
  • And just like that, the tiger is back!

    To celebrate our reemergence from the solitude of the mist shrouded mountains we sit down with comic artist and writer, Tony Parker!

    The actual saying goes “history is written by the victors. History is filled with liars. If he lives, and we die, his truth becomes written - and ours is lost.” And in Tony’s new book , “Medusa,” the mythic villainess challenges her own portrayal in the historical literature.

    The infamous Greek monster, snake hair woman who’s glance turns mortals to stone; Medusa! What if she was not quite who the ancient scribes would us believe. What if she was in all reality a hero; a fabled warrior who rises when needed to challenge the forces who look to suppress and control. A cursed woman who throughout the pantheon of written history has quietly fought against those who try and unravel the very fabric of humanity. That is just what Parker has done in his new graphic novel, “Medusa.”

    It’s a very fresh take on mythic character. Foundationally, the concept is the ultimate challenge to one of the longest standing patriarchal portrayals. Taking a well established female figure that is not only marred by the gods, but who’s curse perception has persisted into modern pop; and telling her story from a very different angle.

    This action paced thriller is a brilliant “face-lift” to a classic monster and we are here for it. With colors from one of the best in the industry and my fellow classmate, Tamra Bonvillain! “Medusa” drops this October from Dark Horse comics.


    A note: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and their CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • From the cowboy prairies of Calgary, Alberta, writer and Editor-N-Chief of ASAP Imagination steps into the Tiger Den with “villainous” intent!

    The wonderful Laurie Cunningham joins the revenge crew to tell us about her new graphic novel anthology, “The Complete Points of Villainy” from the international publishing house ASAP Imagination.

    Under the helm of Laurie (also known as L.A.) and London based owner Haydes, ASAP was born from a grassroots community of online independent creators. Only to quickly grow into a viable imprint with multiple published titles, and many more on the way. That being said “Points of Villainy” has arrived.

    Adapted from the original novellas, the graphic novel has already achieved its funding goal, and “PoV” is now in the faze of collecting stretch goals and planning for the future. As it moves closer toward manifesting its tales of misery and eventual hope.

    The anthology is a collection of various individual experiences during a mysterious nation-wide paranormal event that sweeps through the city famously known as “the Big Smoke” (London). Coming in at over 100 pages and featuring a wide collection of creators from all over the world of various stylings. “The Complete Points of Villainy” is perfectly curtailed for the readers of slice-of-life mystery and the paranormally bizarre.

    To every yin there is a yang, with production already underway for the countering follow-up to “Villainy;” “Points of Virtue.” So what will happen when darkness meets the light? We’ll just have to follow the points to find out!

    The campaign is live now, so check it out over on Kickstarter.

    You can keep up with Laurie and get everything ASAP over at their site:


    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and their CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • From the sun struck coast of California comes independent comic writer, Gabe Cheng, as he reunites with the Revenge Crew once again.

    Building a reputation for the not-so-typical slice of life narratives, Gabe continues to extend his writing catalog. Tackling one of our favorite comic genres here at BTR… the comedic one shot.

    “Stuck in the Middle” is a theologic satire as it’s just another day in exile for fallen angel, Dante. A being of godly design on the precipice of existential crisis just living out, yet, another day in the mundane purgatory of his Los Angeles apartment complex. But hey at least there’s a pool.

    Like anyone feeling “stuck” in life, Dante must come to grips with his own reality and face his literal demon and that demon is not too happy about it. The meeting of ancient rivals goes about how you’d expect. Who will prevail, light or darkness, in the inevitable battlefield of their North Hollywood apartment villa commons area?!

    With quick wit and a whole lot of charm and style, Gabe brings a fun read for those looking to start off the summer with some light chuckles. “Stuck in the Middle” is funding right now on Kickstarter with only about a week left. Check it before time runs out!

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and their CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • The Revenge Crew joins up with the main man over at Critical Entertainment for his ancient quest across the ever changing lands of indie comics!

    Writer, publisher, and over all nice guy, Chris Reda breaks down his new line of comics and graphic novels that are gracing the shelves of shops across the North America. Based in the cinematic dreamland of L.A., California. Chris, along with with his partner in print Mason Mendoza, founded Critical Entertainment to bring their own unique stories to the printed page.

