, we just had some life shit going on. We are glad to be back this week though. This will be a short show so we hope you enjoy it.
We jump right into the episode with a topic I saved from last week that we didn't get to. In light of the P-Diddy indictment and all the rumors surrounding it we have to talk about the so called "90's Era of HipHop & R&B" with musicians like Diddy, R. Kelly, Michael Jackson and I guess we can throw in Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce'. Was it really the best era of music in your minds? I love the 90's so much. All of the music from that period, but when I hear those hits now I have to be thinking some kind of way about it.
Can we just ignore everything outside of the actual music or do we keep the entertainer in mind and what they did while we are listening? I always had a way of separating the music from the drama. This time I think it may be different because it's so many different folks involved and this stuff is way worse than some of the other stories from over the years.
Quickly we dive into some politics and how people were all upset because Kamala Harris was trying to avoid the Media, know all of a sudden they don't like what she has to say. I knew it was a no win situation for her either way but look at Trump now. Dude is basically missing in action and when he does surface all he does is spread hate and fear mongering with an incomprehensible tone.
Trump is going to cities and talking to the citizens in the town as if he were somewhere else. How can you go in front of people and ask for their vote then turn around and say to them that there town sucks an will be worse if you vote for the other person? Is this normal behaviour or is there something really wrong with him?
Cathy wants to talk about Peanut Butter and what its good with. Not just the traditional peanut butter and jelly but what else?
We also have been watching some movies and some shows as well that we want to talk a little bit about. From on Amazon Prime Video is a great show in its third season that you all should be watching and please do check out the remade edition to Salem's Lot.
Thank you for joining us again this week and if your in Ohio like us, please get out there and get your vote in early to get it done. This election is to important to skip so please get it done. See y'all next week. -
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Welcome back to 50Talk. The Host's Victor and Cathy are glad you are able to join us again this week. This week is our 3rd Anniversary of doing 50Talk and also this week is our 28th Anniversary so we wanted to "re-introduce" ourselves. Before we do that make sure you all check your Voter Registration or Register to vote. It's October now and election day is right around the corner.
After our re-introduction to our new listeners we get right into our stories. The first story is another update to the Titan Submersible story from just over a year ago. Week two of the trial/investigation of the incident is in the books. The Owner of the company put greed before safety.
In the Show Me State of Missouri Marcellus Williams was put to death by legal injection. There is a lot of controversy aimed at the courts about some information that was discovered that left questions about the case. The Governor and the Supreme Court decided to move on with the execution anyway.
A story and an immediate update to the same story out of Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania has a lot of people scratching their heads. An African American student athlete had the word "nigger" carved/scratched on his chest. Listen to the craziness coming out about this incident.
Cathy hits us with the topic " some incited on how to make it to 30 years of marriage", we discuss how we did it and how we had to work on somethings to make it work this long. Just because we've been together this long doesn't mean you don't work a your marriage daily. Enjoy the conversation.
This week we finally tell all about the series "Outlast" on Netflix. We have waited long enough to talk about it. It's a great season but I think the next season should be somewhere other than Alaska.
The last thing before we close out this weeks episode is the death of Pete Rose (83) aka Charlie Hustle. I still think he is one of the greatests to play the game but didn't get a chance to see himself make it into the Baseball Hall Of Fame.
Thank you for joining this week and we will see you all next week.
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Welcome back to 50talk, this is Episode 117. 50Talk are proud members of the newly formed and announced The Cohort Network. Please stay with us a we get deeper into fall with the official launch of The Cohort Network and the Podcasts that will be a part of our network. It's starting to feel like fal here in Ohio where we are and that puts a huge smile on my face.
This week Cathy and I jump right into the show with some valuable information that you all could use. Get registered and check the status of your Voter Registration by going to Vote.gov , the time is running out to get registered so make sure you don't miss out on "our most important election" in a longtime. States and Politicians are still at it trying to change the rules leading up to November 5th.
