On February 21, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff, will be covering the news for the latest week and then will engage in a discussion about pretty much anything and you’re invited to join – especially if you have something bad to say about the hosts :).
So many things have happened lately worldwide and we’re always missing some stuff because of the topics – so this time, every topic goes.
So call in at (001) 310 388 9709, or Skype in after the news, and engage!
The show will commence at 7 PM GMT (London, Reykjavik and Lisbon time).
That is 8 PM CET (Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bern, Bratislava, Prague, Belgrade, Tirana, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje time)
That is 9 PM EET (Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Ankara and Nicosia time)
That is 10 PM FEET (Minsk time)
And, finally, 11 PM Moscow time.
For the listeners in America this means 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST, 12 PM MST and 11 PM PST.
For the listeners in Australia, this means February 22, 2 AM (AWST) in West Australia and 4 AM AEST. -
Anita Sarkeesian will receive the Game Developers Choice Awards Ambassador Award, a prize honoring individuals who help the video games industry "advance to a better place" through advocacy.
We here at Honey Badger Radio don’t think the GDCA has gone far enough. Anita’s work opposing damseling by damseling is worth far more than just an award. She’s a candidate for sainthood. Saint Sarkesiaan will cleanse all gamers of misogyny! Hall a lu yah
Join us tonight as we discus how Anita can save your apostate soul from damnation.
On a more serious note also joining us is Paulette MacDonald from Leading Women for Shared Parenting promoting canada’s new equal shared parenting bill, C-560.
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Leading Women for Shared Parenting
Shared Parenting Bill
Feminist Opposition -
Join us as we discuss true Shared Parenting with Paulette MacDonald of Leading Women for Shared Parenting (lw4sp.org). Erin, who is also a member of this group, will undoubtedly have a lot to say on the subject as well! Please be sure to listen in, and feel free to call in if you have any questions or want to share your experiences!
On February 14, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff, will be covering the news for the latest week and then will engage in a discussion about Valentine’s Day in a tabloid manner.
This episode will be more relaxed than the usual. We’re close to the one year anniversary of The Voice of Europe and it’s Valentine’s Day. So… let’s have a tabloid-like show with free for all calls. What’s more tabloid than Valentine’s Day these days? Not much.
So call in at (001) 310 388 9709, or Skype in after the news, and engage in this discussion!
The show will commence at 7 PM GMT (London, Reykjavik and Lisbon time).
That is 8 PM CET (Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bern, Bratislava, Prague, Belgrade, Tirana, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje time)
That is 9 PM EET (Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Ankara and Nicosia time)
That is 10 PM FEET (Minsk time)
And, finally, 11 PM Moscow time.
For the listeners in America this means 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST, 12 PM MST and 11 PM PST.
For the listeners in Australia, this means February 15, 2 AM (AWST) in West Australia and 4 AM AEST. -
Mary Koss is the feminist researcher behind the factoid that one in four women will be raped in her lifetime.
In Mary Koss’s original survey only one in sixteen women said “yes” to “have you been raped?”
If you’re a woman and you don’t think you’re raped, you don’t get to decide that, Mary Koss does.
And if you’re a man and you think you were raped, well… Mary Koss has news for you!
Join us tonight on Honey Badger Radio as we discuss Mary Koss and the American Rape Machine.
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Judgy Bitch
Men's Rights versus Feminist Rape Culture Explained Using Puzzle Peices Video
£500,000 to help break the silence for male rape victims
Support Bill c560--Canada's bill for shared custody
Police Information Checks -
Tonight we have as our guest Jim Muldoon, Director of AVFM Australia.
AVFM Australia was launched last week and is the latest in a still small but growing list of AVFM affiliates in countries around the world. Under the direction of Lucian Valsan, AVFM Multi Site Operations already hosts sites for Sweden and Italy with more in the works.
Jim Muldoon, a long time MRA in Australia, will be heading the effort in that very important front in the war for Men’s Human Rights. We will be talking about the future of AVFM Australia and the specific challenges that web site seeks to address when it comes to Australian politics and culture.
We are very excited to have Mr. Muldoon on our team and ask you to please join us in welcoming him. -
On this week's episode we'll be talking about Karen Straughan (aka Girl Write's What) and her amazing presentation at Ryerson University, the new Manstream Media show with Warren Farrell, Tom Golden, and Paul Elam, and the perversion of Valentine's Day. Plus whatever other geeky stuff we feel like. Peer into The Infrared!