    Bucking the all too usual restrictions of traditional production ( for context, the usual floppy issue rolls in conservatively at a monthly 22 page release that’s formatted in a standard print size), Critical Entertainment lets the story dictate the print needs of the individual story. Bold and dynamic, it offers readers something a bit different to find on the shelves. Their silent sci-fi epic “Space Dragon” might be one of the boldest examples of this refreshing approach. At a 115 pages, this trade measures in at 7.5" x 12" and is glorious. How else should a planet-sized intergalactic swimming dragon be experienced on the page!

    Continuing with their fresh approach, Reda is writing a series that’s being illustrated by the very voice you’re reading now. That’s right it’s me, Tadd (always remember, never forget)! “The First Americans” is a title that explores a genre that is mostly unique for todays pop-pubs of capes, sci-fi dramas, and life-slices.

    As speculative fiction, “First Americans” is the journey of a hunter at the tail end of the ice age some 14 thousand years ago. Who parts with his peoples and the fierce woman of his heart, to track a mammoth and its small herd. Taking him from the eastern Steppe of Siberia, through the gateway of Beringia, and into the new lands of the Americas. It’s an exploration of the human spirit, always pushing toward the beyond of the horizon. The emboldened hunter encounters megafauna, natural elements, and looks into the depths of his own soul as he trudges deeper through vast unknown wilderness.

    Ambitious in story and execution. As the artist, I changed up my approach and tackle a different style to best fit our storytelling, referencing a master of historical fiction and ink composition, Serio Toppi. While Reda takes an equally unique approach. Letting the story dictate the page count, freeing the flow of physical print limitations. Each chapter comes in thicker than the usual newsstand floppy, and as a quarterly release to boast, throughout the next two years.

    First Americans, has been a long time coming and now it finally breaks through the ice and into local comic shops next week, March 27th. Or if you need to start the journey now visit Critical Entertainment site to get “First Americans” and their numerous other titles!

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and their CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Ben Bates is back and he’s not holding back!

    You may remember Mr. Bates from his signature artist runs on Archie Comic’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” or IDW’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” and let’s not forget “Mega Man.” He later left the ever-shifting landscape of the comic industry for the world of animation. Taking up residency in some of LA’s most notable studios, storyboarding for todays equivalent of Saturday morning cartoons.

    Then, just like that, he disappeared into the sun drench tapestry of the Southwest. Where did he go? What was he planning?

    Now he’s back, jack! Making his return to children’s entertainment, and he’s got a lot to say about it!

    Any creator who’s worked with, beloved corporate-owned, characters knows there’s a give and take. You can do some great stuff, but there are limitations due to a cascade of correlating factors. With Ben’s return, he’s doing it his own way. Down to the very last drawing. Jumping into the fire with a new creator owned kids graphic novel, “POWERSTARS,” and he’s cooking.

    With an assembly of all new original created characters, it vibes with the kind of fun that’s forever associated with classic video gaming entertainment. On the surface, it’s a bright, high energy, book that’s with kinetic uses of design and visual engagement. Underneath the surface it’s a story that digs into the depths of what it means to be a hero. Examining the real-life conundrum of champions who are the greatest catalysts for goodness in their world, while also carrying destructive flaws.

    Self published under his own founded label, “Powerstars” comes in at whopping 228 pages. This full color, retro consul inspired graphic novel is for ages 8 and up, and is the first volume in a series of potentially many. Volume 1 is available for purchase; in both digital and, for you old school paper mongers like myself, print formats.

    You can keep up with Ben and get your hands on volume 1 of “Powerstars” at his website and follow for future updates through his linked social media platforms.

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and their CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Oh my! It’s Ludie Sextons new “O” Anthology from Warden Comics!

    We sat down with, the always too humble, indie work-horse Ludie Sexton as he Kickstarts yet another project from his imprint, Warden Comics. Always creating new opportunities for budding writers and sequential artists to showcase their storytelling, he’s put together the “O” Anthology as a collection of octopod based stories.

    Bucking the all to familiar Lovecraftian tropes, this cephalopod themed collection has a story for everyone from horror to comedy to sci-fi, . Boasting an array of creative storytellers from all walks of life. “O” shines a light on a plethora of up and coming student creators and emerging voices from the indies. Even a few seasoned hats of the comic game show up, like longtime comic academic Michael Kraiger and the voice you’re reading now, Tadd Galusha.

    Not to make this write-up too personal, but it was an absolute pleasure taking part in this project. Ludie brought me in to the fold with a very unique proposition, to illustrate a poem that specifically played to the fiddle of my heart. With story written by him, poetry provided by Grace Crocker, and Sophie Lee assisting me on colors; we put together a pretty wonderful little short, titled “Rage.”

