For all of human history, we've been trying to figure out what humanity's superpower is. It's clear that we've outpaced every other animal on the planet but how? We're not the biggest, the fastest or the strongest. It turns out our superpower is our social intelligence. We have an amazing capacity to learn from each other.
As kids, we're like little sponges blindly copying culture from the people around us. The cultures into which we were all born evolved to fit very old agricultural environments. Each contains timeless wisdom about human affairs but none of them is ideally suited to navigating the ever-changing environment in which we find ourselves.
So, what do we do? We accept that we are all in unfamiliar territory and that nobody knows what they're doing. In fact, we're all just making it up as we go along. To a certain extent, that's all humanity has ever been doing.
The goal of Mixed Mental Arts is to steal the best cultural software from everywhere and apply the core principle of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." Welcome to the dojo! We're excited to learn from you. -
The Next Big Idea is a weekly series of in-depth interviews with the world’s leading thinkers. Join hosts Rufus Griscom and Caleb Bissinger — along with our curators, Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Daniel Pink — for conversations that might just change the way you see the world. New episodes every Thursday. Part of the LinkedIn Podcast Network.
Go through his phone when he's sleeping
Stalk his Instagram
Make him turn on his location
Call his phone 100x until he answers
Contact his ex girlfriends
Sleep with his friends..
This may all be tempting but...DON'T.
Before you get tempted, tune into an episode and hopefully you'll leave here feeling better than before. -
Brought to you by the creators of Undisclosed, Military Justice explores the system of rules and regulations that govern those who serve in uniform. Hosted by James W. Weirick--a retired Marine lieutenant colonel and Judge Advocate--the podcast delves into the flaws inherent to the military justice system and makes the case for substantial reform to ensure the brave men and women who serve our nation are protected from arbitrary retaliation. Topics include emerging issues in sexual assault, updates to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, whistleblower protection, the evolution of the law of the battlefield, and more.
Host: James Weirick
Executive Producer: Dennis Robinson
Podcast Premier: September 20, 2016 -
Since the dawn of time there has existed an elite warrior class. Those with the courage and the will to achieve victory have always set themselves apart. Today, these warriors can be found not only on the modern battlefield, but also in the sports arena, in the boardroom, and in the classroom. Join Doctor Mike Simpson, former Special Forces Operator and highly regarded expert on both combat trauma and combat sports medicine as he takes you inside the Mind of The Warrior.
Doctor Mike Simpson, former Special Forces Operator, Airborne Ranger, and battle-proven warrior with over three decades of military experience. Mike has made it his mission to save lives both on and off the battlefield.
From Law enforcement officers and first responders, to Combat Veterans and Martial Arts masters, the Mind Of The Warrior podcast explores every aspect of what it means to be a warrior-athlete. -
Just have a kid and you're overwhelmed? Mary and Blake are too. They're parents who have no idea what they're doing, and they're asking the experts on all things baby. It's an entirely "judgement free zone," where we can laugh at each other's stories of success and failure. Mary and Blake discuss their whines of the week, wins of the week, and also give their Parent Pick of the week. But this show is nothing without it's listeners - so there is as much listener feedback as humanly possible. It's free, it's funny, and it's a lot better than therapy!
03.10.2015 – 31.07.2016, ZKM_Atrium 1+2
Knowledge is power. And power is possessed especially by whoever controls the flow of information. This applies particularly in digital culture, where all the information in the World Wide Web can be manipulated, uncontrolled. For a long time, a hope for new forms of democratic participation arose from the use of these digital instruments, but recently they have been misused as the ideal door opener for the surveillance of billions of people. Democratic states have long reserved the right to spy even on their »friends«, in all military, economic, and social aspects, and on all levels: governments, organizations, NGOs, and individual citizens are all under surveillance.
