
  • Choosing the Right MLM company

    “In a lot of Network Marketing companies you've got a couple people that feel like they're making a lot of money and then the masses that just aren't making anything.”

    Zane Gray

    So many people ask Brooke questions like, “what company should I join? I don't know if I'm with the right company, how do I choose the right company?” In today’s Podcast, 171, Brooke talks about where network marketing is going, how to choose a company and what things to look for.

    Brooke’s guest is Zane Gray who has created a very different company from everything else that's out there. His company looks differently at the industry and he’s creating something that is really for the 21st century.

    “Sometimes network marketing is like a dirty word .” Zane Gray

    Zane explains that when he was looking at network marketing companies the reason people join is they want to get the product, maybe the discount, but they aren't really wanting to go out selling it.

    There's a couple reasons for that. In Zane’s opinion the number one reason is oftentimes the product isn't priced right. Second thing is you have a product or something that people would buy.

    Zane created a company where if you refer people and they buy, you're gonna make a really good income, a really good commission basically. But he also said, if you do wanna build a team, I wanna pay you to build a team as well. And he just tried to marry those two worlds together.

    His philosophy is to give customers a reason to come back. His company gives them an opportunity just if they'll share, they actually can get cash back too. That is theirs. And they don't have to sign up to be a rep.

    Zane has a training course that teaches his reps to be endo coaches to help their customers live an endo balanced life.

    “An important thing in business as well is being able to target your specific people.” - Zane Gray

    If you would like to know more about Zane’s new company and what it is all about, check out www.sucavu.com.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

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  • Building a Personal Brand is easier than you think

    “A personal brand is so much more than trying to sell yourself.”

    Tacie Avedikian

    In Podcast 169 Brooke has a conversation with Tacie Avedikian on a topic that is something that so many network marketers need. That topic is personal branding.

    Tacie has always been interested in people and marketing and wanted to help people build their business brand, advertisements and do media buys. When she got into the marketing field she started doing more market research. She loved understanding the why behind the marketing that we were actually choosing for our clients

    “Having your brand really changes the whole dynamic of how you do business.” Tacie Avedikian

    Having an understanding of your personal brand paints a nice picture for everybody that you're working with.

    It also provides a comfort for you and knowing that you know exactly what you're doing and how you want to help people.

    Building a personal brand is not as hard as people think. It’s really just having an idea of what it is that you are doing, how you want to do it, who you want to be able to work with and who you want to help.

    It’s important to create a digital presence. Find those platforms that your ideal audiences are on and just show them a piece of who you are and how that has led to where you are and what you're doing today.

    You want to be engaging. You don't want everything to be about you or just what’s happening on your page. You want to show that you are in fact a good connection to be networking with and a good connection to have.

    “Putting yourself out there and also giving back to those who are willing to connect with you is definitely key and it changes the whole dynamic of a relationship.” - Tacie Avedikian

    If you would like to connect with Tacie and find out more of her tips on how to build your personal brand, you can reach out to her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tavedikian/. You can also visit her website www.littlebirtdmarketing.com.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • How to Cold Message People Properly

    “Create real relationships rather than just copy and paste and spam people. ”

    Brooke Elder

    Today’s Podcast 168 brings another episode of The Spam Squad where Brooke takes spammy messages that other people have sent and breaks them down and talks about why they are spammy.

    After she dissects the message Brooke shows a better way to send messages, because you don't need to be spammy to grow your business. Today she talks about how to cold message people.

    “Cold reach-outs are still good, but you have to find something in common.” Brooke Elder

    Having something in common is more than jus, “Oh, I see you have a dog. I have a dog too. You want to buy my stuff?”

    You need to find people that have a problem that you have that solution for - your products, your opportunity. They also a problem. So you are only going to talk to people who have the problem that you solve.

    When you market to everyone, you market to no one, remember that your company is not for everyone with skin or everyone with a nose or everyone that is breathing. That's not who it's for. It's for what problem do you solve that you can help people with that is who you market to.

    Once you understand that, then you can start looking for those people and you can start looking for them in other Facebook groups and add them as friends.

    Then when you start posting on your personal page about how someone had this problem and you help them solve it, and that's the nature of your posts, they're going to see that and reach out to you to solve their problem!

    “The basics of arrows out marketing is looking at how you can serve people and how you can solve problems.” - Brooke Elder

    Check out some of Brooke’s other Spam Squad episodes to learn more tips on how to not be Spammy when you are posting...and remember…. Spam belongs in the cupboard, not on Social Media!!!

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • So You Want to Start A Side Hustle

    “Find the people who have the lifestyle that you want and really tap into how they think.”

