I’m sharing some of the videos that are part of the Workshop so you can get a better idea of just what it’s like, and the type of insight I share with every member who joins to write with me.
The next Personal Statement Workshop will be January 3-28, 2022. You can get your spot at applicationinsider.co/personal-statement-workshop or through the link in the show notes. This is the last Workshop I’ll be running before the Spring 2022 Match, so if you need help writing now is the best opportunity to get in on it. You’ll still be done with several weeks to go before the deadline, so you can then focus your attention to other sections of the application, knowing that the big, bad personal statement is done and ready to go.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. The Workshop Welcome video, so you hear exactly what you can expect when you join
2. All my insights on answering the first personal statement question
3. An example of a Workshop Q&A session
Use all the info I shared in this episode to nail your response to that first question: Why do you want to enter the dietetics profession? I mean, you just got a ton of insight about answering that question with flying colors. If you want the visual aspect of it, follow the link in the show notes to watch the video too.
Then, if you liked that guidance, and want help with all the other questions, check out the link in the show notes to see if the Personal Statement Workshop will be a good fit for you. We start in less than 1 week, on January 3, so be sure to grab your spot if it’s what you’re looking for! I can’t wait to write with you!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Watch the Sneak Peek video
Write with me in the January Personal Statement Workshop
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
So many students have questions about what it’s like to apply to, or be in, one dietetics program or another. I see these questions posted in online groups all the time. And it makes sense! Hearing from someone who is right now where you want to be, an intern in a program you might apply to, is a great way to gain perspective and insight.
But as I saw these posts, I started wondering, “What if there was a central location students could access to hear about other students’ and interns’ experiences?” Why does everyone looking for this information have to create their own social media post??
And thus, the Program Review Database was born!
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. How you can access the Program Review Database
2. The information you can get in the Database to learn about programs
3. What you can do to make the Database an even better resource for dietetics students
Check out the Program Review Database for yourself! Learn about programs from other dietetics students and get their perspective about the interactions they’ve had. Then, bookmark the survey so you can share your own insights about your experience applying to or going through a program yourself. The only way this database can get better is with your contributions!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Add your name to the Personal Statement Workshop Waitlist
Check out the Program Review Database
Submit your review of a DI program you applied to or where you’re an intern
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Episode 56: Interview with Tammy Keighran
My guest today is Tammy Keighran. Tammy is in the middle of working on her application, and getting ready to apply in the Spring 2022 Match. She is sharing the path of “bread crumbs” she’s following that has led her to this perfectly fitting career. I know so many other students have their own meandering journeys that have brought them to dietetics!
Tammy has some great insights to share from the progress she has made on her application so far. She happens to be in the current session of Master Your Match, and is getting insider guidance every week to help her with the application. She also talks about the considerations she has had to account for when looking for the right programs, and fitting in the time to work on her application.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. Tammy’s background and path of breadcrumbs she has followed here
2. What it’s been like to go through the Master Your Match live course
3. Tammy’s advice for other students who are also working on their applications right now.
Ask the questions, get the help, and do the research early. Procrastination happens, but that’s really just thinking you can’t do it. Embrace the struggle! Work on it a little bit at a time. If it overwhelms you, just do one small thing that moves you toward your goal. Just do the thing, do it overwhelmed or do it scared. You’ll be so glad you did!
Thank you for sharing your experience, Tammy!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Get your spot in Master Your Match
Personal Statement Workshop
Watch the video of Tammy's interview
Get your Application Insider Freebies and join my email list!
Connect with Tammy on Instagram @nuritionandpixiedust
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
In this episode, I’m sharing a Brainstorm Call with you! This is a free service I offer to any dietetics student, and I wanted to provide an example of how valuable this 20-minute call can be.
The call you’ll hear is with Allison, who gave me permission to use her call on this podcast episode. We chatted in June 2021, as she was getting ready to submit a pre-select application in the Fall 2021 Match. You will get to hear what questions she had, the answers and resources I shared with her, and just exactly what it’s like to have this brief, but very helpful, conversation.