Besides mass analysis of communications metadata and massive access to personal data, there is increasingly open or clandestine censorship through manipulation or shutting down. Where the fear of this threat has no effect, the secrecy of important information is enforced, with methods ranging from hindering publication to kidnapping and assassinating journalists. Being at the mercy of overwhelmingly powerful authorities of control and censorship has become the conditio humana of our time. Today a large part of the public has already resigned in the face of a ubiquitous state and commercial surveillance.
This exhibition is based on the collaboration with a network of scientists, journalists, activists, and artists in some twenty countries around the world, and in cooperation with expert organizations such as the German PEN Center, the Chaos Computer Club, Reporters Without Borders, and such platforms as netzpolitik. org, digitalcourage.de, WikiLeaks, and others. The exhibition’s aim is to expand public debate about the ever-present surveillance and censorship methods, which is an urgent priority not only due to constant new reports in the media, but especially because of the extensive obstruction of the investigation of these practices.
03.10.2015 – 31.07.2016, ZKM_Lichthof 1+2
Wissen ist Macht. Und Macht hat vor allem, wer den Fluss der Informationen beherrscht. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße in der digitalen Kultur, in der alle Informationen im weltweiten Netz unkontrollierbar manipuliert werden können. Erwuchs aus dem Umgang mit diesen digitalen Instrumenten lange die Hoffnung auf neue Formen demokratischer Partizipation, so werden sie in jüngster Zeit als ideale Türöffner zur Überwachung von Milliarden Menschen missbraucht. Längst nehmen sich auch demokratische Staaten das Recht, selbst ihre »Freunde« auszuspionieren, und dies in allen militärischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Belangen sowie auf allen Ebenen: Regierungen, Organisationen, Unternehmen, NGOs und einzelne BürgerInnen werden gleichsam überwacht.
Neben die Massenanalyse der kommunikativen Metadaten und den massenhaften Zugriff auf personenbezogene Daten tritt immer häufiger die offene oder geheime Zensur durch Manipulation oder Abschaltung. Wo die Angst vor dieser Bedrohung nicht wirkt, wird die Geheimhaltung wichtiger Informationen durch direkte Behinderung von Veröffentlichungen bis hin zur Verschleppung und Ermordung von JournalistInnen durchgesetzt. Das Ausgeliefertsein an übermächtige Instanzen der Kontrolle und Zensur ist zur conditio humana unserer Zeit geworden. Bereits heute hat ein großer Teil der Öffentlichkeit vor der Allgegenwart staatlicher und kommerzieller Überwachung resigniert.
Die Ausstellung, die im Rahmen der Infosphäre präsentiert wird, beruht auf der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Netzwerk von WissenschaftlerInnen, JournalistInnen, AktivistInnen und KünstlerInnen in allen Erdteilen und in rund 20 Ländern sowie der Kooperation mit Expertenorganisationen wie dem PEN-Zentrum Deutschland, dem Chaos Computer Club (CCC), Reporter ohne Grenzen, Villa Aurora und mit Plattformen wie netzpolitik.org, digitalcourage.de, WikiLeaks und anderen. Ziel der Ausstellung ist eine Erweiterung der öffentlichen Diskussion über die allgegenwärtigen Überwachungs- und Zensurmaßnahmen, die nicht nur aufgrund stetig neuer Berichte in den Medien, sondern vor allem angesichts der weitgehenden Behinderung der Aufklärung über diese Praktiken als dringlich erscheint. -
You Might Not Like It is the soundtrack to the raw, real, often incredibly challenging work that happens when you’re choosing to prioritize your personal growth and overall life fulfillment. The episodes are a combination of personal stories as well as the larger themes that take up space in our hearts and minds. It’s a compassionate place for you to land, whether you’re celebrating your latest win or deep in the challenges of being in the messy middle.
Do you find yourself feeling alone living your Rural life? Are you searching for a community to be a part of? Have you been in the agriculture industry all your life or are you just starting out? Do you feel passionate about agriculture and have the spirit of a rural entrepreneur? Are you looking to be inspired by gutsy and resilient women in agriculture?