    Craig Clickner

    Today’s Podcast is number 167. Brooke has a meaningful conversation with a Midwestern husband & wife duo, Craig Clickner & Carrie Bohlig. They realized that if they wanted to create an exceptional life with choices and autonomy, they had to go out of bounds on the mainstream “go to school and get a good job” adage. Since they were not hardcore enough to quit their jobs and attempt to gut out a startup, they instead jumped into the world of moderate entrepreneurship, meaning they started their first wave of side hustles.

    Craig and Carrie talk a lot about an idea called Life Set.

    “If mindset is your way of thinking, then life set is your way of living.” Craig Clickner

    Mindset is like your opinions and how you think, life set is your way of living in your choices. What they have found is a lot of people are chasing the money, but the foundation is all messed up. If you don't have ongoing revenue set up it's going to be really hard to build something substantial outside of the day job.

    Craig and Carrie talk about finances and family, faith, having fun and your relationships. If those areas can be in decent order, then can go build a real business on top of that. The best thing that you can do is set a good life example.

    They also talk about life vision, which is like you asking yourself not what do I want to do, but how do I want to live? They have seen people in a lot of different industries who are very successful, but they didn't necessarily invest the time early on for laying a firm foundation.

    Laying a firm foundation is such an important area to slow down and learn about personal develop, growing your leadership, and really live out success principles. It should really bleed and transfer into every area of your life if you're doing it well.

    Some things that people can do to create that solid foundation are first get a good job, but put boundaries around it. And then don't waste time at the office. Then stop spending money on “stupid stuff.” You don’t need the expensive car or gigantic house. Don't try to impress people with what you have, especially when you haven't built and created and earned it yet.

    “Be smart, impress people with your thinking, impress people with your work ethic, impress people with your conviction. ” - Craig Clickner

    Craig and Carrie have written a book that covers the whole spectrum from a comprehensive standpoint on how to actually build something, but not short-term and, and commission-based, but very significant in nature that actually can change your lifestyle and have a really big impact on you and your family's life. There's a link for the book and a few free downloadables on their website, tandem consulting.co.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Get your Calendar FULL of Booked Parties

    “ You've got to make sure that you're having fun and you're focused on relationships, because relationship sare where you're going to grow your business.”

    Janet Parks

    Brooke talks with Janet Parks in today’s Podcast 166. Janet has a sales background and comes from the party plan industry. They discuss how to book parties, how to get sales and how to talk to new people.

    Janet is super passionate about teaching people to get out of that fear factor and get out of their comfort zone and just go out there.

    “It’s 2021, Facebook parties are not dead!” Janet Parks

    Janet shares her top three things that people could do and even start implementing right now so in the next month or so they can have a full calendar.

    Her first tip is to incorporate video. Her number two tip is making sure that when you see something out there that's new, try it, don't discount it. Don't just try it once then get disappointed because not enough people hop on and then give up. Try up to ten times! The third tip is to get into people's inbox.

    You don't have to cold message getting into people's inbox. Just take a human approach, you don't have to be that salesy person that's spammy. Just tell people why you're grateful for them. If you start off with gratitude, then it helps break down any of those barriers. The worst thing that you could do is send a message and people are like, what are you trying to sell me?

    When Janet goes into every party, she tries to stick to a certain system called the fire system, it covers all of the bases when it comes to parties.

    F is for future bookings, that should be at the top of your mind. I is for increasing sales, to have a commission in order to grow your business. R is to recruit often.

    E is encourage forever customers, adding people into your ecosystem, adding people into your group, into your email list. By covering all of those bases they encompass everything that has to do with building a successful party based business.

    “You can't go into Facebook parties nowadays and just make a graphic and verbiage post and expect success from that. You’ve got to incorporate relationship marketing. ” - Janet Parks.

    If you would like to connect with Janet and learn more awesome ideas when it comes to booking parties and really just growing your party plan company, you can find her on her website or on Facebook at solutionsforsellers.com and https://www.facebook.com/groups/jpsforsellers.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • How to Reach out to Influencers to Join Your Team

    “ If you are talking to influencers, you cannot use network marketing language, you need to speak in their language.”

    Brooke Elder

    Podcast 165 brings us another episode of the Spam Squad where Brooke breaks down an actual spammy message she found on Social Media.

    It’s easy as network marketers to fall into the spammy trap of copy and paste and easy to do whatever our upline is telling us. Instead let's think about this as a business, how can we actually show up to serve others? Because that's what network marketing really is all about.