There was a Mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama on Sunday morning and the shooters are still at large. So if your a listener from Birmingham make sure your watching yourself and keeping an ear to the ground about the whereabouts of these shooters. We visited Birmingham a couple years ago and had a great time. It really is a beautiful city and we have a lot of family there as well. Let's hope they catch these people soon. We will keep you all updated here at 50Talk on either our Podcast or our 50Talk Facebook Page.
Cathy talks about being a mother and seeing your child celebrate their birthday. The emotions that a Mom goes through over the years. Also the changes that a woman's body goes through from childbirth that will never be the same. Does every woman remember the birth of her children? Is it something they will never forget, all the good and the bad.
We went out on Saturday to celebrate the birthday of my step-sister Terri (former guest) and we had a situation with a bar patron. We have a question and some comments about white america. This happens to us/me very often so check it out.
Another update to a story we talked about over a year ago on 50Talk is the Titan submersible and the accident that killed the five people aboard. The trial investigating the accident just started last week and it left a chilling message of "Hubris & Greed". This is an ongoing story so stay tuned for future updates as well.
The biggests topic for the week is The Diddy Indictment. I think someone is in big trouble and probably won't be getting out of jail/prison for a very long time. This looks like a bunch of dominos falling. People involved or possibly involved are quitting their jobs, some people are starting to speak out and some are bracing for their names to be dragged through the mud due to a madman! This to is an ongoing story and we here at 50Talk will keep you updated the moment we hear anything. There are tons of rumors and stories out there so be careful what you believe as we will do too.
Thank you for joining us this week for another fun episode. We will see you all next week for Episode 118. Have a great week. -
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Welcome to 50Talk . This is Episode 116 and your hosts Cathy and Victor are glad to have you guys back. We need some advice from you guys this week right off the bat. We are having "grown kid issues" and we are stumped. This is a sign on how things are going to be in the episode. We have some things to talk about and we're glad you're here.
I posted on our 50Talk Facebook Page on Monday a question about the state of our Politics and are we where we are because of a black man that had lived in the White House. We got no response to the question and I'm cool with that. Cathy and I still talk about it. If you hear this episode and still want to comment send us an email at [email protected]
Last Tuesday was a pretty historical day. We had our first Debate with our Vice President and our Former President. It was quit the event. Do you have a clear winner? Are you okay with a candidate spreading lies about a group of people who just want to work and be left alone? Did you feel like each candidate put out their policies clearly in the Debate?
Quickly Cathy and I talk about the second assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump. Is there anything to it that it was less than a week after a poor debate performance and that he is clearly dropping in the polls? Don't get us wrong, we would never want anyone shot for any reason. Are we going to get the real information from the "shooter" and what his motivations were for doing this? We will keep you updated when we get information.
I North Carolina there has been a "potential" hanging that is trying to be hidden. In the town of Henderson, North Carolina. This story has holes all in it and us here at 50Talk will continue to update you guys when we get information.
We watched a couple different things this week that we enjoyed. The finale of Outlast on Netflix and Bye, Bye Barry on Amazon Prime Video. Both were great shows that we think you all should check out. We try not to spoil them, Yet! We will hold off from talking until next episode if we remember.
The News to end this episode is that 50Talk is now proud member of a brand new Network of Podcast called "The Cohort Network. We have a few different shows that will be announced and introduced later this fall so stay tuned. Myself and our former guest Amber have been busy getting this new Network running. Thank you all for joining us this week. We will see you next week for Episode 117 and getting close to our three year Anniversary. -
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Welcome back to 50Talk. This Episode 115 and Cathy and I are glad you decided to join us again this week. We have a lot to look forward to this week. The first Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is on Tuesday and this is what everyone has been waiting for. How will Kamala handle Trump and which Donald Trump is going to show up? This is going to be interesting.