The Rural Woman Podcast™ is a storytelling podcast that shares interviews from women with a passion for agriculture and rural life. These women may not farm, ranch, or homestead the same but their passion and pride for the Ag industry builds a special bond.
City-slicker turned Farmer & Entrepreneur, host Katelyn Duban created The Rural Woman Podcast to celebrate and amplify the voices of Women in Agriculture. Katelyn brings a unique perspective to the table and strongly believes in the power of our stories.
You can expect to hear honest conversations from Rural Women who grow food, tend livestock, raise families, run companies and so much more.
Tune in every Friday to hear a wide range of topics such as mental health in agriculture, advocacy, innovation, and leadership in Ag. Learn more and connect with us at WildRoseFarmer.com
The Rural Woman Podcast is a proud member of the Positively Farming Media Podcast Network. -
Un podcast contenant des entrevues touchantes et inspirantes, une touche d’humour et de vrais trucs de pro en conciliation travail-famille, c’est ce que t’offre Christine Marcotte avec le podcast Pas la Mère à boire! Un rendez-vous hebdomadaire à mettre à ton agenda si tu veux concilier toutes les sphères de ta vie comme tu l’entends!
Les questions niaiseuses méritent-elles des réponses? Pour l'animateur Mathieu Pichette et l'humoriste Catherine Ethier, la réponse est oui! Et ils ne prennent pas à la légère le mandat de Radio-Canada d'« informer, d'éclairer et de divertir »! Ils font le tour de sujets pour le moins superflus sur lesquels ils se penchent avec beaucoup de sérieux.
The Say Know Podcast works to bridge the gap between academic research and knowledge earned from the street; in the areas of drugs and addiction. We interview policymakers, researchers and people with lived experience. Our host, Matt Ingrouille, has been a cop for the last 12 years and uses his knowledge and experience to pull interesting, hilarious and often heart wrenching stories from our guests. The Say Know Podcast will give you insight on what is happening on the streets and what we can do as a community to make things better!
The Principl(ed) Podcast is a made-in-Canada monthly series that connects with BC school Principals who are working everywhere in the province, from the smallest rural schools to the bustling urban centres. Some guests are in the early years of their leadership journey, and others can share a wealth of professional experience to help Principals and Vice-Principals enhance their own learning and leadership skills. It's like networking and Pro-D, all wrapped up in a podcast!
Living & Learning with Reba McEntire is a new podcast inspired and informed by the way Reba approaches life: with an insatiable curiosity, dedication to expanding her knowledge, and reliance on her own lived experience. Along with her co-host and friend Melissa Peterman, Reba will tackle a different topic through informative and intriguing conversations with both an expert in the field and a celebrity guest each episode.
The GOODS Podcast is hosted by Lani + Lauren, founders of ANI+WREN. We cover a range of topics from beauty, sex, fashion, parenting, health...and everything in between. Each week they chat with a variety of guests and industry experts - sharing their own personal stories, best kept secrets and hot tips - giving you The GOODS you need to (and want to) know.
A podcast by the creator of the popular YouTube channel Not Just Bikes, The Urbanist Agenda is an exploration of the latest topics in urban planning and urban mobility from your favourite urbanist YouTubers.
Each month we'll put another important topic on the agenda and pull back the curtain to discover how online urbanists plot and scheme to make cities work better for everyone.
Ouvre tes grandes oreilles 🐰, sors ton cahier de notes 📓, et rejoins-nous pour des discussions bien coquines. De ce qui se passe dans tes séances de masturbation 💦, jusqu'à tes problèmes de couple 💔, nous te donnons des infos accessibles et justes sur la sexualité et les relations ❤️💑. La sexualité peut être tout aussi belle et épanouissante 🌟 que complexante et malaisante 😬. Nous la démocratisons, sans tabous ni retenus 🚫, accompagnées d'invités tout aussi pertinent.es que comiques 🤣🎙️.