
  • 美國總統辯論會上,兩位候選人首次同台。川普自始至終沒有正眼看對方一眼,賀錦麗一開始接近川普,主動伸手表示風度跟善意。過程當中的表現也獲得多數主流媒體好評。 In a notable moment during Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump shared a handshake, marking their first face-to-face meeting in the campaign. As the debate began, both candidates took the stage for what was their initial direct encounter. Initially, Trump seemed to head towards his podium without acknowledging Harris. In a gesture of politeness, Harris altered h .altered her path to meet Trump at his podium, , extending her hand. The handshake signified the end of an eight-year period without handshakes on the presidential debate stage.Although there are no formal rules or stipulations requiring such gestures, this exchange added a touch of civility to the high-stakes political confrontation, which presented a critical opportunity to sway undecided voters. notable 重要的 debate 辯論 campaign 競選 candidate 候選人 encounter 遭遇 邂逅 podium 講台 acknowledge 認知、致意 gesture 手勢 表示 stake 利害 stipulation 命令 sway 搖擺 左右 Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/113242448.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 有『美國比爾蓋茲』之稱的科技大亨麥可林奇,在遊艇沈船後確認罹難。但現在傳出案外案,是先前他軟體公司以110億美元賣給HP,被買家指控作假帳墊高交易價格。如今包括經手案件的律師、財務主管、投資公司高層、以及公司前大老闆林奇本人,都接連死亡。 Superyacht sinks latest: Fifth body found in search today - six people now confirmed dead Five bodies have been found in the search for several people missing after a luxury yacht capsized off the Sicily coast, bringing the total number of dead to six. Search efforts are in their third day, after the captain was reportedly questioned by Italian prosecutors over the sinking. British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter are among the six people missing. Mr Lynch, known by some as "the British Bill Gates", co-founded software company Autonomy, which was later bought by tech giant Hewlett-Packard for $11bn . yacht 遊艇 sink 沈船 capsize 翻覆 question 訊問 prosecutor 檢察官 found 建立 giant 巨人、大型公司 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • 奧運官網原文: 中華台北李洋 王齊麟 連續奪下羽球男雙冠軍 CHINESE TAIPEI'S LEE YANG AND WANG CHI-LIN GO BACK TO BACK IN MEN'S DOUBLES Lee Yang of Chinese Taipei put an emphatic period to his career - an Olympic gold medal. Lee and Wang Chi-lin became the first pair in badminton history to win the men’s doubles twice after an intense 21-17, 18-21, 21-19 victory over the People's Republic of China's Liang Weikeng and Wang Chang at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 on Sunday, 4 August. The Tokyo 2020 champions also struck the first gold for their country. Afterwards, Lee said he has played the final match of his career. “This is my last time - which is why I kissed the court to bid a proper farewell,” said Lee, who turns 29 in eight days. “I will go to school to become an instructor and hopefully I can help develop the game of badminton.” emphatic 堅決的 pair 搭擋 intense 緊張的、高張力的 champion 冠軍 strike a gold 奪金 bid farewell 道別 proper 好好的,恰當的 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 這兩天全球股市雲霄飛車,把大家嚇壞了。也有人提出『薩姆定律』,言之鑿鑿的說美國經濟衰退可能不遠,AI泡沫將炸。我看到多數美國英文報導,認為衰退不至於、AI就算回檔,也不至於重演網路泡沫化的慘況。但認為近期還是保守為上。也藉由這個機會選一篇,新聞英文一定會需要知道的財經內容,以後可以直接看原文,多一個投資股市的資訊管道。 