
  • Sometimes, I stand at the intersection of history and personal narrative, feeling the weight of our collective past as it whispers to the present. In this episode, we're diving into the heart of post-war Austria, exploring the silent stories and untold legacies left in the wake of the nation's history with Nazism.

    As my partner is elsewhere, I stay behind in Vienna, balancing my roles as a partner, protector, and an individual wrestling with societal biases. This isn't just any episode; it's a revelation of the dichotomy between public confession and private sorrow, highlighted by our approaching tenth anniversary together.

    In This Episode:

    The silent narratives of Austria's past and its relationship with Nazism.An open conversation about the subtle racism and microaggressions experienced outside the familiarity of Vienna.The delicate ethics of master-slave relationships, advocating for emotional health within these complex dynamics.Reflections on coping with social anxiety and finding strength in community havens like The Crucible.

    So, make yourself comfortable; this episode is a journey. Whether you're working through your own struggles or seeking a moment of connection, we're in this together. Let's dive in.

    * * * * *

    💜 Join our vibrant Patron community:For the whole experience and to support the stories we share, become a Patron and help keep this podcast going.🤩 Special Thanks to OUR TOP PATRONS:

    Here's to you, our steadfast supporters---you're the pillars that keep us standing.

    Liz ScottTerri Lahmon🥰 SHOUTOUT to my LOYAL CREW:

    You never let me down! You're helping my world spin!

    J StarrAnna T BiddleChristopher BrownAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectKathleen MelchAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)Stephanie Shernicoff Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Producer's Note: Mo is off in parts unknown while I tend to her podcast houseplants. She'll be back soon, but until then, here's a great episode from just over a year ago!

    The title says it all. Saddle up, students, we're going to answer some questions from someone who's been interested in peeking into the world of BDSM. This is a good jumping off point if you're interested in seeing what it's about.

    Complete with optional reading:

    BDSM Checklist

    Different Loving

    The Ultimate Guide to Kink


    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Hello new peeps that heard Part 1 of our conversation on Dixie's podcast! 👋

    As I said last time, you are in for a treat (but you already knew that after listening to part 1!). We're talking more about Craigslist Casual encounters—the freaky, the funny, and Dixie's fabulous "worst sex ever" story.

    Links and Resources: 

    kinkdoula.comPatreonMore from Dixie De La Tour



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.



    Liz Scott Terri Lahmon

    💜 PATRONS:

    J Starr Anna T Biddle Christopher Brown Amy Willaert James R Potyraj Marshall Flax Haddayr Copley-Woods Scott J Marty Wilder Meg Baca JP Robichaud aeric meredith-goujon KillerB1973 Sara Leiste Esther The Adipositivity Project Kathleen Melch Andrea DK Green (aka DK Leather) Stephanie Shernicoff 

    🥚 WELCOME N00b:

    Joanna Spencer Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When the two of us get together, you know it's about to get rowdy.

    Today I welcome one of my favorite people in the whole multiverse, the Prime Minister of Storytelling (I coined that), The Empress of Tea, the one and only, Dixie De La Tour.

    As you'll see in this episode, she is quite the storyteller. In fact, that's her whole life—you can check out her work (and podcast) at bawdystorytelling.com.

    On this episode, though, we talk about the wonderful, crazy world of Craigslist Casual Encounters (RIP). You'll hear about Dave the Ass Eater, 9/11, the Phive Page Phallus Portfolio, the "doctor bag", why Casual Encounters was good for women, the time I used a guy's card to extend my stay at a hotel (alone)....suffice it to say, this is a hell of an episode.


    Links and Resources: 

    kinkdoula.comPatreonMore from Dixie De La Tour



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.



    Liz Scott Terri Lahmon

    💜 PATRONS:

    J Starr Anna T Biddle Christopher Brown Amy Willaert James R Potyraj Marshall Flax Haddayr Copley-Woods Scott J Marty Wilder Meg Baca JP Robichaud aeric meredith-goujon KillerB1973 Sara Leiste Esther The Adipositivity Project Kathleen Melch Andrea DK Green (aka DK Leather) Stephanie Shernicoff 

    🥚 WELCOME N00b:

    Joanna Spencer Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ever been in a room where it feels like everyone's judging you, even when you're just being yourself? In this episode, I open up about the emotional turbulence that hit me after attending a leather contest over Labor Day weekend. While I've worn many titles—from Miss San Francisco Leather to International Miss Leather—I've always strived to remain authentic. But what happens when our authenticity is met with superficiality? Dive in as I, along with my Spouse Meister, navigate the stormy seas of a community we once called home.