Spoiler alert: Allison and I worked together one more time, when she purchased an Ask Me Anything call for a live review of her application and she did get a pre-select spot!
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. Allison’s application plan and programs she’s interested in
2. How to make sure you don’t lose any info when DICAS shuts down temporarily between matches
3. Useful tips for maximizing the value of the experience you have gained
Schedule your own Brainstorm Call! All it costs is about 20 minutes of your time. This is a great way to get information you can use on your application, whether or not you even choose to purchase anything from Application Insider later on. This is one of those options that will fit in ANY RD2BE budget, so take advantage of it! The link to schedule is at applicationinsider.co/brainstormcall, or in the show notes.
Thank you for sharing your Brainstorm Call, Allison!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Watch the video of Allison's Brainstorm Call
Resources mentioned in Allison’s Call
· Download a pretty pdf of your DICAS application
· Highlight transferable skills (webinar replay)
Application Insider Guidance recommended to Allison:
· Ask Me Anything Call
· Full DICAS Application Review
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Episode 54: Interview with Ruby Sultan
My guest today is Ruby Sultan. Ruby is currently just a few weeks out from finishing her internship, which is an ISPP program. Ruby landed this spot because of an open mind and flexibility when her match results were not what she expected. But it’s been a great experience for her, truly a good fit.
Ruby has lots of great tips to share with students, coming from her perspective of finding preceptors, making the most of an unexpected situation, and working hard toward her goals.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. Ruby’s dietetic journey and match outcome
2. How Ruby made herself available and took it in stride when new opportunities crossed her path.
3. Ruby’s advice for any student putting in the work for a dietetic internship that will be the right fit for.
Be prepared and have an open mind. You might have the idea that you’ll be going in one direction, but things can change. Nothing’s really stagnant. Being open minded to change and to be prepared and ready for it, can create a positive mindset for anything that comes your way.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Ruby!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Get your spot in Master Your Match
Watch the video of Ruby's interview
Get your Application Insider Freebies and join my email list!
Connect with Ruby on Instagram @rubysfitfam
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
The first step of applying is deciding where to apply! Learn all you can from program websites, but especially this information which will help you with (a) whether or not to apply to that program, and (b) how to submit a stand out application if you do.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. How to find program websites in the first place
2. What to look for when you do
3. How to use that information on your application
Go to the Academy’s program database and start clicking around! See all the types of programs that are available. Follow links to programs’ actual websites and look for the details you need to understand their application process, and how you can stand out.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Register for the FREE Webinar: 5 DICAS Do’s and Don’ts
Get your spot in the Master Your Match Live Course
Academy Program Database
Submit your review of a DI program you applied to or where you’re an intern
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
There are two parts of the application that focus on the experience you have gained thus far in your dietetics journey. The first is your resume, of course, and the second is the section calls “Awards, Experience, and Volunteer Activities.” In both of these areas, you want to make sure you prove that the experience you document really deserves to be there. Let’s talk about how you can do that.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. How to make it clear why a position is on your application in the first place
2. Which word to avoid because it usually does say what you want it to
3. Elements to add to pack a punch in your descriptions
Begin thinking about your experience, even if you haven’t set up your DICAS account or will be typing it directly into your application just yet. Jot down the experience you have at this point, both paid and volunteer. Take the time you have to make sure you’ve thought through everything your role did or does entail, and how you can describe it so it’s clear, highlights your skills that will transfer to dietetics, and uses those key words that state exactly what you did, avoiding the word “assist” and using quantifiers wherever you can.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 52 Show Notes
Get your spot in the Master Your Match Live Course
Submit your review of a DI program you applied to or where you’re an intern
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
On the day this episode airs, we are just 16 days away from the Fall 2021 deadline. For those whose application deadline is mere days away, today’s episode is all about some last minute things to keep in mind so you can submit, hopefully early, and with full confidence in the application you’ve put together. These tips come from my 8 years of working with students and going through application season and getting questions, and seeing what does and doesn’t work and how you can avoid the pitfalls that always seem to appear just as submission time rolls around.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. Get yourself and your references ready for your deadline
2. Submitting an application that is exactly what directors want to see
3. Making sure things will get where they need to be, when they need to be there
Get the info you need to wrap up your application! Take action for all the work you’ve been doing and submit an application you will be proud of. Use these reminders to wrap up and submit with confidence. Pick out your business-day-buffer submission date right now and put a reminder in your phone so you don’t miss it. Send out those reminder emails to your references. Double check that everything the program has requested is exactly what you’ve put together.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 51 Show Notes
Get the ULTIMATE DICAS Checklist
Learn about the Master Your Match Live Course
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
I’ve got a real treat for you today. In this episode, I’m sharing a Brainstorm Call with you! This is a free service I offer to any dietetics student, and I wanted to provide an example of how valuable this 20-minute call can be.
