
  • We are back this week with another special episode. Instead of focusing exclusively on motherhood, I, Mackenzie, am presenting Part II of an incredible interview that I had the opportunity to do with my father. If you haven’t had a chance to check out Part I, be sure to tune into the previous episode, Episode 41.

    They say that becoming a parent allows you to see your own parents in a whole new light. In my case, that light shines and shimmers with the admiration that I have for my dad.

    At my wedding, my dad and I danced to the song “What a Wonderful World“ by Louis Armstrong. It has been his favorite for as long as I can remember. No matter how difficult things become or may seem, my dad always has the ability to see the world through a positive lens. This song embodies his outlook on life and the optimism that guides his spirit.

    In our time together behind the mic, I get to dive into my father’s past, his thoughts & reflections on his many adventures and experiences, his passions and his yearnings for the future. Scott Wesley Hopman is 77 years young as of this past August. He has nearly eight decades of life experience under his belt, and enough strong opinions to make your head spin. I hope that you enjoy listening to Part II of this wonderful interview as much as I loved being able to record it!

    A huge thank you, again, to my father for his willingness to record these two episodes—may your transparency, self-examination and never ending optimism be an inspiration to all who hear your passionate voice! I love you, dad ❤️

    Thanks as always for listening! You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence.com. If you have a moment, please leave us a rating and review. It truly helps to grow our community and connect with other moms. <3

  • This episode is a special one. Instead of focusing exclusively on motherhood, I, Mackenzie, am presenting Part I of an incredible interview that I had the opportunity to do with my father. They say that becoming a parent allows you to see your own parents in a whole new light. In my case, that light shines and shimmers with the admiration that I have for my dad.

    At my wedding, my dad and I danced to the song “What a Wonderful World“ by Louis Armstrong. It has been his favorite for as long as I can remember. No matter how difficult things become or may seem, my dad always has the ability to see the world through a positive lens. This song embodies outlook on life and the optimism that guides his spirit.

    In our time together behind the mic, I get to dive into my father’s past, his thoughts & reflections on his many adventures and experiences, his passions and his yearnings for the future. Scott Wesley Hopman is 77 years young as of this past August. He has nearly eight decades of life experience under his belt, and enough strong opinions to make your head spin. I hope that you enjoy listening to Part I of this wonderful interview as much as I loved being able to record it!

    A huge thank you to my father for his willingness to record these two episodes—may your transparency, self-examination and never ending optimism be an inspiration to all who hear your passionate voice! I love you, dad ❤️

    Thanks as always for listening! You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence.com. If you have a moment, please leave us a rating and review. It truly helps to grow our community and connect with other moms. <3

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  • We are so excited to share this amazing interview with author, Brett Russo. Brett bravely shares her long journey through infertility, IVF, and the emotional road to motherhood in her bestselling book, The Underwear in Her Shoes.

    We were honored to have her join our podcast and take a deep dive into all the aspects of infertility that aren’t often talked about. In this episode we chat:
    - What inspired Brett to write this memoir.
    - The isolation involved in infertility.
    - How stressful infertility can be on a relationship and friendships.
    - Things NOT to say to women going through infertility.
    - Her pregnancy challenges and realities of postpartum motherhood.
    - Raising 2 under 2 in a pandemic.

    We appreciate Brett coming onto our podcast and sharing her powerful story. Her book will make you laugh, cry, and cheer for her along the way. Whether you have personally gone through infertility or have friends that have, this book is a must-read.

    You can find Brett @brusso18 on Instagram, visit her website on www.brettrusso.com or find her book on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Underwear-My-Shoe-Journey-Unfiltered/dp/1544514638.

    Thanks as always for listening! You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence.com. If you have a moment, please leave us a rating and review. It truly helps to grow our community and connect with other moms. <3

  • Welcome back to a new episode of @abcsofmatrescence. Mackenzie and Emma are excited to be back on the mic and just catching up on life lately.

