
  • — Tracey-Ann Rose shares fundamental truths and timeless wisdom in this podcast interview. She beautifully states that our intuition guides us in the right direction. It is only through embracing our desires and acting from a space of authenticity that we are able to achieve real and lasting success. It is when we connect with our intuition that we can express ourselves clearly and align ourselves with opportunities that truly resonate with us. She adds that the Divine expresses itself through us. There is divinity within each and every one of us. Our ability to create, transform, and accept ourselves is unlimited when we accept this simple truth. The power of taking a stand for our own divinity is a powerful anchor for success.

    Valeria interviews Tracey-Ann Rose — She is an Intuitive Business Coach, Writer, and Certified Reiki Master Teacher.

    She helps WOC coaches and business owners notice and overcome the energetic barriers holding them back from reaching their goals in business and in life. She uses her energy reading gifts, B.S. in Psychology from the University of Georgia, and her love of Astrology to empower WOC to create sustainable businesses that honor who they are at soul-level while building financial freedom.

    To learn more about Tracey-Ann Rose and her work, please visit: https://www.traceyannrose.com/

  • — “Our mouths are the most efficient self-healing machines of all our tissues. We only need to treat them with respect and feed them lots of healthy foods. We need a new approach that feels like skin care: gentle, nurturing, and supportive. An approach that allows us to feel like we care about our mouths instead of scrubbing them out like we would a toilet twice a day. Let’s show our mouths some love and respect.”

    Valeria interviews Dr. Camille Zenobia — She is Microbiologist, Oral Health Activist, Founder and CEO Os Salutem, Podcaster and Speaker.

    With over 14 years of experience in the field, Camille is a trusted authority in oral-systemic health. From her extensive research to her work with industry leaders like Colgate Palmolive, she has dedicated her career to understanding the connection between oral inflammation, microbial dysbiosis, and overall well-being. As an editor, author, and advocate for oral health education, Camille is driven by a passion for spreading awareness. She leads an upbeat podcast 'Let's Get Oral,' where she shares her knowledge, interviews oral health leaders and offers insights to empower both professionals and individuals to reconsider how we regard & address our oral health. With Camille's guidance, you can expand your understanding of the oral-systemic connection to improve patient connections and outcomes.

    To learn more about Dr. Camille Zenobia and her work, please visit: https://www.camillezenobia.com/, https://ossacare.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/oralhealthactivist/

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  • — “Life was never meant to be fair, she learned, but we must keep running with grace if we are to find purpose and joy in the face of adversity.”

    Valeria interviews Lori Van Dusen — She is the author of “Running with Grace: A Wall Street Insider’s Path to True Leadership, a Purposeful Life, and Joy in the Face of Adversity.”

    Lori Van Dusen, CIMA, is the Founder and CEO of LVW Advisors, a registered investment advisory firm that serves both wealthy families and individuals, as well as nonprofit institutions throughout the United States. An advocate of client-focused strategies for more than 25 years, she has become the voice of reason for providing unbiased integrated solutions in a fragmented financial services industry. Lori is passionate about numerous philanthropic causes, serving on several boards focused on urban education, health and wellness, and the fine arts.

    To learn more about Lori Van Dusen and her work, please visit: https://lvwadvisors.com/

  • — The natural world benevolently embraces all who show it care and respect. The rivers, forests, and meadows love to hear our laughter. The birds, butterflies, and flowers appreciate our admiration. The fire gladly transforms our pain, while the ocean blithely supports our rebirth.

    So don’t hesitate to deepen your relationship with the many aspects of nature. They are here for us as allies and mentors, joyously teaching through their very existence.

    May your fire burn brightly and show you the way.

    May the earth be soft and fertile beneath your feet.

    May your water flow freely and quench your thirst.

    May the winds lift you through the air to the place beyond time. And may the rays of the sun warm your heart and illuminate your soul.

    Valeria interviews Liz Beachy Gómez — She is the author of “From the Depths of Creation: A Nature-Based Path to Healing.”

    Liz Beachy Gómez is the founder of Ewassa, a nature-based healing practice in the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver, and author of From the Depths of Creation: A Nature-Based Path to Healing.