The call you’ll hear is with Melissa, who gave me permission to use her call on this podcast episode. We chatted in April 2021, and she’s getting ready to apply in the Spring 2022 match. You get to hear what questions she had, the answers and resources I shared with her, and just exactly what it’s like to have this brief, but very helpful, conversation.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. Melissa asked about how to pick which programs to apply to, and what strategy or technique will give her the best chance of matching
2. Melissa wondered at the options of pursuing the DTR credential vs. updating her MNT courses
3. Which Application Insider guidance options might be a good fit her Melissa as she works on her application
Schedule your own Brainstorm Call! All it costs is about 20 minutes of your time. This is a great way to get information you can use on your application, whether or not you even choose to purchase anything from Application Insider later on. This is one of those options that will fit in ANY RD2BE budget, so take advantage of it! The link to schedule is at applicationinsider.co/brainstormcall, or in the show notes.
Thank you for sharing your Brainstorm Call, Melissa!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 50 Show Notes
Watch the video of Melissa's Brainstorm Call
Resources mentioned in Melissa’s Call
· Pick the Program that’s Right for You (Episode #32)
· Applicant Guide to Supervised Practice (AGSP) (see if you can get it from DPD Director)
· Programs vs Spots (Episode #3)
· Matching + Algorithm Webinar Replay
Application Insider Guidance recommended to Melissa:
· Application Prep Workbook
· Full DICAS Application Review
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
We are heading into open house season! Many internships hold open houses to share information about their programs and application expectations. Attending these, or watching recorded versions, is a great way to learn more about programs as you are narrowing down where to apply and determining what is needed to be a good fit for you.
I’m sharing tips on how you can prepare to attend open houses, how to get the best info to use moving forward, and also how you can make the best impression on programs.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. How to prepare for attending open houses
2. Questions to ask
3. What to do after the open house
If you haven’t already, now is a great time to get started on program research. Find out which programs you’re interested in, and get what information you can from the website. Pencil in their open house on your calendar, if they have that info available, or ask about it. Make sure you’re following me on Instagram to catch any open house announcements that I post in my stories. And then attend! Get the info, ask your questions, and include all that you gather in your decision of whether or not you want to apply to that program.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 49 Show Notes
Get your Application Insider Freebies and join my email list!
Virtual Student Internship/Supervised Practice Fair at FNCE 2021
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Episode 48: Interview with the Komplete Business DI
My guests today are Beryl Krinsky, director of the Komplete Business Dietetic Internship, and Pessie, a current KBDI intern. Beryl has so much to share about how the KBDI is different from other programs and how you can stand out if you’re applying there. And Pessie, who just has a few weeks left in her internship, is sharing her perspective as an intern and how KBDI is getting her ready for her future as a dietitian. This episode is coming out just in time for the Fall 2021 match, which the KBDI is participating in, so get your application ready!