    This week's topics include:
    - What’s new, aka all things chasing toddlers.
    - What’s new developmentally with our newly 2-year-olds.
    - Catch up on Mackenzie’s pregnancy.
    - A quick chat on social media, the comparison trap, and why we are both working on using it in ways that make us feel good.
    - FINALLY being done with breastfeeding. How we weaned the boys, our feelings on it, and enjoying having our boobs back.

    Coming Up: We are super stoked to have a great guest on next week's episode. Emma had the opportunity to interview author Brett Russo on her IVF journey. Stayed tuned to hear that episode plus more topics on all things motherhood.

    You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence or email us at abcsofmatrescence@gmail.com. As always, we appreciate your ratings and reviews so new mamas can find us as well. Thanks for listening!

  • In this week's episode, Mackenzie had the pleasure of sitting down with Jessica Santana and Amarel Tomney to dive into several different topics that touch mothers from all sorts of backgrounds and circumstances.

    The ladies had an in-depth conversation about the world of European formula feeding. Plus, discussing a breastfeeding condition known as D-MER, which Jessica experienced with both of her children. Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex, or D-MER, is a condition affecting lactating women that is characterized by an abrupt dysphoria, or negative emotions, that occur just before milk release and continuing not more than a few minutes.

    The ladies also shared more about Amarel’s VBAC birth, after having endured a less than ideal birth experience via Cesarean with her first. Jessica and Amarel have created a Facebook group that supports women all across the globe in their European formula feeding journeys. Today this group is 20k members strong and Jessica and Amarel run together. In addition to discussing formula feeding, D-MER, and VBACs, the ladies talked through about the power of finding connection, support, and friendship during this season of motherhood.

    You can find Amarel and Jessica's Facebook group under the name “HIPP and HOLLE formulas parent".

    As always, thanks for listening! You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence.

  • 2021 is here! New year, new us. Right? Err probably not.

    The Emma and Mackenzie's of years past might have set lofty goals that mostly focused on losing weight or getting super fit. These days? I'd say our goals are a bit more realistic and maybe a touch less self-involved. #realtalk

    In this episode, the co-hosts first make an EXCITING announcement! Yes, you have to listen to hear.

    Next, they breeze through why 2021 is off to a crappy start. New year, same 2020 insanity. Some things never change I suppose.

    Mackenzie and Emma also share an update on their breastfeeding journeys. In short, they are DONE! Free the nipples!

    Finally, the ladies share their goals for 2021. This year they are focused on family, marriage, being better mothers, self-care, and saving their sanity however necessary.

    As always, thanks for listening. We'd SO appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. You can find us on IG @abcsofmatresence.

  • Happy New Year's Eve! In this episode, Emma and Mackenzie wrap up the bizarre year known as 2020. We share our highs, lows and a special thank you to everyone who's been with us along the way. Thanks so much for listening and GOODBYE 2020!

    You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence

  • In this week's episode, Mackenzie and Emma take a break from serious mom chat to enjoy a little Q&A fun. The girls bounce around topics to share more about themselves that listeners might be surprised by. We hope you enjoy this lighter episode and as always, thanks for listening.

    You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence!!

  • In episode 34, Mackenzie and Emma get real on the challenges of having (and practicing) patience in motherhood. The ladies take some time to examine whether they were patient people heading into motherhood. Plus, what expectations they had about how that might change once they would become mamas.

    Next up, the co-host discuss the various ways they are working on having patience with their toddlers, their spouses, and themselves. From strategies they implement, adjusting expectations, and having other mamas to share their struggles with. As always, they keep it real when it comes to all things matrescence.

    You can find Emma and Mackenzie on instagram @abcsofmatrescence.com. If you enjoy the podcast, please take a moment to rate and review. As always, thanks for listening!

  • We had the honor of interviewing Dr. Molly Millwood, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, author, and mama. Mackenzie and Emma first discovered Dr. Millwood's work after reading her amazing book, To Have and To Hold. This is absolutely a must-read book for any expectant or new mother.

