Season 9 Episode 52 of the Be Conscious Podcast investigates infractions to our self-worth. At any time in life, we can experience circumstances that leave us feeling diminished and powerless. Can the empowered belief in ourselves be restored with two simple words? Listen in as Dr. Shafer shares her journey and wisdom in reclaiming her autonomy and agency of self.
Connect with Dr. Shafer: www.drshaferstedronova.com
Support Dr. Nicholas' Conscious works: www.SusanNicholas.org
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***Sensitive Material***
Season 9, Episode 51 of the Be Conscious Podcast looks at Buddhist philosophy and the purpose of living an embodied life. Listen in as Zen Buddhist Meido Moore Roshi shares his inspired personal journey. In this episode, we discuss suffering, existentialism, the importance of life on Earth, the poverty experience, and the deep learning gleaned from suicidal ideation.
Learn more about Meido Moore: www.korinji.org
Support Dr. Nicholas' conscious works: www.susannicholas.org
Season 9, Episode 50 of the Be Conscious Podcast delves into the convoluted journey of conscious awareness. Listen in as conscious entrepreneur Michele Parad discusses the rewarding and at times, torturous journey that has no end; the humbling path toward self-actualization.
Connect with Michele: www.micheleparad.com
Support Dr. Nicholas' Conscious Works: www.susannicholas.org
Season 8 Episode 49 of the Be Conscious Podcast taps into the wisdom of the legendary Bob Proctor through the writings of his son, Brian Proctor. Listen in as Brian shares handed-down insights and the keys to living a happy and fulfilling life.
Brian's Website: www.BrianProctor.com
Season 8 Episode 48 of the Be Conscious Podcast examines those tiresome patterns and circumstances we can't seem to easily break. Feel like you're on the hamster wheel of life? Noticing cycles of debt, relationships that just aren't right, or business cycles that keep you up at night? Whatever the recurrence or pattern, whether it be ancient or recent, listen in to discover a way to finally break a cycle that no longer serves you.
Support Dr. Nicholas' Conscious Works: https://gofund.me/0cd79b68
Provocative Content on Sensitive Subject Matter
Season 8 Episode 47 of the Be Conscious Podcast takes us on a conscious journey into sex trafficking. Listen as Lisa Turner shares her childhood experience and involvement in human trafficking in the UK. Tune in as we investigate consenting before the age of consent and the higher awareness that was born out of this convoluted life experience.
Lisa's website: www.cetfreedom.com
What exactly did Albert Einstein mean when he stated that "We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them?" Season 8 Episode 46 takes you into the mind, exploring the problem solving capacity available to us at the alpha frequency of thought, highlighting the life and works of Jose Silva Sr.
Learn more about Jose Silva's works: www.silvanow.com
Jose Silva's book: https://www.amazon.com/Silva-Mind-Control-Method/dp/0671739891
Support Dr. Nicholas' works: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-break-the-cycle-of-poverty
Season 8 Episode 45 looks at the searching behind career transitions; helping us to make sense of those heavy feelings of being out-of-place, unfulfilled, or like something is missing in your life. Is moving from place to place or job to job the modern alchemist journey...the path intended to bring you closer to your true self? Listen as life coach, Noemi Poget, shares her deepest insights into the convoluted journey we call life.
Connect with Noemi Poget: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noemipoget/
Noemi's Website: https://noemipoget.pro/Support Dr. Nicholas' Conscious Works: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-break-the-cycle-of-poverty
Season 8 Episode 44 of the Be Conscious Podcast delves into Integrative Medicine with one of America's leading clinicians, Dr. Jim Roach. Listen as we discuss how to integrate spirituality into your clinical practice as Dr. Roach shares his tips on achieving spiritual awareness and hormonal balance. Tune in as he imparts his wisdom, extensive research and experience with botanical science and nutritional supplementation that promises to enhance your overall well-being.
Website: https://www.themidwaycenter.com/jim-roach
Conference Information: https://www.drroach.net/conferences
Dr. Roach's Books:
Support Dr. Nicholas' Conscious Works: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-break-the-cycle-of-poverty
In Season 7 Episode 43 of the Be Conscious Podcast, we explore a conscious twist in the mid-life crisis. What does that big life shift have in store for you? Here's a clue; the Universe has a message for you. Are you ready to heed the call?
Work with Stacie: https://modernconsciousness.com/
Support Dr. Nicholas's Works: https://gofund.me/295f93c9
Season 7 Episode 42 of the Be Conscious Podcast introduces us the the healing powers of hypnotherapy. Listen in as Matthew Brownstein share his infinite wisdom and resources. He brings awareness to the power of the mind in both the manifestation of disease and its supreme ability to heal the physical body.
