In this episode the Apostle Paul preaches for so long something terrible (then good) happens! #adventuresinthebible #funny #biblestorytelling #biblicalfigure #comedy #beginnersbiblestories #truth #biblestorytime #fyp #bibleadventures #bible #sleep #sleepy #sleepytime #oops #notyouraveragestory
Put your hands in the air and......leave them there??
In this episode of Adventures in the Bible we learn about the first man to "raise the roof", and it's not how you may think!
Also, I issue a challenge...How long can YOU keep your arms in the air?
Let me know in the comments!
#adventuresinthebible #funny #biblestorytelling #comedy #comedy #bibleadventures #biblestorytime #fyp #raisetheroof #putyourhandsup #andtheystaythere #oldtestament #oldtestamentstories #biblestory #biblestoriesforkids -
A quick little story on when the prophet Elijah got food from quite an unexpected source!
#adventuresinthebible #funny #bibleadventures #comedy #biblestorytelling #bibletalesforkids #story #storytelling #birds #forthebirds #feedthebirds #storytime #nature -
The story of Samson is an interesting one. He was a great character sudy. In this episode I cover his interactions with several animals. A lion, THREE HUNDRED foxes.....and a dead donkey
I also cover the tragic end of his life and story.
I hope you enjoy! -
This episode we take a trip back to visit Elisha. While we're talking some young men come up behind him and start making fun of him! Travel back with us to find out what happens next!
#adventuresinthebible #bibleadventures #funny #biblestories #comedy #biblestorytelling #bibletalesforkids #bibleverses #biblestoriesforkids #improv #whathappensnext #bible #elisha #prophet #stuckinatree #climbatree #dogs #fun #forkids -
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey.
What do a King, a prophet, a donkey and an angel have in common? Find out in this episode of Adventures in the Bible!
This episode I take a trip in the bible to visit Balaam in the middle of his journey to CURSE the children of Israel! What?? Find out what happens in this weeks story! -
The story of when Samuel anoints David to the be the King of Israel
#biblestories #bible #kidsbiblestories -
I tell my version of the story of David and Goliath… with the help of a few dogs here and there 😬
The introduction to what Adventures in the Bible is going to be.
A YouTube/podcast where I (Todd Napper) tell stories from the Bible.
It will be unscripted, unedited (for the most part) and lots of fun (for me at least😆)
I hope you enjoy! -
I talk to David about him growing up and telling him that no matter what he decides to do that I'll always be there to back him and watch him grow. I read to him a special made book by his mother called "When David Grows Up"
Book was made special by Hooray Heroes. You can find them at www.hoorayheroes.com
Look us up on facebook www.facebook.com/project323media
Also look up FROG Voiceovers at www.facebook.com/frogvoiceovers -
Todd is giving information about the show, why he created it and what his plans for it are.
Need a name and character for the slow voice! Send an email to project323media@gmail.com for your submission!