    In To Have and to Hold, Dr. Millwood shares an exploration of the emotional complexities, both internal and within marriage, women face after becoming mothers. She explores the complex terrain of new motherhood, illuminating the ways it affects women psychologically, emotionally, physically, and professionally—as well as how it impacts their partnership. Along with the arrival of a bundle of joy come thorny issues such as self-worth, control, autonomy, and dependency. And for most new mothers, these issues are experienced within the context of an intimate relationship, adding another layer of tension, conflict, and confusion to an already challenging time.

    We hope you enjoy this honest conversation with Dr. Millwood, as we dive into her story, research, and life-changing book. You can find Dr. Millwood and her work at https://www.mollymillwood.com

    Episode References:
    For show notes: she references an organization that support women in the postpartum period: Postpartum Support International https://www.postpartum.net/
    She also mentions Psychology Today as the site to go to in order to find a therapist near you (with lots of options for filtering based on specialty and location etc): https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl

    Her website is: https://www.mollymillwood.com/
    Insta handle: molly.millwood.phd
    Her book "To Have and to Hold: Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma" is available wherever books are sold. Specifically, if you wish to purchase the book through an Independent Bookstore, you can check out https://www.indiebound.org/

    Thanks for listening! You can find us as www.abcsofmatrescence.com or on IG @abcsofmatrescence.

  • In this episode, Mackenzie and Emma have an open discussion on the topic of miscarriage. 1 in 4 women experience a miscarriage and even though it's common it's still rarely talked about.

    In this episode, the ladies chat through why many women wait to announce pregnancies until 12 weeks. The societal expectation and discomfort around hearing about pregnancy loss. Plus, how each co-host personally handled sharing their pregnancy news.

    Next, Emma shares her personal missed miscarriage story with the hope that other women who have gone through similar, know they aren't alone. She also shares the reality of the physical aspects of miscarriage that she knew nothing about. Plus, the emotional fears heading into her next pregnancy after loss.

    The ladies wrap up the episode by sharing ways people can support a woman going through a miscarriage. What you can say to be helpful and what might be well-intended but inappropriate to share. Whether you have experienced a miscarriage or know someone who has, this episode sheds light on the topic in order to make it less taboo.

    As always, thanks for listening! You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence.com or www.abcsofmatrescence.com.

  • In this episode, Emma and Mackenize are excited to welcome back their go-to sleep consultant, Arielle Greenleaf, of Expect to Sleep Again and Restfully Sleep. The ladies had the honor of interviewing Arielle in episode 24, where they chatted about all things baby sleep.https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/baby-sleep-q-arielle-greenleaf-expect-to-sleep-again/id1500358070?i=1000488671233In this episode, Emma and Arielle dive into a listener Q&A to troubleshoot common sleep challenges that occur during the toddler stage of development. This is a must-listen episode for anyone in depths of or nearing the toddler age of parenthood. Topics include:- Average # of hours of nighttime sleep that a toddler needs? -Toddler napping challenges: *Common age to drop naps?*How to handle skipped napped?*When should you cap naps to not impact nighttime sleep?- What age should you move a toddler out of the crib? What are the signs and do we really have to???? ;)- How to handle the separation anxiety that can occur during the toddler age?-How to work through a toddler using delay tactics to avoid bedtime?- Nightmares and night terrors? Are they a thing and anything parents can do to help resettle an upset toddler?- What to do when a kiddo wakes up saying they are hungry and/or thirsty? What to look at and how to tackle?- Any tips to keep sleep intact during potty training?- Early morning wakings:*Toddler getting out of bed and wandering?*Are “OK to wake up” clocks helpful?*Should you let them cry a little and hope they resettle? *Adjust naps accordingly?- Do you frequently see sleep regressions when baby #2 comes home?- How soon can you put baby #2 in the room with the toddler?- What is the way to deal with room sharing when baby #2 arrives?- How to balance new baby crying/sleep training etc while not waking up your toddler?You can Arielle and her sleep consultant team on IG @expecttosleepagain and www.expecttosleep.com. As always, you can find Mackenzie and Emma on IG @abcsofmatrescence. Thanks for listening!