    “Rage” angrily chews at the fat of time from the perspective of a creature that very well could be the result of panspermia. Some real deal science fiction, folks!

    “O” Anthology is Kickstarting right now, and through the month of February. So if you can, spare a few bucks and support the octo-fueled tales from a new wave of indie creators. It’s the catch of the day with something fresh for everyone!

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and their CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • It’s 2024 and the old tiger is ready.… Ready to run through the depths of the storytellers forest!

    The new year brings fresh tiger milk to the theoretical tongue. The revenge crew breaks down the hopes and dreams that fuel their goals for the year to come. It’s gonna be heavy with unforeseen twists and turns as we move down the game-trail of the pop-culture hunt.

    The undisclosed future of our very own “Operation: B.L.U.E.” is currently playing out. Possibly even leaving it’s humble home of Gnar Pig Imprint for a larger pasture! Originally the door was closed to anything beyond it’s current publishing model, but really wonderful people opened cracked that door for a potentially great opportunity. So we’re going to see if the cat has stripes, if you will. Fingers crossed and you’ll be the first to hear on how things play out.

    And while the underground world of creator-owned comics baits its breath for word of outcome the “Gnar Pig” quietly continues onward, with the release of another graphic novel long in the secret works, “TAIGA”.

    This is simply a project of my own manifestations (the voice you’re reading is Tadd, “spare no expense”). It started as an experiment in the realm of social media based comics, only to later evolve into something far more. From an art exploration into multiple style attempts and minimalist storytelling execution it later became a full story. An existential, sci-fi, horror conveying an ancient beings perspective of the human stewardship of nature.

    TAIGA launched over the holidays via Patreon for the flat monthly fee of $5. Giving readers first access to new pages of the graphic novel, along with eventual bonus content and advanced reader access to future projects currently in the works…. 2025, its coming: Cretaceous 2, “South of Hell.” You heard it here first.

    As a creator I feel a bit strange putting anything behind a paywall, hence why BTR will always remain free, but these are the economic realities I face as a creator. The transparent hope is as subscriber numbers grow, the more time and energy I can dedicate toward creating even more content under that flat fee. So join me will you, as I make some gnarly comics for you, me, ALL OF TIME, FOREVER!

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • The tiger is back and runs that “GLIDE” across the page with comic book artist Baldemar Rivas.

    Getting his start as a cover artist, Tadd first connected with Baldemar while they were collabing their creative efforts on the cult-classic prequel, “Bubba Ho-Tep and the Cosmic Blood-Suckers.”

    Since, the Kansas City based artist has gone on to illustrate for a host of projects and recently just wrapped on the reimagining of the classic capes in “DC: Mech.”

    One of the most interesting aspects to Rivas’ body of work is his smooth ink on display in his sketchbooks. With simian themes at play, he taps into that smooth state of “glide” with transformative concepts and bold design.

    It’s an artist’s artist sketchbook on display. Like underground hip-hop, it’s old school ink in the new school stylings. With brush and pen exploring the figments of a forever expanding and mutating mind.

    Follow Rivas on Instagram for his latest sketchbook glide and his website for more info on him and his books.

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out “TAIGA”, Tadd’s latest graphic novel with new pages weekly. Exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Double the dosage of that Tiger Milk ! As artist Tony Gregori returns with writer David Crispino

    and just in time to shake the Grinch from Big Bry’s Christmas beard! The guys are Kickstarting the next volume of their good-hearted cosmic hero, Taft Sturgeon, with a 140 page Christmas special, “Holiday in the Stars.”

    David and Tony are long time collaborators with projects such as “Ancient Noise,” which is how the Revenge Crew first crossed paths with the duo.

    “Taft Sturgeon” originally debuted as a companion story in the Image Comics series “Shutter,” and was then later collected and kickstarted in a 35 page comic. Now Taft is back! This time he’s found himself being dropped right into the intergalactic North Pole. So get ready for some space Santa madness (oohhh yeahhhh), cause its looking to be a real holiday escapade!

    Crispino writes a Christmas classic that bucks the usual, done-to-death, Santa tropes and instead focuses on what is the true-north of the Yule spirit. The goodwill of mankind, or space-kind that is, and doing that which is right by way of those who matter most.

    Tony, who’s art may be familiar with his recent work on “Rick and Morty” and “TMNT,” brings the book to life with his exuberant cartoon styling and emotive physical comedy.

    With everything that’s happening in Earths zeitgeist “Taft Sturgeon: Holiday in the Stars” is a much welcomed holiday escape. Like a long-discovered John Candy flick, it brings the heart and soul that is sometimes lost in this hustle and bustle of this holiday season.