Fears of a US recession have gripped global markets, triggering a share market rout that prompted investors across Asia, Europe and North America to all unwind their positions – at the same time. The volatile conditions erupted after the US Federal Reserve hinted after its 31 July meeting that interest rates would soon be cut, in what was initially seen as a stimulus for shares. But the gains quickly evaporated as investors reinterpreted the impending rate cuts as a sign the world’s biggest economy was faltering. Several pieces of economic data, including manufacturing, durable goods and – crucially – jobs and payroll data, raised questions over the health of the US economy, with the well-regarded “Sahm Rule” signaling a recession. This indicator, which is triggered when there is a rapid rise in the unemployment rate, has correctly identified every recession since the second world war. recession 衰退 grip 緊抓、嚴重影響 unwind 鬆開、放鬆 position 投資部位 US Federal Reserve 美國聯邦準備理事會 stimulus 振興措施 evaporate 蒸發 reinterpret 重新解讀 falter 步履蹣跚 durable goods 耐久財 payroll 薪資單 Sahm rule 薩姆定律(曾在美聯儲任職經濟學家Claudia Sahm提出了後來由她命名的薩姆規則,當美國 3 個月失業率移動平均值,減去前一年失業率低點,所得數值超過 0.5% 時,意味著經濟體正經歷衰退階段) --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 巴黎奧運正式開幕!大家幫台灣運動員加油同時,別忘了定期學一下英文!今天跟大家討論,開幕式的一個環節,由變裝皇后登場的某個橋段,被宗教團體認為是在重現達文西的名畫『最後的晚餐』,也引發了嘲諷基督教的爭議。不過舞台總監、還有歷史學家都跳出來,說真的是誤會一場。 The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris received various reactions. The “reenactment” of the Last Supper by drag queens and a naked blue man drew the most controversy. The French Catholic Church issued a statement expressing deep regret over the “mockery of Christianity.” But was this all a “woke” parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting “The Last Supper”? A new version suggests otherwise. The real inspiration behind the show had nothing to do with Christianity but with the “ Feast of the Gods” by Dutch painter Jan van Bijlert from 1635, depicting the Olympian gods celebrating a wedding. 重要單字: ceremony 儀式 Olympic Games 奧運(複數型) reenactment 重現、重演 Last Supper 最後的晚餐 drag queen 扮裝皇后 controversy 爭議 Catholic 天主教 mockery 嘲諷 woke 包容、覺醒 parody 諷刺劇 iconic 標誌性的 version 版本 inspiration 靈感 depict 刻畫 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 『人形機器人』一直被產業寄與厚望,因為結合人工智慧,加上如果動作更加精密流暢,型態更像人類的人形機器人,可望紓解人力短缺,或者直接取代家中的掃地機器人、吸塵器、或者很多人最討厭的晾衣服等雜事。馬斯克說特斯拉的人形機器人最快明年,就會在公司內部採用,如果進一步完善,可能就會對外銷售。消息一出讓市場相當振奮。 Elon Musk Says Tesla to Use Humanoid Robots Next Year Elon Musk said Tesla will have humanoid robots in production to be used within the company next year, believing they would be “genuinely useful.” The electric-vehicle maker wants the robots to help produce its cars more efficiently, complete difficult chores and reduce labor shortages. The humanoid robots, an offshoot of Tesla’s driverless-car technology, has excited some investors. However, the billionaire chief executive has a record of predicting timelines that don’t always pan out. 重要單字: humanoid 人形的 robot 機器人 genuinely 真心的、真誠的 electric 用電的 / electronic 電子的 efficient 有效率的 shortage 短缺 chore 雜事、重複呆板的工作 offshoot 分支、旁系 predict 預測 pan out 情況依照預期發展、有成功的結果 原文網址:https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/elon-musk-says-tesla-to-use-humanoid-robots-next-year-f3d8bebf --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 你是否跟我一樣,經常說自己「工作很忙」,就把原本運動或休閒嗜好的計畫取消了呢?但華爾街日報訪問多位企業高層,除了事業經營有聲有色之外,不上班的時候還身兼鐵人三項運動員、賽車手、或房屋 DIY整修工。我很好奇日理萬機的他們,究竟時間從哪來?這篇除了有很多聊到工作/生活型態的表達方式,平時聊天用得到之外,也有一些時間管理的訣竅(像是:把『運動』當成一件跟開會、工作同等重要的事寫進行事曆當中),或許能給您一些啟發~一起來看這集的『看時事學英文』 原文網址:https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/careers/ceos-time-management-hobbies-1581725b?mod=hp_featst_pos3 Where CEOs Find Time for Triathlon Training and Motorcycle Racing Many of us can barely keep up with our jobs, never mind hobbies. Yet some top executives run marathons, wineries or music-recording studios on the side. How can they have bigger responsibilities and more fun than we do? The tactics of these ultrahigh achievers include waking up early, multitasking and scheduling fun as if it were any other appointment. Leaders who eat, breathe and sleep business can appear out of touch at a time when employees crave work-life balance and expect their bosses to model it. Dan Streetman trains as many as 20 hours a week for Ironman triathlons in addition to his job as CEO of a cybersecurity firm. He pulls it off by sleeping fewer than seven hours a night and waking around 5 a.m.. Ahead of business trips, he maps running routes in unfamiliar cities and scouts nearby pools. --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 美國總統候選人川普遭到槍擊的事件震撼全球,根據BBC訪問當天參與的民眾表示,早就看到一個槍手趴在附近的屋頂上,甚至還用手機錄了下來,也跟現場巡邏員警示警,但仍無法阻止槍擊案發生,也引發外界質疑美國特勤小組的維安是否出現大漏洞。