
  • In today's podcast, I'm talking about how to educate yourself before buying supplements.

    What does Rite Aid, Walgreens, Safeway, Costco, Amazon or even your friend know about supplemental nutrition? Are they invested in your health?

    Your friends and family members likely want the best for you, but do they know what makes up a quality supplement?


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  • In today's podcast, I'm talking about why do we not do what we know to do? I see this play out time after time in my office. Eating real whole foods is not some new health concept, so why do we struggle to start and then stick with a whole foods eating routine?

    The first barrier is procrastination.

    The second barrier is a fear of failure.

    The third barrier is we do not clearly understand the value or capacity of food to transform our life.

    The fourth barrier is my genes.

    The fifth barrier is pain. Only you have to live in your body. Only you have to experience your body. Nobody else has to endure the joint pain, the knee replacement, the lightheadedness, the migraines, the anxiety and depression.

    Accept that being different is the better way. Search out the community of people who want to experience the best their body and mind can offer.



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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • In today's episode, I'm talking about the 5 signs of excess sugar consumption. And by sugar, I mean added sugars in ultra processed foods and flours that come from refined grains.

    A refined grain is a grain that has had the bran and germ removed (fiber, vitamins, minerals) with only the starchy endosperm left over. This would be most cereals, crackers, pastas, pizza dough, pastries and bread products.

    It is going to take consistent vigilance on your part and simply being okay with eating different than the person next you. You will not be normal, but you will be creating massive health opportunity for yourself and your family.


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  • In today's episode, I'm talking about fluoride. Is fluoride a necessity in mouthwash, toothpaste and our water supply?

    Here are 5 things to consider before making fluoride a part of your routine:

    Fluoride inhibits the thyroid stimulating hormone output from the pituitary gland. Without a strong signal to the thyroid to make thyroid hormones, T4 and T3 production decrease. Fluoride is much lighter and more reactive than iodine, so it easily displaces iodine in the body. Fluoride inhibits multiple antioxidant enzymes and lowers glutathione levels. Fluoride exposure leads to cell membrane degeneration and decreases the lifespan of red blood cells. Fluoride depletes our body of energy. Whether we are talking about the thyroid, glutathione, iron or straight up depleting ATP production by inhibiting the enzyme ATPase.


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  • A couple of weeks ago I discussed the Dirty Dozen and today I'm talking about the Clean 15.

    Listen to the episide here - The Dirty Dozen and Pesticide Exposure

    These are fruits and vegetables that are considered to be the least problematic in regards to pesticides. However, if you have the means I would still buy them organic as the bioaccumulation of toxins is really at the root of so many illnesses.

    The foods with the least amount of pesticide residues in 2024 according to the Environmental Working Group are:

    avocados sweet corn onions papaya carrots honeydew melon asparagus pineapples sweet peas (frozen) watermelon cabbage sweet potatoes mangoes mushrooms kiwi

    Papaya are often genetically modified, so even though they may be low in pesticides, it is still best to get them organic.

    If you want to make a course correction in your food routine, join us for the 49 Day Supercharged Shake the Sugar Challenge starting May 1st. For less than $10/week you can get the knowledge, support, and accountability you need to supercharge your eating routine with real, whole foods!

    Register for the Supercharged Shake the Sugar Challenge


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  • In today's episode, I'm sharing about how one of my patients got rid of fatigue, muscle aches, bladder infections, and mood swings by changing their diet. This patient was a vegetarian but she wasn’t eating vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and beans, instead she was eating processed foods, and lots of carbs.

    No matter what type of diet or lifestyle you're following, if it doesn't include real, whole foods, then it's not supporting your health. It may support weight loss or some other goal, but not optimal health and vitality.

    Could your health be a diet adjustment away from experiencing energy and vitality?

    If you want to make a course correction in your food routine, join us for the 49 Day Supercharged Shake the Sugar Challenge starting May 1st. For less than $10/week you can get the knowledge, support, and accountability you need to supercharge your eating routine with real, whole foods!

    Register for the Supercharged Shake the Sugar Challenge


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  • In today's episode, I'm talking about the fruits and veggies you want to buy organicif you want to avoid excess pesticide exposure.

    The following whole foods have the highest levels of multiple pesticides.

