The Ghoulies talk about one of the internet's first cryptids, The Nightcrawler! Kind of like the Judas Priest song but the beast in white, not black.
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The Ghoulies first real adventure outside of the Northeast. Tune in as they head to Louisiana to talk about the Rougarou, Louisiana's own regional cryptid!
Sources:Rougarou“Curious Louisiana: Where exactly did the Rougarou come from?” by Katherine Frazer, 10/23, https://www.theadvocate.com/acadiana/news/curious-louisiana-where-exactly-did-the-rougarou-come-from/article_1fcf8b2a-71ea-11ee-ac06-97f119e176ba.html
“He creeps, he crawls, he conquers: The Rougarou – a Louisiana folklore legend,” by Jaime Lugibihl, 4/01, https://thenichollsworth.com/103454/uncategorized/he-creeps-he-crawls-he-conquers/
“History of the Rougarou: Louisiana’s Werewolf”, By Frank Kerner, https://pelicanstateofmind.com/louisiana-love/history-rougarou-louisiana-werewolf/
“The Rougarou’s comin’: How tales of the Cajun folklore creature have endured for centuries”, by Kaylee Poche, 10/23, https://www.nola.com/gambit/news/the_latest/the-rougarous-comin-how-tales-of-the-cajun-folklore-creature-have-endured-for-centuries/article_65811cc4-6d26-11ee-8486-4b98404eafdd.html
“Louisiana Rougarou: Haunting of the Bayous”, by admin Louisiana Glam, 4/23, https://louisianaglam.com/myths-and-legends/louisiana-rougarou-folklore-legend/
“The Rougarou, Beast of Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover: One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state’s imperiled wetlands”, by Joel Balsam, 10/22, https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/rougarou-louisiana
“Rougarou”, 2021, https://mythicalencyclopedia.com/rougarou/
“The Legend of the Rougarou: Cajun Werewolf Folklore”, by the Enlightenment Journey, https://theenlightenmentjourney.com/the-legend-of-the-rougarou-cajun-werewolf-folklore/
“Rougarou: The Swamp Werewolf”, https://mytpl.org/project/rougarou-the-swamp-werewolf/
“Save the Swamp: But Beware the ‘Rougarou’”, by Alisha Renfro, 10/19, https://blog.nwf.org/2019/10/save-the-swamp-but-beware-the-rougarou/
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The Ghoulies circle back to Shadow People but mainly to talk about sleep paralysis.
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The Ghoulies, FINALLY, explore Bigfoot.
Types of Bigfoots, https://www.bigfoot411.com/bigfoot-types.html“The Bigfoot Casebook”, by Janey and Colin Bord, 1982
Sightings and listings, Bigfoot Field Research Organization, http://bfro.net/GDB/default.asp
“The Cryptid Zoo: Orange-pendek”, https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3dlmr3e3ug5rlh/BF411-Cryptid_Zoo-Orang_pendek.pdf?dl=0
“The Cryptid Zoo: Yetis”, https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4l4gzzeioklrkq/BF411-Cryptid_Zoo-Yetis.pdf?dl=0
“The Big Muddy Monster Case File”, https://murphysboro.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Big-Muddy-Monster-Merged-File.pdf
“I didn’t believe: the story of the west Virginia bigfoot museum”, by Sam Gorski, https://www.wboy.com/only-on-wboy-com/paranormal-w-va/i-didnt-believe-the-story-of-the-west-virginia-bigfoot-museum/
“Wood Booger: Origins and Sightings”, https://fringecreatures.com/wood-booger-origins-and-sightings/
“Golf-Squatch”, https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/golf-squatch-whitehall-new-york
I’m sure I missed some but most of non-cited stuff is from Wikipedia because…prelim stuff is fine that way, my teacher told me that
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Where did Bloody Mary come from? Is she a combination of a bunch of different lore or was she a person?
“Supernatural Lore of Pennsylvania: Ghosts, Monsters, and Miracles” edited by Thomas White, ch. “Mary Black’s Grave: The Anatomy of a Legend Trip” by Gerard O’Neil“Beaver County Ghosts and Haunting Folklore: Beaver County Hauntings, Was Mary Black Really a Witch?” by kinmark1970, https://spookybeavercounty.wordpress.com/2019/09/21/was-mary-black-really-a-witch-ellwood-city/
“The Bloody Mary Legend: New Castle, Pennsylvania ^ Wampum, Pennsylvania” by BeyonderBill, http://www.intothebeyond.net/bloodymary/2009/01/21/new-castle-pennsylvania/
“The Legend of Mary Black” on The Haunted Tea youtube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MNDZmrWrBM
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The Ghoulies talk about a cryptid who uses geese as weapons. Have you seen him near you?