這邊也附上影片的網址,有興趣的可以看一下路人拍的畫面,真的…蠻明顯的,實在想不通,他怎麼可以拿這一把長槍,走到靠近川普大約100公尺的地方爬了下來,如入無人之境😂 BBC Verify has analysed video which shows the police were warned of the threat to Donald Trump almost two minutes before Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on him from the roof of a building at a rally in Pennsylvania. Mr Trump narrowly survived the assassination attempt, after the gunman accessed a roof around 130 meters from the podium where the former president and Republican candidate was speaking. It’s the job of the US Secret Service to protect sitting and former presidents. Video of the attack shows that members of the crowd alerted police to the threat from the gunman at least 1 minute 45 seconds before he opened fire. 報導原文網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGdFUOKUmAc --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 派瑞絲希爾頓是連鎖飯店集團千金,曾以金髮無腦形象走紅全球,堪稱初代網紅。近期她化身兒少保護女神,到國會作證揭露自己受到虐待的細節,也揭開所謂年產值500億美元『兒少矯正』產業的黑暗面。 Paris Hilton testifies she was ‘force-fed medications and sexually abused’ while institutionalized as a teen 派瑞斯國會作證 稱青少女時期遭機構強餵藥品、性虐 Paris Hilton has told a congressional panel looking into strengthening child welfare protections that she was “force-fed medications and sexually abused by staff” while she was institutionalized as a teenager. The 43-year-old American socialite and media figure, has previously described how she was subjected to “a parent-approved kidnapping” at four different youth facilities as her parents searched for solutions to her rebellious behavior and “fell for the misleading marketing of the $50bn troubled teen industry”. “It’s really difficult to tell anyone in the outside world. A lot of these kids are not believed because these places tell the parents they’re being lied to and manipulated because they want to go home,” Hilton told the panel. testify 作證 abuse 虐待 institution 機構 congressional 國會的 panel 小組 feed 餵食(feed-fed-fed) socialite 社交名人 figure 人物、數據、身材 kidnap 綁架 rebellious 叛逆的 (rebel 反叛、背叛者) troubled teen 問題少年 manipulate 操控 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 川普與拜登的高齡和體力備受關注,78歲的川普在競選期間不時發表奇言怪語,且深陷官司醜聞。 拜登步態僵硬、失言、公開發言前後矛盾,有時同一天的堅定演說,突然會變成倉促且含糊發言。 Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance President Joe Biden’s dismal showing at the CNN presidential debate against former President Donald Trump resonated around the world, with foreign diplomats expressing shock and concern while raising questions about the implications for a consequential US election that could upend the foreign policy status-quo should Trump be elected again. “Hard to watch” is how multiple foreign diplomats described Thursday night’s debate between Biden and Trump to CNN. “It is a sad reality that Biden is old, and he is getting older. We saw it. I had difficulties understanding what he was saying,” as one European diplomat put it. “Trump ate him alive,” said an Arab diplomat. The president’s debate performance also compounded already pronounced concerns about the policies Trump would likely enact if he wins in November. Trump on Thursday once again displayed his isolationist tendencies and his NATO-skeptic worldview that often alarmed US allies during his first presidential term. 