
  • Host: Rosalia Rivera

    Guest: Anna Sonoda, licensed clinical social worker and author of Duck Duck Groom: Understanding How a Child Becomes a Target

    Duration: 50:04

    Release Date: February 12, 2025

    Key Takeaways with Timestamps

    [00:00] Welcome & Introduction
    I introduce my guest, Anna Sonoda, and share why her book, Duck Duck Groom, is an essential read for parents.

    [02:22] Anna’s Background & How She Started This Work
    Anna talks about her journey as a clinical social worker and what led her to work with sex offenders. She explains how sitting face-to-face with offenders gave her insights into their thought processes and behaviors.

    [04:34] What Grooming Really Looks Like
    Anna breaks down the four stages of grooming—flattery, favoritism, forbidden fruits, and fear—and explains why most predators don’t fit the "creepy stranger" stereotype.

    [07:11] The Limitations of the Sex Offender Registry
    We discuss why relying on the sex offender registry isn’t enough and why most predators never end up on it.

    [12:31] How Groomers Target Parents First
    Predators don’t just groom children—they groom adults too. Anna explains the tactics offenders use to build trust with caregivers to gain access to kids.

    [20:13] How Offenders Groom Entire Communities
    We talk about the ways predators manipulate entire social circles, making it difficult for people to believe allegations when they arise.

    [26:55] Red Flags & Early Warning Signs
    Anna shares key behaviors to watch for, both in adults and children, that could indicate grooming.

    [32:46] The Power of Showing Up
    We discuss why parental presence is one of the strongest protective factors against abuse and why being the “unpredictable parent” can deter predators.

    [36:08] Peer-on-Peer Abuse is Rising—Here’s What You Need to Know
    Anna highlights the alarming rise in peer-on-peer abuse and how easy access to pornography is shaping harmful behaviors among kids.

    [41:44] How to Talk to Kids About Grooming & Body Safety
    We go over practical ways to start age-appropriate conversations with kids about staying safe, recognizing red flags, and setting boundaries.

    [46:34] Where to Find Anna’s Book & Final Thoughts
    Anna shares where listeners can find Duck Duck Groom and her additional resources for parents and survivors.

    Anna Sonoda's Book:

    Duck Duck Groom: Understanding How a Child Becomes a Target is available on Amazon.

    Anna Sonoda's Website:

    For more resources and information, visit Anna Sonoda's official website.

    Additional Resources:

    Anna has been featured in various interviews and podcasts discussing child safety and grooming prevention. You can find these appearances on her "Listen and Watch Here" page.




  • Links mentioned in this episode:

    BARK Technologies

    Titania Jordan on Instagram

    About Titania Jordan:

    Titania Jordan is the Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Parent Officer of Bark Technologies, an online safety company that helps keep kids safe online and in real life.

    A renowned thought leader on digital parenting, Titania has contributed to pieces in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post, Fox Business, Daily Mail, USA Today, Vogue, and more. Her first book, Parenting in a Tech World, was published in 2020 and quickly became a bestseller on Amazon. Titania was also featured in the 2020 documentary Childhood 2.0. She also frequently appears as a subject matter expert on nationally broadcasted programs such as the TODAY Show, Steve Harvey, The Doctors, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, Fox News, Sirius XM Radio, and CNBC.

    In 2017, Titania founded a Facebook group where parents could come together and get advice on raising kids in the digital age, share stories, and learn the latest news about social media. It now has more than 300,000 members and is growing rapidly.

    One of her favorite childhood memories is her dad asking her to “figure out this new computer thing” (i.e., read the Microsoft Windows 3.0 user manual) in the early ‘90s and later teaching him to navigate the wild west of the early internet that would eventually turn into the online world we know today.

    When she’s not busy trying to make the world a safer place for kids, Titania enjoys painting with her son.

