#333 - The Angry Chicken: “Halfway to Evil” by Garrett Weinzierl
The Angry Chicken Special Edition: Seiko & Grandmasters by Garrett Weinzierl
#332 - The Angry Chicken: “Tomb Raider” by Garrett Weinzierl
Let’s Talk About Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker teaser from D23 2019!
Let's Talk About Star Wars is on Patreon! If you'd like to support the trio head on over to Patreon.com/letstalkaboutstarwars.
If you would like to send a message to the crew you may do so using feedback@letstalkaboutstarwars.com.
Thanks to the Andrew Allen Trio for our intro and outro music. You can find more of their work at http://andrewallentrio.com/music/ and grab their Star Wars tribute album on iTunes. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/live!-from-cantina-star-wars/id1029680150
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RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/letstalkaboutstarwars -
Your BlizzCon revealed, at least in art form. Mecha Tyrael is your Heroes of the Storm Ambassador, and Kyle and Garrett are here to cast their hopes and predictions into the internet aether. The dudes also give you the rundown of blue post and a big meta breakdown since the balance patch. Thank you to our sponsor Hello Fresh! For $80 off your first month of HelloFresh, go to HelloFresh.com/nexus80 and enter nexus80.
Be sure to check out this episode’s sponsor, Bombas. Buy your Bombas socks at http://bombas.com/nexus, and get twenty percent off your first purchase.
Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon! If you would like to help support the show go to http://Patreon.com/ITN. The ITN Patrons are responsible for many improvements to the podcast including the addition of monthly contributers like NotParadox.
Don't forget to check out the ITN subreddit at ITNcast.reddit.com to submit stories or upvote existing submissions. Follow http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at YouTube.com/amovetv.
Into the Nexus is a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction.
http://youtube.com/amovetv -
#331 - The Angry Chicken: “Taking Lackeys to the Zoo” by Garrett Weinzierl
Let’s Talk About Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge one more time! But this time, the one at Disney World!
Let's Talk About Star Wars is on Patreon! If you'd like to support the trio head on over to Patreon.com/letstalkaboutstarwars.
If you would like to send a message to the crew you may do so using feedback@letstalkaboutstarwars.com.
Thanks to the Andrew Allen Trio for our intro and outro music. You can find more of their work at http://andrewallentrio.com/music/ and grab their Star Wars tribute album on iTunes. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/live!-from-cantina-star-wars/id1029680150
Get Let's Talk About Star Wars
Download Let's Talk About Star Wars MP3
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/letstalkaboutstarwars
Show Notes -
#285 - Into the Nexus: “Putting the HOT in HOTS” by Garrett Weinzierl
This week on The Angry Chicken Garrett and Joce cover the post-nerf meta, the upcoming single player content Tombs of Terror, dive into Aggro Warrior, and take your Crazy Game Story and an email. Enjoy!
Today’s episode is sponsored by Honey and MeUndies! Honey is a free browser extension that saves you money everywhere you shop online. Get Honey for free at https://JoinHoney.com/tac. To get your 15% off your first pair, free shipping, and a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, go to MeUndies.com/tac.
Looking to support The Angry Chicken? The best way is by becoming a Patron at http://Patreon.com/tac. Thanks for the support!
You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow the show on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/amovetv. Amove has a Battle.net social group as well.
The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTzg4x6xFRQxB03xdVR8Ak236JmxeN5XOI3YAwpT8SXUwCrhtvYUrjjpmESEK5x77aFwhtxNV2S3D4I/pub -
#284 - Into the Nexus: “Just Pick Jaina” by Garrett Weinzierl
This week on The Angry Chicken Garrett and Joce cover Grandmasters Season 2, Patch 15.0.4, and Mike Donais’ impromptu Q&A. The episode wraps up with an interview about the history of Zephrys with Hearthstone Designer Chadd “Celestalon” Nervig! Enjoy!
Today’s episode is sponsored by Harry’s. TAC listeners can redeem their trial set from Harry’s by visiting harrys.com/tac.
Looking to support The Angry Chicken? The best way is by becoming a Patron at http://Patreon.com/tac. Thanks for the support!
You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow the show on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/amovetv. Amove has a Battle.net social group as well.
The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTX4WFx-G9ckPKNrvf6oZpg2zv5xvkU7lUGmE939gp_wQJMhhW_9ya_LEvE-2236JEI2D0ZSpdN9FmJ/pub -
Garrett and Kyle are back to bring you the hot HOTS’ness from around the web. We got that Bronze Update and it's as complicated and mysterious as our initial predictions had suspected. We also get a preview at an incoming Nova updated. Next, we break down a recent Tower Priority post into an educational run down on why you should use you summons and perhaps try to sell you on playing Johanna. Finished off with your emails and more!
Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon! If you would like to help support the show go to
http://Patreon.com/ITN. The ITN Patrons are responsible for many improvements to the podcast including the addition of monthly contributers like NotParadox.
Don't forget to check out the ITN subreddit at ITNcast.reddit.com to submit stories or upvote existing submissions. Follow http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at YouTube.com/amovetv.