    In This Episode: 

    My emotional unease after a month-long hiatus and the backstory behind it.The glitz and glam of leather contests and the weight of the titles.My Spouse Meister's inspiration to dive into the Master Slave contest.Unpacking a past feud with Taino and how it cast a shadow over the recent event.Reliving past grievances: the unpaid airfare and a social media debacle.Navigating negative energies and feeling like outsiders in a community we love.The significance of "dressage" and why a genuine Master-Slave relationship goes beyond mere display.Reflecting on self-worth, authenticity, and the lessons from my leather mom, Vi.A rejuvenating retreat in upstate New York with Barbara Carellas.A shoutout to the Carter Johnson leather library and the need to document our histories.



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.



    Liz Scott Terri Lahmon

    💜 PATRONS:

    J Starr Anna T Biddle Christopher Brown Amy Willaert James R Potyraj Marshall Flax Haddayr Copley-Woods Scott J Marty Wilder Meg Baca JP Robichaud aeric meredith-goujon KillerB1973 Sara Leiste Esther The Adipositivity Project Kathleen Melch Andrea DK Green (aka DK Leather) Stephanie Shernicoff 

    🥚 WELCOME N00b:

    Joanna Spencer

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • **Oh, before you dive into this treasure trove of wisdom and whimsy, I must warn you about a little hiccup in the audio quality. Yep, our tech gremlins were out to play! 😅 But don't fret, my dear listeners. Just consider it a quirky character trait of this episode. I promise the content will more than make up for the little audio blips.**

    What happens when a one-off blog post accidentally turns into a brutally honest book? And what's more—pepper in a helping of non-monogamy, extreme sports, and personal growth.

    In this episode of "All That MO," meet "Adam". He's a lifelong friend, an adrenaline junkie, and the anonymous author of "Seek the Risk." Adam talks about his journey making a poly relationship public—it's brutally honest, truthful, and real.

    From humorous insights to complex hurt, deep healing and deep emotions, we explore it all. So grab your favorite cup of tea and join us as we explore life philosophies, relationship dynamics, power exchange, and much more.

    "Adam" has a fabulous offer for my loyal listeners—for a FREE ebook of Seek The Risk, send him an email at adam@seektherisk.net and tell him you heard him on All That and Mo. The offer's only valid for 3 weeks (through September 9) so jump on it while you can!


    Links and Resources: 

    Brad Wetzler - Writing CoachFree eBook: Email the authorSeek the Risk Website



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Tauni the Mostly Harmless

    Brittany Jenkins

    Minnow & blossom

    Joanna Spencer

    J Starr

    Anna T Biddle

    Amy Willaert

    James R Potyraj

    Marshall Flax

    Haddayr Copley-Woods

    Scott J

    Marty Wilder

    Meg Baca

    JP Robichaud

    aeric meredith-goujon


    Sara Leiste


    The Adipositivity Project


    DK Green (aka DK Leather)

    Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, we travel through personal reflections, pop culture delights, and the hard truths of controversy. Ever felt heartbroken over a cartoon or a song? Ever stood at the crossroads of your personal experiences and a high-profile celebrity scandal? Grab your favorite comfort item and join me as we explore it all together.

    I share with you the exhaustion and privilege of travel, my teaching experiences in Vienna, decisions in the kink community, and how the essence of home resides in relationships. We'll also delve into relationship appreciation, our love for "Steven Universe," and a very personal take on the current Lizzo controversy. Wrapping up with hope for Lizzo, the joy of creation, and a love-filled message of self-care and connection, complete with hydration reminders and emotive love sent your way. 💜


    Links and Resources: 

    "Steven Universe": Available on Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Cartoon Network.



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Tauni the Mostly Harmless

    Brittany Jenkins

    Minnow & blossom

    Joanna Spencer

    J Starr

    Anna T Biddle

    Amy Willaert

    James R Potyraj

    Marshall Flax

    Haddayr Copley-Woods

    Scott J

    Marty Wilder

    Meg Baca

    JP Robichaud

    aeric meredith-goujon


    Sara Leiste


    The Adipositivity Project


    DK Green (aka DK Leather)

    Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ever wondered how the worlds of spirituality, sexuality, and the corporate landscape might intertwine? Join us as we journey into the "Summer of Love" season!

    In this invigorating episode, we delve into the profound, exploring Rebecca's transformative experiences intertwining spirituality and sexuality. As for me, I dive into the heartwarming tale of how I came to be known as the "Kink Doula", offering healing and sensation rediscovery, after an epiphany during an Urban Tantra event in London.