    Liz’s passion for the natural world blossomed when she discovered Brazilian Orixá-based spirituality in her early twenties. She learned to work with the elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air in ceremony and meditation, and through rituals of healing and celebration with the various aspects of each element. After several years of practice, Liz was initiated as a daughter of Iemanjá (the ocean) through the Templo Guaracy of São Paulo in 2003, and served as temple coordinator in Haiti and the Dominican Republic for seven years.

    Liz is an international public health professional and energy medicine practitioner by training. She holds an undergraduate degree in psychology and anthropology from Kalamazoo College, and a Master of Health Sciences (MHS) degree in public health from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. She completed her training in Andean (Q’ero) shamanic healing practices through The Four Winds Society in 2018.

    After ten years living overseas in West Africa, the Caribbean and Central America, Liz returned to the U.S. to raise her children while juggling a demanding career. A health crisis eventually spurred her to renounce her public health career in 2017 and return to nature in search of healing. The nature-based framework she teaches today was born of her personal healing journey, her love for the Brazilian Orixás, and her energy medicine work with clients and groups.

    Liz is fluent in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese and can offer interviews or workshops in any of these languages.

    To learn more about Liz Beachy Gómez and her work, please visit: https://ewassa.com/

  • — “When we align with our soul desires, life is flowing and fun and beautiful and easy - thoughts sponsored from love fill our minds with ease and grace, and then our minds create healthy bodies and harmonious relationships and life circumstances.”

    Valeria interviews Justin Speller — He is a Certified EFT and Energy Work Practitioner.

    Growing up in a family with two psychiatrists as parents, Justin Speller was always interested in the field of psychology. As a child, he learned about the inner workings of the mind just listening to his parents talk over dinner. Upon graduating from high school, Justin applied and was accepted into a full merit-based scholarship program at Boston College called the Presidential Scholarship Program. He enrolled with his heart set on following his parents and sister into the field of medicine.

    However, it was not meant to be. In his freshman and sophomore years, Justin battled intense anxiety and depression, often feeling paralyzed and lost. During that dark time, he stumbled upon energy techniques and experienced the miraculous results possible from balancing stuck energies in a person’s system. Justin was intrigued, to say the least, and his spirit felt renewed. He finished his degree and received a BA in Psychology, but then decided to break course with the doctors in his family and head in a different direction.

    Justin studied the Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as Tapping, and became a certified practitioner. He continued learning and began mentoring with Karin Davidson, a Master at EFT and Trainer of Trainers. She taught him so much on his journey to become a better practitioner and work with energy.

    Justin utilizes many different techniques in his work and he has seen amazing results working with clients with all different types of emotional and physical issues. He is so excited to continue helping others in their journey towards health and wellness.

    To learn more about Justin Speller and his work, please visit: https://tapintothelight.com/


  • — “You must grieve the loss of who you were before you can accept the reality of who you have become.”

    Susan Kelley is a successful author of humor and relationship books and is a veteran of the talk show circuit – including an appearance on Oprah. Until recently she was living and working with her artist husband between homes in Florence, Italy and Sarasota, Florida. A fit and attractive former model who was always on the go, Susan thought she was invincible and did not feel old. And then she fell off a train. She had another bad fall and then another. Searching for answers, she started to chronicle her journey with no idea what could be causing the problem. She just needed someone to fix it. She saw a parade of doctors and specialists. Her often amusing, and always frustrating, quest ultimately led to a definitive diagnosis – a progressive condition with no treatment or cure. Now she had to figure out how to move forward, and she kept writing because she learned that an astonishing number of people are being challenged by chronic disease. Maybe you are one of them. These diseases and conditions have an impact on just about all of us. On these pages you will read an honest, courageous, and brilliantly comic account about one woman's real-life challenges to find and then face a life-changing diagnosis.

    Valeria interviews Susan Kelley — She is the author of “The Diagnosis Diaries: A Frank, Funny And Poignant Book For Anyone Touched By Chronic Disease.”