    Peaches,nectarines Grapes Strawberries Cherries Spinach Apples Brussel sprouts Cucumbers Tomatoes Apricots Lettuce Bean pods

    Consuming these otherwise health promoting foods in a non-organic form can increase the risk of cancer, neurological disorders, hormone imbalance (PCOS, endometriosis), and reproductive problems (infertility, fetal death, birth defects). That's why it's important to buy organic.

    The only exception is if your are buying them from a trusted, local source that doesn't use pesticides. The benefits of the fruit or vegetables do not outweigh the toxicity of the chemicals.

    Get on the waitlist for the Supercharged paid Shake the Sugar Challenge that starts May 1st!



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  • In today's episode, we're talking about ultra-processed foods.

    I can’t think of a good reason to eat ultra-processed foods.

    Manufacturing them destroys the environment and the human. The only people helped are those who own the companies. All the while, the uninformed human is duped by the perfectly manicured packaging thinking that life sustenance can be gathered from these pseudo foods.

    The problem with processed foods is not just the flavour enhancers, food coloring, nitrates, sodium benzoates, foaming agents, anti-caking agents, bulking agents, and thickeners, though of course they promote dysfunction in the human body, it is also the fact that the natural matrix of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals have been removed.

    Ultra processed foods require the body to use precious resources to digest, detoxify and extract what it can from this defunct food substance.

    Get on the waitlist for the Supercharged paid Shake the Sugar Challenge https://drwholeness.com/superchargedshakethesugarchallenge


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  • Today I'm chatting with Gabe Orr, a friend, and one of the founders of Plainview Beef. As Gabe shares, good beef starts with a healthy animal.

    At Plainview Beef, they believe that you need to be able to understand the variables that go into producing a healthy animal and meat, and then have a way of measuring and filtering the process, so you can identify any weaknesses and ensure that no contaminants ever reach the feed.

    Through their unique process of feeding cattle Non-GMO digestible sprouted wheat and barley grains from beginning to end, they are able to produce a healthy cow and premium quality beef. Plainview Beef stands at the intersection of century-old traditions and innovative, sustainable practices in the beef industry. In essence, they merge traditional cattle raising methods with modern technology.

    For more information, visit plainviewbeef.com. Find out how you can invest in Plainview Beef at equityvest.org.


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  • In today's episode, we're talking about the foundation of your food routine. What if instead of counting calories or macros, you make a habit of eating at least one of the following foods daily?

    Here are 5 foods that can have a major impact on your health if they are a regular part of your routine.

    Walnuts Berries Broccoli Sprouts Kalamata Olives Wild Salmon

    Find out what you need to look for when buying these 5 foods.


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  • In today's episode, I'm talking about apple cider vinegar.

    How many times have you heard about some miracle cure ingredient or food item that seems to help every disease state known to man? While most of these supposed "miracle products" are nothing more than good marketing, there are a few tried and true products that have proven themselves to be effective in catapulting our health.

    One of these products is Apple Cider Vinegar. So today I am going to share 20 health benefit opportunities to capitalize on with apple cider vinegar.

    🍎20 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar PDF https://drwholeness.com/acv


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  • In today's episode, I'm talking about healthy snacks. While there is no perfect meal routine for all of humanity, there is a real food routine. We snack because we want to, because it brings us pleasure, not because it is helping us build and sustain life.

    If granola bars, candy bars, ice cream, doughnuts, breads, crackers, chips and salsa are your regular go-to snack, then your trajectory is towards fat accumulation, bone deterioration, depression, anxiety, arthritis and all the other degenerative conditions associated with pre-packaged, ultra processed foods.

    However, if you are grabbing apples, berries, carrots, celery, cucumbers, slices of meat, nuts, and seeds, life is being seeded into your body and you can expect a profitable health trajectory.


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  • In today's episode, we are talking about labels. Sadly on most packaged foods in 6-8 font type, you’ll see bioengineered ingredients. Bioengineered food contains modified genetic material.

    The reason it’s done is to make it easier to make lots of processed food and to give that processed food a longer shelf life. The most common genetically modified food crops in the U.S. are:

    Canola Corn Soy Sugar beets Yellow squash Zucchini

    The thing is these bioengineered foods introduce novel organisms or proteins that trigger an immune response. One of the reasons why I recommend eliminating soy and corn products from your diet is because even on organic farms there is cross contamination since the bioengineered farm sits right next to the organic farm.


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  • In today's video, I'm sharing some coffee creamers that won't derail your health and taste good too. Because coffee and coffee creamer is a daily habit for most people, it's important that they are leading us towards health and not compounding toward disease and dysfunction.