  • Mackenzie and Emma celebrate the start of the fall season with a conversation around family traditions. The co-host kick off the episode with a laughter-filled, fall-themed this or that.

    Next up, the ladies dive into a quick discussion on navigating the holidays when merging two families with their own traditions. Not to mention, what happens when a baby arrives and each family wants to enjoy the holiday time with the new arrival.

    Finally, the co-hosts share what family traditions matter most to them. Some of which they are excited to re-create a similar experience based on their own childhoods. Others being new ways to make memories with their husbands and toddlers.

    As always, thanks for listening! You can find Mackenzie and Emma on IG @abcsofmatrescence and at www.abcsofmatrescence.com.

  • Mackenzie and Emma are back to chat all about navigating partnership in parenthood. Whether you are sharing parental duties within a marriage, partnership, or even family dynamic. The shifts to co-parenting is a challenge.

    The ladies open up about their marriages during the early days as first-time mamas. Including lessons learned and practical tips for pregnant moms heading into the fourth trimester.

    Topics Include:
    - What were the expectations prior to becoming pregnant about the role their husbands would have?
    - What role did they have during pregnancy? - What would they do differently for baby number two?
    - The role their spouses played during birth and immediately after bringing baby home.
    - The importance of being intentional about how they can help in the first few months and how they both somewhat dropped the ball and took on more of an “I can do it all” approach.
    - Practical tips for ways to get the partner involved during those first few weeks to support mom and baby.
    - Why it’s so important to support bonding between partner and baby from the beginning, especially in circumstances where mom is exclusively breast-feeding
    - How they have currently found a rhythm in communicating with their partners.

    As always, thanks for listening. If you have a chance, please take the time to leave us a rating and review. You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence or at www.abcsofmatrescence.com.

  • Mackenzie had the honor of interviewing author and memoirist Nefertiti Austin, whose work focuses on amplifying diverse voices in motherhood.

    Her memoir, Motherhood So White, is an Amazon bestseller that offers a profound look into her childhood and upbringing, including her own Black adoption. Additionally, Motherhood So White dives deep into Nefertiti’s adoption of her two Black children as a single mother. Her powerful perspective informs and educates her readers while offering them an intimate look at her unique journey, as well as giving voice to the motherhood experience of Black mothers in a broader sense.

    Mackenzie and Nefertiti chat through a variety of topics, including:
    - Her motivation for writing her best selling book. (linked below)
    - Her journey into adoption and what advice she would give to a parent seeking adoption to start a family.
    - The concept of showing weakness as a mother and why it does not serve us as women and mothers.
    - The importance of community in motherhood.
    - How we as white mothers, can be better allies to women of color.
    - Her favorite parts of being a mother.
    - What is next in her professional journey.

    Please check out these links to sites mentioned in the podcast:
    - NYT Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/07/parenting/black-families-children-kin-grandparents.html
    - Find her book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Motherhood-So-White-Parenting-America/dp/1684574110

    You can find Nefertiti Austin online at https://nefertitiaustin.com/ and on social media @nefertitiaustin.

    As always, thanks for listening! You can find us online at www.abcsofmatrescence.com and on IG @abcsofmatrescence.

  • Mackenzie and Emma delve into the topic of career and motherhood. This is a hot button topic, often with an unnecessary divide between stay at home mothers and full-time working mamas. Please note: Mackenzie and Emma are fully on team "do what makes you happy". Drop the judgement or mom guilt and find what is right for your family.

    These co-hosts each had clear expectations going into pregnancy and the postpartum period as too what career moves they would make. Enter baby and it's amazing how plans go out the window.