    For the latest news regarding parenting in a tech world, you can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and yes, TikTok as well. For a link to Titania’s recent media appearances, visit Bark in the News.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Here are the links from the show:

    Take Action link (emails to Apple and the petition): https://protectchildrennotabuse.org/take-action/ Follow and Engage with the HEAT Initiative (and sign up for their newsletter)Heat WebsiteTwitterInstagramLinkedinTHORN blog explaining KOSA (Kids Online Safety Act)
  • Rosalia Rivera discussed the reboot of the podcast for season 3 and what the season will bring. That includes talking about the Brave Movement's online safety campaign, Safer Internet, through an exciting new series. She's also releasing episodes about the growing influence of the pedophile movement in society. She emphasized the importance of prioritizing mental health, exposing red flags, and creating a consent culture to prevent child sexual abuse and promote healing and justice. Rivera highlighted the need for collective action to address this complex issue and ensure a safer world for all children and adolescents. She'll also be addressing issues around Indigenous abuse and school safety.

  • The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is an organization based in the United Kingdom that works to combat the distribution of online child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and other illegal content. Established in 1996, the IWF operates as an independent, self-regulatory body supported by the internet industry, law enforcement agencies, and the government.

    The main objective of the IWF is to minimize the availability of CSAM on the internet and protect children from online exploitation. They achieve this by actively searching for and removing illegal content hosted on websites worldwide. When the IWF identifies explicit or abusive material, they work closely with internet service providers (ISPs) to have the content blocked or taken down.

    The IWF also operates a hotline that allows members of the public to report suspected instances of CSAM found online. These reports are assessed by the IWF's analysts, who then take appropriate action to have the illegal content removed and ensure that the relevant authorities are notified.

    Additionally, the IWF plays a vital role in providing support and guidance to internet industry partners, helping them establish policies and practices to prevent the distribution of illegal content on their platforms. They collaborate with law enforcement agencies both nationally and internationally, sharing information and intelligence to aid in investigations and prosecution of offenders.

    Learn more about the foundation here.

    Read the blog post I review in the episode here.

    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting.

    Learn more about CONSENTparenting here.


    Introduction of the episode. (0:00)

    The Internet Watch Foundation’s report. (2:02)

    What are the categories of indecent images? (3:44)

    Explaining the definition of child sexual abuse. (6:08)

    The results of the investigation. (10:44)

    What objects were being used for penetration? (12:03)

    A global crisis of our era. (14:06)

    Is child sexual abuse on the rise? (18:02)

    The rise of online abuse. (19:57)

    What is online safety? (22:15)

  • Jane, Hope and Maria, along with Brandy Black and Fiona Ward joined forces to create the non profit organization 5waves.org to help other families affected by SSA.

    In this episode, we talked about:

    The prevalence of child sexual abuse in the homeWhy this type of abuse is so often NOT discoveredAcknowledging those who have been harmedThe stigma of disclosing a child’s abuseThe importance of communicationHope’s story of discovering the abuse between her childrenThe challenges of finding help and informationHow children determine what’s inappropriate/unsafeThe importance of teaching body safety and specificsVigilance and conversations in the homeWhat are the next steps if abuse is discoveredThe emotional toll on all family membersThe need for therapy and treatment for children & parentsHow to get support as a parent when people judge you

    Learn more about 5 Waves and other organizations working together to fight this issue.

    www.siblingsexualtrauma.comwww.5waves.orgwww.siblingstoo.comwww.ssarc.co.uk/Parents Coping With Sibling Sexual Abuse and Trauma https://www.facebook.com/groups/siblingtraumaPeer Support Group For Survivors of Childhood Sibling Sexual Abuse https://www.facebook.com/groups/646423866554980

    Social Media Links:

    5WAVES IG: https://www.instagram.com/5wavesorg/

    Maria IG: https://www.instagram.com/mariasocolofauthor/

    Hope IG: https://www.instagram.com/hopesittler/

    Jane IG:https://www.instagram.com/jane_complicatedcourage/

    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™

    Learn more at consentparenting.com


    Erin Merryn joins me to talk about Erin's Law that mandates schools to provide body safety education for grades K-12 in the United States. 38 states have passed the law and in this episode we talk about why she became a champion for schools to teach this education and what the results have been since passing the law in those states. She shares her own personal story of survival, and leadership.