原文網址:https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/foreign-diplomats-biden-debate-reaction/index.html debate 辯論 horror 恐怖、驚恐 dismal 令人失望的 diplomat 外交官 implication 後續效應 consequential 接下來的 upend 推翻、上下顛倒 alive 活著的 compound 加劇、變複雜 isolationist 隔離份子 NATO 北大西洋公約組織 ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization 的縮寫) skeptic 持懷疑態度的人 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 小到手機、筆電,大到電動車、城市電網,處處可見鋰電池。但華爾街日報評論指出,南韓電池工廠大火,提醒世人鋰電池的風險不可輕忽:一方面是鋰電池火災,用水不見得有效,而且釋放的有毒氣體,可能還比火焰早一步取人性命,此外,鋰電池火災高溫,是一般家戶火災的五倍以上,目前的防護裝置可能都無法抵禦,增加救援難度。 Lithium Batteries Are Set to Power the World—and Pose New Fire Risks To the makers of smartphones, power grids and electric vehicles, lithium—the lightest metal—allows batteries to become supercharged, underpinning hopes for a greener economy and longer-lasting devices. But the very traits that make lithium game changing for energy storage can pose overpowering challenges should the batteries ever catch fire. Incidents involving lithium-battery fires are becoming more common around the world, raising safety concerns. Water isn’t always an effective combatant for certain types of lithium-battery fires, leaving little option other than waiting things out or using costly suppressants. Combating fires involving lithium-batteries can be difficult due to the emission of toxic gases. Then there is the heat: The fire’s ignition is more intense than an oxy-acetylene torch, which can be roughly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit or more, or about five times hotter than many house fires. lithium 鋰 pose 擺姿勢、引發、造成 electric 用電驅動的 underpin 支撐 device 裝置 game changing 改寫產業規則的 overpowering 強烈的 combatant 戰士 suppressant 抑制劑 emission 排放 toxic 有毒的 oxy-acetylene 氧乙炔(熔接常使用之物質) torch 火炬、火焰噴嘴 Fahrenheit 華氏 (Celsius 攝氏) 原文網址:https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/lithium-batteries-are-set-to-power-the-worldand-pose-new-fire-risks-6ac07247 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • COVID的變種似乎又悄悄死灰復燃,除了台灣這邊已經傳出升溫,法國當局更是如臨大敵!主要是奧運即將登場,醫師也提出呼籲。今天一起來看看戴口罩、隔離等相關的詞彙,用英文怎麼表達。 People in France are being advised to self-isolate and wear masks, as an expert warns that “Covid is not gone”, and hospital cases continue to rise. “People thought that Covid was gone, but that’s not the case,” said infectious diseases expert Dr Benjamin Davido, adding that he believes that people should still self-isolate in the event that they have Covid symptoms and/or test positive. He issued the warning ahead of two events that will see people congregate in large numbers: the legislative elections, and the Paris Olympics. His comments come after figures from the health authority show a 52% increase week-on-week in hospital emergency visits for Covid-related issues. Similarly, the World Health Organization has said that Covid is “continuing to spread and evolve”, with new variants becoming better at ‘escaping’ vaccination coverage. be+ pp. 被動式 advise 建議 in the event (if)倘若 test positive 檢測陽性 event 事件、活動 congregate 聚集、集結 figure 數據 evolve 革新、進化 variant 變種、變因 原文網址:https://www.connexionfrance.com/news/why-covid-19-hospital-cases-are-rising-again-in-france/665273 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 最近輝達的黃仁勳先生搶占媒體版面,也別忘了台積電也在近年的AI風潮,扮演重要角色,而且創辦人張忠謀先生,55歲才再度創業,某個程度他的故事更為勵志!(步入中年已經覺得人生快沒希望的me路過😂)。美國知名的華爾街日報,也專文介紹他,使用的字一點都不難,而且我覺得寫得超好!(再度證明用字的難度跟文章的優劣並無相關,希望可以破除大家迷思) He Turned 55. Then He Started the World’s Most Important Company. 