    Episode Topics Include:
    - What did we think would happen postpartum?
    - What happened (our decisions and why)?
    - What we miss most/what is the hardest about staying home mainly/how these ebb and flow?
    - What we are currently doing career-wise (including continuing education/certifications)?
    - What helps with keeping a positive/forward focused mindset?
    - What do we see for the future?

    As always, thanks for listening. If you have a moment, please leave us a rating and review. You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence!

  • Welcome to Season 2! Mackenzie and Emma are back with a fun catch up episode to kickoff a new season of @abcsofmatrescence.

    This episode begins with an introduction for our new listeners. Mackenzie and Emma share about themselves, their families, where they live, how they met, and what made them start the podcast.

    Next up, a little life lately catch-up conversation.
    - COVID updates
    - Daycare/school decisions
    - Fall travel fails

    In this episode, our co-hosts also recapped some of their favorite and must-listen episodes from season one:
    - They discuss the topic of hypothalamic amenorrhea in episode 4, where Mackenzie and Emma share their personal journeys.
    They were also honored to have Dr. Rinaldi from No Period Now What share her HA expertise.
    - Episode 7 was a great episode with Tina Haupert from @carrotsncake on ulcerative colitis, life on social, and motherhood.
    - In season 1, Mackenzie and Emma tackle breastfeeding with IBCLC Alisha Peterson in episode 10. While also sharing their breastfeeding experiences in episode 9.
    - A popular topic of body image and fueling women’s heath was covered in episode 12 with Lindsey Lusson of @food.freedom.fertility. They also dived into HA body image with Jess Dalliday from @thehealthysweetpotato in episode 18. Mackenzie and Emma also share their struggles and victories with body image in episode 18.
    - We took a deep dive into Matrescence with Clémentine Sarlat (@clemsarlat) in episode 14 from the podcast @lamatrescence.
    - We were honored to have amazing women open up about their motherhood experienced, starting with @Safia_Tellal chatting motherhood around the world in episode 19. LaWann Moses (@morethanamotherpodcast) shared all about being more than a mother, black motherhood, and much more in episode 21.
    - The girls chat their own baby sleep woes and win in episode 23. They followed up that episode by having sleep expert Arielle Greenleaf (@expecttosleepbetter) on for a listener q&a in episode 24.

    Finally, the girls wrap up this welcome back episode with a little fun what we are loving lately.
    Foodie Finds:
    - Run Fast Eat Slow Cookbook by Shalane Flanagan
    - The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook by America's Test Kitchen

    Self Care:
    - @Cocokind masks
    - The Original Kessa Hamman Scrubbing Glove

    - (Un)Well on Netflix
    - Book Club of the Month (@BOTM)

    Clothes for the boys:
    - Mini Boden + Gap
    - Cat & jack from Target + Burt’s bees pj’s

    - Green toys truck/helicopter + Hape puzzles
    - Melissa and Doug

    As always, thanks so much for listening. If you have a moment, please leave us a rating and review. It truly helps our community grow. You can find us online at www.abcsofmatrescence.com or on IG @abcsofmatrescence.

  • The cat's out of the bag. Mackenzie and family had COVID! Thankfully, they all have (mostly) made a full recovery and she was kind enough to share their story. Along with the normal laughs you'd expect from these co-hosts.

    In this episode, Mackenzie shares a rundown of their experience. Including:
    - How they assume they got it
    - First signs and symptoms
    - Getting tested
    - The severity of symptoms and timeline of how they progressed and regressed
    - How they are feeling now

    Next, Mackenzie shares the biggest challenges for her family during this time:
    - AKA taking care of a toddler!!
    - Basic cooking/cleaning doesn't stop
    - The physical symptoms, aka sick AF
    - The mental worry and depression

    What advice would they give to other families trying to get through COVID:
    - Isolate from the positive family member, if you can, to prevent a sick household
    - Cancel plans if you have any symptoms or direct exposure.
    - Backtrack to let those you've been in contact with know your situation
    - Find a quick test option & chat with PCP
    - Take care of yourself!! Hydrate, eat, order in and rest as much as possible.
    - Get a PulseOx to monitor breathing
    - Stay mentally strong!!

