Hard times make strong men
Strong men make good times
Good times make weak men
Weak men make hard times...
Is that the way it has to be?
You can be a part of the solution or you can be part of the problem.
Let's get into it. -
A Testimony And Teaching From Alex VanHouten
Week 7 – Rotten Roots
Challenge: How’s your “foundation”? Are there any sandy spots?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“He was pierced by our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was laid on him and by his stripes we are healed
-Isaiah 53:5
And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall.
-Matthew 7:26-27
From Last Week | For Next Week
Isaiah Chp. 40-43; 48-53Isaiah Chp. 54-61
2 Corinthians 5Matthew 7
Galatians 3Proverbs 16
1 Corinthians 10
The Chosen Episode 7, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 7”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
Faith and reasons are not opposites. However faith, not reason, invites us to move beyond our own finite levels of comprehension and control. Can you describe a time when your faith invited you to move beyond your own capacity to reason? (AKA – God moved you to do something and you didn’t know how or why, but it turned out greater than you could imagine.)
Isaiah 13, 43, and 47 show God using “wicked people” like Babylonians and Chaldeans to punish other wicked people (like disobedient Israelites). What do you think about that?
In what ways have you built your house on sand? Note even after we’ve decided to follow Jesus, we’re still capable of “sand dwelling”. (Matthew 7)
In Episode 7, Nicodemus quotes Psalms 2:12 and Jesus finishes the Psalm. What does it mean to take refuge in Jesus? How is that related to His teaching of building your life on a rock?
Simon was skeptical about Matthew becoming a Jesus-follower. Have you ever been like Simon thinking its your right/responsibility to judge other followers of Jesus?
Read Colossians 2:6-7 Explain the difference between being knowing about Jesus and being an established believer.
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
lSpring 2022 Bible Study Week 6
Challenge: What’s NEW about you compared to 5 years ago?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“Because you have raged against me and I have seen your arrogance, I will put my hook in your nos and my bit in your mouth and I will turn you back on the right path”
-Isaiah 37:29
“If any man is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION. Old things have passed away – Behold – all things are becoming new”
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
From Last Week | For Next Week
Isaiah Chp. 32-39 ; 47Isaiah Chp. 40-43; 48-53
Acts Chp. 1-2 ; 7-92 Corinthians 5
Galatians 3
The Chosen Episode 6, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 6”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
Like the Leper in episode 6, those who come to Jesus experience change. What changes has He made in your life? What changes are you still hoping to come?
Read Psalms 103:10-12. For many, a new start is hard to imagine. What does this psalm tell us about God’s ability to forgive and begin again?
Which character’s transformation in the Chosen thus far do you relate with most? Why?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. What are some differences between pre-Jesus living and post-Jesus living regardless of our ongoing battle with Sin?
In Episode 6, Matthew says “Conquest is not simply conquering nations, but imposing a new way of life”. In what ways does this describe the people Jesus saves?
Read Isaiah 43:18-19 and Gal 3:25-29. How are these passages related?
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
Spring 2022 Bible Study Week 4
Challenge: When did you make the decision to follow Jesus?
How often do you reinforce that decision? How?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Whoever wishes to be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God”
-James 4:4
“Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heave, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”
- Matthew 7:21
From Last Week | For Next Week
Isaiah Chp, 16-23 ; 45Isaiah Chp. 24-31 ; 46
Jeremiah 31James 4
Matthew Chp, 18 ; 25Deuteronomy Chp. 10 and 11
John 17Luke 5
Malachi Chp. 3 ; 4Matthew 7
The Chosen Episode 4, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 4”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
What area of your life do you find is most difficult to relinquish control of? (Relationships, job, current events, pain/illness etc?) What does James 4:13-15 recommend instead?
Read Isaiah Chp. 8:11-13. In Isaiah Chp. 1-12, the prophet is speaking mostly to the current king, Ahaz, in the face of impending political and military invasion. God calls His people to repent and return. Instead of listening and desiring to maintain his sense of control, King Ahaz continues worshipping his idols and schemes with Assyria to take on Syria and Israel. The Assyrians did defeat the invasion but then took the land of Judah captive – costing the nation it’s freedom. Can you think of a time when you made things way worse by trying to make them better yourself instead of repenting from your sin?