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. How the KBDI got started – literally as a program interns were looking for!
2. Tips for making your KBDI application stand out
3. Suggestions of how you can prepare now for your internship
Reach out, ask for help, put yourself out there, keep yourself accountable, and help others as well.
Thank you for sharing, Beryl and Pessie!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 48 Show Notes
Watch the video of my interview with Beryl and Pessie
Get your Application Insider Freebies and join my email list!
Connect with the KBDI
• on Instagram: @kbdinternship
• on Twitter: @kbdinternship
• on the web: https://kbdinternship.com/
• Email Beryl: beryl@bkomplete.com
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Episode 47: Interview with Emily Schumaker
My guest today is Emily Schumaker. Like many students, Emily’s plan for where and when things would happen had to change from what she originally expected. But she didn’t let that get her down! She took a gap year between finishing her DPD and applying to internships, and used that time very wisely. Really, it only added to her application.
Emily also used several Application Insider freebies, which is awesome. Everything we talk about can be found in the show notes, so check there to make sure you’ve got all the resources that are available.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. Emily’s application timeline, including her gap year, and how she used that time wisely
2. How Emily addressed some concerns she had about her own GPA and the info she got to move forward with confidence
3. Emily’s tips for how you can move forward creating your own stand out application, no matter what timeline you’re working with
Reach out, ask for help, put yourself out there, keep yourself accountable, and help others as well.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Emily!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 47 Show Notes
Watch the video of Emily's interview
Get your Application Insider Freebies and join my email list!
Connect with Emily on Instagram @nutritiongamestrong
Emily used these Application Insider and other resources:
· The ULTIMATE DICAS Checklist
· Matching & Algorithm Webinar
· Follow @applicationinsider
· Free Resources Library
· The Application Insider Podcast
· Applicant Guide to Supervised Practice (consider asking your DPD director if they have access to this!)
· prerd.org
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Here are three important categories of things from Application Insider, specifically so you can be ready for a few things that are coming up. All the links are in the show notes, so please follow them to take advantage of what’s available!
Student Interviews
These have been such a success this summer. I have really loved how they’ve turned out. Each student I’ve had on the podcast had shared great tips and had a unique perspective about the application process.
The last scheduled student interview is next week. It will be episode #47. So this is my invitation to you to share your experience on the podcast! If you’d like your own episode here on the Podcast, and the chance to share your tips with someone else who can definitely benefit from them, go to https://applicationinsider.co/podcastguest to let me know you’re interested.
Here’s a round-up of the student interviews that have aired so far, with direct links to each in the show notes:
· #35: Jenny Fernandez – who networked her way to connections that helped her create a great application
· #37: Sarah Barragan – who prepped her entire application in just 6 weeks and matched to her top choice program
· #38: Krista Semonelle – who used ONLY free resources from Application Insider, along with her own notebook trick to submit a stand-out application
· #41: Helory Kojongian – whose system to check and double check each application section helped her apply early and get a great match
· #43: Annie Robison – who knew exactly what type of program she was looking for, and found it
· #45: Jeniffer Peeples – who got her perfect match in second round
And, coming next week, Episode #47, another student interview about someone who found an awesome match in Spring 2021!
DI Director Interviews
Before I started chatting with students, I was having conversations with DI directors. These are also a wealth of information for students, about programs, directly from the program director.After all of the student interviews have aired will be the next DI director interview. So, coming in Episode #48, you’ll get to hear from a program that actually reached out to me to share what their program has to offer.
I would love to know which programs you want to hear fromPlease let me know by sending me an email to nicole@applicationinsider.co or a DM on Instagram @applicationinsider. I will reach out to them and try to get them on the Podcast!