On February 7, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff, will be covering the news for the latest week and then will engage in a discussion with the guest, Silvio Altarelli, the head of AVFM Italy.
AVFM continues its expansion allover the world and, after the feminist hotbed of Sweden and Brazil, it’s now Italy’s time to receive the FTSU message in the local language. The launch of AVFM Italy is highly important for non-feminist people in Europe since Italy is the first (and so far the only) country in Europe where the Istanbul Convention is in force. Italy is going through the process of being conquered by the establishment feminism and AVFM Italy is already there in the trenches!
Listeners are invited to call in at (001) 310 388 9709, or Skype in after the news, and engage in this discussion.
The show will commence at 7 PM GMT (London, Reykjavik and Lisbon time).
That is 8 PM CET (Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bern, Bratislava, Prague, Belgrade, Tirana, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje time)
That is 9 PM EET (Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Ankara and Nicosia time)
That is 10 PM FEET (Minsk time)
And, finally, 11 PM Moscow time.
For the listeners in America this means 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST, 12 PM MST and 11 PM PST.
For the listeners in Australia, this means February 8, 2 AM (AWST) in West Australia and 4 AM AEST. -
Karen Straughan is in Toronto; earlier this evening she put on a lecture for the Canadian Association for Equality or CAFE. The topic was “Are Men Obsolete? Feminism, Free Speech and the Censorship of Men’s Issues”.
Baring psycho feminist attack, she may be able to call in later on to give us an update on how everything went at the now infamous Ryerson U—home of fire alarm pulling, human blockading, “would you shut the up” feminist rabble rousers.
Their domestic terrorist foremothers, the Suffragettes, would be so proud!
In honour of open communication we’re hosting open lines this week on honey badger radio. Open lines means you can call in and talk about any topic you so desire.
So call in and take the show where you want it to go.
We have operators standing by.
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On Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00pm Central time, we will have as our guest RK Hendrick, author of “How To Avoid ‘Getting Screwed’ When Getting Laid.” He will be talking to us about his book and pertinent topics when it comes to relationships and safeguarding yourself from the many pitfalls men face in today’s dating world.
Hendrick, a lawyer who has practiced in many different capacities, has a lifetime of experience dealing with legal issues in regards to divorce, false allegations, paternity fraud and many other legal troubles men face. He will be sharing his experience and valuable advice with you on this show so please join us.
Note that this show will be airing two hours before it’s normal time so please adjust your schedule to tune in at 6PM Central Time. -
Join us this week as Erin, along with special guest co-host James Williams of Men's Matters Radio, interviews Nadine O'Connor about the controversial group "Fathers 4 Justice." Expect a heck of a ride as they discuss family court abuse, child abduction, and more!
On January 31, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff, will be covering the news for the latest week and then will engage in a discussion with the guest, Aldir Gracindo, the head of AVFM Brazil.
AVFM continues its expansion allover the world and, after the feminist hotbed of Sweden, it’s now Brazil’s time to receive the FTSU message in the local language. The launch of AVFM Brazil is important for Europe as well given that over 10 million Europeans speak Portuguese as a native language.
Listeners are invited to call in at (001) 310 388 9709, or Skype in after the news, and engage in this discussion.
The show will commence at 7 PM GMT (London, Reykjavik and Lisbon time).
That is 8 PM CET (Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bern, Bratislava, Prague, Belgrade, Tirana, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje time)
That is 9 PM EET (Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Ankara and Nicosia time)
That is 10 PM FEET (Minsk time)
And, finally, 11 PM Moscow time.
For the listeners in America this means 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST, 12 PM MST and 11 PM PST.
For the listeners in Australia, this means February 1, 2 AM (AWST) in West Australia and 4 AM AEST. -
Laci Green is a youtube feminist. She recently told us all about objectification.
In simple terms objectification is about how male sexual urges hurt women. When men feel desire for women they have to be carefully policed least they remove women’s humanity with their thoughts.
Of course this requires believing that men victimize women with their illuminati voodoo eye balls. Or maybe they’re space reptiles with thought controlling mind rays.
But most importantly it requires believing that women’s sexual desires are passive, while men’s are active and villainous. It requires believing women are sexual objects defined by how they are acted upon by men.
Join us tonight on Honey Badger Radio as we discus “Feminism objectifies Laci Green.”