Read Isaiah 43:5. Re-read Isaiah 8:12-13. Who does God tell us to fear? Is this a contradiction? Why/why not?
Read Deut 10:20-11:7. In your words, what is Moses’ given reason that Israel would do well to serve God in reverence and fear?
In the Chosen - Simon (Peter), Mary, and even Nicodemus are experiencing a “Come to Jesus” story. Do you have a “come to Jesus story” you’re willing to share?
I was ____________________ , But God ___________________ , And Now ____________________.
Read Luke 5:1-11. The moment Simon realized he was unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence is the same moment he decided to follow him. Explain the correlation.
Read Matthew 7:21-23. Explain in your own words why the salvation offered by Jesus is free, but following Him costs us everything. Is there any area of your life you need to leave behind to follow him more fully?
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
Spring 2022 Bible Study Week 4
Challenge: When did you make the decision to follow Jesus?
How often do you reinforce that decision? How?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Whoever wishes to be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God”
-James 4:4
“Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heave, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”
- Matthew 7:21
From Last Week | For Next Week
Isaiah Chp, 16-23 ; 45Isaiah Chp. 24-31 ; 46
Jeremiah 31James 4
Matthew Chp, 18 ; 25Deuteronomy Chp. 10 and 11
John 17Luke 5
Malachi Chp. 3 ; 4Matthew 7
The Chosen Episode 4, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 4”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
What area of your life do you find is most difficult to relinquish control of? (Relationships, job, current events, pain/illness etc?) What does James 4:13-15 recommend instead?
Read Isaiah Chp. 8:11-13. In Isaiah Chp. 1-12, the prophet is speaking mostly to the current king, Ahaz, in the face of impending political and military invasion. God calls His people to repent and return. Instead of listening and desiring to maintain his sense of control, King Ahaz continues worshipping his idols and schemes with Assyria to take on Syria and Israel. The Assyrians did defeat the invasion but then took the land of Judah captive – costing the nation it’s freedom. Can you think of a time when you made things way worse by trying to make them better yourself instead of repenting from your sin?
Read Isaiah 43:5. Re-read Isaiah 8:12-13. Who does God tell us to fear? Is this a contradiction? Why/why not?
Read Deut 10:20-11:7. In your words, what is Moses’ given reason that Israel would do well to serve God in reverence and fear?
In the Chosen - Simon (Peter), Mary, and even Nicodemus are experiencing a “Come to Jesus” story. Do you have a “come to Jesus story” you’re willing to share?
I was ____________________ , But God ___________________ , And Now ____________________.
Read Luke 5:1-11. The moment Simon realized he was unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence is the same moment he decided to follow him. Explain the correlation.
Read Matthew 7:21-23. Explain in your own words why the salvation offered by Jesus is free, but following Him costs us everything. Is there any area of your life you need to leave behind to follow him more fully?
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
Spring 2022 Bible Study Week 2
Challenge: Observe a “Sabbath”. What did you do? What didn’t you do? How did God restore you?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“I heard the voice of the Lord saying ‘Whom shall I send’? Then I said, ‘here I am Lord. Send me!’.”
- Isaiah 6:8
From Last Week | For Next Week
Isaiah Chp. 1-7 ; 43Isaiah Chp. 8-15 ; 44
Psalm 139Exodus Chp. 14, 20
Romans 3Joshua 3
Ephesians 2Daniel 3
Galatians 3Psalms 46
Titus 3
The Chosen Episode 2, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 2”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
Read Exodus 20:8-11. What is the origin of the Sabbath-day rest?
What promise does God make to his chosen people in Isaiah 43:2? How does this relate to Exodus 14:26-31, Joshua 3:14-17, and Daniel 3:1-28?
After their liberation from bondage in Egypt the Israelites found themselves in the wilderness. The One who made the wilderness was the One leading them THROUGH it. How does it change the way you look at impossible things to ponder God as the Creator?
Do you practice the discipline of the Sabbath now? How?
Read Psalm 46:10. How would meditating on God have impacted Mary’s healing process? Nicodemus’s priorities? Matthew’s striving? Simon’s impatience or confusion?
Have you struggled with feeling empty or exhausted lately? Keeping the Sabbath is most obviously marked by “not working”. But God’s primary intention behind the commandment is to spend the day like Mary did – to enter into His presence. What needs to change in your schedule or in your mindset to rest the way God intended?