張忠謀滿55歲後,創辦了如今全球最重要的公司 The world’s most valuable tech companies were founded in dorm rooms, garages and diners by entrepreneurs who were remarkably young. Bill Gates was 19. Steve Jobs was 21. Jeff Bezos and Jensen Huang were 30. But what might just be the world’s most invaluable company was founded by Morris Chang when he was 55 years old. Never has anyone so old created a business worth so much as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, or TSMC, the chip manufacturer that produces essential parts for computers, phones, cars, artificial-intelligence systems and many of the devices that have become part of our daily lives. Chang had such a long career in the chip business that he would have been a legend of his field even if he’d retired in 1985 and played bridge for the rest of his life. Instead he reinvented himself. Then he revolutionized his industry. He wasn’t successful despite his age. He was successful *because *of his age. 重要單字 valuable 有價值的 / invaluable 無價的、價值難以估計的 found 設立、建立 entrepreneur 創業家 remarkably 超凡的、顯著的 chip 晶片 essential 必要的、必須的 legend 傳奇 reinvent 重新發明 revolutionize 革命、徹底改造 despite 儘管 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 被認為落後科技同業,蘋果終於推出重磅Apple Intelligence(蘋果智慧),宣告正式加入AI戰局。 Apple debuts Apple Intelligence AI platform for iPhone, Mac Apple announced its long-awaited generative AI initiative called Apple Intelligence during its WWDC conference in Cupertino, Calif., on Monday. The technology, Apple's first step into generative AI, will be deeply integrated across the company's hardware and software products ranging from the iPhone and Mac to Mail, Messages, and Photos. The biggest changes are coming to Apple's Siri. The original smartphone voice assistant, Siri has been in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint for years, and Apple Intelligence will offer just that. Apple says its updated version of Siri is more context-aware of Apple products, allowing you to ask questions about how different features and settings work and get accurate responses. For instance, you'll be able to ask questions like "Show me photos of Stacy in New York wearing a pink coat," and the assistant will provide you with the exact photo from your Photos app. You can then tell Siri to move the photo to another app. 新聞原文網址:https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-debuts-apple-intelligence-ai-platform-for-iphone-mac-185112950.html debut 首次亮相、首次推出 generative AI 生成式人工智慧 integrate 融合 original 原先的、有創意的 coat 塗層 updated 更新的 desperate 急迫的、飢渴的 accurate 精準的 For instance 舉例來說 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 人工智慧(AI)晶片大廠輝達(NVIDIA)於美股收盤市值首次突破3兆美元,創下歷史新高,並首度超越蘋果(Apple),成為全球市值第二大的公司。 Nvidia overtakes Apple to become world’s second-most valuable company Nvidia has overtaken Apple to become the world’s second-most valuable company, behind Microsoft, with furious demand for the chipmaker’s shares . **Nvidia also hit a *$3 trillion market cap* milestone after shares rose over 5% on Wednesday to close at $1,224.40. ** Apple, the first company to see its market capitalisation reach the $1 trillion and $2 trillion marks, is grappling with tepid demand for its iPhones in China and perceptions that it is falling behind in the race to adopt AI. Apple’s stock price has risen only about 5 percent so far this year, well behind the broad-based S&P 500 and tech-heavy Nasdaq indexes. overtake 超車 value 價值 valuable 有價值的 cap= capitalization 資本 milestone 里程碑 grapple 擒抱 adopt 採用 index 指數 rise-rose-risen 升高 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 本週稍微晚了一些些~因為主題實在太宏大!原本想要把多個媒體的說法都放進來 (力求客觀多元),但發現野心太大不可行。思考一下,決定做兩集,用不同角度來討論這件眾所關注,而且影響台灣未來的消息!這次我選擇的是全球最大的財經資訊公司彭博新聞社的報導,除了看他怎麼用清楚易懂的方式,跟讀者講事情的始末之外,也建議大家看一下,記者怎麼用很多不同的字,來講同一件事情。 