    Susan Kelley is also the author of Real Women Send Flowers, Why Men Commit, Why Men Stray / Why Men Stay, The Second Time Around: Everything You Need to Know to Make Your Remarriage Happy, I Oprahed and Other Adventures of a Woman of a Certain Age and, Ciao Pussy! A Memoir of Florence, published in September 2015 and re-titled, Forever Florence: A Memoir, in 2020). Her best-selling relationship books have been translated into several foreign languages, including Japanese, Polish, Turkish and Dutch.

    Susan has appeared as guest relationship expert on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Early Show on CBS NEWS, “Homepage” MSNBC, Fox TV and numerous other national and local television programs throughout the country as well as hundreds of radio interviews in the United States and Canada.

    She lives in Florence, Italy and Sarasota, Florida.

    To learn more about Susan Kelley and her work, please visit: https://susanckelleyauthor.com/

    — This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.

  • — Beautifully broken, soul stripped bare,

    fragmented heart, pain and despair.

    Tears will cleanse from deep inside,

    wounded by love, tormented by mind.

    Beautifully broken, seems so unfair,

    spirit is strengthened, through love and care.

    Life and it's meaning is yours to decide,

    emotional scars that will forever bind.

    Beautifully broken, so now you know,

    journey on, may you reap what you sow.

    Sword is strengthened by the heat of flame.

    Beautifully broken, there's no one to blame.

    ~ by Ray Sinclair

    Valeria interviews Dr. Lisa Billings — She received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Virginia.

    While there, her research focused on how traumatic childhood experiences affect individuals' developmental trajectories. Specifically, Lisa focused on the long-term and insidious effects of inter-parental conflict, divorce, and family violence on well-being, as well as how divorce mediation can enhance post-divorce family functioning. Dr. Billings has published several journal articles in these areas, and did a post-doctoral fellowship, thinking she would go into academia like everyone else in her family. Her father was a professor for over 50 years at University of Chicago, her stepmother was in academic medicine at Northwestern, one of her brothers is a physics professor at Boston University and the other brother is a neuroscience professor at Washington University in St Louis.

    Once Lisa began having children, however, she understood a few things more deeply: 1) Being a good mom to her children was one of her primary reasons for being on this earth; and 2) Being a guide and a healer to others was her other primary purpose. Lisa strongly believes that the loss and trauma she experienced in childhood has given her special powers of empathy and insight.

    After spending eight more years at Children’s Hospital and having four children, Lisa started her private practice in Central Denver just over 15 years ago. In her private practice, she specializes in the transition to adulthood, anxiety, depression, complex childhood trauma, divorce, and other difficult life transitions. In addition to traditional talk therapy, she has also been trained in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and currently provides ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) in her office. There is now a strong body of peer-reviewed literature that demonstrate both the neuro-scientific benefits of ketamine on the brain (decreases depression/suicidality and increases neuroplasticity), as well as the enhanced benefits of using ketamine as a catalyst to therapy, especially with individuals struggling with anxiety, depression and trauma (e.g, the rigid thinking disorders). Lisa has seen the incredible benefits of KAP with her own eyes with clients in her practice.

    In addition to her private practice, Dr. Billings recently joined Noma Therapy, a start-up KAP company, which will provide a specially curated 14-week KAP program to those diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or trauma-related disorders. Noma Therapy is already contracted with Colorado Medicaid as well as most major insurance companies, so the benefits of KAP will be more accessible to a broader range of clientele.

    To learn more about Dr. Lisa Billings and her work, please visit: https://drlisabillings.com/

  • — The world is constantly nudging us—pulling, pushing, cajoling us—toward our heart’s longing and our true expression of joy. Yet our conditioned mindsets can resist these gentle but insistent signals, too often dismissing synchronicity and serendipity—the very language of this magic—as little more than accident or annoyance. Playful but potent, Be the Magic nudges us, too, showing us how to open ourselves to this ever-present guidance to live a more peaceful, passion-filled, and enthusiastic life.

    With deep wisdom and a light-hearted tongue, Diane Pienta serves up personal stories and lessons learned, in a collection of uplifting and actionable daily practices designed to train us—our minds, our bodies, and our hearts—to become joyfully tuned-in to the guidance presented to us at every turn. Pienta’s clear, strong vision provokes us to fully recognize that we inhabit this beautiful planet for a mere blink of an eye, and Be the Magic shows us that when this grand realization is nourished by small daily acts, our magic inevitably blooms—in our own lives, in the lives of others, and in the world herself.