    “You want to create a relationship with people, especially when they are big influencers that already are running a business. ” - Brooke Elder

    Don't offer a solution if people don't have that problem. When you're messaging people, you have to figure out, do they have the problem that you solve? That's how you're going to be able to connect with them.

    Reach out to people who are influencers, who already have an audience, but don't ever send them spammy messages because automatically they're going to be like, no, you spammy, weirdo, get out of here!

    When you are messaging an influencer you might say something like, “Hey, I really love the whole feel of your feed. This was my favorite thing.” Be specific, so that way they know that you're actually listening to them or you have actually checked it out.

    Then introduce yourself and let them know you represent a company that has some really awesome products and you would love to send them some samples and get their feedback on. That's how you want to approach influencers, because they're used to that.

    When you are talking about influencers, you need to talk to them in their language. So in their language you're going to talk about affiliates. You're going to talk about creating partnerships and you're going to approach them to see if they would like to try the product and then give you feedback on it. That's how you approach these people.

    “Remember, spam belongs in your cupboard, not on Social Media!”

    - Brooke Elder.

    Your network marketing company and your products could be an amazing opportunity for them, especially if they have their own business that they're running. They are probably looking for other things that they can bring in to be able to promote to their audience, but you have to present it in the right way.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Overcoming your own expectations to Find Success

    “ Everybody should just do what makes them happy, whether your family or whatever thinks otherwise.”

    Kelly Cable

    When people first start a business in network marketing sometimes they think it will be easy if they just follow the script and instructions from their upline. That is not so!!!! In Podcast 164 Brooke interviews Kelly Cable who is an amazing example of someone who has overcome the challenges of building a successful business.

    Kelly has been in the network marketing business and started out the normal way with the emails of scripts and pictures that you're supposed to use. She did it all the spammy Tammy ways and everybody was doing great around her and she thought she must be doing something wrong because she was struggling and becoming deeper in product debt.

    “It's not that I was doing something wrong necessarily, but I didn't have the right mindset. ” - Kelly Cable

    The mindset shift that brings success is to meet people, to find ways to connect with them, to see what they need and what you can provide to help them as opposed to just making a sale.

    Stop doing all the advertising and posting everywhere. Connect yourself to a brand and just create a presence online for yourself.

    You don’t have to have links posted everywhere. Just talk about your products all the time, in normal conversations and on your social media. You're not trying to get people to buy necessarily and that's the idea, people don't feel pushed.

    Building a successful business takes time. There are a lot of learning lessons along the road, so you don’t want to move too fast. When you move too fast, it creates more problems and challenges than you really would even think that it would. It doesn't give you that opportunity to make those small adjustments and to fail small before you fail big.

    When you do have an idea for a business just go ahead and do it! Don't feel like you have to do every step in creating a legal business before you come forth with your idea because then you're kind of stuck. Don’t listen to everybody by saying, don't post this or that on social media, post what you want and you're going to find those people who love you.

    “Step away from caring about what people think of you and find what works for you.” - Kelly Cable.

    If you would like to connect with Kelly, you can follow her on Facebook , Instagram and LinkedIn, but Facebook is definitely the best place to find and talk to her, just search her name, Kelly Cable.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Your Business must change in this ever-changing environment

    “ If you really want to scale and grow beyond your initial reach, you really need to think outside the box . ”

    Sherell Slaise

    With Covid and the other challenges of the world the last few years the way to work a network marketing business has changed drastically. The old traditional ways of building a business are no longer successful and businesses have had to pivot.

    Social gatherings and home parties are tactics of the past and online marketing has become the new norm. In today’s Podcast, 163, Brooke talks with Sherell Slaise, who shares several tips on how to pivot your business.

    “You still need to make a connection, even in this new online environment.” - Sherell Slaise

    It's really easy to build connections in person, as you can have that back and forth conversation, you can read people's body languages, you hear their intonation and all of those things.

    When you transition to online, even if you follow your same scripts or formats, or like what it is that you say in person, and you try to do that online, that doesn't always work because it lacks the connection that you're making with them. So how do you make that connection?

    Everything begins and ends with your personal leadership. When you start to really understand who you are and build that confidence, you'll get the courage to talk to anyone and everyone, the way that you truly are, what you are and what you communicate.

    In the content that you create online just be you and as you're being you, you'll be able to make those real connections with other people. You'll be able to sift through the noise in a crowd and find other people that hear what you're saying, because they also speak the same language.

    If you're coming from your real, authentic space you create energy. You can feel that level of energy, your level of just laid back the way you're laid back or the way that you're so honest and transparent, that energy does come across online.

    “If you're consistently showing up and just being you all the time, you'll get that same energy back.” - Sherell Slaise.