“Wood Eating Amish Country Goose Grabber by Cole Herrold, https://newworldexplorerssociety.blogspot.com/2021/08/wood-eating-amish-country-goose-grabber.htmlSupport the show
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The Ghoulies are laid back and waiting till 2024 but not before they talk about the weekly cryptid, The Wild Hunt and Gypsy Rose. Smell Ya Later 2023!!
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The Ghoulies meet the belly slitting Christmas Witch.
Ending Song: The End? by GhoulSupport the show
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The Ghoulies look up Headless Horsemen lore of PA.
Ending Song: The End? by Ghoul
“The Legend of Ironville’s Headless Horseman”, Haunted Lancaster Section“The Headless Horseman of Locust Level Road, Pennsylvania” What in the History? YouTube
“The Legend of the Headless Horseman of Locust Level” By Dakota and Calvin Bricker, https://mercersburghistory.org/blog/3/
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The Ghoulies do their yearly tradition and write their own spoopy stories.
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The Ghoulies make Goblin Juice and talk about an old timey Monk who likes to break fingies and transform.
CW: murder, death by hangingSupport the show
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The Ghoulies explore a haunted cemetary filled with all kinds of paranormal lore.
“The Haunted Erie Cemetery in Erie, Pennsylvania” by Jessica Street, Scary HQ, https://scaryhq.com/haunted-erie-cemetery-erie-pennsylvania/#https://www.hauntedrooms.com/pennsylvania/erie/haunted-places/
“Haunted Pennsylvania: The Erie Cemetery” by David Albaugh, https://terrordaves.com/2017/04/05/haunted-pennsylvania-the-erie-cemetery/
“Exploring Erie Cemetery: Vampire Urban Legend” Heather Explores YouTube
“Vampire Crypt in Old Erie cemetery” The Dark Explorer YouTube
“Erie Cemetery in Erie, PA: Graveyard of Nightmares” Paranormal in Pennsylvania podcast
“Ghosts of the Erie Cemetery” Huz Ghost Stories podcast
Scott Mausoleum Burglary and Extortion, https://eriehistory.blogspot.com/2014/10/scott-mausoleum-burglary-extortion.html
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The Ghoulies explore the history of an old hotel in Center City Philly. Is it haunted or is it just forever gross?
Forensic Files Season 1, Episode 7 “Legionnaires Disease”
Wicked Webs We Weave podcast ep. 20
“Diary of a Visit to a Haunted Hotel” by Beverly Solochek, Oct 17, 1976
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The Ghoulies talk about ghosties and steel mills but mostly Slag Pile Annie.
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Just in time for Beltane! The Ghoulies talk about one of the most popular creatures, The Fae. Tune into the rabbit whole they fall in trying to explain the the hell these things are.
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The Ghoulies are back up and running and talking about one of Pittsburg's most haunted and strange roads, Blue Mist Road.
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Hey! The Ghoulies are back! After a bit of time off and some serious moves made, they wanted to give y'all something special. So here they are rambling, bonus episode style, but this time you can hear them for free! Raw, uncut, unedited bullshit from your two favorite hosts.
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The Ghoulies explore Scarecrow lore. "Where did they come from?" and "How can I become one?", you know the usual questions you ask when staring at a corn field.
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The Ghoulies are back in Festivle Town with a seasonally appropriate holiday episode. Sit back, grab some drinks and listen to them talk about the drunker version of Krampus, but better.
“Belsnickel In Indiana” by Ruth Reichmann, Indiana German Heritage Society Newsletter, Vol 18, No. 1, winter 2002-03
“Nova Scotia Belsnickeling is real- and here’s a photo to prove it” on CBC Radio Nov. 27, 2018
“The Surprising Truth: Christians Once Banned Christmas” by Remy Melina, Live Science, Dec. 14, 2010
“What is the Belsnickel? What is it part of a Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas?” by Marcus Schneck, Dec 12. 2018, pennlive.com
“What-or Who-is Belsnickel?”, visitpaamerican.com
“Belsnickel”, folklore.usc.edu
“Belsnickel” http://www.indobase.com/holidays/christmas/characters/belsnickel.htmlSupport the show
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FINALLY a UAP/ UFO episode! Join the Ghouls as they talk about Pennsylvania's version of Roswell. Bet you didn't know about it, they didn't either.
“The Kecksburg Files” Post-Gazette Magazine, by David Templeton, Sept 9, 1998
“Acorn from Space: The Kecksburg Incident” by Matthew Dinkel, Oct 28, 2019
“UFO Starts Many Fires” the Spokesman Review’s Dec 10, 1965, front page
“Unidentified Flying Object Falls Near Kecksburg”, “Army Ropes Off Area” by Stan Gordon the Greensburg Tribune Review, Dec 10, 1965
“The Roswellian” by Joe Nickell and James McGaha, Skeptical Inquirer, Vol 36 iss. 3
“NASA Will Re-open Kecksburg UFO Files” by Brandon Keim, Oct 29, 2007, Wired articleSupport the show
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