    Valeria interviews Diane Pienta — The author of “Be the Magic: Bite-Sized Nuggets of Wisdom to Feed your Joy, Nourish your Soul and Open your Heart.”

    Diane is also a forest therapy guide, healer and creativity mentor who loves to help others reclaim and share their unique gifts through spiritual tools of all types. Her life is devoted to Nature, Creativity, Connection & Community.

    A passion for helping others has been a thread throughout her previous 25-year business career in the hospitality, consulting and real estate fields. A cancer diagnosis, chronic infections and subsequent adrenal burnout redirected her to a spiritual and alternative path of healing. She credits the power of Nature, Creativity, Energy Medicine, Sound and Spirituality with her health and loves to share so that others can live a vibrant, joyful life.

    Diane spent the last 20 years experiencing, studying and sharing numerous healing modalities and she intuitively weaves Nature, Art, Writing, Sound and Movement in her work. She understands how knowing one’s gifts and sharing them with the world is a pathway to peace and healing.

    Offering forest therapy walks, qigong classes, writing and creativity workshops, sound healing sessions and individual coaching sessions, Diane creates space for others to play and discover their own innate wisdom. She has deep compassion for people who are in transition periods and loves assisting others to “unlearn” limiting beliefs and patterns.

    As a writer, Diane uses words to heal and create peace. She loves and honors the land deeply and is devoted to help others reclaim their connection to this magical world. In her spare time, she can often be found hugging a tree at sunrise, dancing with the moon, fiddling, felting or gathering wonder-makers to frolic and picnic at sunset.

    In addition to her healing certifications, she holds a BS from Cornell University, a certification in Positive Psychology from Whole Being Institute and has studied at the Radcliffe Institute.

    To learn more about Diane Pienta and her work, please visit: https://www.dianepienta.com/

  • — Throughout the centuries, psychiatric disorders have caused more emotional and physical suffering than any other human condition, yet despite modern advances in neuroscience, the underlying cause of these perplexing conditions remains unclear. Also lacking is an understanding of the manifold ways that the underlying driver of mental illness can affect physical health. However, all of that could be about to change thanks to God’s grace and the tireless efforts of the many clinicians, researchers, and thinkers around the world who have continued to probe virtually every aspect of human psychology, biology, and behavior in an effort to solve the mystery of mental illness. The integration of their hard work and one doctor’s relentless efforts to get to the root of mental illness has led to a new hypothesis that integrates the traditional belief that nearly all psychiatric disorders are caused by environmental stress with the emerging belief that nearly all psychiatric disorders are caused by brain pathology.

    The new hypothesis, which is the first to combine psychology, biology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurocircuitry, neuroarchitecture, molecular genetics, and mind-brain dynamics to explain virtually every phenomenon that has been observed in psychology and psychiatry, is based on the simple premise that psychiatric symptoms are driven by pathological hyperactivity in the brain circuits that correspond to them. The most common cause of this hyperactivity is cognitive-emotional stress superimposed upon a constitutional hyperexcitability of the neurological system. The recognition of this simple but elusive dynamic is beginning to revolutionize the treatment of mental illness. It has catapulted Dr. Binder’s success rate in treating a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, and schizophrenia, from around thirty percent to nearly one-hundred percent and reduced the average time to symptom- reduction from around six months to six days! What’s more, this pathology-based approach to treatment is more normalizing, more sustainable, and more affordable than any other treatment modality yet developed. To learn more, listen to this episode!

    Valeria interviews Dr. Michael Binder, a holistic adult and adolescent psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and pioneer of the first comprehensive psychophysiological hypothesis of psychiatric disorders. With more than thirty years of clinical experience treating a wide range of psychiatric disorders, Dr. Binder has published 25 peer-reviewed scientific articles, 7 books, and 45 educational YouTube videos. Over the last twenty-five years, he has enjoyed a success rate that is now approaching 100% and, due to his extraordinarily high patient retention rate, has been able to observe the long-term sustainability of his treatment approach, thus validating his work more strongly than most research studies are designed to do.