So far the College Football season has had some great match-ups. Being an Ohio State fan I had a joy watching *ichigan get their butts kicked this past weekend by Texas. This is my weekend football fix these days. Thursday was the kick-off to the NFL season and I tried to take a peek in to see what was up but that changed really fast. When I turned it on I heard the song "Lift every voice and sing" and all I could think of is that the NFL is still trying to win over the black watchers. I'm not falling for it.
School is back in around the United States and we all know what that means, Mass shootings are happening. In rural Georgia there was a shooting and four people were killed. Two kids and two Teachers are dead and a dozen or so were injured. The shooter and his father have both been arrested and charged with this crime.
What makes a parent believe that their 14 year old child needs and AR-styled rifle? I don't believe most adults deserve to have an AR-styled rifle either. There is no need for weapons of war on our streets.
There is a lot of conversation on guns in America in the episode but has this shooting exposed the tragic hypocrisy of present day America? Ban books and gender affirming care and abortions and drag shows but don't ban automatic weapons. I don't understand where we are as a country.
Thank you all for joining us this week. We really appreciate you guys support over the years. Join us next week for Episode 116. -
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Hello and welcome back to 50Talk. This is Episode 114 and your hosts Cathy and Victor are happy that you all could join again this week. We have a few things to talk about and we have a "very special guest" joining us this week with an inside look at the goings on at the NABJ convention a few weeks ago in Chicago. We welcome once again one of our favorite listeners to the show. Kyla has a story to tell and she has waited to share it with 50Talk.
While we have Kyla with us I bring up a topic that she has talked about a couple different times on Social Media. "The Grits Debate", how do you eat your grits? It amazes me to this day that people actually put sugar on their grits. I also want to take the food conversation a little further and talk about "the Watermelon Debate" and what type of watermelon you guys prefer. Cathy and I got a delicious watermelon this weekend and it had seeds and you know how Victor's mind works.
Not only did Cathy and I have Covid a month ago but cases are on the rise in the United States. I heard on the News that at least 400 people a week are dying from Covid related issues. I know we have all heard this before but we still need to be safe out there. A new Vaccine dealing with the new strains is coming in early September. The CDC advice is to get Covid vaccine in September with your Flu shot.
There is an article that I found in the Independent that is headlined " Republican group cites notorious Dred Scott ruling as reason Kamala Harris can't be President". Yes it is real and yes I have heard this argument on a few different media outlets. You all have to look into this as well.
On Fox News the "new Tucker Carlson" made some sexists remarks about our Vice President. Jesse Watters is a piece of work an needs to be held accountable for this horrible disrespect. Fox News just doesn't get it even after the almost $1billion fine they had to pay for lying.
To end the show we hit Kyla with some fun questions but some question that get you to thinking for real. Thank you all for listening to Episode 114. We'll see you next week for another episode. Have a great Holiday weekend.
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Welcome back to 50Talk. This is Episode 113 and Cathy and I are glad you all could join us again this week. We have a lot to talk about so let's get into it. We had our annual Family Reunion last week and would like to say it was a success. After being a part of the planning committee over the last year it was a great event. We had tons of family and food and great conversations. We had also went camping with all the Johnson Crew earlier in that same week, so we were very busy the entire week leading up to the family reunion.
I forgot to do this in the show soI will add it know. "Let's go into the mind of Cathy" and learn some things. We want to tell you all what it's like waking up on a Monday morning as retired people. While traveling back and forth from camping we had a revelation after being together for almost 30 years. This is crazy! You do know that your body is a vessel, right? When your born is that vessel empty? When you die what happens to that vessel or capsule as Cathy also calls it? Also in a relationship who makes who old? is it the older person in the relationship who is obviously aging or is it something else?
The Democratic National Convention starts this week and I for one am ready to see a real representation of America unlike the Republican National Convention. I'm anxious to see who the speakers will be and even some of the entertainment. Most of all I want to hear the uplifting message the party will bring to us. Hearing President Obama and Michelle speak should be uplifting. I can't wait to hear Kamala's acceptance speak. This is going to be an historical week and I can't wait.