In the meantime, here’s a round-up of the DI Director interviews that you can listen to now:
· #10: North Oaks Medical Center – with director Leslie Ballard
· #14: Vanderbilt University Medical Center – with director Dianne Killebrew, and an intern who used some Application Insider resources
· #15: Wellness Workdays – with director Debra Wein
· #17: Montana Dietetic Internship – with director Coleen Kaiser, along with two assistant directors, and an intern
And, coming in two weeks, Episode #48 will be a conversation with a program that will be taking application in the Fall 2021 Match, and is very popular for students interested in the business side of dietetics.
Application Insider Freebies
The last thing I want to mention, is that August is my birthday month! My birthday is on August 29th, and I’m going to do something special that day for you! However, I’m keeping under wraps exactly what it will be. It’s all a big secret until it gets closer.
What I want you to know is that the secret will be out first to those on my email list. So you want on that list! So how do you join? Simply by signing up for one of my freebies. It will be available immediately, and then you’ll get my weekly emails with additional insights and news from Application Insider, including the details about my big birthday secret.
Here are the freebies to choose from:
· The ULTIMATE DICAS Checklist – so you don’t miss a single thing on your application
· The DPD GPA Calculator – so you will know all 4 of your GPAs before DICAS even calculates them
· The DI Interview Prep Sheet – to help you get ready if you need to get ready for an interview
· The Matching & Algorithm Webinar Replay – so you know exactly how the algorithm works and how to rank programs so it works for YOU
Pick the freebie or freebies that you need the most and you’ll have new tool for your application, PLUS you’ll be on the email list so you won’t miss anything – especially what’s coming up for my birthday later this month.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Episode 45: Interview with Jeniffer Peeples
My guest today is Jeniffer Peeples. Jeniffer has so many elements to her dietetic internship application experience that I think many other students can relate to: she’s a non-traditional student; she knew for certain whether a face-to-face or distance program would be the best fit for her; she’s a military spouse; and she found herself in a whole new city and area when she starting looking into internship options. Oh, and she got her *perfect* match in 2nd round of Spring 2021. She truly has a story about how everything worked out!
Jeniffer’s experience really shows that with a certainty of what you’re looking for and being open to ALL options, things can work out in very unexpected ways. I’m so glad she’s sharing and that you can use her tips in your application process as well. Everything we talk about can be found in the show notes, so check there to make sure you’ve got all the resources that are available.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. The elements that Jeniffer knew were very important to her for her internship
2. How Jeniffer found programs to apply to given her criteria, being a military spouse, and living in a brand new area
3. How Jeniffer navigated second round when she decided it was worth going fort rather than waiting another year - and got a perfect match
Research your programs! Research the location, the costs, and the time dedication. Make yourself aware of all the possibilities that are out there and which ones will be best for you.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Jeniffer!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 45 Show Notes
Watch the video of Jeniffer's interview
Join the Application Insider Personal Statement Workshop
Connect with Jeniffer on Instagram @jenifferpeeples
Jeniffer used these Application Insider and other Resources:
· Free SDA Webinar
· Follow @applicationinsider
· Free Resources Library
· The Application Insider Podcast
· Applicant Guide to Supervised Practice (ask your DPD director if they have access without a fee!)
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
I’m sharing some of the videos that are part of the Workshop so you can get a better idea of just what it’s like, and the type of insight I share with every member who joins to write with me.
The next Personal Statement Workshop will be in August, going from August 2-27, 2021. You can get your spot at applicationinsider.co/personal-statement-workshop or through the link in the show notes. This is the last Workshop I’ll be running before the Fall 2021 Match, so if you need help writing now is the best opportunity to get in on it. You’ll still be done with several weeks to go before the deadline, so you can then focus your attention to other sections of the application, knowing that the big, bad personal statement is done and ready to go.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. The Workshop Welcome video, so you hear exactly what you can expect when you join
2. All my insights on answering the first personal statement question
3. An example of a Workshop Q&A session
Use all the info I shared in this episode to nail your response to that first question: Why do you want to enter the dietetics profession? I mean, you just got a ton of insight about answering that question with flying colors. If you want the visual aspect of it, follow the link in the show notes to watch the video too.
