Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota is a podcast about people who've turned their emotional shit into fertilizer for success. It's about seeing our darkest moments as opportunities for learning, growth and transformation. We'll cover topics like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, narcissism versus self-care and difficult family and work relationships. For more, visit http://marciasirotamd.com/.
Dr. Marcia Sirota is a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Toronto, Canada. She has more than 25 years of experience and specializes in health and wellness, healing trauma, unblocking creativity and empowering people to be their best self. She is the author of 5 books and an instructor of Udemy online courses. In her spare time, she enjoys screenwriting, yoga and working out.
A culinary dietitian's mission to translate health benefits into delicious meals you actually want to make. You'll enjoy this podcast if you need help solving common cooking dilemmas, meal planning, interpreting recipes, answering your sizzling recipe questions and want to create excitement around cooking food for wellness.
Beyond the Routine, hosted by well-known performance trainers and health and wellness experts Betina and Nic Shimonek, takes listeners beyond the workouts and gets real about life. The husband and wife duo go deep into their health and wellness practices, how they find balance and joy as a growing family, and share their knowledge as experts at the top of their field. From training professional athletes to chasing a toddler around airports, they keep things fun and informative. On this weekly podcast, listeners discover tips for leading a healthier life, hear interviews with leading experts, get inspired by Betina and Nic’s parenting and relationship stories, and follow their career journeys.
Nic Shimonek is a sports performance coach, former NFL quarterback, father, and husband. Betina Gozo Shimonek is a Nike global trainer, fitness and wellness expert, mother, wife, 2x women's strength training book author, prenatal/postpartum fitness specialist, and proud Filipino. -
I’m Dr. Cara Goodwin, child psychologist and mom of three.
Parents, here’s the problem. We face questions each moment of the day about what is best for our children but we lack the time to research each and every question we face. My primary goal is to get research-backed information into your hands that is accurate, relevant, and helpful.
As a parent of four young kids, I am definitely “in it” myself. Parenting Translator is where we share all the research that is important to me as a psychologist and mom and explain it in an unbiased way that can change your life and your kids’ lives today. -
Ayo Néné est un ensemble de récits, de discussions intimes, inspirantes et particulières. C'est le partage de mamans qui ont à coeur de transmettre leurs histoires et leurs origines venues d'ailleurs.A travers ces témoignages personnels, nous aborderons avec franchise des sujets qui gravitent autour de la maternité, de la parentalité, de la transmission... Le tout avec bienveillance. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ayonene/support
Der OPEN COURT Podcast ist zurück und geht in seine fünfte Staffel! Basketball-Fans können sich auf spannende Einblicke und unterhaltsame Gespräche freuen. Neu am Mikrofon: Moderator und Reporter Matthias "Matze" Killing, der bereits aus Formaten wie „ran“, „ProSieben Maxx“ und dem „Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen“ bekannt ist. Als leidenschaftlicher Basketballfan aus der "Baller-Stadt" Hagen bringt Killing frischen Wind in das Format. "Ich habe richtig Lust auf diesen Podcast", sagt er.
OPEN COURT erscheint im 14-tägigen Wechsel mit dem FCBB-UPDATE. In diesem kürzeren Format, das sich auf aktuelle Ergebnisse und Analysen konzentriert, führen wie gewohnt Steffen Hamann und Jens Leutenecker durch die neuesten Entwicklungen. So bleibt ihr immer bestens informiert. -
The Keisha Tower Show encompasses a wide variety of topics that include recovering from childhood trauma, struggling with body image, setting boundaries, holding space for your children while healing, anxiety, maternal mental health, and so much more!
BLOG - www.keishatower.com
EMAIL - [email protected]
FACEBOOK - Keisha Tower
INSTAGRAM - keishanicolet -
Hello! Welcome to the Juice Plus Partner Stories UNCUT Podcast.
These are the untold truths from leaders, corporate heroes and snippets from calls with our partners around the world.
If you are thinking of joining the Juice Plus+ family, a newbie to the team or on your way to become a future leader, this podcast is packed full of inspiration and golden nuggets. -
Fertility and the first 1,000 days is a podcast aimed primarily at women who are trying to conceive. It is for you if you are on a fertility journey of any kind, whether you have struggled with infertility, have conditions that impact fertility such as PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, have suffered miscarriage, undergoing IVF, or just thinking about having kids in the future. This includes primary and secondary infertility. It is also for you if you're currently pregnant, in the postnatal period or have children under 2 (that’s what is meant by fertility and the first thousand days). It is also for you if you work with women, early years, or have an interest in such topics. Episodes will always be titled accordingly so you can listen to what suits your needs.
It is designed to be accessible for people who are busy and short on time with episodes under half an hour.
If you've felt overwhelmed with information and want simple answers to specific questions and issues around fertility, pregnancy and early motherhood then this aims to give you simple answers and quick wins.