Donald Trump said some crazy shit this past week. Can you freaking believe that? He actually spoke in front of real people and told them that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is more important than the Medal of Honor. As a Marine Corps veteran I am insulted. Any Veteran of any branch of service should be insulted by this man's words. Just another "stupid comment" to the long list of other "stupid comments" this man continues to say.
There was an interview on the Platform X and t was a complete mess. Elon Musk and Donald Trump together equals shit! Did someone forget to give Donnie his false teeth to put in or was he drunk or high or was it because it was past his bedtime and his words were slurring? Any way you put it, it was a terrible interview and an even worse reflection on our aging former President. He does love the Time magazines cover picture of Kamala though. He said she looked like a beautiful movie star and even a former 1st Lady named Melania Trump. Can you freaking believe this guy said that? Who is the "Old man running for President now"?
Thank you all for joining us this week. We had a great time. Don't forget to go to vote.org or vote.gov to check the status of your voter registration or to get registered. See you all next week. Thanks for listening. -
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Welcome back to 50Tallk. This is episode 112 and the host's Victor & Cathy are happy to be back with you all again. This episode is the call before the storm for the craziness of the week. The Kingdom is off to the woods this week and then topping it off with a Family Reunion for three days this weekend. We are so excited to see family and also to just go out into nature and enjoy some time with our immediate family. Beers and fire here we come!
Well let's et into some show topics right now. Our first topic this week is the Police Killing of Sonya Massey in Springfield, Illinois by a former Sheriff's Deputy named Sean Grayson. This piece of work has been fired (finally) and has been charged with three counts of 1st Degree murder and two other counts as well. The body camera footage was released about a week or so after the killing and it is very hard to watch and to listen to. I think the words this former police officer used were heartless and disgusting. This man should get everything he deserves for killing this woman. He is a heartless person and should have never been able to wear a police badge. Shame on the people who hired him and the people that kept him employed long enough to let this happen.
Next up we are talking about Kamala Harris, our new Presidential Candidate for the Democratic party. Damn that sounds nice. The race has totally changed since this happened but Donald Trump is still the same racists, narcissists that he has always been. This guy hand the actual balls to go in front of a room full of Black Reporters at the NABJ conference in Chicago last week and show his entire ass. I mean the entire damn thing. He got put on "front street" from the moment he sat is ass down and it was a wonderful thing to see.
There is a fabricated story coming out of the Paris Olympics having to do with a female boxer out of Algeria. Her name is Imane Khelif and her name is being dragged through the mud for no reason. It's a damn shame that people hear a story and they run with it. In this world of hate for anyone who isn't a certain race or looks a certain way or is anyway different from you people will disparage you. I'm not blaming the media I'm blaming hateful people because that's what it is. Keeping with the Olympics Cathy and I give the medal count as of Sunday evening and America is kicking ass. It's been a fun Olympic Games so far.
The final story out of Wichita, Kansas about the stolen Jackie Robinson Statue is out. The big reveal will be happening Monday August 5th and a star studded group of former MLB'ers will be in attendance for the reveal. The person that stole the statue has been sentenced to 15 years in prison and the Legend of Jackie Robinson is alive and well at McAdams Field for eternity.
Our last topic for the show is about Cathy and I going to see Deadpool & Wolverine in the theater. It was a great movie. It was very entertaining and that's all we will say until next week. I will be giving spoilers and you can't stop me. Y'all have a good week and we will see you next time for episode 113.
If you want to add anything to our conversation please feel free to email us at [email protected]
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Happy Friday and welcome to Episode 111 of 50Talk. The Hosts Victor and Cathy are glad you guys and gals are joining us again this week. Before we start the show we do have to let you guys know that we have been sick for the last ten days at least and our voices are not the best so please bear with us. Throughout the episode you will hear Victors voice do a lot of cracking and most of the time Cathy sounds like someone is holding her around her throat. We love you all so much, this is just what we do for you.