Then, if you liked that guidance, and want help with all the other questions, check out the link in the show notes to see if the Personal Statement Workshop will be a good fit for you. We start in less than 2 weeks, on August 2, so be sure to grab your spot if it’s what you’re looking for! I can’t wait to write with you!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Watch the Sneak Peek video
Write with me in the August Personal Statement Workshop
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Episode 43: Interview with Annie Robison
My guest today is Annie Robison. One of the things you will hear right off the bat is how intention Annie was about the programs she applied to. She knew exactly what kind of internship she wanted, that she could see herself in, and that she knew would align with her own dietetics career goals. And she went for it! You’ll hear all the elements she was looking for, and which programs met her criteria, as well as the program where she will soon be starting her rotations.
We also talked about how she went successfully and progressively through her DICAS application. She’s got tips to share with you about making it a more positive experience, and where to find help so the whole thing is hopefully less stressful overall. She shares some of the specific resources that helped her move forward with confidence on her application. Everything we talk about can be found in the show notes, so check there to make sure you’ve got all the resources that are available.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. The elements Annie knew she wanted as part of her internship and how she found programs that offered them
2. Some of Annie’s application concerns and how she addressed them to stand out
3. Annie’s advice for other applicants to make sure they find programs that will be a good fit
Convince directors you are a good fit for them. If you have a program in mind, take some time to research it thoroughly and note the things that make them unique for you. If you don’t have a program in mind, take this as your sign to begin searching -- some great tools to help in this process are the AND directory, the FNCE Supervised Practice Fair, and virtual open houses.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Annie!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 43 Show Notes
Watch the video of Annie's interview
Connect with Annie on Instagram @that_dietetics_gal
Annie used these Application Insider Resources:
· The Personal Statement Workshop
· FNCE Internship Fair
Get on the Waitlist for the August Personal Statement Workshop
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
In today’s episode I’m talking about preceptors, and a lot of what goes into finding preceptors. I think this is a really important topic for several reasons. Obviously, preceptors are a necessity for dietetic internships, whether they are organized by students or programs. We cannot have internships without preceptors. There also has been a pretty big increase in the number of distance internship programs, which are most likely to require students to find and arrange their own preceptors. Finally, finding preceptors is a big task to add to an already pretty big application and internship experience. Ideally, resources and guidance are available for students who choose that route.
Here are some of the perspectives covered in this episode:
1. Preceptors/Facilities have their clients’/patients’ best interests in mind
2. DI Directors/Programs ideally provide support to both applicants/interns and preceptors
3. Students/Interns can get information about what to expect in their preceptor search
If you are pre-application, do your program research. Really look into your options and run the pros and cons lists of both distance and face-to-face programs. Whatever your choice, dive deep into what they offer. Ask those questions if you do have to find preceptors: find out how the programs supports both students looking for preceptors, and preceptors themselves.
Also, please let me know about your preceptor finding experience. Literally any details you have to share, I want to hear. That is the best way for me understand the situation students are going through, and potentially how to address those gaps to make them easier to navigate.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 42 Show Notes
Accredited Programs Directory
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Episode 41: Interview with Helory Kojongian
My guest today is Helory Kojongian. While we were talking we discovered that we share a love of checklists, and Helory created and used checklists the entire time she was working on her application. One thing that really impressed me about Helory’s approach to going through DICAS is that she was very intentional about each section. You’ll hear how carefully she thought about who to ask as references, and the information she got from directors to make sure she created the application they wanted to see.
Helory also used several Application Insider freebies, which is awesome. She shares some of the specific blog posts and podcast episodes that helped her move forward with confidence on her application. Everything we talk about can be found in the show notes, so check there to make sure you’ve got all the resources that are available.