Taiwan Lawmakers Pass Bill to Curb President’s Powers (Bloomberg) -- Taiwan lawmakers passed legislation that could curb the authority of newly inaugurated President Lai Ching-te as thousands of protesters gathered outside parliament to oppose the changes. The new measures will allow lawmakers to summon the president, companies and even the general public for questioning and give them access to confidential documents. Critics of the controversial bill have raised concerns that those powers could lead to leaks of sensitive information and punishment for those who refuse to answer questions. lawmaker 立法委員 (含義接近legislator) legislation 立法 curb 限制 authority 權力 (類似標題的power) inaugurate 上任、啟用 parliament (英國用法) 國會 / Congress 美國國會 / Legislative Yuan 立法院 oppose 反對 measure 措施 summon 招喚、傳喚 access 途徑、管道 confidential 機密的 controversial 具爭議性的 原文網址:https://ca.news.yahoo.com/taiwan-protesters-gather-opposition-pushes-011846137.html --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 『My job is a teacher』應該是最常見的『台式英文』之一(當我說台式並無貶義~只是為了方便稱呼) 你知道為什麼嗎? 在時事英文的長單元之外,穿插三分鐘的小單元,不只學單字、學文法、更徹底了解英語學習的底層邏輯!保證其他地方聽不到! --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 本週的看時事學英文晚了幾天(有人發現嗎😂),因為我520主持總統就職典禮,事前很緊繃、事後很累,所以今天才出!但本週還是會出兩集(握拳)。不過這幾天感覺台灣跟全世界蠻多事的,但我想捷運隨機傷人事件,會出現一些傷亡數字、緊急送醫等滿典型社會新聞會出現的寫法,所以可以當作教材討論一下!而且當中也會集中討論『被動式(be+p.p)』的用法,真的沒有想像中那麼難,請進來聽聽看! At least four people were wounded by a man wielding a knife on a train car in the central Taiwanese city of Taichung. During the attack on Tuesday, “a group of passengers rushed on to press him down.” A male witness told journalists at the scene. The 20-year-old suspect has been arrested. The man's motives were not immediately known but were being investigated. The random stabbing incident also happened on the ten-year anniversary of a similar attack in the Taipei metro which killed four people and injured over twenty. The attacker was later executed in 2016. at least 至少wound 傷口、傷害car 車廂rush 急忙、趕忙、衝press 按下witness 目睹、目擊者suspect 嫌犯arrest 逮捕motive 動機investigate 調查random 隨機的execute 執行、處決 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 俄國總統普丁剛剛上任「第五個六年任期(!)」,第一站來到中國,要和習近平會談。看似中俄關係來到近年新高,但別忘了普丁上週「登基」的時候,習近平差不多是到了不聞不問的程度。紐約時報就分析,普丁想要聯中抗烏(克蘭),中國想要聯俄抗美,其實兩位各懷⋯喔不!是各有盤算😂 改寫自紐約時報: When China’s Xi Jinping hosts President Vladimir Putin of Russia this week, the two leaders are expected to project unity to demonstrate that there is an alternative to the U.S.-led global system. But they have different agendas. Mr. Putin is trying to escalate his war in Ukraine before Ukrainian forces can receive a replenishment of arms from the United States, and probably wants to know he can rely on China, which has provided a lifeline to the Kremlin ever since Western sanctions were imposed on Russia. Mr. Xi considers Russia an important counterweight in China’s rivalry with the United States, but he risks alienating Europe, a key trading partner, at a time when China is relying on exports to revive its sluggish economy. Host 主人、主持人;(動)主辦,接待 Demonstrate 展示、示範 Agenda 計畫、議程 Escalate (情勢)升高、升級 Alternative 另類的、替代方案 Replenishment 補充;重新添加 Arms 武器 Sanction 制裁 Counterweight 砝碼 Rivalry 競爭 Alienate 疏離、不合群 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 本集跟美國股神巴菲特相關!你是不是跟我一樣,想說他的名字怎麼跟吃到飽的『buffet』那麼像? 但又不好意思問 😂 (不要怕!我來了!) 其實真的沒關係,因為很多美國人也是『把費~把費』的叫,我們不孤單。 到底正確的發音跟拼法(不管是股神的名字,還是飯店自助餐那個字),本集告訴你~ 五月第二週精選時事英文標題: 67.3% of Warren Buffett's $361 Billion Portfolio Is Invested in Just 4 Stocks 巴菲特3610億美元的投資組合 有67.3%投資在四隻股票上(Motley Fool) China’s Xi Jinping is visiting Europe for the first time in five years – his goodwill tour will be an uphill struggle 中國國家主席習近平正在歐洲訪問,為五年來首次,他的親善之旅將會是艱苦的奮鬥(CNN) Russian attack on Kharkiv continues as Moscow says it has taken five villages 俄羅斯持續攻擊烏克蘭第二大城哈爾科夫 莫斯科稱已奪下5座村莊(英國衛報) Met Gala 2024: The best dressed celebrities, from Zendaya to Blackpink's Jennie 2024 大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴 最佳衣著名人:包含千黛亞以及Blackpink的Jennie India is all set to overtake Japan as the 4th largest economy by 2025 2025年前印度勢將超越日本 成為全球第四大經濟體 --Hosting provided by SoundOn