This week we brought along a guest to join us and to talk about some serious stuff and also to have some fun as well. Welcome to the show our cousin Amber. We give a brief introduction of Amber and then we jump right into the tough questions and conversation. He first question is a tough one. In this world filled with guns and violence the question to Amber is " When you allow your kids to visit and sleepover other kids houses, do you ask the family if they have guns in the house and if so, how are they stored". Talk about an ice breaker, right?
Our next topic of discussion is a quick story out of Texas from way back in 1982 that led to Robert Morris, Pastor of a Megachurch in Texas to resign from his position. He is being charged with Inappropriate sexual behavior with a girl when she was twelve years old. The lawyer for Morris said " “It was your client,” wrote lawyer J. Shelby Sharpe, referring to Clemishire at age 12, “who initiated inappropriate behavior by coming into my client’s bedroom and getting in bed with him, which my client should not have allowed to happen.”
So let me ask you all this next question. Is Vice President Kamala Harris a D.E.I. hire? This has honestly been a actual topic of discussion on media outlets the last week of so. The comments are coming from U.S. Politicians too. When do we start holding people responsible for the idiotic shit that they say? Sometime you think things but you shouldn't say them out loud.
The 4th of July brought us another Nathan's Hot dog eating contest but this years contest was without Joey Chestnut. He decided he wanted to stuff his face with wings instead of hot dogs. Are you guys fans of eating competitions?
We end this week's show with Amber with a bunch of Fun Family questions. She is a trooper and does a great job answering them. Cathy and I also jump in and answer them as well.
We want to thank Amber for joining us this week and all you guys to for listening. We will see you next week for Episode 112.
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Welcome back to 50Talk, your Hosts Victor and Cathy are glad you all could join us again this week. So this Episode we are doing something different. Our fine co-host Cathy will be taking over the show this week. She put the "outline" together and everything. The one thing that goes along with running the show and the conversations is the work afterwards editing and doing the show notes. We got to get her doing that as well.
So our first topic brought to you all this evening is about "The Trump Train" in Lorain County Ohio and how we showed up and peeked at the festivities for a little while before the people took off to their trip around the county. Is was the typical Trump (crazies) as usual. You know people with there Trump flags and signs all over their vehicles. Nothing to epic happened at the Event but Victor got shocked by there being no "Rebel Flags" at all.
We talked in our next topic about the NBA Draft that happened last week and how some of my Duke players were drafted and where they went. Cathy got going good in this topic. She was actually asking me about sports. She really is a magical lady.
Next the Hosts talk about a New Documentary we watched las week called "The Brat Pack" on Hulu. This of course is based off movies and entertainers from our era back in the 1980's. Yes a really long time ago in a totally different world than todays. This documentary is fun because I even learned something's about then that I didn't know now. It really is a fun show. There are two documentaries that Victor watched this week with one of those referrals coming from Kyla (former guest). The other on is called "Tell them you love me". Give both a watch and tell us what you all think.
Back to politics for our last subject of the week. This one is about that crazy ass debate from last week. Victor got so affected by the Debate that anxiety set n and ruined most of his next day. He was and is so worried about the two people we have to vote for. It's a damn shame where we are today with everything.
We hope you all enjoy the show and if you have or want to add more to the conversation hit Victor with an email at [email protected] and we can keep it going. See you guys next week for Episode 110. -
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Welcome back to 50Talk This is episode 109 and your hosts Victor and Cathy are happy to be back with you guys after a little recovery and celebration time. This week we hope to get you guys involved with the conversation right off the back. Send me an email at [email protected] if you want to add anything to our conversation today or any past episodes to. We want to hear from you guys.
We start the show off with some serious talk about how important this election is this year and why don't people realize some of our freedoms are on the line. Do some people believe that these potential new laws and setbacks won't apply to them? Do you think if abortions are illegal all over the country that that doesn't apply to anyone in your family because you are a lawmaker, a rich person or maybe even just a white person? Are you all okay with one person being in charge and that one person staying as long as he or she wants?