    Time Stamps:

    0:02 Intro

    2:30 What Is Erin's Law

    7:10 Erin's Story of Abuse

    9:33 Erin's diary as an outlet for anger

    14:13 When predators are getting away with abusing one child

    16:45 Children's advocacy centers

    23:20 What did his sister do?

    30:14 Erin's Law in Ohio

    33:26 What's the fear of Planned Parenthood

    38:16 What can parents do to advocate for this law

    41:18 The importance of writing a letter to your legislator

    46:53 Principals' lunch buddies program

    49:56 If the law is not passed, this is what needs to be talked about in schools

    56:24 What parents can do to reduce the risk of sexual abuse

    Links Mentioned:

    Erin's Law Website

    Erin Merryn's Website


    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™

    Learn more at consentparenting.com

  • In this episode we cover:

    The orgasm gap and what it is.What cliteracy is and why it's important to become cliterate.How the orgasm gap is affecting heterosexual relationships in the bedroomWhat survivors should know about reclaiming their sexuality through becoming cliterateHow media and mainstream pornography affect the orgasm gapHow our use of language impacts our perspective of pleasure

    I know you'll learn so much about how you have the power to enjoy your sexuality and reclaim it, little by little or at whatever pace works best for YOU!


    Dr. Laurie Mintz is a feminist author, therapist, professor, and speaker whose life’s work has been committed to helping people live more authentic, meaningful, and joyful lives through the art and science of psychology.

    As a tenured Professor at the University of Florida, she teaches the Psychology of Human Sexuality to hundreds of undergraduate students each year. She also teaches and mentors graduate students in both their clinical and research training, helping them to find their own niche as psychologists. Dr. Mintz has published over 50 research articles in academic journals and six chapters in academic books. She has received numerous professional and teaching awards. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, indicating that her work has had a positive national influence on the field of psychology.

    She is the author of two popular press books—both written with the aim of empowering women sexually:Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters and How to Get It (HarperOne, 2017) and A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex: Reclaim Your Desire and Reignite Your Relationship (Adams Media, 2009).

    With this same goal of providing scientifically-accurate, sex-positive information to enhance female pleasure, Dr. Mintz also writes a popular Psychology Today blog. She also gives presentations and workshops to professionals and lay audiences and is often quoted in national and international media.

    For over 25 years, Dr. Mintz has also maintained a small private practice, working with both individuals and couples on general and sexual issues. One of her greatest honors is supporting her clients during difficult times, as well as helping them make positive changes and reach life goals.

    You can connect with Dr. Laurie Mintz and her work at:








    https://www.youtube.com/channel/Laurie Mintz







    Use code: PODCAST to get 50% off this class


    This episode contains content that may be alarming to some listeners. Please check the show notes for more detailed descriptions and take care of yourself.

    What would you do if you witnessed a family member being sexually abused?

    Yamisel Pence found her calling when she had to answer that very question.

    In this episode, Yami shares with us her journey as a police officer, ICAC, SVU detective, and then as an educator to parents.

    Some cases have a positive outcome where the abused child can receive the support they need. It is never too late to report, just like in the Josh Duggar case. However negative outcome cases happen too often.

    Why is that? Sometimes it has to do with how the parent responds to a child’s accusation. Yami’s goal is to teach parents on how to respond, pick up on grooming signs, and what questions to ask so their child can feel safe.

    About Yami Pence:

    Yami Pence is a former Internet Crimes Against Children, Child Exploitation, and Special Victims Unit Detective from South Florida, who currently educates parents, schools, and churches on how to Keep Our Kids Safe from abuse on the internet and in real life.