    The Kickstarter campaign is currently live, with only a couple weeks left! So give the gift of a wonderful independent/creator-owned comic to yourself and your loved ones.


    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    And check out TAIGA, Tadd’s latest graphic novel, with new pages weekly, exclusively at patreon.com/gnarpig

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Entering the tiger den for the very first time is Chicago’s own, comic creator and cartoonist, Jim Terry!

    One of the nicest human beings in the comic industry! The Revenge crew was lucky enough to meet him last spring in Seattle at ECCC 23’. A Native American cartoonist who’s worked on numerous books, such as “The Crow: Skinning the Wolves,” and “Alice Cooper VS Chaos,” is making some serious waves in the literary world with his incredible memoir “Come Home, Indio.” Originally released during the lost-times of the pandemic, the book has experienced a massive resurgence in its second release.

    Being heralded as a “One of the Top Ten Graphic Novels of 2020” by the American Library Association. “Come Home, Indio” is a powerfully honest story that touches at the very soul of what it means to find ones place in the world. Jim illustrates an honest telling of his life from isolation and struggle, to finding a path through turbulent waters of youth and addiction. Truly a masterpiece in self-exploration of the human condition.

    On a personal note, I find that it’s very rare that you come across a autobiography in comics that is so genuine and relatable, that also peels back the fabric of social conditioning for a seldom heard perspective. Voicing what it means to exist in America, but also to persist as a creating artist. “Come Home, Indio” is in a class all of it’s own.

    It was an absolute pleasure to hang out with Jim in the “storyteller forest” of the Blue Tiger. He is currently working on the 80’s sword and sorcery cult-classic, “Deathstalker” with his good friend Tim Seeley and, legendary rock star, Slash for Vault Comics.

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • The tiger wanders into the digital realm with gaming director Sam Warner and his new, independent, release “The Foglands”.

    Like any good adventure story, this simulation shooter is the fruition of extensive research and painstaking attention to detail. Sam breaks down the lengthy development process Well Told Entertainment went through to make this a reality. From early concepting, to pitching, and production design, it is a lengthy process to say the least to reach the point of market release. And then there’s everything that comes after! If it takes a couple good creators to make a comic, then it takes an entire team to create a good video game (video game…damn I sound old).

    Like any good comic book, “The Foglands” emphasis is its narrative. A gothic themed sci-fi western, The player is immersed in a post-apocalyptic world as a runner who’s motivation is the survival of their isolated underground community. As one explores the bizarre and hellish world they are faced with monstrous creatures and a gauntlet of challenging obstacles. All while trying to out run “the FOG” and gather enough supplies and loot to help the community hang on just a bit longer!

    Artistically its cool as hell. The environments are rich and interesting with details that lend a very fresh visual perspective to the post apocalyptic landscape. It’s like “Bravestarr” meets “Aliens.” The creatures and characters encountered are wonderfully bizarre while still remaining subconsciously familiar.

    The Foglands is a Playstation hybrid for VR and FPS, so there’s a version for whatever your preferred method of play may be. In stores now and available for download, so keep the tiger milk fresh during these winter months and check it out!

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, David Silva returns with the greatest action figures ever created, CYBERZOIC!

    “…. Hold on to your butts.” You may already know David Silva as the main man and mind behind, literally, the best dinosaur figures on the market today, “Beasts of the Mesozoic.” Well he’s back , Jack! And with a project that’s even wilder. So don your armor, sharpen those blades, and saddle up that dino, cause Cyberzoic is here.

    Back-boning off the mountains of design and production work of BotM, he’s building a new world with a skeleton crew of amazing concept artists and designers. The story takes place on the future planet of Gaea 2. Sometimes fiction mimics life, as relations between rival factions breakdown over the discovery of outlawed Ai and things get very adversarial between colonies. Through the lens of a handful of prominent warriors, we’ll navigate conflicts of war and discover what lies at the heart of their fascinating world.

    Cyberzoic has all the tiger milk and then some; badass warriors, a character named Dragolina (who we love), advanced societies, intelligent dragons, genetically engineered creatures, and (of course) dinosaurs. What more can a kid want! As David says in the campaign:

    “Cyberzoic, like Beasts of the Mesozoic, is primarily a line of 1/18th scale prehistoric wildlife action figures featuring a high level of detail and articulation, with designs inspired by our natural world. But Cyberzoic takes the animals to the next level, adding converting armor sets, modular armor weapons, human rider characters, and natural history-inspired Dragons! In addition, several of the armor units are backward compatible with Beasts of the Mesozoic figures of similar size and type. So the Cyberzoic collection isn’t limited to these new offerings- you may have already started one!”