    Next up, Mackenzie shares what's changed for her family post-COVID:
    - Being more fearful of older family members being exposed
    - Frustration with the testing process. Especially for frontline workers and their families
    - Misinformation around how the virus is spread and ways to prevent
    - A dose of respect for how serious this can before people of all ages

    Finally, Mackenzie shares her takeaways:
    - Thank your frontline workers!!
    - Wear a dang mask. Seriously.
    - Support others who might go through this or another illness. It's really hard!

    As always, thanks for listening. You can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence and www.abcsofmatrescence.com.

  • Whoever said, "sleep like a baby", has obviously never had a baby! Baby sleep is a hot topic in the mom world for good reason. It can often feel like a puzzle that is missing several pieces. Long nights, short naps, and a tired mom and baby can lead to total exhaustion. That is exactly why we are so stoked to have had the honor to interview sleep expert and owner of Expect to Sleep Again, Arielle Greenleaf.

    After struggling with her own daughter's sleep, Arielle felt inspired to support families through the process of finding better sleep for all. In this interview, we first tackle the controversial topic of "sleep training", which we both agreed is a terrible phrase for helping baby learn to sleep independently. Next up, a Q&A based on your questions!

    We tackle:
    - Help! My 2 week old won’t nap anywhere but on me, normal? Any gentle ways to ease towards naps in the bassinet?
    - What is “sleeping through the night” and how can the age babies begin to do so vary?
    - Dream feeds, yay or nay?
    - Sleep props, what to use, skip, and when to ditch:
    Doc a tot
    Paci game
    White noise
    - Myth busting sleep regressions, what are they, what ages are most common and how can you handle while staying sane?
    - 4-6 month old baby only naps 31 minutes, why?? How can we lengthen short naps?
    - How to navigate a baby's sleep once they start daycare if it’s not your ideal schedule?
    - What are signs for when to drop a nap and tips during the transitions? Specifically the 2-1 transition.
    - 6+ month old babies are still waking up to nurse frequently overnight, habit vs hunger?
    - Teething and sleep, what’s the deal?
    - Early morning wakings, what to troubleshoot?

    You can find Arielle and her knowledgable team of sleep coaches on IG @expecttosleepagain and on her website, www.expecttosleepagain.com.

    As always, you can find us on IG @abcsofmatrescence.com and www.abcsofmatrescence.com. Thanks for listening! If you have a moment, please leave us a 5-star rating and review. It helps to share our community with others.

  • Mackenzie and Emma are chatting one of their most requested topics to date. Baby sleep!!

    For new parents, baby sleep can feel like a constantly moving jigsaw puzzle that is missing a crucial piece. Late-night googling of the best swaddles to buy, regressions, "training", awake windows, teething, and all the other causes of sleep disruption can be exhausting. As if running low on sleep isn't exhausting enough?

    Mackenzie and Emma are here to share their personal experiences in navigating the first year + of baby sleep. Every baby is different and what works for one family, might not feel right for another. As always, these co-hosts have an open and judgment-free conversation about what they found to be most helpful in getting better sleep for their kiddos.

    Topics Include:
    - The newborn stage: co-sleeping, bassinets, white noise, pacifiers, doc-a-tots, swaddles, and all the other props we used (or didn't) to get some Zzz's.
    - Sleep regressions: when, why, and how we survived.
    - The advice we received from others: what we kept, ditched, and wish people would keep to themselves.
    - What we worked, what didn't, and what we would do differently.

    Resources Mentioned:
    - Taking Cara Babies (@takingcarababies & www.takingcarababies.com)
    - The Ollie Swaddle (www.theollieworld.com)
    - Halo Swaddle (www.halosleep.com)
    - Hatch White Noise
    - Arielle (@expecttosleepagain & www.expecttosleepagain.com

    As always, thanks for listening! You can find us at www.abcsofmatrescence.com or on IG @abcsofmatrescence.