    From drawing wisdom from kink and sexuality to pondering the impact of our love languages—both in personal relationships and the corporate world—our dialogue is both enlightening and relatable. Rebecca poses the soul-searching question, "Who are you being?", urging us to contemplate the essence of our beings beyond mere professions.

    As we introspect on our professional journeys and personal growth, we cannot help but delve deep into the importance of genuine relationships and self-awareness.

    Curious to learn more? You can connect with the insightful Rebecca via her websites rebeccalowrie.com and sexualalchemy.com or on social media as @rebeccalowrie.


    Links and Resources: 

    Rebecca Lowrie's website: Sexual AlchemyBook Mention: "Body Mind" by Ken DychwaldKink Doula Consultation




    Massive thanks to my loyal Patrons who make these heart-to-heart talks possible! 💜 Join this wonderful community here to support our mission.


    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Tauni the Mostly Harmless

    Brittany Jenkins

    Minnow & blossom

    Joanna Spencer

    J Starr

    Anna T Biddle

    Amy Willaert

    James R Potyraj

    Marshall Flax

    Haddayr Copley-Woods

    Scott J

    Marty Wilder

    Meg Baca

    JP Robichaud

    aeric meredith-goujon


    Sara Leiste


    The Adipositivity Project


    DK Green (aka DK Leather)

    Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I'm here at the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar in yet another lecture—this time about taboo play. What does "taboo" even mean? How can we discover our limits—and those of our partners? How can exploring what scares or unsettles us help us learn about ourselves? Listen to this episode for all this and more.



    Massive thanks to my Patrons for making this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Healthy Life

    Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Elizabeth Scott

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! 

    Tauni the Mostly HarmlessBrittany JenkinsMinnow & blossomJoanna SpencerJ StarrAnna T BiddleAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)
    Stephanie Shernicoff Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today's episode, we're embarking on part 2 of my third lecture in my riveting lecture series, "Shy Freaks: BDSM for the Introvert." So, buckle up as we continue our deep dive into the intimate world of introverts in BDSM. Make sure to listen to part 1!

    Join me in redefining the narrative around our social anxieties, shifting from fear to self-awareness, and celebrating the beauty of our authentic selves in the journey of love and acceptance.




    Massive thanks to my Patrons for making this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Healthy Life

    Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Elizabeth Scott

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! 

    Tauni the Mostly HarmlessBrittany JenkinsMinnow & blossomJoanna SpencerJ StarrAnna T BiddleAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)Stephanie Shernicoff Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today's episode, we're embarking on part 1 of my third lecture in my riveting lecture series, "Shy Freaks: BDSM for the Introvert." So, buckle up as we continue our deep dive into the intimate world of introverts in BDSM.

    Join me in redefining the narrative around our social anxieties, shifting from fear to self-awareness, and celebrating the beauty of our authentic selves in the journey of love and acceptance.




    Massive thanks to my Patrons for making this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Healthy Life

    Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Elizabeth Scott

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! 

    Tauni the Mostly HarmlessBrittany JenkinsMinnow & blossomJoanna SpencerJ StarrAnna T BiddleAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)Stephanie Shernicoff Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome back!

    In today's episode, we're embarking on part two of the riveting lecture series, "Shy Freaks: BDSM for the Introvert." So, buckle up as we continue our deep dive into the intimate world of introverts in BDSM. Make sure to listen to part 1!

    Join me in redefining the narrative around our social anxieties, shifting from fear to self-awareness, and celebrating the beauty of our authentic selves in the journey of love and acceptance.


    Massive thanks to my Patrons for making this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Healthy Life

    Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Elizabeth Scott

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! 

    Tauni the Mostly HarmlessBrittany JenkinsMinnow & blossomJoanna SpencerJ StarrAnna T BiddleAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)
    Stephanie Shernicoff
    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today's episode, we're diving into the first part of one such lecture, called "Shy Freaks: BDSM for the Introvert." Ready to join the ride with me? Let's get started!

    Join me in redefining the narrative around our social anxieties, shifting from fear to self-awareness, and celebrating the beauty of our authentic selves in the journey of love and acceptance.


    Massive thanks to my Patrons for making this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Healthy Life

    Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Elizabeth Scott

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! 

    Tauni the Mostly HarmlessBrittany JenkinsMinnow & blossomJoanna SpencerJ StarrAnna T BiddleAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)Stephanie Shernicoff Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On today’s episode, join me, Mollena Lee Williams-Haas, and my friend Rebecca Lowrie, a “sexual alchemist” helping successful, spiritually curious men to explore and embrace their full, true selves through conscious sexuality.