    Links Mentioned:



    Instagram @YamiPence

    TikTok StaySafewithYami

    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™

    Learn more at consentparenting.com

  • Links for Pam Covarrubias:



    Links for Maria Elena Perez:


    Pam Covarrubias

    Pam is dynamically skilled as a Liberation Business Coach, EFT Practitioner, Podcaster, and Recovering Procrastinator. She primarily spends her time elevating first-generation business owners by helping them remove the shame around making money and connecting to their inner voice so they can create liberated business practices.
    She dreams of co-creating a future where work supports everyone without glorifying productivity and by honoring our inner energy seasons. Pam's approach is a dance between practical success strategy and intuitive personal discovery that helps humans stay true to their unique story as we decolonize business practices.

    Pam's goal is to remove the damages Calladita Culture™️ has instilled in first-generation humans in the United States. A topic she explores in her weekly podcast Cafe con Pam, staying quiet and submissive is not a stance she supports.

    Pam guides her clients to honor their heritage while leveraging the resiliency they've built as they've navigated existing in two cultures.

    Pam is grounded in the teachings of mother earth, her mother and grandmothers' wisdom, as well as technically trained in Clinical EFT. She holds a Life Coaching Certification, Crystal Healing Practitioner Certification. Pam is also rooted in practical knowledge from her BFA, certificate in Women in Entrepreneurship by Cornell University, and additional business trainings she's attended.

    She is honored to have been named one of the best Latinx Podcast to listen to by Oprah in 2020 and 2021. When Pam isn't guiding her clients to create liberated business models, you can find her drawing, getting lost in the woods with her partner David and dog Thor.

    Maria Elena Pérez:

    Maria Elena Pérez has 15 years of experience in social justice organizations, including ten years in executive leadership.

    She is the founder of HealSana, LLC and an organizational consultant and trauma-informed healing practitioner with Strategies for Social Change.

    Maria Elena worked at both local and national organizations including the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, the National Institute for Reproductive Health, and Make the Road New York. During her career, she’s been a bilingual spokesperson on social and reproductive justice issues, led during critical leadership transitions, and has played key roles in facilitating organizational development and change management processes internally.

    Maria Elena is also a Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner and works 1:1 and in group programs with women of color to heal generational patterns, wounds, and traumas.

    A Licensed Master Social Worker in the State of New York, Maria Elena holds an M.S.W. from the City University of New York, Hunter College, and a B.S. from New York University. She is a first-generation Latina born to Dominican and Puerto Rican parents.

    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™

    Learn more at consentparenting.com

  • 0:02 Welcome

    0:37 Introduction of Dr. Rosenna Bakari.

    3:45 Share your journey of getting where you are, and how you're able to help others.

    4:23 Dr. Bakari sharing her story.

    13:26 Unpacking survivorship of child sexual assault.

    17:23 Finding community after experiencing trauma.

    26:22 For anyone who's listening, can you share about ACE's and shed some light on what it is for listeners who may not know.

    30:07 What do you say to those survivors who are afraid or feel like they're beyond that help?

    36:31 Talking about Dr. Bakari's community and how people are engaging in it.

    46:57 Is that a program that you do regularly, like your eight week program that you were talking about?

    51:50 How can people connect with Dr. Bakari?

    53:01 Wrap up.

    53:49 Outro

    Links Mentioned:




    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™

    Learn more at consentparenting.com

  • Known as “America’s Joy Magnet”, Shari Alyse is an International Motivational Speaker, #1 Best Selling Author, and Joy Coach. Shari has built a community of over 150k+ followers and has reached over 10 million people.

    Shari’s deep commitment to others is motivated by her own journey through childhood sexual abuse and other childhood traumas. At seven-years-old, Shari found herself having to use her voice on a witness stand to testify against the man who had abused her.

    She now uses her voice to speak around the world on self-worth, mindset, overcoming obstacles, and how to live a joy-filled life.