    Despite having trained at some of the best psychiatric teaching hospitals in the Untied States, Dr. Binder was, early in his career, disappointed to find that less than half of his patients were responding adequately to psychological and pharmacological interventions. Moreover, even after consulting with some of his most distinguished professors, Dr. Binder’s success rate in treating patients remained unacceptably low. However, unwilling to accept the limitations of psychiatric care at that time, Dr. Binder began to pray for his patients and ask God to help him develop a more effective treatment approach. The Lord answered his prayers by alerting him to his own need for spiritual healing. He also began to enlighten him about the underlying cause of mental illness, a revelation that has taken the doctor more than two decades to fully grasp, implement, and reduce to writing. In January of 2024, Dr. Binder completed The Racing Mind: Brave New Insights Untangle the Ancient Mystery of Mental Illness. The doctor firmly believes that this 336-page, comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, which has been more than twenty years in the making, would, if turned into a curriculum for every psychiatric training program in the country, bring a swift end to the mental health crisis! Beginning in April of this year, The Racing Mind, which is valued at $3,000.00, will, for a limited-time introductory offer of $250.00, be available at BinderFoundation.com.

    To learn more about Dr. Michael Binder and his work, please visit: https://drmichaelbindermd.com/, https://www.binderfoundation.com/ and https://www.youtube.com/@binderfoundation

  • — “If you want to live a more fulfilling and loving life, you have to dig deep into your pain and own it in your body. We are human beings. We come with negative and positive emotions. Allow yourself to be human. Being human is being love.”

    Valeria interviews Ker Yang — She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and specializes in emotionally-focused therapy for couples and individuals founded by Susan M. Johnson.

    Ker Yang started her journey in search of love when she entered her graduate studies in 2014 as a result of an unhealthy relationship. Clinical experience/education and being a client, herself were the perfect combination in aligning Ker Yang to understand what love means which has been a healing and spiritual journey. She has learned that love is about doing what your heart desires with a supportive team. This requires being accepting of all of your emotions including your pain. Although the journey is challenging, she believes that everyone has the strength and courage to survive it and come out on the other side. Therapy with Ker Yang is simply just being human. Being human is being love. Ker Yang is dedicated to helping others be on a similar healing journey and heal one heart at a time.

    To learn more about Ker Yang and her work, please visit:


  • — Our body keeps somatic traces of all our traumatic experiences. When exposed to a stimulus that reminds the body of a past danger, the viscero-somatic memory linked to this danger is reactivated, creating the base of a disruptive emotional response. Emotional Resolution — EmRes® — helps the body recognize that the perceived danger is nowadays obsolete. EmRes® allows the body to integrate traumatic information and to tune-in to our current reality instead of reacting through a past memory. To do this, we commit to experiencing the viscero-somatic response, without controlling our physical sensations or our environment. EmRes® connects you to the origin of a difficult emotion through your physical sensations and modulates the unwanted emotional response permanently. This simple yet rarely used physiologic capacity is innate to all human beings.

    Valeria interviews Cedric Bertelli — He is a recognized expert in Emotional Resolution® (EmRes®), a revolutionary approach to emotional healing that has transformed the lives of countless individuals.

    As the Founder and Director of the Emotional Health Institute, Cedric has dedicated his career to helping people overcome stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other debilitating emotional patterns using the EmRes body of work. At the Emotional Health Institute, Cedric and his team provide trainings and education to mental health professionals, coaches, and educators, helping them to integrate Emotional Resolution into their practices.

    In addition, Cedric works directly with clients, providing individualized support and guidance to help them overcome emotional challenges and improve their overall well-being.

    To learn more about and her work, please visit: https://www.cedricbertelli.com/ and https://www.emotionalhealthinstitute.org/

  • — Mindful eating is more than just chewing your food slowly; it's about cultivating a deep awareness of the entire eating experience. Mindful eating is paying attention to your food, on purpose, moment by moment, without judgment. It is an approach to food that focuses on your individual awareness of the food and the experience of the food. It has little to do with calories, fat, protein or number of carbohydrates. Always come back to the basics: Breathe and check for hunger. Assess your food with all of your senses. Slow down, place your spoon or fork down between each bite. Investigate your hunger; make a point of checking in with your body part way through the meal. Chew your food thoroughly, 35 to 50 times per bite. Savor your food, this includes mindfully choosing what you are eating.

