Behind Our Eyes shares the mesmerising stories of the profound and direct spiritual experiences of older women from around the world. Conceived, created and hosted by Liane Grimshaw, an ordinary woman in her fifties from the North of England, who was compelled to do this after her own experiences changed her life forever.
As each precious conversation unfolds, Liane gently prompts the guests to share what their experiences were like, what has happened to them since, how their lives have changed, and what key insights and wisdom they have to share for the benefit of others.
These are honest, authentic and vulnerable discussions.
The intention is clearly set, for the highest good of all, that this podcast reaches and resonates with those it is meant to, in service and with love.
With the greatest appreciation for you, dear listener, and this beautiful existence we are all part of. Let’s explore and experience the divine power and wisdom that is hidden Behind Our Eyes.
Connect with Liane on Instagram: @lianelightsup
Connect with this podcast on Instagram: @behindoureyes333
DISCLAIMER: Any practices shared on this podcast are not a replacement for or a form of therapy, nor are they intended to cure, treat, or diagnose medical conditions.
Always make sure to listen to live practices in an environment that is safe.
Do not listen to take part in any practices shared on these recordings while driving a car or operating any kind of machinery.