    In 2013, Shari co-founded one of the first online holistic wellness directories and communities. She has been featured on numerous media outlets including ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS radio, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, to name a few. She has gone on to Executive produce and host multiple online TV and radio shows, most recently, the talk show - Heart to Heart.

    Over the last 15 years, Shari has reached thousands of people with her inspirational videos, speaking engagements, coaching and writings. Shari’s book, Love Yourself Happy, quickly became a #1 New Release and International Best Seller.

    Shari believes that in the radical acceptance and connection to ourselves, we truly can live a joy-filled life.

    0:02 Welcome

    0:37 Intro of Shari Alyse

    3:30 What does radical acceptance mean to you?

    5:19 Shari shares the experience of finding radical self acceptance.

    9:23 What have you done to support yourself through that memory/experience and maybe trigger?

    12:54 Can you share what the impact was of speaking up about your SA experience?

    15:34 Response

    17:46 How did that lead to your journey of becoming a joy magnet and then writing your book?

    26:44 AD Consent Wear

    29:25 What helped inspire you to then write the book to really create this movement to help others recognize that they can also find joy?

    32:23 Who is it meant for? What will they learn when they read it?

    35:00 Is there anything that you'd like to share before we wrap up ?

    38:44 How can people connect with you and how can they find you?

    39:41 Outro

    Links Mentioned:






    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™ Learn more at consentparenting.com

  • Kim Guerra is a queer woman of color. A butterfly woman who has given herself wings. She is a writer, advocate, and entrepreneur. She is the creator of “Badass x Bonita”, a brand and movement that she considers to be a work of self-love and her love for her community. She wants each person to wear “Badass x Bonita” products as a statement and shield-- a living revolution. Guerra is the author of “Mariposa” and “Mija”: collections of bilingual poems, affirmations, and revolutionary love letters. “Badass x Bonita” is for all humans who are giving themselves and their community wings through revolutionary love. Guerra is a TEDx Speaker and received the “Agent of Change'' award from Univision’s Premios Juventud and has been recognized for her work in various publications including Oprah Magazine, Today, People, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Univision, Televisa, Remezcla, R29Somos, and FiercebyMitu. Kim Guerra continues to use her voice and platform to advocate for the immigrant, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, survivors, mujeres, and oppressed communities.

    :02 Welcome!

    :40 Introducing Kim Guerra.

    3:07 Kim's story about how brown, badass bonita came to be.

    7:52 What was it inside of you that you think helped you to stand tall and begin living your own life?

    14:31 What would be your advice for people who are afraid to go against the norm, but want to speak up?

    21:27 AD break- Consent Wear

    22:13 What would it look like if I loved myself? What would that look like in terms of action?

    26:31 What did I need to hear growing up? What are the messages that I wish I received as a child?

    34:18 What is on the horizon for you this year? What can we expect from you? How can we support you? Where can we find you?

    40:30 Wrap up

    42:22 Outro

    Links Mentioned:





    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™ Learn more at consentparenting.com

  • Links Mentioned in this episode:






    This Episode is Sponsored by CONSENTwear™

  • I've received many requests to talk about coping with the anxiety and fears and sometimes even paranoia around teaching our children about body safety boundaries and consent. Most of the parents that have reached out about this are parents who are survivors themselves. So this episode is dedicated to you- the survivor parent that is dedicated to this cycle-breaking work.

    In this episode, I share the 5 key tools I used to help reduce my anxiety so I can do the needed research and work I do to teach abuse prevention and consent education, both to parents and my own children.

    These tools have helped me heal, reclaim my power, my sexuality and stay focused on my commitment to my family and the community of parents who depend on this work.

    Below are links to the resources I mention in the episode.

    I hope it helps you find your path to calm, healing and empowerment!

    If you find this episode helpful, please tag me and let me know what your biggest takeaway was and please share it with others!