Read Matthew 11:28-30, Psalms 56:8, Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7, Romans 5:8, Revelation 21:4. Which of these verses bring you the greatest feeling of rest, peace, and hope? Why?
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
Spring 2022 Bible Study Kickoff!
Challenge: What battle from your past was won so that you could face this season with courage and leadership?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“Then David said to Ahimelech, “Then have you not here a spear or a sword at hand? For I have brought neither my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king's business required haste.” 9 And the priest said, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you struck down in the Valley of Elah, behold, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. If you will take that, take it, for there is none but that here.” And David said, “There is none like that; give it to me.”
- 1 Samuel 21:9
From Last Week | For Next Week
It’s a new semester! Isaiah Chp. 1-7 ; 43
There was no assigned readingPsalm 139
Last week!Romans 3
Ephesians 2
Galatians 3
Titus 3
The Chosen Episode 1, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 1”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
What do you fear, and why? How does Psalm 139 speak to your fear?
Reread Isaiah 6:3. What do the words “holy” “Lord”, and “glory” say about God? If we have a relationship with Him, What does that mean about the things WE FEAR by comparison?
Israel continued to rebel against God even as He continued calling them into relationship. What does this mean about God’s love?
At this point in the story, which of the flawed-but-called characters do you identify with most? Peter? Mary? Nicodemus? Do you feel worthy of being called by Jesus? Why or why not?
Read Romans 3:10-12. Regardless of our performance, what does the Word say about how we compare to a holy God?
What have you been rescued from? (Like Mary – a difficult personal history and pain? Like Simon/Andrew – Financial hardship? Like the Pharisees – Trying to save yourself? Like Matthew/Mary – darkness, addiction, desire for comfort and security, or some other sin cycle?) Do you still need rescuing? From what?
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
This semester we'll be diving into the old and new testament using the Chosen as supplemental material in our understanding of Jesus and His ministry!
Spring 2022 Bible Study Kickoff!
Challenge: What battle from your past was won so that you could face this season with courage and leadership?
Words To Hide In Your Heart This Week:
“Then David said to Ahimelech, “Then have you not here a spear or a sword at hand? For I have brought neither my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king's business required haste.” 9 And the priest said, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you struck down in the Valley of Elah, behold, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. If you will take that, take it, for there is none but that here.” And David said, “There is none like that; give it to me.”
- 1 Samuel 21:9
From Last Week | For Next Week
It’s a new semester! Isaiah Chp. 1-7 ; 43
There was no assigned readingPsalm 139
Last week!Romans 3
Ephesians 2
Galatians 3
Titus 3
The Chosen Episode 1, scriptural considerations (for further gospel study, if desired):
Discussion Questions “The Chosen Lesson 1”
What did you HIGHLIGHT in your bible since last time? Why?
What do you fear, and why? How does Psalm 139 speak to your fear?
Reread Isaiah 6:3. What do the words “holy” “Lord”, and “glory” say about God? If we have a relationship with Him, What does that mean about the things WE FEAR by comparison?
Israel continued to rebel against God even as He continued calling them into relationship. What does this mean about God’s love?
At this point in the story, which of the flawed-but-called characters do you identify with most? Peter? Mary? Nicodemus? Do you feel worthy of being called by Jesus? Why or why not?
Read Romans 3:10-12. Regardless of our performance, what does the Word say about how we compare to a holy God?
What have you been rescued from? (Like Mary – a difficult personal history and pain? Like Simon/Andrew – Financial hardship? Like the Pharisees – Trying to save yourself? Like Matthew/Mary – darkness, addiction, desire for comfort and security, or some other sin cycle?) Do you still need rescuing? From what?
What prayers have been answered for you this week? -
The parable of the marriage feast in Matthew 22 is a strange but powerful story.
What has God been calling you to in the past 6 months? -
Challenge: Are you loving yourself well? How would you treat yourself differently if you loved God enough to treat His creation (you) as precious, important, and good?
LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR – Who in your life has God given you a heart for? How can you love them well? What can you expect in return?