Website: https://www.instituteofhypnotherapy.com/
Free resources: https://www.onlinemonastery.com/
Support Dr. Nicholas' Works: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-break-the-cycle-of-poverty
Season 7 of the Be Conscious Podcast opens with bringing our awareness to the innate powers within us. Tune in as Tonya Dawn Recla takes us on a journey from military counter intelligence to superconsciousness.
Work with Tonya
Support Dr. Nicholas' Works
Website: www.SusanNicholas.org
LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/susannicholasmd
IG: https://www.instagram.com/conscious.susan/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@susannicholasmd
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SusanNicholasMD/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/susannicholasmd
Susan's Books
In Season 6 Episode 40 of the Be Conscious Podcast, we discuss the death construct. Listen as we unravel the past conditioning and programs that have kept us in fear of the inevitability of physical death. Can discussions about death become casual dinner conversation? Let's find out...
IG: @bodyspeak.in
Book: Wealth Codes: Sacred Strategies For Abundance
In Season 6 Episode 39 of the Be Conscious Podcast, we continue our discussions about human constructs. In this very special episode, we will hear from a gen Z adolescent, whose generation is redefining what is means to be human outside of the rigid masculine/feminine gender construct. An endearing episode you won't want to miss.
Season 6 Episode 38 of the Be Conscious Podcast is an encore broadcast with Dr. Ricci-Jane Adams. In this insightful episode, Dr. Adams shares with us how she personally unpacked the white supremacy mentality that is buried deeply within the subconscious of all of humanity. A most intriguing discussion and perspective about race; one that has rarely been outwardly spoken. Take a listen.
Support Dr. Nicholas' Works
Conscious Books
In Season 6 Episode 37 of the Be Conscious Podcast, Professor of Religious Studies, Dr. Pimienta-Bey shares insights into the primary religions prevailing on earth today. Listen as we delve into the fears and ideologies of institutional religion including a very detailed discussion about the origins, motivations, and mandates of religious practice.
Support Dr. Nicholas' Works
LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/susannicholasmd
IG: https://www.instagram.com/conscious.susan/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@susannicholasmd
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SusanNicholasMD/
Susan's Conscious Books
Season 6 Episode 36 investigates our beliefs and perceptions about money. What is "real money" anyway? How do our perceptions, beliefs, and past experiences frame our money story?
Support Dr Nicholas' Works
GoFundMe Opportunity
The Duality of Being Two Parts of Me Death of CupcakeWebsite: www.SusanNicholas.org
LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/susannicholasmd
IG: https://www.instagram.com/conscious.susan/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@susannicholasmd
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SusanNicholasMD/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/susannicholasmd
Season 6 Episode 35 of the Be Conscious Podcast investigates the Time Construct. What defines our basis of time? What separates the past from the future? How can our perceptions of the time construct help us to evolve emotionally and spiritually. Take a listen.
Episode References:
Support Dr. Nicholas' Vital Works:
GoFundMe Opportunity
Website: www.SusanNicholas.org
LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/susannicholasmd
IG: https://www.instagram.com/conscious.susan/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@susannicholasmd
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SusanNicholasMD/
Season 6 of the Be Conscious Podcast will focus on the human constructs prevailing on earth today. These are social constructs that govern the way we think, perceive, behave, and believe. Tune in to the eight-week series as we dissect the religious, race, gender constructs and more. Stay tuned...
Support Dr. Nicholas' Vital Works:
GoFundMe Opportunity
Website: www.SusanNicholas.org
LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/susannicholasmd
IG: https://www.instagram.com/conscious.susan/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@susannicholasmd
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SusanNicholasMD/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/susannicholasmd Books by Dr. Nicholas The Duality of Being Two Parts of Me Death of Cupcake -
In the final episode of Season 5, we bare witness to Michael Thornhill's heart-wrenching journey from childhood sexual abuse and drug addiction to the transformative, healing powers of Peruvian plant medicine. Discover the extraordinary healing powers of Ayahuasca and conscious awareness. An episode you won't want to miss.
Website: https://www.casagalactica.com
10-Day Ayahuasca Healing & Evolution Retreatshttps://www.casagalactica.com/ayahuasca-retreats-pisac-peru
Support Dr. Nicholas' Vital Works:
GoFundMe Opportunity
Website: www.SusanNicholas.org
LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/susannicholasmd
IG: https://www.instagram.com/conscious.susan/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@susannicholasmd
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SusanNicholasMD/
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