    If you would like to find out more about pivoting your business and having an online presence, check out Sherell’s Facebook group, facebook.com/groups/LeadingWomenInNetworkMarketing. She also does free lives every Thursday.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • How to promote your new business without being spammy

    “No one goes on Social Media to be sold to.”

    Brooke Elder

    Podcast 162 brings you another episode of the Spam Squad! Brooke walks through what you should and what you shouldn’t do to promote your business without being spammy!!

    When you first starting a network marketing business you are so excited and can’t wait to tell everyone about the amazing products and the great opportunities. If you aren’t careful it is easy to overload on spamminess!

    “People come to social media to be entertained. They come to connect, they come to hear stories.” - Brooke Elder.

    So how do you tell a compelling story? Talk about one of the products you offer and tell an example of a problem it solves. Tell your story about why you love it.

    After telling your story say, “you know, I just joined this new company and here's why it was love at first sight, because this, this and this.”

    Then instead of just sending them, “here's a link, just order from me,” invite them to your launch party on your Facebook group.

    Teach them why it is that they actually need your product by doing five or six posts. Think of the products that you offer and tell a story in a post about each one and the problem that they solve.

    When you craft a post with a personal story people feel more connected. They want to find out all it is that you have to offer because you are taking them on a journey. It's not just, here's a post. I joined a new company, buy my stuff.

    “It is your job to know how to connect with your audience and to be able to help and serve them.” - Brooke Elder.

    When you create an experience for people through storytelling they connect better with you and your products. When that's your focus, your marketing is going to be a hundred times more effective because you're connecting with people and you're making it about them, and they can see themselves in the story.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Serving Over Selling to reach a 6 Figure Business

    “It doesn't matter what you sell, if you're serving first, you'll sell it. ”

    Heather Burns

    In Podcast 161 Brooke has a delightful conversation with Heather Burns about one of her passions - serving authentically instead of just pushing a product.

    Heather has had several successful network marketing businesses and fell in love with the mentoring aspect of the process. She is a life and success coach. She realized there was a difference between people purchasing the product and actually implementing it and using it.

    “Network marketing is not just selling the product or getting people to join. It's really about creating that legacy.” - Brooke Elder.

    Heather discovered that network marketing was so much more than selling a product. You're actually helping people in so many more ways than simply helping them lose weight, or whatever your product may be.

    Heather really changed her focus from selling the product to really trying to focus on how she was supposed to serve people. She also thought of what else she could offer them and how she could help change their lives. When you make tan impact, the income follows.

    When you're really looking at other people and how to serve them, it's all about creating that customer experience that makes people want to keep coming back to you.

    One way to create a customer experience is to send a gift with the order, , a handwritten note goes a very long way. As social media goes and that touch that we can have, that's virtual, it's being authentic and sharing your life, sharing the ups, sharing the downs and sharing your trials. Share your mess to message, your testimony, victim to Victor, that's where people connect.

    People don't relate to perfect. In fact, that makes them feel like they can't connect and that they could never have what you have or do what you do or be who you are. We all are special. We're all unique. We all have our own story. And so if you can really grasp the concept of sharing your story, because nobody has your story.

    “ People come for the product or the service, they stay for the community and the relationship and the connections.” - Heather Burns

    Heather’s last tip is to write down the list of things that actually have changed your life. Don’t leave the list until you have at least 20 things on there, that might seem like a stretch, but she promises that those are the things that people actually want. If you would like to find out more about Heather, you can follow her on Facebook at Garden of Favor Bloom Society or listen to her Garden of Favor Podcasts.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Overcoming the Anxiety of "Getting Your Name Out There"

    “The thing to remember is that your anxiety is always lying to you. ”

    Stephaine Lora Bearce

    In Podcast 160 Brooke addresses a topic that is so needed in network marketing, because the biggest thing that she sees people struggle with is confidence in themselves and talking themselves out of doing things like stepping out of their comfort zone. Today she has a conversation with Stephaine Lora Bearce, who is an Anxiety & Empowerment Coach.

    Stephanie found her passion working predominantly with entrepreneurial women with overcoming anxiety and really stepping into their power. Anxiety is a soft spot in her heart because she has personally dealt with it most of her life.

    “One of the big fueling pieces for anxiety that keeps us from doing the thing is by letting it get too big.” - Stephanie Lora Bearce.

    Stephanie is Queen of Baby Steps. We build these huge goals and big lists in our heads then we look at it and just shut down. The number one thing is to break the list off into tiny pieces. So much fuel for anxiety is all or nothing thinking so breaking it down into baby steps is huge.