Into the Nexus is a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction.
http://youtube.com/amovetv -
This week on The Angry Chicken Garrett and Joce tackle Tombs of Terror, nerf rumors, and Masters Tour results before diving into Quest Druid, and taking a Crazy Game Story and you emails.
Today’s episode is sponsored by BarkBox and Harry’s. For a free extra month of BarkBox, visit barkbox.com/barkingchicken when you subscribe to a 6 or 12 month plan! TAC listeners can redeem their trial set from Harry’s by visiting harrys.com/tac.
Looking to support The Angry Chicken? The best way is by becoming a Patron at http://Patreon.com/tac. Thanks for the support!
You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow the show on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/amovetv. Amove has a Battle.net social group as well.
The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRWWGmBImtjIE3HLfFrNwT7ZsfuQY_ooI8nIcYFw28i6_q4Q3KnV7HECyvu0wZ1qCGYSuw7uGY0b70i/pub -
Hot show, hot fix! Garrett and Kyle bring you a fresh rundown of everything happening in the Nexus including the developing poke meta and a brand spanking new Li Ming build to enjoy. Garrett is all about that Malthael and Kyle has been playing tons of Stitches. Qhira bug fix means a nerf and we got a sneak peak at the upcoming Whitemane update. Your emails and more, makes this a complete Into the Nexus for your listening pleasure.
This episode is sponsored by Away luggage at awaytravel.com/nexus! Enjoy the promo nexus at checkout.
Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon! If you would like to help support the show go to http://Patreon.com/ITN. The ITN Patrons are responsible for many improvements to the podcast including the addition of monthly contributers like NotParadox.
Don't forget to check out the ITN subreddit at ITNcast.reddit.com to submit stories or upvote existing submissions. Follow http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at YouTube.com/amovetv.
Into the Nexus is a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction.
http://youtube.com/amovetv -
This week on The Angry Chicken Garrett and Joce are joined by Cora “Songbird” Georgiou to talk about her new job on the Final Design Team, the state of Hearthstone esports, the Saviors of Uldum meta, and take an email about what we’d like the next Hearthstone event to be!
This episode is sponsored by Away Travel and MeUndies. For some amazing Away luggage use the code TAC20 for $20 off your order. To get your 15% off your first pair of MeUndies, free shipping, and a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, go to MeUndies.com/tac.
Looking to support The Angry Chicken? The best way is by becoming a Patron at http://Patreon.com/tac. Thanks for the support!
You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow the show on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/amovetv. Amove has a Battle.net social group as well.
The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-zSGC3NlRsr5nOS9mmq5l27CNVZVUkRxnyT7ovENMnmiTCRJqBHKT1qtIzOp9HR3Xt1QhwQs0rA5q/pub -
A big week for Heroes and we’ve got you covered. Garrett and Kyle dissect all the big news including Qhira release, Storm League Season 1 launch and the Developer AMA on reddit. The ranked points are unknown, the system is new, we have at the options for the future and the guys break it down. We also know the new rank distribution. All factors considered, the cadence is great and makes us feel good about the future of Heroes of the Storm.
Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon!
If you would like to help support the show go to http://Patreon.com/ITN. The ITN Patrons are responsible for many improvements to the podcast including the addition of monthly contributers like NotParadox.
Don't forget to check out the ITN subreddit at ITNcast.reddit.com to submit stories or upvote existing submissions. Follow http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at YouTube.com/amovetv.
Into the Nexus is a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction.
http://youtube.com/amovetv -
This week on The Angry Chicken Garrett and Joce are joined by Alex “Raven” Baguley to wrap up the final Saviors of Uldum card reviews! Join them for reviews and final expansion thoughts!
Today’s episode is sponsored by HelloFresh! If you’re hungry, for a total of $80 off, ($20 off your first 4 boxes), visit HelloFresh.com/tac80 and enter the code TAC80.
Looking to support The Angry Chicken? The best way is by becoming a Patron at http://Patreon.com/tac. Thanks for the support!
You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow the show on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/amovetv. Amove has a Battle.net social group as well.
The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRgHf9g600blFsY5bMf4rqH3wHX72wXGz2DATzQgNNKz8iGEnESU-OHJVSjmHBcw00Gdi6aH5eAfRsY/pub -
#280 - Into the Nexus: “Revolving Sweep the Leg” by Garrett Weinzierl
Jhow joins the show to drop knowledge and teach you how to RIP IT with maximum efficiency. With Garrett on vacation, Kyle leads you through coverage of the Movement Speed statements from the AMA and into a hefty, crunchy strategy segment with our special guest. Tanks, soak, supports and hopes for the 2019 Christmas update, it’s all here in a very special episode.
Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon! If you would like to help support the show go to http://Patreon.com/ITN. The ITN Patrons are responsible for many improvements to the podcast including the addition of monthly contributers like NotParadox.
Don't forget to check out the ITN subreddit at ITNcast.reddit.com to submit stories or upvote existing submissions. Follow http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at YouTube.com/amovetv.
Into the Nexus is a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction.
Get ITN Shownotes:
http://youtube.com/amovetv - もっと表示する