    Valeria interviews Jennifer Heard — She is an Integrative Wellness Specialist dedicated to transforming lives.

    Her journey is deeply rooted in personal experience, having overcome the challenges of Celiac disease. This struggle ignited her passion for natural medicine, mindfulness-based nutrition, and the pursuit of optimal well-being.

    Armed with a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine and an array of certifications, including Mindful Nutritionist, Health & Nutrition Life Coach, MBSR, and yoga therapist, Jennifer is committed to guiding individuals on their paths to vibrant health. Her unique blend of academic knowledge and personal resilience allows Jennifer to connect with clients on a profound level.

    To learn more about Jennifer Heard and her work, please visit: https://www.naturaljenn.com/

  • — “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a woman, I put away childish things. We need to all start speaking as an adult, thinking as an adult and reasoning as adults.”

    Valeria interviews Tamiko Powell — She is the author of “The Word: There Is No Other Way.”

    Tamiko, a native Californian, author, and advocate for morality and ethics, presents herself as an Independent Candidate for the presidency of the United States. Her journey from childhood to adulthood has shaped her belief in the importance of speaking, thinking, and reasoning as adults. Tamiko envisions a united America that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens and strengthens the nation's moral fabric. She calls for open-mindedness and change, emphasizing that her candidacy offers a path to a better future. Tamiko stands ready to lead the nation toward a brighter tomorrow, urging voters to embrace her vision for a more cohesive and ethical America.

    To learn more about Tamiko Powell and her work, please visit: https://tamikoforpresident.com/

  • — When we go through trials, we end up dying to some part of ourselves, and that not only carves us into a new person with greater resilience and capacity for change but also one who understands that death on all levels is simply another rite of passage. As we walk through the dark places in our life and accept our losses, we die to what the ego and mind mistakenly think is the best life path for us. The darkness helps us touch into our vulnerabilities, and each loss allows us to die just a little more, so that when life takes from us, creation brings something new into our lives. Any life form that stops growing dies.

    In nature, death is not an end. Death only leads to new creation, opening doors to new dimensions of reality. This is true whether we physically leave our bodies to engage in a new adventure of life or if we stay here as a polished stone ready to be kind to ourselves and be in service to all of life.

    Valeria interviews Sandra Ingerman — She is the author of “Walking through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss and many other titles.”

    Sandra Ingerman, MA, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism, is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods with modern culture. She’s taught for 40 years, including workshops worldwide on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods.

    Sandra is a licensed marriage and family therapist, professional mental health counselor, and a board-certified expert on traumatic stress. Watkins Body Mind Spirit magazine honored her by including her in their 100 Most Spiritually Influential People of 2020. She was also chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by Spirituality and Health magazine and was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine.

    She’s authored 13 books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self... Medicine for the Earth... Walking in Light... and The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life. Sandra and Hank Wesselman's book, Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation, won both the 2011 COVR (Coalition of Visionary Resources) Visionary Award and the 2011 IPPY (Independent Publisher Book Award).

    Since the 1980s, thousands of people have healed from past and present traumas through Soul Retrieval, the classic cross-cultural shamanic healing method Sandra teaches.

    Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.

    Sandra is known for gathering the global spiritual community together to perform powerful transformative ceremonies as well as inspiring us to stand strong in unity, so we do our own spiritual and social activism work while keeping a vision of hope and being a light in the world.

    She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature.

    Sandra joined in partnership with Renee Baribeau to create a weekly, 30-minute podcast called The Shamans Cave.

    Coming out soon is Sandra’s new book she co-wrote with Llyn Roberts on Walking Through Darkness: A Nature Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss.

    To learn more about Sandra Ingerman and her work, please visit: https://www.sandraingerman.com/

  • — You should feel like yourself at all times because life's too short. How many times have you felt as though you couldn't see through the clouds and didn't have the energy to part them? What have you tried to change your feelings, including therapy, medication, yoga, and gratitude practices that haven't worked? The feeling of being energized, alert, and upbeat, relaxed & carefree, and comfortable with yourself awaits you with The power of functional nutritional therapist!