    Another tip is self awareness. You have to know what's going on inside your own head before you can catch it and fix it when you start to spiral out. Self talk is everything. Listening to the phrases that you're saying to yourself, the tone that you're using in your head when you speak to yourself, because we don't always talk very kindly to ourselves.

    When it comes to self-talk you can either put an “I am statement” on something, or an “I'm feeling” something. When we wear that “I am” tag, it becomes a piece of how we define ourselves and therefore that feeling will start to come back and stay a lot longer. When we say, instead I am feeling anxious right now I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm feeling whatever, that reminds the brain that this is just a moment in time, not a place that we live and not something that we actually are at our core. One little word change can really affect the way that we think and view the world.

    Once you build self-awareness you realize that you have a choice. That's where the power piece comes from - knowing that you get to actually design the way that you go about your day.

    We are not a deep breathing society because we're go, go, go, go, go. There's a lot of shallow breathing in the way that we live life. We set off the stress and all the cortisol reactions in our body that therefore ends up leading us into the anxiety response. If you can just lean into it and just take a couple deep breaths, choose a new thought, it's going to change the game for how you face the things that are causing anxiety in your life in business and how you can take action on them.

    “Anxiety is just excitement without the breath.” - Stephanie Lora Bearce.

    If you would like to learn more tips on overcoming anxiety and connect with Stephanie, you can find her on Facebook and Instagram, Stephanie Lora Bearce (on Instagram there are no spaces between her name). Her business name is Upleveling Unapologetically, you can find it underneath her free Facebook group.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Stop Playing Small in Your Business

    “Spam belongs in your cupboard and not on Social Media.”

    Brooke Elder

    In today’s Podcast, 159, Brooke shares one of the most powerful Spam Squad episodes she has ever done. The topic of “Stop Playing Small in Your Business” is something that will change your business and yourself drastically!

    The spammy message Brooke reviews is “Messaging 500 people tonight because I am done playing small who's with me?” That is not how you build a business. If you're done playing small, then it's time for YOU to step up. It's not about you going and messaging 500 people because that is so spammy tand it is going to get you kicked off of Facebook and put you into Facebook jail.

    “How do you grow your business and stop playing small? It's all about goal setting and it's about who you are becoming.” - Brooke Elder

    If you want to be a person that's making $10,000 a month and you are not right now, it's because you are not that person. When we are trying to achieve our goals, we have to become something different and step out of our comfort zone.

    Brooke explains that some people have a very small comfort zone around them. The problem is here’s your comfort zone. Your goals are clear out here. So if your goals are clear out here, how can you then reach those goals? People think, “oh, I just got to step out of my comfort zone.,I'll grab it and I'll pull it back in.” That's not how it works! We actually have to do things that are going to expand our comfort zone so it will encompass our goals and become what our goals are.

    Stop playing small by gaining knowledge. We don't want to step out of our comfort zone because it's scary. It's scary because it's unknown, we don't know what that looks like. But if you just do it, you actually gain experience and when you gain experience, now it's not scary. Now you have knowledge

    If you are not learning and being inspired every single day, your day is not going to be inspiring. And if you aren't inspired you aren't going to be able to inspire others.

    The more that you are learning and you're putting information in, it's going to change you because it changes your thoughts. It changes the way that you think about your business. It changes the way you think about yourself. It changes the way that you think about the world. And when we are changing, we are becoming something different. So what you listen to and what you read are so important.

    “How about we change us so that way we can then go and change the world.” - Brooke Elder.

    We have to really expand our comfort zones. And once we expand it big enough, it will encompass our goals because we have become something different. We have changed our habits. We have changed the way that we think, we have changed our knowledge and our experience. That is the thing that's going to help reach your goals. That is the thing that's going to help you stop playing small.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Procrastination and Productivity

    “Done is better than perfect.”

    Brooke Elder

    What is preventing you from doing something? Are you afraid you're going to fail or you're afraid you're going to succeed. Are you going to shake people's perception of you? If you go out and do that thing and are they going to not like you anymore? These are the questions that Brooke talks about with Sophie Chiche in Podcast 158.

    Over the years Sophie developed a passion for doing things that are really meaningful in a very productive way. The essence of her work is that productivity is not just doing stuff, but to make sure that the boxes that are on your list are really connected to what's important to you, to your community or to your family.

    “Be deliberate about what you do and the way you spend your time.” - Sophie Chiche.

    A lot of people don’t see that procrastination gets in the way of their productivity. Sophie lookz at procrastination very differently than most people and has written an article about the ways that we procrastinate that are really purposeful.

