Dansk Film Podcast er en podcast der tager sig kærligt af danske film, danske tv-serier, dansk filmmusik, teater og danske skuespillere.
Vi kommer i dybden og bestræber os på at komme både foran og bag kameraet og fortælle historier som ikke er hørt før. Fra dem der var med eller andre som har gode historier at fortælle. Vi har også nyheder, anmeldelser og mange andre spændende ting.
Dine værter er Thomas Sode & Danni Jørgensen.
Husk at følge os på Facebook:
Og at abbonere på Itunes store:
https://itunes.apple.com/…/…/dansk-film-podcast/id1124154396 -
Disneyhjørnet er en podcast af to disneyfanatikere, der gerne vil dele deres kærlighed til Disney - en klassiker ad gangen.
Vi vil i hver episode tage fat på en disneyklassiker, hvor vi vil anmelde den og snakke om filmen helt generelt. Vi starter selvfølgelig med disneyklassiker film nummer 1 og så videre derfra. -
Idiot’s Array is a Star Wars podcast hosted by Alan Zaugg, Mark Sutter, and Ryder Waldron. We bridge the Star Wars galaxy, from the movies to the comics, the novels to Star Wars Rebels and The Clone Wars. On Idiot’s Array we discuss Star Wars in a fun and intelligent way. We’d be honored if you’d join us at the Sabacc table!
Contact us:
Twitter: @idiotsarraypod
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Idiot’s Array
Alan: @jedizaugg
Mark: @MarkESutter
Ryder: @RyderWaldronDDS -
The world's only media podcast™. Support the show on Patreon! patreon.com/haveyouseenthis Have You Seen This? BONUS episodes
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Comics Canon is the podcast that reads, reviews, and renders judgment on the greatest comic book stories of yesterday and today. Each episode, Curt Holman and Kevin Moreau take a critical and completely subjective look at one of the biggest stories and most seminal moments in the medium's history, as they decide: Does this belong in the pantheon of classic and iconic tales known as ... The Comics Canon?
What can be expected in each issue of HorrorHound:
Film Facts
Exclusive Photos
Fan Contributions
A Look at Horror Fan Lifestyles
Original Art
Theme Based Issues
Etc. Etc. Etc.
HorrorHound™ also includes vital information pertaining to merchandising of all the twisted movies we love. Speaking of merchandise, HorrorHound™ will cover news on the production and availablity from the vast world of licensed horror collectibles including comic books, model kits, costumes, masks, novels, soundtracks, games, action figures and whatever else the genre can stand. Not to mention interviews and making-of features on great companies producing these must have gems. On top of all this, HorrorHound will strive to present fans with a home, hosting a number of exciting contests, allowing readers to view custom Halloween costumes, horror tattoos, letters and fan artwork to be featured in each issue of the magazine. Our goal is to offer the most fan-friendly publication available at the best price to the readers with enough incentives each issue to keep you coming back for more. As dedicated fans ourselves we can only hope to offer a refreshing new look at our genre. Feed the Beast - Tell your friends! -
Join host Dr. Chelsea Gardner and co-hosts Dr. Carolyn Laferièrre and Dr. Melissa Funke for a journey through under-explored aspects of archaeology, history, and everyday life in the ancient Mediterranean. Every week we feature an expert whose cutting-edge research sheds light on the real people who lived in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and beyond. Follow us on Twitter @peoplingthepast with the #peoplingpodcast, on Instagram and Facebook @peoplingthepast, and on our website peoplingthepast.com.
Velkommen til et univers af kunstnerinterviews, finurlige fiduser og krøllede hjerner. Jeg undersøger de kreative processer bag kunsten. Du får mine tips til dine kunstneriske projekter og kreative stunder. Jeg hylder passionen for kunst og den farverige fantasi. Din vært er Kicki the Vibe.
Mellemrum er en podcast om den uafhængige scene for udstillingssteder og projektrum i København. Thorbjørn besøger nogle af udstillingsstederne og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deres vilkår, passion, ambitioner, deres udfordringer og de mange muligheder indenfor denne boblende del af kunstscenen.
Produktion og tilrettelæggelse: Thorbjørn Saugmann Andersen
Fotografi af Sonia Almeidas værk 'Pockets & Lies' på Aga Works, 2020
Programmet er blevet til med støtte fra Statens Kunstfond og Nørrebro PULS -
Welcome to Not A Real Artist! A podcast by Iris Fritschi-Cussens and Tamara Sagathevan, discussing relatable creative topics with honesty and humour. We hope you enjoy the podcast!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Deep Rooted Healing is a contemplative podcast exploring the healing bridges that connect the body, mind, heart and soul including creative practices, touch, nature, spirituality and community.
Hosted by Emma Freeman, artist, writer, Reiki practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist. She teaches online healing creative classes at www.deep-rooted-healing.com. Emma lives in and practices in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Emma is sober and a highly sensitive person.
This podcast used to be called Creative Unearthing and before that was Reflections from my Art Table. -
Guy Aitchison's Reinventing the Tattoo started as a three ring binder in the early 90's when he agreed to his first seminar. Since then it has continued to evolve and grow through various mediums with an ever growing community of contributing artists who have benefited tremendously from the book, movies, seminars, drawing groups, mobile apps and now through this podcast.
The podcast replays live shows from the Reinventing the Tattoo network including exclusive interviews, discussion panels, webinars, art jams, and even drunk critiques.
Check the website for the upcoming live stream schedule, and tattoo artists and apprentices are encouraged to download the mobile app in the google or apple app stores.