What does a Mexican mother, a follower of La Virgen de Guadalupe, have to do with the highest teachings of Chogyam Trungpa?
Why did Sam Harris select to trash talk and misrepresent Chogyam Trungpa, especially given that Sam Harris is so sensitive to being misrepresented?
Sam Harris, who is so sensitive to being misinterpreted, does the same to Chogyam Trungpa, as he attempts to distance himself from the 'bad gurus.'
Examining suffering as an investigation and practice.
Jordan Peteson's view of Buddhist compassion is wacked.
How disappointment wears down spiritual ambition.
The effort of consciousness to maintain awareness of itself.
The inclination on the part of ego to interpret anything that threatens it or irritates it into something positive.
The nurotic pursuit of physical comfort, security, and pleasure.
Jordan Peterson's Hierarchy of Competency.
No one is going to save you. Now what?
Me-too and the present crisis in the Shambhala Buddhist organization and its main teacher, the Sakyong Mipham.
What is freedom beyond power and contro in our hyper competitive society?
Comments on Anthony Bourdain, suicide and depression, secular Dharma/Buddhism, and meditation practice.