    Valeria interviews Laurie Hammer — She is a functional nutritional therapist helping moms overcome anxiety through practical & nutritional methods.

    She specializes in balancing the brain through targeted amino acid therapy and brain detox from life stressors whether they be physical, chemical or emotionally driven. Laurie is also a homeschool mom who loves to share on the love for learning and how to provide the best environment and family culture for our kids to thrive in.

    To learn more about Laurie Hammer and her work, please visit: https://www.lauriehammer.com/,

    https://www.facebook.com/takebackmybrain and


  • — “Humans do not enter a world which is inherently structured. We must give the world a structure which we ourselves create.” ~ Dr. James T. Webb

    “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released startling new statistics on the rise of deaths by suicide in the United States, which are up 25 percent since 1999 across most ethnic and age groups. These numbers clearly point to a crisis — but of what kind? Many argue that this is a crisis of mental health care, that people are not getting the services they need. The proposed solution is better therapies, more effective antidepressants and greater access to treatment. This assessment may be correct. However, the suicide rate has increased even as more people are seeking treatment for depression and anxiety, and even as treatment for those conditions has become more widely available. An additional explanation seems to be needed. As a behavioral scientist who studies basic psychological needs, including the need for meaning, I am convinced that our nation’s suicide crisis is in part a crisis of meaninglessness.” ~ Clay Routledge

    Valeria interviews Dr. Sheena Sachdev — She is a licensed psychologist who specializes in Existential Psychology.

    She treats individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, relational issues, and trauma. Her phenomenological approach ensures that each individual has a spotlight on their subjective human experience and perspective. Dr. Sachdev is an advocate of group therapy and has initiated several groups at each site she has worked with including: a yoga/meditation group, a mindfulness group, creativity groups, and existential depression and anxiety groups.

    To learn more about Dr. Sheena Sachdev and her work, please visit: https://www.drsheena.com/

  • — Thinking about Universal Consciousness as God or All That Is may seem totally abstract and difficult to comprehend. But once you begin to understand how one universal consciousness is primary, and that our “personal” consciousness is a part of that infinite ocean of consciousness, and that consciousness is creative and creates the physical as well as the non-physical, and that the universe, therefore, is one wholeness AND is alive because consciousness is the same as life, and that the One Consciousness is good and desires the experience of life to be good because that is the true expression of wholeness, then you begin to see how the universe and the workings of the universe make complete sense. The universe and God can be understood and related to. Well-being is holistic and includes all aspects of you – body, mind, and spirit – awakening is and should be all about achieving greater well-being. That’s a very good thing, and the goal of awakening should always be a happier, healthier, more abundant you!

    Valeria interviews Raymond Posch — He is the author of “Awakening to Wholeness: How to Live Consciously, Creatively, and Abundantly.”

    Raymond Posch is a podcaster, spiritual explorer and wayshower, folk singer, writer, and speaker. His podcasts are Our Spiritual Life (running 4 years as of December 2023) and New Ways of Being (launched in November 2023). He loves exploring spiritual awakening and the evolution of human consciousness. He is the author of the book Awakening to Wholeness. His earlier career was in information technology and project management.

    To learn more about Raymond Posch and his work, please visit: https://raymondposch.com/

  • — Carl Rogers, psychologist wrote in 1959 his view on human nature, that when people are placed in meaningful therapeutic conditions, they will naturally change in a positive direction. Carl Rogers and William Miller (psychologist) have separately shared that this tendency toward reaching your true inner self “it is as natural as a plant’s growth upward toward the light when given adequate soil, water, and sunshine. It is as if each person has a natural mature end-state or purpose (Telos, in Greek) toward which he or she will grow given optimal conditions.” They say that the Telos of an acorn is to become an oak tree; to reach its true purpose. Each action we take as humans is directed towards some Telos (i.e. purpose) and real change involves identifying concrete steps needed to attain Telos. Telos has many terms that describes it in philosophy; goal, completion, or fulfillment; this translates into all walks of life.