    One of the reasons for procrastination is you don’t have enough information to finish the task. If you don’t have all of the pieces to begin with, the task is impossible to complete. People then feel like they have failed. That’s not the case, there just wasn’t enough information to begin with.

    Then there is the perfectionist. The perfectionist doesn't put out things unless it is perfect. Every time they reach a level of perfection they are like, what else could I do to make it even better and even better and even better. So the don't put out the work, they don't put out anything because it's not perfect.

    Another way people procrastinate is they commit to too many things. We have family, we have work, we have ourselves that we want to also grow. And then we take on more commitments, we have too much on our plate. It’s important to negotiate and renegotiate so you don’t break your commitments.

    The next one is to learn to say, no, , because we are such people pleasers. A lot of people feel like if they say no, they may hurt someone else's feelings or they may think bad of them. It’s important to have boundaries. Boundaries are not something that you put on other people, but that you put on yourself.

    “Look at procrastination instead of something of, “oh, I'm not doing something, I should,” look at it as, this is just a sign of telling me that something is not in line.” - Brooke Elder.

    We need to do some self reflection and get to really know ourselves. If you want to know more about Sophie and continue this conversation, go to her website, becurrenttoday.com. The link to her article about the five ways that we procrastinate is: https://www.becurrenttoday.com/five-ways-people-are-pro-at-crastinating/

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Gain Confidence and Customers with Video

    “Whatever your service, whatever your product is, video is everything. ”

    Amber Lykins

    In Podcast 157 Brooke talks to two women who are helping women entrepreneurs brand themselves and market their business through video

    Olivia Heyward has 10 to 15 years experience in a web design, logo design, marketing and material design. She is all about helping women brand themselves. Amber Lykins has been in the beauty industry for 15 years. Her philosophy has always been to teach women how to really have a flawless finish of on camera off camera.

    “The best thing about video is when you watch someone you like, you build a relationship with that person without actually even having to be there.” - Brooke Elder

    Olivia stresses that the thing with video is you've already niched down who you want to speak to. You're saying things that relate to that person, so when you're speaking it, they're thinking, “that's me!” and they tune in more.

    Through video you can actually meet new clients and you don’t have to be killing yourself on the streets and be on the phone,twenty four seven. People are attracted to video marketing and creative content.

    Confidence is a huge issue when it comes to being on video. One of the ways that you can start to immediately build your confidence is to start before you're ready. A lot of times people procrastinate with thoughts like, “I need this, I need this equipment, I need these fancy lights. I need all these things.” That's just procrastination. If you have a iPhone or a good cell phone, you can record amazing content right from your phone.

    Amber adds that practicing is also helpful. She suggests to start with live streaming because it’s more natural and relaxed. People expect that to be a little bit more loose, so you don't have to be as perfect and as polished as regular content. Even if you record sometimes and don't even put it out there, just record because it just builds your confidence. It gets you more comfortable on camera.

    What will build your confidence is knowing the simple things that you teach will bring more value. You have to know who you're speaking to. You have to know really what you have to offer, that is key to creating your videos right on brand.

    “Show up as yourself because that's what people will fall in love with.” - Olivia Heyward.

    Amber and Olivia are offering a fantastic free five day challenge that helps you break down who you're targeting and also finding out about yourself. It will help you build a foundation because a lot of times people want to just start creating content and they don't have a focus. You need to have the end in mind when you start something. Knowing exactly what you're doing will make creating content so much easier. To check out their challenge, go to https://createcontentacademy.com/

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Don't Pimp Your Company

    “We don't want to pimp out our company because no one cares.”

    Brooke Elder

    Today’s podcast, 156, is another episode of the Spam Squad. Brooke takes an actual ad she found on Facebook and breaks it down and talks about why, what you should do and what you shouldn't do when it comes to posting about your company.

    We are all very selfish and we really just care about ourselves, so no one cares about your company. When you talk about the growth that your company has accomplished in the last three years, it only attracts the people who want to jump on that bandwagon and are looking for a get rich quick scenario.

    “I would much rather have 5 to 10 freaking awesome business builders, then a thousand downline that you have to babysit.” - Brooke Elder

    So what does a recruiting post look like that is not spammy? The first step is to create and engaging post and tell them that you have been building your business. It’s important to let people know there's work involved, because it does take work!

    If you presented it as, “Hey, earn money, have trips, have fun, do this,” that's great, but when you do that, you get the people who that's all they want to do and they actually don't want to work.

    Then you turn around on them because yes, it's about me, about what I just did, but you're going to ask about them. That’s arrows out marketing. Ask questions to your audience about things they have done to build their business or things they have accomplished.

    Once you start getting all of the comments coming through on this engaging post, you can either comment on the post or you can create another post.