    We begin by discussing how our perception of time changes as we age, leading to a conversation about personal growth and the importance of stability during periods of significant change. I share my journey towards starting my own consulting business and my new venture, Kink Doula, a service that provides coaching, mentoring, and more to those exploring their desires and relationships.

    We delve into the world of kink and BDSM, discussing the importance of self-negotiation and psychological intimacy. We also explore the concept of "contra sexuality," which involves safely exploring darker, non-normative sexual fantasies. We also touch on the potential benefits of exploring darker fantasies—and how doing that could potentially lead to some harm reduction.

    And just saying, if someone wants to bank roll our cult, you know where to find me. 😉(for legal reasons that is a joke)

    Join us for this heartfelt and honest conversation about self-love, acceptance, and embracing your true self.

    Links and Resources:

    Leon the LobsterKink DoulaComplimentary Class: "What The Heck Kind of Pervert Are You?"Rebecca Lowrie's Instagram

    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.

    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo! Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Tauni the Mostly Harmless

    Brittany Jenkins

    Minnow & blossom

    Joanna Spencer

    J Starr

    Anna T Biddle

    Amy Willaert

    James R Potyraj

    Marshall Flax

    Haddayr Copley-Woods

    Scott J

    Marty Wilder

    Meg Baca

    JP Robichaud

    aeric meredith-goujon


    Sara Leiste


    The Adipositivity Project


    DK Green (aka DK Leather)

    Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever wondered what happens when cultural differences, sexual liberation, and a daring sense of adventure collide? In this second part of this double-header episode, I take you on a journey through my explorations in the diverse world of BDSM. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene settings of Vienna, I've come across compelling stories that underscore the necessity of diversity and inclusivity within our spaces.

    Our conversation today delves into a class I taught on edge play, risky scenes, and race play, and how these elements intertwine in fascinating and challenging ways. There's also a chat on weaponizing privilege for good, the concept of the "Observer Effect," and the remarkable impact of advocating for disability access within our communities.



    A heartfelt thank you to my wonderful Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Tauni the Mostly Harmless

    Brittany Jenkins

    Minnow & blossom

    Joanna Spencer

    J Starr

    Anna T Biddle

    Amy Willaert

    James R Potyraj

    Marshall Flax

    Haddayr Copley-Woods

    Scott J

    Marty Wilder

    Meg Baca

    JP Robichaud

    aeric meredith-goujon


    Sara Leiste


    The Adipositivity Project


    DK Green (aka DK Leather)

    Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ever wondered what it's like to teach sexuality classes in Vienna, or to embrace your authentic sexual self amidst societal judgments? Recorded while touring Europe with my Spousemeister Georg Friedrich Haas, I share my recent lecture at the Vienna Art Institute, where I was invited to share on topics around sex, alternative sexuality, race, and gender issues. We'll dive into my upbringing, my first exposure to alternative sexuality, and the crucial role consent has played in my relationships.

    Additionally, I touch on my experiences as a black woman in the BDSM community, discussing racial misunderstandings and misconceptions. We'll tackle topics such as consent, the importance of language, and the self-care benefits of BDSM lifestyle.

    So, whether you're a kink veteran or just curious about what it all means, join me in this episode for an exploration of sexual freedom, acceptance, and the art of living authentically.





    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! Tauni the Mostly Harmless Brittany Jenkins Minnow & blossom Joanna Spencer J Starr Anna T Biddle Amy Willaert James R Potyraj Marshall Flax Haddayr Copley-Woods Scott J Marty Wilder Meg Baca JP Robichaud aeric meredith-goujon KillerB1973 Sara Leiste Esther The Adipositivity Project Andrea DK Green (aka DK Leather) Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How do we maintain resilience and stay upright when life's a whirlwind, and we're Daffy Duck with his little legs twirling around? Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm in it with you, and today we'll commiserate together.

    This past fortnight has been a whirlwind, and honestly, I'm barely hanging in there. I don't have the energy to pull together a typical deep-dive discussion, so I've asked my amazing producer, Cody, to dig into our vaults and air a past episode.

    See you soon ~ 💜 Mo 



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! Join them here to support my work.


    Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME! Tauni the Mostly Harmless Brittany Jenkins Minnow & blossom Joanna Spencer J Starr Anna T Biddle Amy Willaert James R Potyraj Marshall Flax Haddayr Copley-Woods Scott J Marty Wilder Meg Baca JP Robichaud aeric meredith-goujon KillerB1973 Sara Leiste Esther The Adipositivity Project Andrea DK Green (aka DK Leather) Stephanie Shernicoff

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ever wondered what it's like traveling the world as an artistic couple? The adventure, the hiccups, and the hilarity of it all?

    In this episode, I, and my beloved Spousemeister, delve into our recent travel experiences. From the bustle of Budapest and Vienna, dealing with unexpected dilemmas, to losing some of our belongings – the journey has been full of surprises.

    We explore the cultural and historical tapestry of Prague, share our experiences of being a dynamic couple in the arts scene, and our journey to a place of mutual understanding and respect as collaborators.




    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    🤩 VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    Healthy Life

    😎 Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    Elizabeth Scott

    🌟 Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Brittany JenkinsMinnow & blossomJoanna SpencerJ StarrAnna T BiddleAmy WillaertJames R PotyrajMarshall FlaxHaddayr Copley-WoodsScott JMarty WilderMeg BacaJP Robichaudaeric meredith-goujonKillerB1973Sara LeisteEstherThe Adipositivity ProjectAndreaDK Green (aka DK Leather)Stephanie Shernicoff Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Can you imagine holding onto a pebble of pain, rubbing it smooth over years, like a worry stone? In today's episode, we dive deep into the uncharted territory of emotional pain—how we deal with it, why we hold onto it, and how we might begin to let it go.

    I share some personal experiences around this topic, from the lingering pain of unresolved family issues to my spouse's past, and how it all intersects with my own hypervigilance and perpetual anxiety. I reflect on the value of having friends who are older and how observing their handling of life's ups and downs informs my perspective.

    There's an exploration of the irony of seeking physical pain in kink while shying away from emotional pain, and a deep dive into the theme of self-sabotage—our baffling tendency to undermine our own success.

    In a world that often discourages expressing negative emotions, learning to listen to our pain can be a radical act of self-love and healing. So join me as we journey into the heart of pain, and, perhaps, come out stronger on the other side.


    Links and Resources: 

    Work with me at KinkDoula.comUpcoming events



    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    🤩Healthy Life - VIP Dope Ass Mofo!

    😎 Elizabeth Scott - Supastar Ride-Or-Die!

    🌟 Shimmering In The Firmament of AWESOME!

    Tauni the Mostly Harmless

    Brittany Jenkins

    Minnow & blossom

    Joanna Spencer

    J Starr

    Anna T Biddle

    Amy Willaert

    James R Potyraj

    Marshall Flax

    Also thanks to:

    Haddayr Copley-Woods, Scott J, Marty Wilder, Meg Baca, JP Robichaudaeric, meredith-goujon, KillerB1973, Sara Leiste, Esther, The Adipositivity Project, Andrea, DK Green (aka DK Leather), Stephanie Shernicoff

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever caught yourself in a spiral of self-criticism and negativity? That's where I found myself in this episode, battling with the guilt of missed work commitments and the exhaustion in the aftermath of COVID-19.

    In this deeply personal reflection, I talk about my struggle with high expectations for myself, my battle with emotional perfectionism since childhood, and how I've grappled with the fear of disappointing others. It's been a tough journey, but I've had some pretty amazing people by my side, and I want to take a moment to appreciate them and the accomplishments I've made along the way.

    I also share the challenges of healthcare, the absurdity of American healthcare costs, and some frustrating experiences trying to get medication for a three-week trip to Europe. Plus, I dive into my new consulting venture, Kink Doula, and the scheduling issues that have come up.

    But it's not all hardship and struggle. There are moments of self-love and acceptance, of recognizing the beauty in our imperfections and the miracles of our lives. Join me as I take a moment to step back, breathe, and appreciate the miracle of being alive.

    Links and Resources:

    My new consulting venture 'Kink Doula'


    Thank you so much to my loyal Patrons who make this show possible! 💜 Join them here to support my work.


    Liz Scott Terri Lahmon

    💜 PATRONS:

    J Starr Anna T Biddle Christopher Brown Amy Willaert James R Potyraj Marshall Flax Haddayr Copley-Woods Scott J Marty Wilder Meg Baca JP Robichaud aeric meredith-goujon KillerB1973 Sara Leiste Esther The Adipositivity Project Kathleen Melch Andrea DK Green (aka DK Leather) Stephanie Shernicoff 

    🥚 WELCOME N00b:

    Joanna Spencer Get bonus content on Patreon

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/all-that-and-mo.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.