Il Podcast della ScuolaNonScuola raccoglie le registrazioni audio dei corsi e delle conferenze tenute da Pier Giorgio Caselli. Il tema dominante è l'uomo e la sua evoluzione, e viene trasmesso in discorsi spontanei attraverso molteplici punti di vista: la meditazione profonda, l'alchimia spirituale, gli stati profondi di coscienza, la divina commedia, la poesia e l'arte come cammino iniziatico, l'elevazione della qualità delle relazioni che viviamo, i sogni lucidi e il Bardo, la fisica moderna, lo sviluppo della creatività e delle capacità intuitive ecc.
Sanskrit Recitations from the Works of Adiguru Shankaracharya. Listen to recitations of Stotras, of Sanskrit Hymns, of Adiguru Shankaracharya. Shri Shankara is the most important Indian Philosopher-Saint. He was the Master-Exponent of Kevala Advaita Vedanta. But he was also a Bhakta, a devotee. He composed many hymns in devotion to Shiva, Krishna, Devi.
These are recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. -
Hi, my name is Ava and I’m delighted to offer you “Functional Spirituality”.
I invite you to integrate critical thinking into your heart, mystical and faith-based practices. I use an academic approach to investigate the roots of yoga and spirituality. I aim to reduce the dogma that has rendered so many schools and practices ineffective - and strange AF.
Spirituality has a history of disempowering the individual, worshiping the guru or priest, without question. In this podcast, I aim to elevate the conversation around spirituality.
I want to EMPOWER the meditator and yogi, and debunk the idea that the ‘ancient gurus’ had it all right. This places the power back in our hands, to live directly from our own experience.
I hope you enjoy this collection of guided meditations, retreat talks and conversations.
For Q&A questions, topic suggestions email Ava at functionalspiritualityretreat@gmail.com
Follow Functional Spirituality at @functionalspirituality and follow our Yoga Studio at @spandaschool -
Inspired by the desire to reclaim our collective birthright of deep rest, author and spiritual teacher Tracee Stanley explores tools, practices, and techniques that lead to deep rest. She shares her candid conversations with inspiring teachers and thought leaders about the power of rest, lucid dreaming, yoga nidra, self-care, napping as a path to liberation, restorative yoga, and sleep. Tracee is the best-selling author of Radiant Rest and The Luminous Self. She lives in Northern New Mexico, where she leads rest and writing retreats.
Music Composition by Baron Rinzler on Season 1. Season 2 Muci and composition by Baron Rinzler and Edwin "Pupa" Santiago. Season 2, produced by Edgard Rivera -
Nexus Arcanum nasce con l’intento di creare un portale di informazione non solo esoterica, ma anche storica e antropologica, che aiuti a sbrogliare la complicata matassa di informazioni, spesso parziali, presenti sul web. Con questo obiettivo in mente, ci siamo ampliati con un podcast, che ha ormai superato il centinaio di puntate, nel quale negli anni abbiamo ospitato diversi argomenti e voci, per parlare di esoterismo, spiritualità, magia, storia delle religioni e aspetti antropologici inerenti.
قراءة صوتية لكتاب المختصر في تفسير القرآن الكريم في أحدث طبعاته | إصدار مركز تفسير للدراسات القرآنية
ليكون عوناً لكل الراغبين في استماع الكتاب، ورافداً لقراءته ودراسته في المعاهد والمدارس
:تلاوة الآيات برواية حفص عن عاصم، بصوت المقرئ الشيخ
صابر عبدالحكم
:قراءة صوتية لتفسير جميع السور بصوت الأستاذ
عبدالرحمن الشايع
تم تسجيل كتاب المختصر بدعم من أوقاف نورة الملاحي جزاهم الله خيراً
كما تم تسجيل المصحف بدعم ورعاية كريمة من برنامج عبدالرحمن بن عبدالله الموسى لخدمة المجتمع جزاهم الله خيراً
جميع الحقوق محفوظة © ٢٠٢١ | مركز تفسير للدراسات القرآنية
للتواصل: info@tafsir.net -
Benvenuta/o! Questo podcast è rivolto alle anime in cammino nella propria spiritualità e contiene episodi su vari argomenti del mondo celtico, di quello Nativo europeo e delle nostre tradizioni antiche.
Puoi trovarmi su Instagram e Facebook come @laviadelfuoco se ti fa piacere restare in contatto ☘️
Scopri l'accademia celtica, i corsi e i regali per te sul mio sito Www.laviadelfuoco.com/accademiaceltica -