    The campaign is just a couple weeks into it’s launch and already smashed through it’s initial funding goals. With constant updates and new stretch goal rewards being revealed this is definitely worth sinking your teeth into.

    Oh yeah, and there is a Cyberzoic comic series that is in the works and our very own cohost is in the mix, if you get our drift (more to be revealed soon). So back, follow, support however you can. Silva is doing something fresh, unique, original, and we are here for it!

    “Cyberzoic” is currently live on Kickstarter, and you can checkout David’s “Beast of the Mesozoic” at Creative Beast Studio.

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-printing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate publishing models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Another Rose City Comic Con is in the books and “Super Producer” Matty K. saddles up for another tiger ride as we break it down.

    It was a bit quieter this year for the Revenge Crew. Money was made as “pande” collections were sold. Bringing an end to the existential conflict that pulled at the "Heart & Soul.” Victory going to the art-form itself. As stories are meant to be read, enjoyed;… a metaphysical walkabout within the consciousness. In other words the tiger milk is fresh with readers not sealers these days.

    The Crew also caught up with old friends, past guests, and new acquaintances. Overall, it was a solid event as BTR gears up for the Halloween season!

    Those beware of the spice of pumpkin that looms at your door by the morning star of the Bucks.

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-printing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate publishing models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE COMICS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Frequent BTR favorite and indie work-horse writer, Steve Urena, returns yet again with more wild words from his foul mouthed mind!

    In the late out hours of Kickstarter, a hero with the mouth of a sailor will rise. A hero… who’s nothing, but a “Foul Mouth”! Steve’s newest independent floppy is another weird and wild concept, and we absolutely love it!

    Imagine a character who’s cursing and fragrant language of disrespect not only ads a bit of flavor to the flow of casual dialog, but it also empowers the character with the super powers to fight those committing criminal acts. You are in luck, because that’s exactly what “Foul Mouth” is.

    When a teen, Faye Flik, gets possessed by a demonic entity she is gifted with the abilities to weaponize her words of aggression. The more verbose her degenerate language the more powerful the attack. So get ready, cause this will make you grandma gasp because the pen, or in this case the mouth, is mightier than the sword.

    Foul Mouth is in it’s final stages of it’s Kickstarter campaign. It just needs one @#$*ing push to get it across the *@*^ing finish line. With only a few days left, it needs some *#%-#$)@&! fresh tiger milk. Wipe of those cheeto dusters and get yourself a book from a creator that is constantly contributing to the modern indie movement of the comic culture!

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-printing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate publishing models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE COMICS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • The Blue Tiger get’s a heavy dose of Gamma with Eisner nominated writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson and his brand new “The Incredible Hulk” series from Marvel Comics!

    This is one for the “Monster Kids!” PKJ delivers the kind of Hulk that gives bad dreams nightmares. Gruesomely awesome visuals propel a story that delves into “the darkness” that lurks in the waiting-room of the mind. Inspired by the old school horror comics of yester-year; the kind that the “Comic Authority” would try to shutdown. It’s comic making that would make Bernie Wrightson smile.

    The series hints at pitting the Hulk against a gauntlet of Marvel’s best kept critters in a beloved monster-of-the-month format; something rarely seen on the modern “news rack.”

    With, top-ten artist, Nic Klein doing what he does best, the art is utterly INSANE! Waxing poetically, it may be some of the most powerful transformations sequences to grace the pages of a “Hulk” book in a long time.

    Here at BTR we tend to shift the gears toward the indie, but this is definitely a book to go mainstream for. Johnson brings a fresh and compelling twist to a frighteningly monstrous green guy.

    Speaking of indie though… Phillip has one of the best kept secrets in web-comics, that is if you don’t already know about it. “The Lost Boys of U-Boat Bremen.” Drown in the brine of this WWII tale of the deep sea.

    “The Incredible Hulk” series is dropping, NOW, monthly in your local comic shops and funny book pits, so check it out. Keep up with Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s sick storytelling and free-to-read web comics at his site.

    Gnar the gamma pig! - Tadd

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Revenge is best served in print!

    We sat down with the creative crew from the ever growing, indie-power-house, Warden Comics to discuss their newest project; “Requiem in Relke.” Written by Gabe Cheng with Colleen Palmer on art, the project’s campaign is currently live on Kickstarter and moving steadily towards its goal.