Scriptures For Memory Last Week:
“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”
- John 4:34
“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against your neighbor. Instead, love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Leviticus 19:18
Readings From Last Week | Readings For Next Week
John 1-10John 11-21
Luke 10:25-37Matthew 22:1-14
Discussion Questions “The Good Samaritan”
What stood out to you in the reading this week? Why?
Read Deut 6:5. What does it mean to you to love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength?
Read Leviticus 19:18. What does it mean to “love your neighbor as yourself”?
What does it mean to “love yourself well”? How is loving yourself well related to loving God? How might the way you love yourself affect how you love your neighbor?
Read John 4:34. Why do you think Jesus had a soft spot for children, Samaritans, tax collectors vs. scribes and priests? Can you describe a time when doing the Good Work of the Father was nourishing to you?
What have you learned about God’s Kingdom, Jesus, and/or Spirit-led prayer this week? -
Next Week's Reading Assignment - John 1-10
Challenge: Where is your treasure?
Take a financial inventory…in what way is your financial day-to-day in service of God’s kingdom?
COUNT THE COST – Take inventory of your finances. How would The Master feel about how you’re utilizing what He’s given you?
Novice: How are you making your money. Where is it going? Are you tithing?
Advanced: What are you investing your money in that isn’t bringing profit to God’s kingdom?
Scriptures For Memory Last Week:
“I came into this world with nothing and that is how I will leave it. Blessed be the name of Lord who gives and takes away.”
- Job 1:21
“The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.”
- 1 Timothy 6:10
Discussion Questions “The Parable of the Talents/Pounds”
What stood out to you in the reading this week? Why?
Is money “evil”? How has money been a stumbling block for you in your journey?
Read Luke 16:10-13. Are you in the phase of “little” or “much” right now? What, specifically, is God teaching you about being faithful right now?
Read Luke 19:20-23. Fear and anxiety can be immobilizing forces that interfere with the work the Lord wants to do through you and for you. How are you handling these weapons of the enemy?
Does Jesus want you to sell everything you have? If not, is the Holy Spirit nudging you to be a better steward of what He has given you? Care to share?
What have you learned about God’s Kingdom, Jesus, and/or Spirit-led prayer this week? -
Next Week's Reading Assignment:
Reading Assignment: Luke Chp. 12-24
Challenge: The Lost
Are you found? From what have you been saved. Be specific. Who are the lost in your life?
REPENT – Search your heart. Has it been made clean before The Father? What remains to be healed in you? Read Psalms 51 until it becomes the prayer of your heart. Bring ever hidden thing to the throne of grace daily until you can call yourself Blameless. Then look to lead others in the journey to do the same.
Scriptures For Memory Last Week:
“Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
- Psalms 51:10-11
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
- 1 Peter 3:15-16
Discussion Questions “The LOST Coin And Sheep”
What stood out to you in the reading this week? Why?
What does it mean to be “lost”? When you were lost, who/what helped you find God?
Read Luke 5:29-32. Why did Jesus come according to this passage? What does that mean to you?
In Luke 15, why might Jesus make it seem like the finding of the lost is more celebrated in kingdom of heaven than the continued “righteousness” of those who are not lost?
Read Luke 7:36-47. The modern-day “Christian” has fallen away from God’s love, miraculous healing, and His good work in many ways. What is drawing you closer to His kingdom in your life?
What have you learned about God’s Kingdom, Jesus, and/or Spirit-led prayer this week? -
Next Week's Reading Assignment:
Reading Assignment: Luke Chp. 1-11
Challenge: Mud Moments
What is one “mud moment” you are willing to share as a testimony of God’s goodness? Write it down here in 3-5 sentences:
FORGIVE – Search your heart. Toward whom in your life have you been “wicked” with your hesitation to forgive? Ask God’s help in seeing yourself and them as the Father sees you both.
Scriptures For Memory Last Week:
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
- 1 John 3:1
“He fell on His face and prayed, “Lord, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not my will, but Yours be done.”
- Matthew 26:39
Discussion Questions “The Prodigal And The Wicked Servant”
What stood out to you in the reading this week? Why?
What is a “mud moment”? Do you have one you are willing to share?
Jesus had a “mud moment”. Read Matthew 27:46, Psalm 22:1-2, Psalm 22: 21-23, and Psalm 22: 28-31 (4 passages). What is the purpose of a “mud moment” according to King David? Why is it significant that Jesus has had one too?