    Since most people are using Facebook to do their posting, Brooke talks about the strategy of using algorithms on Facebook. You need to be picky about who you recruit on your team. Make it like a job application and map out the qualities and characteristics that you are looking for.

    “When you actually have strategy behind what you're doing on social media, you're going to get way better results.” - Brooke Elder

    If you are authentic and direct in your posting you're going to be attracting the right people. You're going to get business builders not those people who are just tire kickers or kit snatchers. That's not them, so you’re not going to have them on your team and it's going to make it so much easier.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Creating a Power Hour to increase Team Retention

    “It's really about relationship building when it comes down to it.”

    Lindsay Dollinger

    In Podcast 155 Brooke has a conversation with Lindsay Dollinger who is in the top 1% of her company with a team of 130! She shares some of her tips and tricks on how to build a successful team and how to retain them.

    When Lindsay joined her company one of the big things that she wanted was that community feel. She was committed and wanted her team to know that she was always going to be there for them while still having her own boundaries because she still worked full time as a teacher.

    “Team Power Hours are really vital to not only create community, but help people grow their business the right way.” - Lindsay Dollinger.

    The way Lindsay’s Power Hour works is once a leader under her sponsor someone, then they do a three-way chat that reviews the onboarding process. Then she makes sure that the new consultant talks with their leader first, and then they come to her. Creating that authority for other people on your team so that you're not the one answering all the things all the time is really important.


    She has a leader circle with eight women in it who committed to leading one team power hour a week. They each take a day and do an hour of leadership coaching,mastermind, or mentorship calls. A couple people do a more beginner one where they have a list of tasks to do.

    Lindsay builds time into her Power Hour to send “Love Bombs”. These are just messages to say hello, check on someone and I’m thinking of you. Selling should not even come up unless the other person brings it up.

    That is building a relationship with people. That is how to attract people to your team because they feel seen and they know that you are not doing things in a spammy way. It's a really nice way to establish those relationships with other people, especially if their love language is quality time.

    She also builds time in for follow-up and time for scheduling posts. She is really big about productivity and being productive with that hour of time. She makes sure that when they are on a power hour, they are actually guiding and getting work done.

    “A confused mind does nothing.” - Who Said It.

    Incorporating Power Hours into your business is really a super simple solution that solves so many problems. It's going to increase your retention. People are not going to be confused. They're going to know what it is that they're supposed to be doing. If you would like to connect with Lindsay and learn more about her tips or join her team, you can find her at lindsaydollinger.com and facebook.com/lovinglifewithlindsay.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Build wealth with 5 keys to money mastery

    “Most people are so focused on debt that they can't see the bigger vision of what's possible .”

    Veronica Singh

    In today’s podcast, 154, Brooke and Veronica Singh have a great conversation about things that are really never talked about in network marketing.

    Veronica was introduced to the network marketing industry by her best friend in 2012. She learned a ton about the industry, but she also learned a ton about how to also master your finances, how to master your health and things that are typically not taught in the industry as a whole. She shares five keys of money mastery.

    “Everybody gets started in network marketing to make more money.” - Veronica Singh.

    Most people when they get started in network marketing financially are dealing with debt. If you're constantly focused on debt, what do you think you're going to create more of in long-term debt? When it comes to money, you have to have a strong mindset and start thinking abundantly. What can you create and what value can you bring to the marketplace with your network marketing business that you're building in order to produce sales.

    The first key is making money, but making money is only one of the five keys because yes, you need to make money, but you have to have the other four keys working simultaneously in order to create wealth long-term..

    Key number two is managing that money. So simply put, it's understanding how to get your cash flow in order. Instead of taking your monthly income and dumping it all into paying off liabilities, start taking a percentage of that and put it into assets that can generate additional cash flow.

    Key number three is saving money. Look at strategies or plans where you can put your money in a place where it has the ability to compound. Key number four is protection of money and is actually the most important key. Identity theft is actually the fastest growing crime in America today.

    Last is key number five, growing your money. If you can get your cash flow in order, start putting a percentage of that money aside into a plan that can actually start accruing interest and actually compounding that interest over time.

    “If you're not passionate about what you do, you're not going to be motivated to work .” - Veronica Singh.

    If you would like to get more tips on how to be financially savvy you can find Veronica on Instagram. Veronica has an ebook that she wrote a few years ago, you can find that free ebook at www.understandinglongtermwealth.com She also suggests reading the books The Retirement Miracle and The Power of Zero. Another helpful resource is www.socialtenacity.com/moneymindset

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Don't be a spammy network marketer and do a host a post challenge

    “ Anytime that you're doing anything for marketing and it's one and done. most of the time, it's spammy. ”

    Brooke Elder

    In Podcast 153 Brooke shares a special edition of the Spam Squad. Rather than reviewing an actual post, she reviews one of the most spammy strategies that she has ever come across! This strategy is called Host a Post. Not only is it ultimately spammy, but It can get you kicked off of Facebook because it's actually against their policies.