Here are some of the things we cover in this episode:
1. Important program elements that helped Helory ultimately decide where to apply
2. How Helory used a checklist for many application sections, and timed things just right to be able to hit submit a few days before the deadline
3. How asking directors questions gave Helory insight on how to highlight certain elements in her own experience and how they prepared her for her internship
Focus on the end goal. Don’t be discouraged if those around you are moving faster or have more on their resume. Everyone has a unique journey, so look forward to it, and utilize the resources around you.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Helory!
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 41 Show Notes
Watch the video of Helory's interview
Join the Application Insider Personal Statement Workshop
Connect with Helory on Instagram @helory_kojo or @csula_sda
Helory used these Application Insider Resources:
· The ULTIMATE DICAS Checklist
· Follow @applicationinsider
· Free Resources Library
· The Application Insider Podcast
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Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
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In today’s episode I’m sharing insider success stories. Application Insider has been around since 2019, and the number of students I’ve worked with in each match has increased dramatically in each match period since then. In the Spring 2021 Match, I worked with the most students I’ve ever worked with, and it’s been incredibly rewarding to see their progress on their applications, and to hear about their matches.
It’s important to hear what has worked for someone else to evaluate if it might also work for you. It’s also encouraging to hear about people who have already accomplished what you yourself are trying to achieve.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. Application Insider guidance that were a good fit for these students in the Spring 2021 Match
2. The value of these guidance options from the perspective of students who used them and matched!
3. How you can take advantage of this guidance for yourself – whatever your budget is
Believe in your goal. Believe in what you want to do with your time and your talents. Do what it takes to make it happen. Invest in yourself and what you are working for. Take advantage of any opportunity to get the help, support, or guidance that you need. You heard these students share about a variety of resources they used – there was a good fit for each one of them, even if it looked different than what was a good fit for someone else. Make sure that you do all you can to find the good fit for you.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 40 Show Notes
Get your spot in the Master Your Match in 12 Live Course
Watch Yaa’s testimonial video
Application Insider Guidance mentioned in this episode:
· Application Insider Podcast
· Instagram @applicationinsider
· Free Brainstorm Call
· Personal Statement Sample Pack
· Ask Me Anything Call
· Personal Statement Self-Guided Course
· Personal Statement Workshop
· GPA + Coursework Review
· Resume + Experience Review
· Personal Statement Review
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
Looking for live, customized, detailed, guidance on your dietetic internship application? Hoping to tap into the perspective of someone who has been on the other side of DICAS and D&D Digital? Eager to hit submit knowing your application genuinely represents you, your unique characteristics, and career goals?
Today I’m giving you all the details about the first every LIVE course for dietetics students to submit stand out dietetic internship applications. There is no other course like this! All the info you need, from a former DI director, providing answers for your questions about your situation. That combination is one-of-a-kind from Application Insider.
Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:
1. The two options you can choose from for the type of DI application experience you can have
2. What is covered in the Live Application Course that will take you through your entire DICAS application in just 12 weeks
3. Just how you can make this Live Course exactly what you need it to be, because your experience is unique to anyone else’s
Check out the Live Course to see if it will be a good fit for you. It’s perfect timing if you are getting ready for the Fall 2021 Match. You could be done with your application with 2 weeks to spare before the deadline! And even if you’re applying in the Spring 2022 Match, the Live Course will set you up with everything you need, and you’ll have access to it all for plenty of time even after the Course ends. Either way, you’ll have an application you’ll be fully confident in, having created it with insider guidance and customized info for your application situation.
With this Insider insight, your application is sure to stand out!
Episode 39 Show Notes
Get your spot in the Master Your Match in 12 Live Course
Watch the video of this episode
Be a guest on the Application Insider Podcast!
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Brainstorm Call with Nicole
New to Dietetics? Start Here!
Find more dietetics tips and guidance at applicationinsider.co
Follow along on Instagram @applicationinsider
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