What were your takeaways from the parable of the “Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11-32)? Which son do you most often relate to? What is Jesus’s message to you, personally with this story?
Read Matthew 28:16-20. What is the significance of verse 19?
What have you learned about God’s Kingdom, Jesus, or Spirit-led prayer this week?
Speaker - Alex VanHouten
NLC Greenbrier
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Txt @GBRMEN to 81010 to get bible study reminders and reading assignments! -
Reading assignment - The Gospel of Matthew Chp. 1-14
Questions for discussion:
Discussion Questions Sower and the Tares:
What stood out to you in the reading this week? Why?
Read Matthew 11:28-30. Read Matthew 10:37-39. How can the Yoke of Christ be Light and Difficult at the same time?
The parable of the sower (Matthew 13: 1-23) describes 4 types of people (soil) and 4 different outcomes when the truth of Christ (seeds) fall upon them. When in your life have you been bad soil? When have you been good soil? What makes the biggest differences for you?
Christ is the sower in the parable of the sower. Christian means “little christ”. Where are you sowing seeds in your week? What does that look like? Who is “prepping the soil”?
What does the parable of the tares mean to you (Matthew 13:24-30)? What are “weeds” and who will sort them out? When? What’s your role, if any, in the harvest?
What has the Holy Spirit taught you about Jesus this week?
Speaker - Alex VanHouten
NLC Greenbrier
Get on our list!
Txt @GBRMEN to 81010 to get bible study reminders and reading assignments! -
Reading assignment - The Gospel of Mark
Questions for discussion:
What stood out to you in the reading this week? Why?
Read Matthew 13:13-17. Why did Jesus speak in parables about God’s kingdom? How can we be like the men he describes in v16?
The parable of the pearl and treasure from Matthew 13:44-46 describe people who sell everything they have for something of value. What does that mean in your life for your walk with God? What is your “pearl” or “treasure” right now that you are spending your life on?
What do the seed parables from Mark 4:26-31 bring to mind for you?
What did you learn about God’s kingdom tonight? In what way(s) can you seek God’s kingdom more fully this week?
Speaker - Alex VanHouten
NLC Greenbrier
Get on our list!
Txt @GBRMEN to 81010 to get bible study reminders and reading assignments! -
Speaker - Alex VanHouten
Recorded LIVE - NLC Greenbrier
Ruth 1-4
John 13-17
1 Timothy 6:11-21
For Memory:
“God said to me 'My grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will gladly boast in my weaknesses so that the power of Christ will rest on me."
- 2 Corinthians 12:9
“But you, oh man of God, pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith.
- 1 Timothy 6: 11-12
Questions worth praying through:
What does it mean to be BOAZ STRONG (of significant effect)? Are you strong like that? If not, how can become stronger in that way?
What phrases/words do you need to say more often and to whom?
What is sitting in the back of your mind that keeps you from blessing your friends and family? -
Solomon and Fidelity
Speaker: Alex VanHouten
1 Kings 3 and 4 and 9-11
Ecclesiastes 7 and 11:5-10 and 12:11-14
Proverbs 3, 5, and 31
Matthew 6
For Memory:
“When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: Fear God and keep His commandments, because this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil”
- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”
- Matthew 6:33
Questions worth praying through:
How can we become wiser?
How do we keep ourselves from foolishness? Was wisdom enough for Solomon?
What is distracting you from seeking God’s kingdom? What can you do about that?
Recorded live at NLC Greenbrier -
Speaker - Alex VanHouten
Record Live - NLC Greenbrier
Song Referenced in Teaching (Flooded Earth)
"Like a drowning man to a sinking ship, I cling to the things that I know will kill me" -
Manitou incline - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MK8jwtsS3OM/UCxWHJKn4bI/AAAAAAAAANI/JSk8PCir5ns/s1600/manitou+1.jpg
Genesis 25:19-34
Genesis Chapters 27-32
Galatians 6:1-9
Hebrews 10:35-39
Philippians Chapters 1-4* (*emphasis 3)
For Memory:
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
- Galatians 6: 2-3
Questions worth praying through:
What is the difference between stubbornness and perseverance in your life?
What does it mean that God blessed Jacob and not Esau?
Read Genesis 32:31. What has been the cost of holding onto God in your life? - もっと表示する