    This one-shot is the story of a half-human named Aurora who has returned to her back-water roots upon learning of the brutal slaying of her grandmother. An assassin by trade, she seeks to extract some much deserved revenge on the local crime lords responsible and discovers that there is much more at play in her sleepy sub-futuristic small town.

    Murder! vengeance! Civil rights! Crossroads! And donuts (because who doesn’t enjoy a good donut)! This sci-fi tale has all the elements of the great retribution western. Gabe grants the reader a unique and personal perspective though the inner dialogue of protagonist, Aurora. While Colleen pushes the visuals with her charming painterly style and “golden age” storytelling.

    “Requiem in Relke” is currently campaigning on Kickstarter, so go and check it out. If you’re a fan of the modern/sci-fi western this is for you. Go! Do it! And while you’re at it visit Warden Comics and all the new books that Ludie Sexton is putting together.

    A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-printing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate publishing models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE COMICS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Behold! As the eyes of the comic industry fall upon the grandest event of their world, once again!

    It’s Comic Con from beautiful San Diego, California! And Bry and Tadd break down some of their favorite news and announcements to come rolling out of “America’s Finest City.” Including a much surprised revival of an old gate-way gimmick, Cap-Wolf! (Yeah, you read every word of that sentence correct.) Just in time for Halloween.

    “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” is finally released out in the wilds. Our own Heart and Soul” has placed all of his hopes, dreams, and beard into what is shaping up to be the next generation of Turtles movies.

    Will it live up to the expectations? Did it bring tears of joy? Or tears of what could have been? How many Beards(TM) does Bry give it? It is shocking to say the least.

    Beat the evening heat and listen to this summer time treat.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • It’s quiet…. Too quiet.

    Brace yourself as the Blue Tiger explodes out of the silent void and into your earholes. As the hiatus comes to an end, the “Revenge Crew” renew their thirst for … revenge? Once again!

    Dropping it old school, like fresh ink on a hot page, we spoil the milk of all that’s gone down in the months of early summer.

    Coach Bry has kept a watchful eye on EVERYTHING that’s been dropping from big screen to small. From the “verses” to the “man-witches,” he preaches from a top his Winnebago palace deep within the heart of the BT trailer park.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • From the great land of Canada we welcome comic artist Ramon’ Perez as he hangs in the tiger den via RAID, aka the “Royal Academy of Illustration and Design.”

    Nestled in the heart of Toronto, Ramon’ Perez is one of the key-stone creators propelling RAID studio into the future and beyond. We met Ramon’ back at Emerald City City Comic Con and he graciously agreed to enter the Tiger Den for the very first time.

    From his award winning “Tale of Sand” to the multi-volume Image series “Stillwater”, Perez breaks down his start in the industry and the inner workings of RAID, including the studio’s recent ongoing anthology series.

    Named for the house of it’s birth, “RAID” anthology is in it’s 4th volume with volumes 5 and 6 on the way. A collection of creator driven stories of various genres, the series is a smorgasbord of unique and engaging visuals from some of the most creative minds across the industry.

    Proclaimed by Bry as “possibly the best anthology series he’s ever seen.” He snagged all 4 volumes for the Revenge crew. Now that’s some big praise from the big man, so now you have to get it!

    Check out Ramon’ Perez and the collective of amazing creators over at RAID. And keep a look out for the upcoming volumes of “RAID” to be campaigned on Kickstarter later this year.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com
  • Film director and producer, Adam Schomer, enters the Tiger Den to talk about his new comic documentary that’s turning fan and industry heads, “Selling Superman.”

    This is possibly the most anticipated and fascinating comic book documentary in recent history. We sat down with the man behind the camera, Adam Schomer, and talked about how “Selling Superman” came together.

    On the surface the documentary is about a holy-grail of comic book collections, but quickly reveals a fascinating story of childhood, mental health, and legacy. We delve into the constructs of collectability, value of tangible things, and the human elements behind the most intriguing stories.

    Schomer is president and founder of i2i Productions in Santa Monica, California. In addition to talking about “Selling Superman’s” production we explore Schomer’s (we can call him that because we’re cool) journey into storytelling through filmmaking and epic Himalayan motorcycle adventures.

    Currently in production, “Selling Superman,” has a speculative release for early next year. You can watch the advanced trailer and support the doc at sellingsuperman.com.

    Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

    Get caught up on BTR’s webcomic, “Operation: B.L.U.E.” at GNAR PIG.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bluetigerrevenge.substack.com