If you want to be part of a supportive community, and you want to hear from somebody who is listening, I will always create episodes based on the needs of my listener. -
In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles darum, wie Kinder ohne strikte Ernährungsregeln und Verbote ein gesundes Essverhalten entwickeln. Du erfährst, warum du dem inneren Ernährungskompass deines Kindes vertrauen kannst – und wie dein Kind von diesem Vertrauen ein Leben lang profitieren wird. Als Mütter haben wir selbst lange darunter gelitten, dass unsere Kinder nicht so gegessen haben, wie es die Ernährungspyramide vorgibt. Heute stellen wir die innere Stimme unserer Kinder über gesellschaftliche Zwänge zum Thema Ernährung - und laden dich ein, uns auf diesem Weg zu mehr Vertrauen und Gelassenheit am Esstisch zu begleiten. Schön, dass du zuhörst! Katharina und Julia von confidimus
Σου 'χει τύχει κι εσένα να χαζεύεις το ταβάνι, ενώ όλα τρέχουν γύρω σου και εσύ έτσι απλά να σταματάς τον χρόνο για μια στιγμή; Συστηθήκαμε; Εγώ είμαι η Αγάπη και θ’ ακούσεις τις σκέψεις μου, τις πραγματικές ή φανταστικές ιστορίες μου και θα βρούμε μαζί μικρά πράγματα που θα κάνουν την καθημερινότητά μας πιο όμορφη και ό,τι λύσεις, tips, hacks έχω βρει για να την κάνουν πιο εύκολη. Χαλάρωσε με ένα καφεδάκι και έλα να κάνουμε ένα διάλειμμα μέσα στη μέρα σου παρέα. (Instagram: agapikan / https://www.instagram.com/agapikan/)
Following on from series one of the previously named ‘Redefining Parenthood Podcast’, host Becky of DefiningMum is joined by co-host Hayley King of All Things Donor Conception to form the ‘Paths to Parenthub podcast’. Sharing perspectives as parents to donor-conceived children, and in Hayley’s case being a donor-conceived person herself, they focus on conversations about some of the more complex, nuanced aspects of donor conception. With the hope of providing different perspectives, information, reflection, and validation as they openly discuss different topics, share stories and ask listeners for their input.
It is no secret that Mothers are truly the unsung heroes of today’s families.
The amount of work, errands, tasks, and support mothers do day in and day out is never-ending.
It’s keeping the household and family running.
It’s planning birthday parties and family activities.
It’s running to the grocery store while waiting to pick up the dry cleaning.
It’s making sure the kids and spouse have everything they need… often putting themselves and their health last.
It can feel like an Invisible Burden... an evergrowing weight carried on the shoulders of many moms.
And our society expects mothers to carry this load without question.
What happens when we carry additional weight…?
Our bodies are stressed and challenged in a magnitude of ways that can lead to stress, poor health.
The Invisible Burden can lead to weight gain, constant low energy, hormone imbalance. It can lead to being stretched beyond reach.
What’s worse is that hardworking mothers like you bearing this burden, are often not seen or acknowledged for carrying the contributions and the acts of the family.
If you’re a stay-at-home mom, society often expects you to carry the invisible burden without question. If you’re a working mom, you’re also expected to carry the invisible burden just as much while working to provide an income to your family.
You have so many important things pulling you in different directions that it often means you put yourself… and your health… last.
I’m Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, Founder, and CEO of the Fit Mother Project and the host of this podcast… and I get all of this.
Growing up… my dad died when I was 9 years old… and my mom became a widow with two young boys… and she had to fight to raise us and keep our family together.
I started the Fit Mother Project and created this podcast with the sole purpose of helping create stronger and more powerful mothers through losing weight without restrictive diets, crazy workouts, or the image of “being perfect.”
Our Fit Mother team has helped over 10,000 women become a stronger more fit version of themselves and we know this podcast will help you do the same on your journey to a better you.
You can take care of your family and work… and still make time for yourself and your health.
I’ll show you how XYZ. It’s time for you to put yourself and your health first.
To get notified of new episodes, follow the Fit Mother Project Podcast on Apple, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you get your Podcasts.
You can also subscribe to our youtube channel, Fit Mother Project to watch the full episodes and more.
I’ll see you in the episodes. -
Brief, off-the-cuff conversations about real life homeschooling in the moment. Pam & Mystie both homeschool teens and middle-schoolers and have been homeschooling for over a decade. Together they share what it's really like, give tips and recommendations, and encourage homeschool moms to keep up the good work.
Mathieu Lopez vous emmène sur La Route des Vins du Luxembourg pour un fabuleux voyage empreint de découvertes, le long de la Moselle luxembourgeoise. Chaque épisode est synonyme de rencontres au coeur des villages viticoles et hauts lieux de la gastronomie Grand-Ducale. Domaines, vins de saison et dégustations coups de coeur… Sans oublier les évènements viticoles et conseils oenologiques prodigués par les meilleurs spécialistes du vin au Luxembourg.
You are listening to the Mom Halo podcast. This sweet ear candy will serve up laughs & aha moments as we talk to best-in-class thought leaders-these folks are dropping gems of genius.
I am Alana Kayfetz, a fun freckled fearless millennial mom of 3 kiddos. I love to introduce you to your ideas and people that will rock your world while laughing out loud because that is the only way to get through the daily grind of parenting.
Plug in your earphones and let’s go get them! -
Et si les élèves pouvaient décider de ce qu’ils font de leurs journées, de leur école et de leur vie?
Et s'il existait des écoles sans devoirs ni bulletin? Où chacun peut jouer et discuter, apprendre ce qu’il décide, à sa manière, à son rythme, quel que soit son âge?
Parlons de cette pédagogie qui permet à chaque élève d’aimer venir à l’école, d’être lui-même, de développer sa personnalité et ses centres d’intérêt!
Dans ce podcast, l’École Sudbury Lilloise partage une vision, une expérience et des anecdotes pour vous faire découvrir un autre type d’école.