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In this edition of AI, the guys are joined by hills and hollers brother from right across the border, Justin "Doc" Brown, host of Prometheus Lens Podcast. We discuss our initial thoughts on Trump's attempted assassination, ancient Stargates, CERN, a worldwide global Nephilim network, scriptural gems, the church, and a lot more. This conversation went all over the place but, as usual, it's all connected.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Mr. E and Jay Clone, uhhhh; Jay Clone....ahhh who even knows anymore, join us to talk about their special event they're hosting and putting on, The Ohio Bigfoot Jamboree! They lay out the schedule, location, speakers, perks, and so much more of this event they're putting on. I would definitely encourage yall Hillfolk to get some tickets for this. It's gonna be a banger!
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, we're joined by Brad Lail of The Awakened Podcast. Brad has been making the rounds recently with his experiences and research along the 33rd Parallel. Brad is working on an upcoming documentary on the subject. We also dive into the elite groups that run the world, the gods they worship, their low vibration and frequency, and how we counter all that with love.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Ryan sits down with Garrett Blackburn of the Hit Kit to discuss the Neanderthal Predation Theory. They discuss the flaws in Darwins Theory of Evolution, ancient human predators that could have influenced modern fears, Bigfoot ties, and how it could track biblically.
Check out Garrett here
Use code AIPODCAST to get 20% off merchandise site wide.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Justin and Lance talk about some of the weird things that have been going on in their own lives. Owl sightings and noises are on the uptick....again. Justin also discusses some information that he's received from a past guest on The Confessionals and his encounter in our hometown of Haysi, VA. Your boys are about to get some boots on the ground and do some investigating.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI we dive into our theory that Isaiah 34 may in fact be describing Central Appalachia. It's a wild theory but we've done the research. Be sure to let us know your thoughts.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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The gang's all here! For the first time in forever all the AI guys are back for this one. We talk Ryan finding Jesus, an old man reporting that he'd seen balls of light rising from the rock which holds the carvings in our hometown, and is Isaiah 34 talking about Appalachia? Wide range of conversation here. Yall enjoy!
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Ryan sits down with Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality Podcast, Scott and Sheila Granger of Squatch Fishing Outfitters, and UFO icon Les Durrant, to talk about their huge upcoming event, Befriending Bigfoot. The folks share all kinds of weird encounters and experiences along with just plain ole good conversation.
Befriending Bigfoot Event!!!! https://expandingrealitypodcast.com/events/May 15th-20th - Blairsville Georgia! See you there!!
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Ryan and Lance have a discussion about some of the weird things happening in and around their places of residence. Lance talks about plans for placing another "data center" along with a small nuclear plant to power it in his hometown of Wise, VA. They also talk about some UFO encounters by people in the area. Could the nuclear plant and the uptick of strange sightings be connected?
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Ryan sits down with a great friend of the show, Berton Moran. Berton is a former guest who also creates his own content, Local Legends Berton Moran. Ryan and Berton get into all kinds of weird, current conspiracies, and the state of the world we're living in.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Ryan and Lance chop it up with all kinds of recent weirdness. Lance shares a possible Bigfoot encounter sent his way, and Ryan shares his encounter with what he believes to be a wolf. Wolves aren't supposed to be around here...
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In this edition of AI, we are joined by Justin England, host of Cryptids of the Corn Podcast. We dive into a lot of weird in this one, including, creatures buried underground in the coal fields, personal experiences, and Professor England schools us in weird biology.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad Hill
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In this edition of AI, we are joined by attorney, poet, and author, Professor Derrick Howard. We have the privilege of discussing Derrick's new book, Omnis: Last of Earth. It was a wonderful conversation about the book that led deeper into discussion about human history, society, culture, philosophy, and of course, the weird. If you love Science Fiction, Futuristic Dystopian, kung-fu, action, thriller, with all kinds of twists and turns, this is the book for you. An informative blurb and where you can buy the book will be listed below. Y'all will not regret purchasing this book, diving into it, and having it on your shelves to revisit anytime.
