
  • About my guest:

    McCall McPherson is the founder of Modern Thyroid Clinic, a thyroid - centered functional medicine practice in Austin, Texas, and the owner and Chief-Hope-Giver of Thyroid Nation. She is a physician assistant, TEDx speaker and a thyroid and hormone expert by way of being a patient. Her passion for perfecting thyroid treatment stemmed from years of her suffering due to the mismanagement of her own hypothyroidism. Now she lives, breathes and thrives in understanding the nuances of proper thyroid care. Her philosophy is simple: There is no reason to still have thyroid symptoms. She spends her time with patients to help them get their lives back and teaching and advocating for the other millions suffering who aren’t her patients.

    Modern Thyroid Clinic

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    Summary: In this video, Dr Cassie Smith interviews McCall McPherson who is the founder of Modern Thyroid Clinic and Thyroid Nation. These two providers pinpoint common symptoms and ways to treat thyroid disease. They touch on fundamental problems with the healthcare system as a whole. Additionally, they discuss ways for patient’s to advocate for their own health, and provide tips on changes patient’s can implement to support better lifestyles and overall health.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    02:52 McCall McPherson Describes her Practice and Outlook on Thyroid Disease

    05:40 Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

    07:20 Thyroid Lab Testing and the Importance of Optimal FT3 and FT4 Levels

    09:46 Ways to Optimize and Importance of Reverse T3

    12:36 The Roles of Insulin Resistance, Vitamin Deficiencies, and Low Sex Hormones in Patients with Thyroid Disease

    19:34 Looking at the Whole Picture in Healthcare

    26:00 Hope for the Future of Healthcare

    30:10 Importance of Spending Time with Patients and Individualized Care

    32:14 Ways to Help Clinicians and Patients

    34:17 Importance of Humanization of Patients

    36:01 Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression Mistreatment

    39:17 Ways to Reach Modern Thyroid Clinic and Thyroid Nation

    42:24 Q&A Session Discussing Key Supplements, Foods, and Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Health

    48:20 Conclusion

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  • In this video, Dr Cassie Smith shares ways to improve your health and address common thyroid issues including Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, and Graves. Further she explains the importance of checking proper thyroid lab tests (Free T3 and Free T4 levels), the role of the thyroid gland, and how thyroid hormones affect various functions in the body. Additionally she discusses the impact of inflammation, stress, sleep, and other factors on thyroid health. Finally, Dr Cassie Smith summarizes practical steps to optimize your thyroid function and overall well-being.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    04:21 Thyroid Hormones and Cellular Function

    4:30 Thyroid Hormones Related to Anxiety & Depression

    05:25 How People’s Symptoms, Not Just Labs Matter

    08:16 Reverse T3 and Energy Wasting

    08:50 Insulin Resistance

    11:39 Factors Affecting T3 Absorption

    14:10 Diagnosing and Treating Thyroid Disorders

    16:12 Body’s Symptoms and Gut Health

    17:22 Addressing Inflammation and Root Cause

    Connect with Modern Endocrine:

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    Disclaimer: Disclaimer

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  • In this video, Dr Cassie Smith shares ways to improve your health and address common thyroid issues including Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, and Graves. Further she explains the importance of checking proper thyroid lab tests (Free T3 and Free T4 levels), the role of the thyroid gland, and how thyroid hormones affect various functions in the body. Additionally she discusses the impact of inflammation, stress, sleep, and other factors on thyroid health. Finally, Dr Cassie Smith summarizes practical steps to optimize your thyroid function and overall well-being.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    04:21 Thyroid Hormones and Cellular Function

    05:25 How People’s Symptoms Matter

    08:16 Reverse T3 and Energy Wasting

    08:50 Insulin Resistance

    11:39 Factors Affecting T3 Absorption

    14:10 Diagnosing and Treating Thyroid Disorders

    16:12 Body’s Symptoms and Gut Health

    17:22 Addressing Inflammation and Root Causes

    The information presented, including any materials discussed, referenced, or linked, within this podcast are for general educational purposes only—NOT the practice of medicine.

    No doctor-patient relationship is formed from you listening to this podcast or utilizing any of the information provided. I am a doctor, but I am not talking to you as your doctor. The information provided is not intended to diagnose or treat health problems, or take the place of the professional medical care provided by your doctor.

    If you are experiencing any health problems—including problems you believe have been touched upon in any respect within this podcast—you should consult your doctor about the problems without delay. You may ask your doctor whether he or she believes the information I have provided would be helpful to you, but you should still consult your doctor immediately and follow his or her medical advice as your treating physician.

    I’m just here to provide you basic knowledge about the issues we discuss so you are more aware of them and can better discuss them with your doctor. That’s why we call it “back to the basics”!

    Join me on the next episode as we continue our journey!