Special Free Bonus Episode Of The Alchemical Tech Revolution Podcast!
I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering. Original broadcast is from mid-2022, edited and remastered.
"Primum Non Nocere" - Hippocrates
Our medical system has fallen a far way from natural healing ideas. Archetypal concepts have been used to steer western medicine into a direction diametrically opposed to what its original intent was. What are the esoteric mythological archetypes being manipulated to shape our medical system?
Please enjoy this special free bonus video episode from the archives as I continue to help my wife recover from surgery.
In this classic episode of "The New Poppycock! Report" (originally broadcast live a few years ago), Rose and I play with an A.I. Art Generator to see what kinds of abominations it would make... The results did not disappoint...
While we are distracted with the Revelation of the Method of the "thawing" of government corruption and the misappropriation of tax dollars, the A.I. agenda is quietly being pursued behind the scenes. What is the real intention and purpose of "StarGate"? What is the hidden occult meaning of it all? Reading from my own book published in 2020, titled, "Cybernetic Messiah: Building The Antichrist System"...
Buy the book here:
Hello friends, apologies for no new releases this week, my wife is recovering from surgery. As a show of appreciation for your support, please enjoy the re-release of this formerly paid subscriber only episode. I hope you find value in it and consider becoming a paid subscriber for just $7.99 per month.
The notion popularized by Nietzsche that, "God is dead..." has been used as a programming motif for the human mind in the modern era... Academic eggheads around the world celebrate the twisted views of Nietzsche as the pinnacle of human thought. What influence has this man had on western civilization?
Hello friends, apologies for no new releases this week, my wife is recovering from surgery. As a show of appreciation for your support, please enjoy the re-release of this formerly paid subscriber only episode. I hope you find value in it and consider becoming a paid subscriber for just $7.99 per month.
Who are The Royal Order Of Jesters, and what has been revealed in the public record about the nature of this organization? An extra-crunchy expose...
Special Free Bonus Episode Of The Alchemical Tech Revolution Podcast!
I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering.
Is the population reduction agenda just some wild conspiracy theory? The Malthusian policies of technocrat shills have had a massive impact upon the world we live in.
Reading from EIR Special Report - "The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy", by Lonnie Wolfe, published March 10, 1981...
What's the endgame of the $500 Billion Stargate A.I. Initiative? How does it relate to the medical system, transhumanism, and the mapping of the human brain? What do vaccines have to do with all of this? The answers may shock you...
Link to peer-reviewed study referenced:
We have been carefully indoctrinated into a system of control so insidious that we cannot even conceive of another way of life. This system was purposely designed and engineered to condition us into accepting and applauding control over us by an "elite" ruling class...
Reading from, "THE BROTHERHOOD AND THE MANIPULATION OF SOCIETY", by Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston ...
Special Free Bonus Episode Of The Alchemical Tech Revolution Podcast!
I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering.
What can we expect from the predicted event called, "Singularity"?
Reading from, "The Singularity Is Near", by Ray Kurzweil...
Who are the secretive group that Luis Elizondo and others claim control UFO information within the intelligence community? Is there an occult connection? What do we know about the family bloodlines of the "Collins Elite"?
Wise Men Still Seek Him!
I want to thank you all for your support, you will never know just how truly appreciated that it is! The Alchemical Tech Revolution will return after a brief holiday break with some new groundbreaking broadcasts!
Happiest of holidays to you and yours, and on Earth, peace and good will to all! May God's abundant blessings be upon you!
What is going on with the sudden outbreak of "mystery
drones" everywhere? What is the UFO research community saying? What does our government know about this? And, most importantly, what AREN'T they telling us? Psyops, secret tech, and esoteric language abound...
It would appear I have a touch of laryngitis this week, so I haven't been able to record a new episode, so, as a result, I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering.
The mystique that surrounds the legend of MJ-12 and the UFO phenomenon has had a massive amount of influence upon ufology culture. But, what hidden motifs underlie the legend?
Reading from, "The Secret Government" by the late, great Milton William Cooper...
Special Free Bonus Episode!
I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering.
1947 was a year of high strangeness, and it had a profound impact on the future state of the world. Was there some kind of rending of the veil of our reality that began to manifest in that year?
Reading from, "Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft - Book One: The Nine", by Peter Levenda...
This episode is a continuation of "Transhumanism's Soul Trap... The Underworld And The Occult Connection..."
We will continue our reading into Tracy Twyman's "Clock Shavings"...
Are we seeing the beginning phases of the "end of time" as encoded in the Great Cross Of Hendaye and hinted at by Fulcanelli in his "Mystery Of The Cathedrals"?
How does this relate to secret societies and transhumanism?
This is another very important broadcast, continuing to build upon the speculations presented in Part 1. I hope you find value and insight in this offering...
Reading from a 1912 lecture by Rudolf Steiner titled, "The Occult Significance Of Blood"...
This may be one of the most important broadcasts that you'll ever hear. What is the true nature of transhumanism, and how does it relate to the occult? What role do the various secret societies and occult fraternities play in the advent of the "beast" system? The answers to these questions challenge our understanding of reality, and point to a spiritual reality that few are comfortable in addressing...
Reading from the 2014 book, "Clock Shavings", by the late Tracy Twyman...
Special Free Bonus Episode!
I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering.
Reading notes pertaining to "Project Blue Beam" from Serge Monast and other contributors...
Join Rose and I as we discuss the political shenanigans, tomfoolery, and outright nonsense that permeates the media on this spooktacular Halloween edition of Poppycock! Making life in ClownWorld slightly more bearable...
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