Before I contemplate dating apps again, I will ask about social media and AI use; seems people are really addicted to both replacing actual connection. I experienced and processed hours worth of being with my excited emotions- I will possibly share raw actual recordings in the 2 audios after this. Thanks for being here! Until the flip~
"Talk in song from tongues of lilting grace
Sounds caress my ear
And not a word I heard could I relate
The story was quite clear" I had an amazing experience not too long ago. I enjoyed sovereign space with myself in an experience it would've been another level in a shared experience with the catalyst himself connecting to him and his world in our experiences. A magic moment nonetheless left an impression. -
...ancient name for spontaneous oracle delivered by a speaker. On a path without a hunger for partnership, rather being with my whole, open for another who'd also like to be with and reveal his whole! Hilarious to say whole vs.hole! I received perhaps a sign during a self pleasure experience...! Thanks for being here
How would your day unfold and who would come forward if you got out of bed, looked in the mirror and asked, "What stories are we letting go of today?" I recognized, I. Am. Alone. And I am not feeling lonely, not something I've experienced in a very long time.
Realized some people consciously turn parts of themselves away in order to prevent attachment. Since I'm the level of the company I keep, I open my circle to include fearless people in order to learn and practice fearlessness. My drop drag, to slow drops is extreme self care, meditation! Come here you, sit and be with me!
An anonymous share, someone shared his writing with me and had impact. Going to be a rough winter, I am concerned and leaning on my positive tools... I'm curious about you- LR po box 1407 Lake Stevens, WA 98257
A man shared he's seeking partnership- my body reacted favorably, these men do exist! I'm sick and it's the nyquil. LR Po box 1407, Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Time crunch before I'm homeless. Jeep starter and battery a few weeks ago. Rv issues. New batteries. Looks like the starter. Oh no. No keys to hood compartment. Oh no. No mobile techs. Time crunch. Found a mechanic will get a tow. Oh no. Hydraulic jacks stabilizing system only works while motorhome is running. Fak. Nervous system collapse means extra care and I've still managed to connect with my gratitude. Would've been nice to have leaned on a partner for support and in turn I would help him. Only a puzzle and now open to solutions. I could use a I care card, a note of hello :) even donation would be appreciated. Po box 1407 lake stevens 98258
Finally sunk in, emotions are essentially a chemical byproduct of neural connectivity- men are wired to have feelings. Culturally they've been denied this part of them. I have so much compassion for you!
A quick share, dream thoughts a d the actual recording-.theta thoughts! Astral'gasm idea and disconnected sex.
Mood I'm in today while integrating an ego decay- Thank you for being here♡ send a love note or appreciation or donate $ :) po box 1407 Lake Stevens Wa 98258
A new poem birthed from darkness, my instincts proved correct, smoke and mirrors singed from a fire, burned are the old parts she no longer needs...
Realized p.i.v. intercourse, coitus, without heart connection is draining. Spending less time in my fantasy world. Now hold attention and presence with other like minded sexual emotional weirdos also seeking partnership. I believe other when he says I don't want a partnership, don't want to date, and those that can keep love and sex separate. No longer have a place in me that thinks I'm the exception, he'll change his mind. No longer afraid I won't have good sex. No longer afraid a partnership will include boring vanilla sex. I sense a conscious partnership will include sex beyond my imagination. And right now things are ok.
Psyche, the subconscious mind sent me a song to listen to. Zero by Smashing Pumpkins. Do others get depressed around their birthday? Really can't remember a birthday I was happy to have, why do I choose as if I'm unworthy; Inner examination. "Emptiness is loneliness...and God is empty just like me." Wanna go for a ride?
If you haven't hear the previous episode, go listen it's brief. This morning instead of the usual desired vanilla morning sex I crave after an intense evening, this morning my fantasy is gentle, non-sexual, a double rainbow cry how others can take me to see beautiful vistas, I desire to help support taking some chores off his plate~ Thanks for being here
Session was another intense experience, they kept coming. Mini share.
Wowie, not in tents but an INTENSE experience. For the mature. Part of the autism is my ability to be in and with fantasy. Connection with another not only becomes a shared experience and it shows me it wasn't a figment of my fanciful imagination! One day a gentle shared sleepy conclusion of an intense experience, until then I welcome and enjoy the experiences now. Thanks for being here~
Deepak Chopra said ego stands for edging God out. I'm in a dark night of the soul this time it's around my sexual shadow. This hurts, ego is very large here.
Refraining romantic relationships. I found a rick "Beware Advantage- if you take it, it is yours and all that comes with it. Otherwise leave it." I took it and have been receiving good or bad? It was an easy choice. Years ago I would've thought twice then blamed the thing.
How to say you like effing a girl but don't like her without having to say you like effing a girl but don't like her...I've started to learn to hold space when a negative thought arises. You try it, some personal growth. Thanks for being here I think I lost my oy! recording- bummer.
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