    Coffee mate creamer and its 25 flavors have a market value of 18.5 billion dollars and are expected to climb to 28.39 billion dollars by 2030. This means that people are going to be moving away from real food and closer to artificial, chemically engineered pseudo foods.


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  • In today's episode, I want to zero in on habits that likely affect us all on a daily basis. Because as you know, what we do daily, can compound in the direction of health or disease.

    In light of that, I think we ought to make sure we are receiving all the benefits and none of the associated problems. Let's discuss water, coffee, and olive oil.


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  • In today's episode, we're talking about how inflammation can block iron and general nutrient absorption.

    Whether from stomach gastric cell atrophy due to an H. pylori infection or acid blocking medications used for heartburn, the lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid production makes it so that iron is not converted to a bioavailable form.

    Not to mention when you turn off HCL, (the major incinerator of food) via a proton pump inhibitor, the pH of the stomach is only getting down to a 4 or 5 instead of 2, you can’t completely break down the food, let alone absorb the minerals in the food.

    Iron deficiency for so many in the Western world is not due to a lack of iron input, unless perhaps you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, but it is because of chronic low grade inflammation induced by our Standard American Diet and high stress lifestyle.


    ➡️ Get the 30 Day Microbiome Upgrade

    ➡️ Get Dr. Matt's free guide to overcoming iron deficiency https://optimizeiron.com/guide/

    ➡️ Start accumulating health with the Shake the Sugar guide

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  • In this episode, we're talking about what causes a disease state? What causes a person to end up in a situation where pharmaceutical interventions are being implemented?

    This may come as a shock to you but protein, fiber, carbohydrates, fat and calories do not cause disease or the need for pharmaceuticals. All of these conditions are caused by and promoted via ultra processed food consumption and a sedentary lifestyle.

    We have been duped over and over that counting calories, reducing fat, eating low carb is the answer, all the while we are not seeing results in blood sugar, cholesterol, cognition, and abdominal fat. It is because we are being taught to eat manufactured food broken up into macronutrients on a label.

    How we style our life with food and drink is the bedrock for the symptoms our body manifests. What adjustment, tweak, positive forward movement can you take to style your life, so that you can experience the health state you say you want?


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  • In today's episode, we're looking at a completely overlooked cause of iron deficiency and that is non-alcoholic induced fatty liver disease.

    The body doesn't absorb iron in a state of inflammation and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a state of chronic low grade inflammation.

    The liver supports detoxification and elimination clearance. Overcoming iron deficiency requires a holistic approach. Without removing yourself from the Standard American way of eating you will not resolve your fatty liver and you will find yourself suffering from iron deficiency.


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  • In today's episode, we're talking about the power of mindset.

    Have you labeled yourself as having poor willpower or no self control? In looking at addicts, their belief that they were powerless was just as significant in determining whether or not they succeeded in addiction treatment as their actual physical dependence on a substance.

    I was with a gentleman this past week who had started up a reading plan and a wholesome food routine, who reiterated multiple times how he'll probably "fall off the wagon" so to speak when life gets busy.

    This kind of thinking and speaking is premeditated self sabotage. It is like the person who does the Shake the Sugar Challenge and is planning the dessert they are going to eat the day the challenge is over.

    We are literally planning our own demise. The challenge is a concentrated time to set yourself up for total liberation.

    Physical exertion, consistent sleep, whole life giving food, is vital for health, but the thing that will actually pull it all together and enable a lifestyle where we get beyond doing challenge after challenge and perpetually accumulate health is our mindset.


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  • In today's episode, we're talking about consumption in the context of habits.

    What could you consume this coming year to set yourself up for massive health accumulation?

    So many people jump straight to weight loss when they think of consumption.

    But I think of the patient who stopped consuming social media 30 minutes after work and instead, drove 5 minutes to her local track and started walking for 30 minutes and has been doing this now for 7 months.

    I also think of the patient who stopped consuming white chocolate mochas on the way to work each day and not only dropped 14lbs, but found they were not craving a sugar fix in the afternoon anymore.

    What we consume produces and feeds our mindset. In my experience, the patients who go the farthest in their health and see lasting results are those who focus on adjusting their life inputs, rather than writing goals like, "I want to lose 30lbs or fit into a certain pair of pants".

    We adjust our inputs and our body can’t help but manifest differently.

    What consumption habit are you going to change this year?


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