I joined a Zoom meeting last night with my Uncle and his partner, My Uncle Dr. Byron Craig a past guest on the show and Dr. Steve Rahko both of Illinois State University and both co-editors of the book "Rupturing Rhetoric: The Politics of Race and Popular Culture since Ferguson. The topic of the talk was "Legitimacy Crisis" and it was the final part in a series of discussions they have had over time. They said that in order for a Democracy to work we need trust! As Americans as a whole their really isn't the same amount of trust in our government right now a it once had been. Why is that and how do we get that trust back to at least where it was?
Cathy and I have been watching some pretty serious Documentaries the past week or so. I watched most of Anthem, on Hulu and we also watched together The Sixth, on Amazon Prime video and they both led to some serious conversation in this episode as well. Does a new Anthem that recognizes every American make you feel better about our country? Will a new anthem continue to get you to stand and take off your hat and put your hand on your heart with honor? Or do we just keep it all the same and continue to use what we have that surely doesn't represent all Americans?
The Boston Celtics are NBA's new World Champions after crushing the Dallas Mavericks this week in the fifth game of the series this week. Is that who you guys pick to win it all? Caitlyn Clark is still at the top of the sports conversation since her WNBA career has started. She hadn't been playing the best early on and she also feels as if she was being targeted for some reason. Her team right now is on a four game winning streak and she is playing much better.
Next week our first Presidential Debate is happening. They have some rules in play for the debate and the talk is "will Donald Trump show up"? The rules are funny and the way I see it is that rules are only made to be broken. Give it a listen and please, let us know your thoughts on the rules and if Trump will show up.
I have the Audio version of the Anthem: We Are America. Tell me what you think about it. See you all next week for Episode 110.
https://youtu.be/6ymWrMC1EAo?si=xvxLF0Jo4bSCWngY -
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Good Saturday morning and welcome back to 50Talk. This Episode 108 and we are glad you all decided to join Cathy and I again this week. Believe it or not but I was totally prepared for this episode this week with an outline but the more we got into the show the more I felt unprepared. This week has been one of the craziests in a long time.
I jump right into the news immediately with a sad story coming out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Officer Jamal Mitchell (28) an Officer of the Department for less than one year was ambushed and killed responding to the scene of a shooting. He was honored last year after only being on the job for three days for running into a burning building and rescuing an elderly couple.
Our first history making or history changing event of the week was The MLB finally allowing records from The Negro Leagues to be integrated into the Major Leagues records. The Negro Leagues records from the early 1920's to 1948 until Jackie Robinson integrated the sport. That change makes Josh Gibson te leading player in ML history with a batting average of .372 now ahead of Ty Cobb.
We also have to recognize our two listeners who responded to last weeks question about knowing if they knew I played video games before I mentioned it on Episode 107. My fellow podcaster and video game brother Josh Brown and our dear friend Julie responded. Thank you both for your response.
Cathy finally remembered what her and I talked about in the car two weeks ago. That's some "older people problems" we came to agree. This is a fun little segment to break up the show before we move on to the next story.
Our biggests History changing event of this week is by far Former President Trump being convicted of 34 Felony counts. I know I have a strong opinion on this history but it would have given me a huge smile if he was put in handcuffs and hauled off to jail like every other Felon but that didn't happen. My fingers are still crossed though. e try not to get to deep in the mud with this but it is a little lengthy!
Please, if you all listening could take the time to go to Vote.org and check the status of your voting registration. I know you are all hearing this a lot after thursdays conviction that "this is our most important election ever" but don't believe it is. I think it is and we need to show up at the polls like never before to keep this convicted felon out of the White House again.
In the NBA Finals starting next week are the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics. Who you guys got winnin it? Send me your prediction at [email protected]
Finally to end the show we update everyone on the Florida county Sheriff who killed U.S. Airmen Roger Fortson has been fired after an investigation. One small step at a time for justice. Hopefully!
Thanks for joining us this week. We will see you and next week. - もっと表示する