    With gratitude,



    Previous Podcast Episodes To Support This Episode:

    Mindfulness Hypnosis for Healing + Resilience Building

    How Our Anger Can Be Transformative Instead of Toxic

    Dismantling Child Sexual Abuse Taboos Through Support

    How Sleep Impacts Mental Wellness & Healing

    How Devoting Ourselves To Ourselves Heals

    The Healing Medicine Inside of Ourselves

    Beyond Trauma and Into Resilience

    Survivor To Thriver Via Intuition and Support

    Additional Resources

    Guided Breathwork

    8 Breathing Exercises To Try When You Feel Anxious

    Guided Meditation: Peaceful, Easy Feeling

    Guided Meditation: Yoga Nidra for Healthy Boundaries

    EFT Tapping

    Tapping for Stress & Worry

    Dance Movement Therapy

    A Lesson in Therapeutic Dance Movement

    My Flo App (Period Tracker)

    How to Work With Your Period, Not Against It

    This Episode is Brought to You By CONSENTparenting™

  • In this episode we talked about:

    How they got started and why it was important to teach consent principles to their kidsWhat their 'freedoms' model is all aboutHow their parenting practices intersect with consent parenting and feminismHow parents can enjoy these practices and let go of the guilt of not always getting it rightAnd more!

    You'll enjoy this episode if you're a parent, and even if you're not, you'll see how the way you were raised may not have given you all the freedoms to fully express yourself and how you can change that now! It's never too late to heal those parenting wounds and liberate yourself now!

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions and encourage you to leave a rating and review if you enjoyed the episode so others can find us!


    Hannah & Kelty are twins, coaches and speakers behind the parenting movement Upbringing. Certified in Simplicity Parenting, Positive Discipline and trained in Foundations of the respectful parenting approach, RIE (pronounced "rye"), Upbringing empowers parents in over 100 countries to show up + grow up alongside their kids when it comes to daily discipline.

    Hannah & Kelty’s top-ranked podcast, Q&A videos and research-informed Guides call parents in with humor and honesty, giving them permission to align their personal values with their parenting practices in the name of sanity + social change. Hannah & Kelty co-parent on an organic veggie farm outside Portland, OR that they share with their partners and kids, ages 5, 6, 8 and 8.


    Website: http://www.Upbringing.co

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/upbringing.co

    Shop: http://www.Upbringing.co/shop

    This Episode Was Brought To You By CONSENTparenting™

    Website: https://www.consentparenting.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/consentparenting/

  • In this episode, I speak with award-winning investigative journalist and writer, Daemon Fairless about his impactful CBC Podcast series Hunting Warhead. Warhead is the mastermind behind an online CSAM forum of millions of members. We also discuss his book “Mad Blood Stirring: The Inner Lives of Violent Men”, and his research around CSA.

    TRIGGER WARNING that this episode contains content discussing child sexual abuse and pedophiles.

    Episode Time Stamp:

    0:00 – Intro

    0:38 – Introduction of guest

    0:54 – Can you give a quick synopsis of what Hunting Warhead is?

    3:04 – Synopsis of Hunting Warhead

    6:24 – Daemon’s experience in the field of studying violent men and CSAM

    8:24 – what do you think parents should know about this issue?

    11:53- Daemon’s response

    16:25 – Can you talk a bit about what you learned in terms of these communities and how they operate and why should parents know about this?

    18:17 – Daemon’s response

    22:02 – The importance of parents understanding the reality of these places on the dark web and how they operate.

    23:21 – Child Rescue Coalition

    24:46 – Daemon’s take on CSA/SAM Investigations

    30:02- Could someone who is doing work to protect against SAM actually be influenced in the same way?

    34:58- Can you share where people can find your book?

    38:56 – Closing

    Links Mentioned:

    Daemon’s Book- https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01JN52W0I/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

    Daemon's Website- https://www.daemonfairless.com

    Hunting Warhead CBC 6-Part Podcast - https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/387-hunting-warhead

    This episode was brought to you by CONSENTparenting™

    Learn more at consentparenting.com