    The strategy of Host a Post is to get your eyes in front of more people and have other people post your spam for you. This is not okay! It's bad enough that we have people out there that are posting their own spam, but asking all of your friends to post spam for you?

    “How can we create a different strategy that is still maybe similar but less spammy? ” - Brooke Elder.

    Brooke talks about what are the results that you are trying to get from your posts. The end result is to increase your sales, get more customers, get more recruits and ultimately grow your business.

    One way to get your friends and their friends and their friends to all see what it is that you offer is to use your Facebook Group. Ask your friends to invite their friends into the group, but you don't just say, “Hey, this group is awesome. You should invite your friends in it too.” That's not how you do it. What you do instead is put together some sort of event, it could be one Facebook live that you're going to do. It could be a three-day event.

    Create your three day event around a topic that solves a problem. The week before your event, talk about it in your group and tell them if you know of anyone else that would be interested in learning about this, make sure you invite them into the group because we want to help as many people to be able to achieve this result.

    You can promote that on your personal page and say, “Hey, in my group, this is what I'm doing.” So now you're getting people there. And you can also say, “if you want to invite other people to this, here's a post that you can post and let other people know that this is what we're going to be talking about.” So you're automatically building your audience. You're building your leads and you're doing it because you are bringing people value.

    On the first day of your event you will just talk about the problem and offer tips on how to solve it. The second day you can offer a solution or product not affiliated with your company. The third day talk about your product, talk about benefit, benefit, benefit of why it is that they need this product and offer a discount.

    “If you're ever feeling like you're puking on someone, you're doing it wrong.” - Brooke Elder.

    We serve people by bringing them value by saying, you have a problem. I have a solution. Part of my solution may include network marketing products or joining my team, but I'm going to give you a lot of other options too. It's not about me selling. It's not about you joining my team. It's about me helping you solve the problem that you have. When you come from that sort of mindset, that's when your business is really going to explode.

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

  • Managing expectations in your business

    “ It's okay to be where you're at and give yourself permission to say wherever you're at is perfect for you.”

    Brooke Elder

    In Podcast 152 Brooke and Sarah Zolecki talk about how to manage expectations in your business, especially when you first join the network marketing industry.

    Sarah has been around this amazing profession for over 20 years and has a unique perspective because she built her business being single. She built it being married and shebuilt it with kids and they're all definitely different phases. When she first got introduced to the business she had no business being in business at all,, but she absolutely fell in love with the profession and the people in it.

    “If you're brand new, be excited about being brand new, don't be scared about it.” - Sarah Zolecki.

    Most people come into the business with an employee mindset. We're used to being told when to take a vacation, when to take lunch break, when to do whatever. Then all of a sudden we get into network marketing and we're in our own deal and we're like, “this is awesome” and then at the same time we’re like “this is really scary!”

    It is so important when you are brand new in the industry to cut yourself some slack! It’s going to take a while to get your legs, so to speak, and figure out how things work in the industry and your business. Your first year is not to be a rockstar, it's just to become proficient and start learning the skills you need to build your business.

    There really are only a few fundamentals to this business and once you got it, you got it. It's talking to people, having conversations, it's inviting people to look at your product or service or the business, and then it's following up. Then it's enrolling them as a distributor or it's getting them to sign up as a customer. Then it’s just repeating the same process.

    Whatever your goal is in your business, take the deadline off otherwise it puts so much pressure on you. It doesn’t matter when you get there, it just matters that you get there.

    Everyone that gets involved in the business has different skill sets that they bring to the table. Some of us have a little bit more skill sets than others, but be patient, there’s always something to learn that will prepare you to handle future situations.

    “It's so important not to compare yourself to other people because the journey is your journey. ” - Sarah Zolecki.

    If you would like to connect with Sarah, you can find her on social media at sarahandtony.com



    Another tip to help keep the perspective of where you are and where you are going is to create a magic morning. For more information check out www.socialtenacity.com/magicmorning

    How to get involved

    If you are ready to take your business online and have the system to free up your time AND bring in the customers and recruits you want, check out www.socialtenacitytraining.com! If you want to continue the conversation, join the Official Authentic Influencer Marketing Community on FB HERE

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a quick review on iTunes. It would mean the world to hear your feedback and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!