    Valeria interviews Marissa Harris — She is a compassionate therapist dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey toward holistic well-being through sensorimotor psychotherapy.

    She is a licensed independent clinical social worker, national board certified clinical social work diplomate, certified substance abuse provider, and certified in mindfulness-based relapse prevention, and a mindfulness-based relapse prevention group facilitator. She has specialized training in trauma informed approaches in Level 2 Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment, EMDR, Motivational Interviewing, and Internal Family Systems approaches. She is also trained in the Institute of Functional Medicine where she explores ways to highlight the intricate link between our emotional experiences and bodily responses.

    She is currently the owner of Telos Health and Wellness Services, a private practice where she offers individual therapy as well as consultation. Throughout her 25 years in the field, she has served as a steadfast advocate and mentor, guiding and empowering a team of dedicated trauma, medical, and forensic professionals.

    She shares the honor and privilege of supporting individuals navigating life circumstances that have led to symptoms consistent with PTSD or dissociative disorders. Her focus remains centered on the person and understanding the unique challenges someone could face as a result of their experiences or environment.

    Exploring a holistic approach, she believes in the power of the body to hold and release emotional pain, trauma, and stress. Through gentle exploration and mindfulness, she helps people reconnect with the innate wisdom of their body at a pace that works for the person she is supporting. She feels the body tells a story and she utilizes a way of listening, honoring, and understanding its language.

    To learn more about Marissa Harris and her work, please visit: https://www.teloshealthandwellnessservices.com

  • — The mission of Czar Clothing is to lead and revolutionize the athleisurewear fashion industry by setting a new standard for eco-friendly, responsible, and sustainable practices. We believe in a future where fashion and the planet coexist harmoniously, and we are committed to making that vision a reality. Our commitment to sustainability begins with our innovative 'On-Demand' model. We produce clothing only when you, our valued customers, place orders. We eliminate the detrimental effects of overproduction that plague the fashion industry, reducing waste and minimizing our carbon footprint.

    Valeria interviews Nick Zellem — He is the founder of Czar Clothing, a trademarked brand that specializes in high-quality sustainable athleisurewear for men and women.

    Nick was heavily influenced by his family's eastern European and Russian heritage. He moved to Texas and acquired a business degree in Entrepreneurship from Baylor University before embarking on a successful career in technology sales. Nick conceptualized Czar Clothing over 10 years ago and formally started the company in 2016. In his off time, Nick enjoys yoga, working out, kickboxing, DJing & Video DJing, and has been learning the Russian Language the past few years.

    To learn more about Nick Zellem and his work, please visit: https://czarclothing.com/

  • — When it feels like something’s missing

    If it hurts but you can’t find healing

    Just look up, know you are loved

    Just look up; know you are loved

    You, don’t have to prove yourself

    Don’t try to be someone else

    You don’t have to prove yourself

    Don’t try to be someone else

    You are loved!

    ~ partial lyrics to the song by Stars Go Dim

    Valeria interviews Linda Bjork — She is the author of “Crushed: A Journey Through Depression, You Got This!: An Action Plan To Calm Worry, Fear, Anxiety, And Stress and many other titles.”

    Linda Bjork is the founder and executive director of Hope for Healing non-profit charity and owner of Innovative Joy LLC. She has degrees from Brigham Young University and The University of the State of New York. She has written several non-fiction books. Her podcast, “Linda’s Corner,” and blog, “Two Good Things,” were created to inspire hope, increase joy, and motivate positive change. Linda’s personal mission is to empower people to become their best selves.

    Linda defines herself as an overcomer. She has overcome depression, social anxiety, and trauma. She has overcome self-limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, low self-confidence, low self-esteem and more. For decades, Linda felt like an imposter, masquerading as someone worth loving and accepting when she “knew” that she wasn’t really good enough. She now lives a joyful, authentic, fulfilling life.

    Linda is passionate about hope, healing, and personal transformation because she has lived it. She created Hope for Healing non-profit to help empower others to overcome as well. She has interviewed hundreds of experts and overcomers on Linda’s Corner Podcast so we can help even more people overcome every kind of adversity and life challenge.

    To learn more about Linda Bjork and her work, please visit: https://hopeforhealingfoundation.org/