"On Intergalactic Independence Day Earth 2050, Sledge, a reluctant, blind hero, is dragged, kicking, and screaming into a gallant struggle for survival just like you. With only a walking stick and grit as aid, he finds himself in a dystopic universe pitted against celestial beings exploiting the confluence of apex AI, cancer cultures, perpetual acts of genocide, and humankind's irrepressible self-indulgence to exterminate humans for past misdeeds and future crimes. Like you, fate demands Sledge concede if freedom is best achieved by accepting the destiny he shares with all other humans or by continuing to evade it with precious little in hand. This epic, action-packed, Afrofuturistic, sci-fi novel, Omnis: Last Man of Earth, sets forth Sledge's journey as he tangles with celestials, transhumans, aliens, drones, and sentients while beings throughout the universe gather around holoprojectors to wager on Earth's destruction. Will you be a spectator in your self-destruction or a participant in your survival? Read on ... The clock is ticking. Tick, tick, tick ...! What are you going to do?"
https://www.amazon.com/Omnis-Last-Earth-Derrick-Howard/dp/B0CQD54ZRJSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, Ryan sits down with TikTok, Instagram, and Podcast personality, Savannah aka thatwitchuptheholler. Savannah talks about her lifestyle, experiences, and what led to her online presence and content creation. Ryan and Savannah discuss a lot of the weird going in in the world today and in the past.
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https://linktr.ee/thatwitchuptheholler?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=5e22ee9a-57ea-4073-a2c0-99a89fbe669bSupport the show
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PowWow Time with our Siblin Kinfolk on this edition of AI. This is where Patrons sit down for a roundtable discussion of all the weird they've researched or experienced. Each siblin brings a topic and it is then discussed. These are always so much fun and we thank our brothers and sisters for their support.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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In this edition of AI, we welcome a guest, Jace, from Ireland. Jace shares a few experiences she's had throughout her life and discusses some weird with us. Her experiences culminate with a weird connection with AI and the infamous shadow man, Bruno.
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Happy New Year Hillfolk! Y'all made 2023 a blast and we're looking forward to a great 2024! In this edition we begin the new year with Lance sharing some weird experiences he's had recently. We dive into the topics of a sixth sense or clairvoyance, and the alien agenda and what's going on with all these weird alien encounters.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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Merry Christmas Hillfolk! Your hosts have been taking this holiday season to spend time with their families, but we didn't want to go more than two weeks without giving you some content. Since several of you have asked about our adventures with the rediscovered rock carvings, and the Swift Silver Mine, and seeing as our good friend Mark Steeves over at My Family Thinks I'm Crazy Podcast gave us his blessing, we are re-releasing our first episode with him, in which we go into full detail of our Indiana Jonesesque mystery. May you all have a blessed Christmas and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.
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Haysi, VA 24256
Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad Hill
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100th Episode of AI! We've hit the century mark! In this edition of AI we call it way back to our very first episode and talk about the second most important AI, Artificial Intelligence. Mainly, how it's gonna kill us all and take over the world. Ryan shares a weird personal encounter and Lance delivers a couple encounters reported to him. Thanks for being with us for 100 episodes Hillfolk! We love y'all! Here's to 100 more!
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Haysi, VA 24256
Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad HillSupport the show
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This is the latest episode of the reborn Order of the Sword and Staff podcast, wherein the Shadow Appalachia crew talk spiritual warfare, the delay in Shadow Appalachia, share individual strange encounters since standing on the head of the Logan County Serpent Mound a year ago, plans going forward and talk Southern Death Cult symbolism and mythology that seems to be reoccurring among each of us as a number of odd synchronicities. We hadn't talked about many of these things prior as they were happening to each of us, and so connections are made in real-time as we're figuring it out and sharing experiences that will likely shape the direction of Shadow Appalachia, which resumes shooting in March of 24. Join the conversation: / discord Follow S&S on socials: @swordandstafforder Dark Holler Studios work and merch: www.darkhollerstudios.com Appalachian Intelligence pod: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... The Bump Podcast: www.thebumppodcast.com
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