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Show notes:
Laci Green
JohntheOther's Laci Green: I, Object
Sage Gerard's Here Be Dragons
Men's Rights versus Feminism Explained Using Magnets -
Tonight we will be talking with Erick Bennett who will be running against Sen. Susanne Collins in the Maine primaries this fall.
Bennett, a victim of a false accusation which sent him to jail, will be running on a platform focusing on the restoration of civil liberties. He has been actively involved in politics for years now but has yet to hold elective office. However, he is optimistic of his chances for victory in this ambitious bid for election.
We will be talking about VAWA, Obama Care and many other issues affecting men.
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Bennett to the national political scene. -
Join us on Tales from the Infrared as we discuss the terrific Steven Moffat BBC series Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. A comparison to a similar American show, Elementary, may be made. Also video games, comics, and general geekery! Listen in or call in to join the fun.
On January 24, Huffnágel Pista, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff, will be covering the news for the latest week and then will engage in a discussion with the callers regarding the trustworthiness of dissenting feminists.
As the pressure from the MRM at large increases upon the feminist narrative, more and more feminists start to act as if they’re not “like that” in an attempt to confirm the old tired NAFALT narrative.
From feminists like Belinda Olsson who dared to question the feminist establishment to its roots in Sweden to Christina Hoff Sommers who outright wrote a piece on AVFM – the so called dissenting feminists pop up everywhere and they’re likely to increase in numbers. But can they indeed be trusted? Are they genuinely dissenters with an honest interest in gender equality (as opposed to supremacism) or are they rather infiltrators and/or co-opters?
Listeners are invited to call in at (001) 310 388 9709, or Skype in after the news, and engage in this discussion.
The show will commence at 7 PM GMT (London, Reykjavik and Lisbon time).
That is 8 PM CET (Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bern, Bratislava, Prague, Belgrade, Tirana, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje time)
That is 9 PM EET (Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Ankara and Nicosia time)
That is 10 PM FEET (Minsk time)
And, finally, 11 PM Moscow time.
For the listeners in America this means 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST, 12 PM MST and 11 PM PST.
For the listeners in Australia, this means January 25, 2 AM (AWST) in West Australia and 4 AM AEST. -
Slut shaming is a bad thing. At least when it’s directed at women. I mean, when it’s directed against individual women.
But slut shaming seems to be perfectly valid when directed against an entire sex. I’m referring, of course, to the fact that we see men as sluts. All of them. We see their sexuality as damaging, degrading and degraded.
And, of course, like all sluts men are always asking for it.
Join us at Honey Badger Radio as we discuss the double standard in which women’s sexuality is seen as… well… less nasty than male.
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Victor Zen's Youtube Channel
Men's Rights Versus Feminism Explained Using Magnets
Karen's Updates and Events
Feminist Shaming Tactics
Hannah's Due Process Speech
Mary Koss's Campaign against Rape Victims -
Our guest is Paul Elam, former substance abuse counselor and founder of A Voice for Men, to discuss Feminism and The Psychology of Hate. Join us for what's sure to be a riveting historical discussion!
On January 17, Huffnágel Pista, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff, will be covering the news for the latest week and then William Andersson will come to the microphone to answer questions about the recently launched AVFM platform in Sweden.
William Andersson will be talking about the plans he has to bring AVFM’s FTSU approach on the ground in Sweden and about the latest development of the misandric establishment in this country.
Listeners are invited to call in and ask questions at (001) 310 388 9709, or Skype in, after the news.
The show will commence at 7 PM GMT (London, Reykjavik and Lisbon time).
That is 8 PM CET (Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Bern, Bratislava, Prague, Belgrade, Tirana, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje time)
That is 9 PM EET (Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Ankara and Nicosia time)
That is 10 PM FEET (Minsk time)
And, finally, 11 PM Moscow time.
For the listeners in America this means 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST, 12 PM MST and 11 PM PST.
For the listeners in Australia, this means January 18, 2 AM (AWST) in West Australia and 4 AM AEST. -
We all know that the internet is for P0rn.
And internet radio is obviously for discussing P0rn. Far be it for us, at honey badger radio, to refuse the call of destiny.
Or the pizza delivery guy. Or the pool boy. Or the plumber.
Join us tonight as we take a long hard look at a long, hard subject in our first episode in a series on the internet’s favourite past-time.
Join us for “P0rn, the awakening.”
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